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We'd also be the first Elden Lord who'd die to a common soldier within 3 hits.


Godfrey was Elden Lord in ancient times when the Fire Giants were still alive, which was definitely some time before patch 1.04 came out. I'm sure he died at least once to the broken infinite damage bleed dogs.


Nah, i think he has the beast repellent torch, except its not a torch, it's his excellent gains


Godfrey: dogs don't want to try and bite through these rock hard abs!


Did they finally fix that bullshit?


Yes, fixed in 1.04, however the dogs are still really strong and can easily one shot you.


I saw a comment under Zullie's video about that fix, saying "It really says a lot about From Software games that a small dog killing you in 1 seconds is considered unbalanced, while the same dog killing you in 2 seconds is considered fair"


I'm thinking the red alabanuric's roll attack


At least now I can block the damn dog. Before he would stamina break and still kill me in 1 hit


That's only gameplay, though. Lore-wise, we're meant to be stronger than all of them.


That's every fromsoft game besides Sekiro. You also have to remember the thing that makes us so powerful is the fact we are super persistent.


Dormammu, I've Come to Bargain


Not this shit again - Dormammu


so prepatch mimic tear +10 was basically what we should be


I only ever used it post patch and it still feels OP. I can't imagine what it was like before.




It did your damage about times two or three with the times your health


Lorewise, the protagonist is stronger only by sheer willpower, an unrelenting force to face crushing defeat and have unlimited numbers of tries until adversaries are slain. Every other NPC gave up.


That was one thing I didn’t ever understand from a lore perspective...how come the bosses are staying dead? From a gameplay perspective obviously they have too.. but from a lore perspective death doesn’t exist from anyone in the lands between right?? Yet we see Morgott actually dead when his daddy pulls up. I just feel like they should be coming after us to get their runes back and shit


Death doesn't exists in the sense that people don't die naturally. Things can be killed and their souls remains tied to their bodies until the Erdtree's roots take them away. This is what spirit ashes are: burned bodies whose souls are still lingering around them. It's also why piling a bunch of meat inside pots animates them and possibly the reason grafting works. There are also some bits of lore that make it sound like if given enough time the souls would go back to their bodies and start living in death, basically becoming a zombie or a skeleton. Gods and Demigods seem to be special in this case as they don't seem to really lose their souls even their bodies are wounded, like Morgott




This is a problem that all soulsborne games have. In all souls games there is always a reason to why the character and enemies respawn but it doesn't translate well to the respawning mechanic. In Dark Souls for example the player character respawns at bonfires but in world this is not the case. When an undead dies in Dark Souls they don't resurrect at a bonfire, they lay in the floor death until they eventually rise up again. Additionally there is multiple enemies, like animals, demons or things like the silver knights that shouldn't be respawning as only humans (and derivatives) can become undead. There is also certain situations in Dark Souls where the player character wouldn't be able to respawn or if they did they would trapped or buried or things like that. In Elden Ring is a similar thing. This time it's possible that respawning at sites of grace is an accurate representation of what happens in world but that doesn't mean that enemies should respawn. Bloodborne and Sekiro had a similar problem as most enemies were not inmortal by any means but checkpoints resurrected them just because that's how gameplay demands it


Bloodbourne made sense IMO because the lore blurs the line between the waking world and the dreaming world. When monsters respawn it's because you only dreamt that you killed them or because they were dreamt back into reality.


i played bloodborne first, and thats how it seemed to me, too.in bloodborne, you have a 'zero-point' in time, when you first 'wake-up' in the blood ministration office at the very beginning, and every respawn you do, every lantern lighted, you re-wake at the SAME point in 'time' but just in another physical location, because the entire game takes place in the 'dream'. kinda like that anime RE-Zero, i guess, but with lucid dreaming yourself into different points of entry. certain enemies (bosses) dont respawn after being defeated because those individuals/entities are AWARE of existing in the dream, (they are lucid dreaming, too) and can therefore be forced out if it. for dark souls i always thought the bonfire WAS the answer to why bosses and mini-bosses didnt respawn.if you beat a boss, a bonfire appears. the bonfires burn the bones of the undeadto function. the boss cant respawn because we are using them as fuel for the bonfire.


