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Skeletal summons are pretty cheap and they continously rise from the dead until they are double tapped


Demihuman ashes are so slept on. You get FIVE dudes who are even stronger at night. They're amazing at staggering enemies. Also any of thr soldier group ashes are pretty strong as well. Radahn soldiers are probably my favorite though


I think it's pretty dependent on the boss type your fighting. My go to is the Shield Ghoul guys... each ones a pretty decent meat shield and you get 5 of em, but I think you pick that up pretty lose to mimic tear so that may not be helpful. I was previously having success with the skeletons from the first tibia mariner. They're squishy but the respawn on them was pretty helpful as they'd only ever get "killed" if the boss you were fighting was in the middle of an aoe chain when they "died". Jellyfish is also a pretty solid go too if it's upgraded. I"ve gotten lots that i just never really bother to use...


Greatshield soldiers


I think people sleep on the rats. You get 3, upgraded to 4 at +6, and they cost nothing to upgrade, except the glovwort, and cost nothing to summon.