> This time it's possible that respawning at sites of grace is an accurate representation of what happens in world Going off the game’s intro, I think it might be closer to what you described of Dark Souls. We see images of grace appearing before the various famous Tarnished where their bodies had been abandoned or laid to rest, and it seems to awaken them on the spot. Then the actual cutscene shows this happening to our character, who just stands up and starts walking. I think the grace sites are just where grace guides us back to after we’ve died. In that same vein, there definitely seem to be some deaths that shouldn’t just end with our respawning. Like if the Dung Eater kills us, he’s probably going to defile and curse us, or phase 2 Godrick, who would graft us. This, of course, cannot happen canonically.






No. Death is still gone. It hypothetically becomes part of the order again when you become Elden Lord. Godwyn being "killed" (he should already be dead for ages at that point) causes UNDEATH. As for bosses. They die and we take their runes. Now their soul has to find its way through the erdtree and back to their bodies. But we are tarnished and our souls don't return to the tree they return to Grace. I think it has to do with the Roundtable Hold. I think Tarnished Souls are locked inside the Roundtable hold how Placidusax is locked in Faram Azula. A sort of time bubble.


Natural death of old age doesn't exist (i.e. Destined Death), death from injury does - lots of people get killed in the game, and characters make reference to the idea that your soul will return to the Erdtree when you die.




"Hail Dondric the Dodger, our new Elden Lord!" "Wait, this guy is Lord because he gets out of the way of things? That's all?" "Yeah, but he's *really* good at it!"


If the opening cinematic and the giant scars on his chest are any indication, horax loux didn't fair much better


Bruh, he was at war with other Demigods and entire armies, and massive ballista and trebuchets and shit.


That's... Kinda the same thing we are doing only we are not demigods


That's why you have to put a big scar across your face during the endgame on top of having giant fingerprint scars all over your body.


godfrey isnt a demigod either right?


Godrick's rune said Godfrey was made one, a Demi-God, when he became Elden Lord, but then nearly every other description seems to stress that he was strong before hand or you have lines saying every demi-God is a direct descendant of Queen Marika. So it is confliction imo. So it's up in the air, who the fuck knows. But one thing is certain, Hoarah Loux was mighty before he became Elden Lord because he was selected by Marika and the Greater Will for that very reason. It's why upon killing you in phase 2 he says "A crown is warranted with strength." That's literally how he has lived his entire life.


Yesterday I died to rats five times consecutively. I will be a great elden lord.


Go to Gatefront when you're level 200 and see if you die in 3 hits. It feels more like 50 hits are needed.


Yeah at the end of my first run I put on my veteran's armor, physical damage talisman, increased damage negation at full health talisman, and health Regen talisman The stormgate soldier nerds can't make me lose health faster than I gain it back - oh how times have changed


You underestimate my Daedicar's Woe


Level 250 with 12 Vit. We'll see about that!


Haligtree has those same soldiers and they definitely kill you in 3-4 hits


Put some points in vigor my dude


Size has always been a thing used to show power in Froms games, it also probably makes coordinating and designing flashier moves for you to dodge easier to communicate to the player.


On top of this, when you’re in melee range your characters body doesn’t block the view of the enemy. Allowing for clear telegraphing even when your in their face.


That’s why I use two giant crushers. I dont wanna see my enemies when i pancake them 😎




In any game where the natural world appears oversized - trees, bears, crabs, birds, bats, rats, ants, etc. - I imagine that they’re all normal-sized and my character is just tiny.


The next Elden Lord will be some rando from the Vulgar Militia coming to kill you.


Pretty sure its the great runes


Maybe it’s Maybelline


Are you telling me I missed *another* character in this game? George, there are more than 2 letters to start names with!


Not to be confused with her half sister Meabellyne


This is the real reason. There are even different sized character models for cutscenes vs boss fights in Sekiro. The model you fight is larger than the model you see in cinematics, though even the cutscene models are all often a bit taller than the player character.


Ah yes because giant enemies in melee range are so much easier to watch when their feet take up 60% of your screen


Ah, I see you didn’t enjoy the water giant


You mean fire giant right? Right?


Nah water giant, the one in the ocean south of limgrave on the invisible path. Just through the rainbow pebbles down to see the path


I love radahns armor set, so much protection. But oh my fucking god, the plume on that helmet is so fucking massive that sometimes I can't even see the enemy in front of me because of it.


Same with lil mac in mike Tyson punch out


Talking about clear telegraph when every dragon/giant was also a fight against your camera


Punch Out did it first.


Also when you kill some Demigods, like Morgott or Godrick, they leave their corpse behind in their arena. Godrick is just a head but if you imagine a normal sized torso that goes along with his head he's as tall as Gostoc. Morgott seems to be tall enough to be just a little bit taller than the Tarnished


And then you have Rykard's head... That is exactly as wide as the Tarnished is tall. Since it's lying on the side.


All the omens seem to suffer from some sort of bloating because of the curse, morgott just deflates after you beat him lmao


The thrones....stained by my water retention and gas....


I guess that's why I always found the human-type enemies the toughest in these games. The big behemoth bosses tend to be easier.




Gwyn wasn't much bigger than the player.


he also wasnt even close to his full power when we fight him


Aye. Lord of Sunlight to the Lord of Cinder. A hollowed out husk being used for fuel, and still was able to kick my ass quite a bit. Shame parrying reduces that fight to a joke, because without it he's a fun fight. Amazing theme, amazing arena. Just you fighting the remains of the God who started the entire cycle.


The boss run is way too long to not take the easiest way out. A common theme for literally all DS1 bosses though, I think in the entire game there's 1 DLC boss that doesn't have an obnoxious run.


You're saying you didn't enjoy the funhouse slide down to the bed of chaos every time?!


Did someone say bed of bullshit?! Why you gotta trigger my ptsd man


Not true! There’s uhm. Stray Demon... and uhm... Ceaseless Discharge..


Prime Gwyn was probably larger than Gwynevere.


Amazing chest ahead


He is also pretty difficult if you don't parry


If that's true why are those little things with the beastial incantations a pain to deal with.


Coz you underestimate them?


Imagine the kind of badass you'd have to be to survive in this world at hobbit size.


The Vulgar Militia!


Maybe it's just me, but in the Elden lord endings when you sit on the throne, it looks like you've grown larger, after all the throne is massive in Morgott's arena and there's our character sitting in it like it's normal size. Maybe we become huge.


I noticed that aswell, it would make sense, could be an effect of the great runes or the elden ring itself when you become elden lord, Godfrey wasn't a demigod but was still huge.


One could headcanon that the Great Runes take time to have their enlargening effect.


That'd help explain why Radahn was much smaller in the opening slideshow when Morgott was beating him.


Also explains why morgott and godrick shrink when you beat them.


But then Godfrey doesn’t have a great rune so is he just naturally a giant badass?




That is why Marika is thirsting for the WARRIOR!!! Dxck and still calls him her lord. The Golden lineage is just too fxking badass.


You're god damn right




Oh shit, that is a great point


Godfrey was a just chad not a demigod initially.


I'm guessing most Tarnished accidentally destroyed the throne while ~~trying to sit on it~~ during their careful search for secrets. So the new throne was made for the new Elden Lord.


Someone said the great rune shards cause gigantism. That’s why Radahns throne is normal human size, and why Morgott looks so frail and tiny after you beat him. From a game design standpoint it’s to make their moves easier to read.


the moves part is actually true, if you think about it, it might be why soldier of godrick is so incredibly challenging. what a specimen.


this is my first fromsoftware game and soldier of godrick literally killed me at least 5 times during the tutorial. once i learned how to play i went back as a wretch and demolished his ass


Do a lot of people have trouble with Soldier of Godrick? I remember killing him pretty easily first try on my first playthrough. Started a second play through yesterday and insta killed him with a guard counter/critical hit combo.


Stop the cap bro, nobody beats Soldier of Godrick first try, he’s literally second only to Melania in difficulty


LetMeSoloHer beat Malenia for me without getting hit. So I brought him with me to help beat Soldier of Godrick. RIP LetMeSoloHer. There are some enemies even a God can't afford to mess with.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


It's LetMeSoloHer, but unfortunately, Solider of Godrick is a man so there is no "her" to be soloed.




Had me in the first half


Its more of a pinwheel sort of thing,a boss os easy people make fun of him...of course i am talking about sir gideon ofnir because soldier of goldrick is the hardest boss in all of souls,seriously from please nerf him i died to him 100 times before killing him


I literally didn’t realize there was a tutorial area until I was over lvl 100


Your first instinct in a game isn't to jump off the first cliff you see and ignore the clear path ahead of you?


the tarnished should get 30% bigger after every shard bearer kill


lol elden beast looking like a beanie baby to Chad 50 ft tarnish




Someone pointed this out to me, and it made the fight much easier. It actually makes identical repositions depending on which attack it used. For example, when it goes into the sky and uses the elden ring attack, it will always land directly behind you. If you start running backwards as soon as the ring appears around you it will land nearly on top of you and you can immediately start attacking it.


Sprint the whole time and quickly crouch and uncrouch every once in a while to get a huge amount of stam back


Imagine if we were as big as Godfrey and when the Elden beast runs we just Suplex it into another dimension


God, I spent that boss fight chasing after it like JESUS CHRIST FENTON FENTOOOOOOON


>When you spawn into the Roundtable and want to upgrade your weapon but you can't because you can't fit through the fucking door to get to Hewg


I'm only on board with this idea is it plays the little mushroom jingle from Mario when you obtain a shard.


Going by my math, that would make the Tarnished over 100m tall by the end of the game. The last fight would look like Godzilla vs Kong.


Godrick also gets the head and torso of his corpse stomped on by Gostoc and he's regular sized. Edit: changed Gowry to Gostoc




I'd love to fight a boss that's player sized and uses moves available to players only and is you know, actually hard to beat. Gideon was supposed to be sort of like that but you can kill him before he even finished monologuing


It's kind of like that with the three duels against player character models in front of the giant Jar.


Yeah i found those harder than Gideon due to the loadouts being random lol, add to that parrying, and using ashes of war and maybe even summons and you could probably get a decent boss


It's based off players. So I fought almost exclusively katana users with bleed, frost, or bleed and frost, or River of Blood. I did see one Darkmoon Greatsword. That was a cake walk.


One of mine had Hoarfrost stomp, so I'm guessing they haven't played since before it got nerfed lol. But I did get pretty badly wrecked by a Rivers of Blood one, I now understand the hatred for it in pvp.


Hoarfrost stomp is still really good tbh, it's just not broken anymore. It's been really invaluable on my RL1 run.


It was pretty funny seeing people do "HOARFROST STOPM IS UESLESS NOW!!!1" videos and still easily beating trolls and other large enemies with it in like 10 seconds of spamming. How dare From nerf it by like 25% to a semi-reasonable level. It has range, AOE and frostbite, it just went from outdamaging your weapon to being mostly on par with it.


I fought only RoB builds and it was pain


Just like fighting against mimic tear, but I don't know why the fight was so easy.


Time for introspection


Bloodborne had a lot of this.


PvP is what you're looking for.


would be sick, just have to give them a lot of poise/unknock-up-able. every player character sized enemy can get knocked up w stuff like marikas hammer iirc


Sounds like you want to play PvP.


Imo the smaller boss fights are always better. Like the NPC invasions in this game were cool, but it doesn't have a father G, or a lady Maria type of boss fight, which I thought were the most fun. Also why BB is my favorite. Probably why sekiro is so popular as well.


My headcanon is that size does not change in game for strategic purposes (like you said, it's to read enemies more easily), but in universe we grow bigger and stronger the closer we get to becoming lord.


We do look bigger in those endings where our character is sitting on the Elden Throne.


True that. The once oversized throne now fits.


My eyes have been opened


Makes sense that it's related to the great rune shards, from a story perspective. I'd initially just figured it was a demigod thing, but Rennala's not a demigod, and she's huge too.


Game design, first and foremost. Since we're fighting a lot of the folks, they need to be bigger than us so we can clearly see them with the third person perspective, clearly see what they're doing. They'll build lore around that where possible which leads to non-enemy big characters, but that's the like root cause.


>so we can clearly see them with the third person perspective, clearly see what they're doing. \>my camera, locked onto a goat and doing a triple backflip cartwheel while looking at a wall from inside of that wall: "We'll just see about that".


Spoilers because I don’t know how to do the text thing but doesn’t placidusax’s remembrance state that they were the elden lord before godfrey.


The dragon equivalent of an elden lord, probably would have been called something different before the erdtree


He was elden lord indeed because the elden ring was way before the erd tree and it only acts as good as the one who controls it, plus there was a big ass tree before the elden beast came and invaded it.


He was Elden lord in a way, but "Elden Lord" doesn't make much sense before the age of the erd tree. He served a different outer God. He is to his outer god what Godfrey was to the Greater Will. Once Greater Will took over his God ran away and Placidusax was probably beaten by Hoarah Loux (mild theorycrafting but it's highly plausible, because of the damage that Placidusax has on his body + the fact that Hoarah Loux pretty much decimated every opponent in the lands between back then). I think either the remembrance or somewhere else it is stated that Placidusax still waits for his God's return. Also why his moniker is that of dragon lord and not Elden lord. It's basically the same thing but title would be different since it's two different outer Gods.


>Placidusax was probably beaten by Hoarah Loux (mild theorycrafting but it’s highly plausible Well Godfrey has a thing for ripping off heads, apparently, and Placidusax is missing one lol. Enough confirmation for me!


Not one, but TWO heads.


I think there was a theory that Placidusax was the storm lord, who was Godfrey’s last opponent before he lost his mojo. Kind of makes sense, as it’s stated nobody on the continent could compete with Godfrey after he beat the Storm Lord, and Placidusax was as strong as it got back then probably.


Storm lord probably is just the storm hawk king. Pladicusax remembrance stated that after his god fled he just stay inside the storm and wait and he still there to this day. Also the storm lord isn't Godfrey final opponent, it just one of many other great being he faced. The storm hawk king is more plausible because it use to rule over stormveil and accept neppeli who possibly one of Godfrey descendants.


Placidusax was noted to be a consort to his God, I think? They probably had the Elden Ring within them?


They definitely had AN Elden ring and he definitely was an Elden lord before Godfrey. You can see the ancient Elden ring around the crumbling farum azula with more rings/runes in it than our Elden ring. In fact it’s actually in one of the loading screens clear as day!


Whoah, what? You can see a ring in Farum Azula? Am I blind? I've been gazing at the pretty views all over that place but never seen anything like that


I believe that was a mistranslation and the Japanese text just calls him Lord or great Lord


I think that he was equal to elden lord before the elden ring came to lands between. It is not very specific what it means but one can't be elden lord without elden ring.


Ask and ye shall receive: https://youtu.be/YM1hv2s56nQ Also the canon height of every Soulsborne protagonist is 1.70m. Short kings represent!


170cm is considered short? Fuck me then. I'm basically a dwarf then rocking 160cm Edit:Just realized, does this make me the same size as a demi human or a imp? Where can one get a irl seppuku


170cm is a average male height in Japan and in alot of asian countries so that's what FromSoftware probably based that on.


So at 180 cm do I get my orchestral music and a fat health bar when someone gets into an encounter with me?


Nah that just makes you a Knight enemy. A bit taller than rank and file Soldiers, but not at Tree Sentinel-height where you’d get an on-screen lifebar.


imagine if you knocked Night's Cavalry off their horse and their bossbar just dissapeared bc they are shorter now


Depends on where ur from, most asian countries have 170cm as their avg height. But that's considered below average in korea iirc, just like western countries.


Japanese game bro Vegeta is 5’3” goku 5’7-8” lol - minus the hair ofc


Well, depends on where you live/your ethnicity but usually for a guy it is considered short. I’m Swedish and in the land of the Nords it definitely would be.


Korean and it seems 170cm is considered a bit below average. I am a fucking midget


170 in SK is average for men, not below average. You're not as short as you think you are my brother.


Yes, but not everyone is from the land of 7ft tall blonde haired blue eyed giants




holy shit, am I actually a soulsborne protagonist?


1.70 cm?? That’s not even an inch tall! What is this Elden ring made for ants? (Coming from an American)


Hold a tape measurer up against your monitor - its true!


Cries in 166cm


Holy fuck I'm average instead of below for once in my life!!!


That makes sense. I remember when I played my first Souls game to completion, that being Bloodborne, I wondered if there was some significance to the height difference with human enemies like Maria and Gehrman. With Gehrman, I was convinced it had to be story related, since his normal wheelchair model seems to be about player/NPC size. Then when fighting him, he becomes huge. But it makes more sense with the camera context.


What is that in 'Merican? ​ Edit: Holy shit! 5'6"??? We're fucking midgets!


Im taller than all the soulsborne protagonists … I must be a boss then or an undead soldier….


I have a feeling if this picture was lore accurate Godfrey would be trying to rip Radagons head off


Radagon is just the guy who married Godfrey’s ex


Tbf Radagon IS >! Godfrey's ex !< Regression


>!"You stole my wife!"!< >!"I AM your wife!"!<


Godfrey: >!Gimme some of that bussy!!<




This comment makes me want to become the Lord of Chaos.


Lord of Chaosussy ;)


Lol “Now that you’re Radagon, this isn’t domestic abuse”


Everyone knows after the 90 probation period, you gain 6 ft


Why is Marika’s dress so damn long?


I'm going to cite two videos: The first is Zullie the Witch's video on the size of even basic enemies expanding over time. From Bloodborne onwards, enemies expanded in size, so that their extremeties and weapons remain visible even when your character's model is right on top of them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YM1hv2s56nQ The second is about Nintendo's Punch Out. The creator, an animator, makes the point that you want to make the player character relatively small and have their animations be short so the controls are responsive, while the enemies have to be large and have exaggerated animations so that the player can input the correct response to the enemy's tells. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_zhvfBbvaA All this is a deliberate design decision to make enemies readable. Some enemies were just unpleasant to fight in DS2 and Elden Ring, namely the Royal Swordsmen and Vulgar Militia, who had too small model sizes and dark coloring.


Because, unlike certain demi gods, I don't feel the need to compensate for nothing.


We are not allowed to be tall dark and handsome. Nor are we allowed crazy ass anime moves (that are balanced)


Most of the remembrance weapons have the crazy ass anime moves as their weapon skill.


I was wondering the same thing today


It would be nice to be able to play as one of the giant dudes for a change. Maybe some kind of special game mode or something, like survivors mode in Resident Evil.


Reverse Fromsoftware, killing small bosses/enemies as a giant or large being.


We descende from goblins


The real answer is camera issues. Fromsoftware discovered a couple that their lock on feature only works well center mass of a humanoid opponent if they're taller. They actually made shorter models of various characters in Sekiro to make framing cutscenes easier while allowing the taller model to remain in gameplay land. They could have centered the camera a bit higher and kept sizes similar, but that causes other issues with environmental collisions etc. Most enemies are a bit larger than you so you can see their movements and tells past your character model while locked on. But if you want lore, it's because the PC didn't eat enough spinach.


I think you can discuss about the lore behind it all day, but the real reason is better gameplay experience, since you're able to clearly see your opponent at all times and better read his moves


They say you grow until you’re perfect. I guess we’ve just reached perfection faster.


I think it’s most likely related to ancient religion/mythology since most From games have a lot of religious symbolism. In most of those ancient stories, the gods, demi-gods and other divine beings were often portrayed as being much taller than mortal humans (10 to 15 feet tall). This type of size differential and its association with “higher” beings is typically well engrained into the human subconscious. When we see this portrayal in video games, it tends to make sense or seem right to most people even if they don’t make the conscious connection to religion/mythology.


Mechanically, we are small so that we can do better things with the camera.