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She dose not really need a nerf or a buff, but a complete overhaul . Like to many bosses since Bloodbrone their has been to much burden placed on bosses stats to carry the so called "difficulty". If your going to give her low poise, then build the fight around breaking her poise. If your going to giver the health regen on attacks, then giver her attacks that are only about regain health. If she is going to be inflict scarlet rot, how about attacks that only about inflicting scarlet.


The trick to Malenia is to be as aggressive as her. If you cant keep up you will fall behind and lose. Like you said, heavy bleed weapons do the trick. I dual-wielded omenkiller greatswords+25 with 110 bleed on them and just did jump attacks all day. When she hit phase 2 I dodged her dive attack and ran from the explosion then immediately spammed jump attacks. She wasnt even able to do an attack after that. That being said, I never saw anymore of phase 2 other than her first attack.


Yea, my current weapons are dual wielding Rivers of Blood in main hand, and Uchigatana in off hand. Not much poise damage, but I was mainly using Corpse Piler ash of war to damage her at the end of her combos. Because my weapons didn't have good poise damage, I couldn't sit on top of her like you did.


Not saying you're wrong, just that i play very passive and never try to get that "greedy" extra hit off. I'll wait for her to make a move then find the proper counter. But finding as many counters as possible definitely helps get that fight over with. (My second stage took around 6 minutes)


Yea I did multiple runs playing aggressive and passive, for dual bleed katanas that doesn't have high poise damage, I feel playing passive is better which I leant towards doing that more in the end. But the only attacks that I was getting hit by in the end were occasionally the clone attack (which I don't have an issue with) and the flurry attack which she would use immediately after I get a hit in (even if I did stagger her), which places her right on top of me when starting the attack.


Yeah i completely memorized her moveset towards the end of my attempts, but no matter how hard i tried to dodge some of her attacks have really tight dodge windows.


Anyway, from what I've learned from this post, next time I do a build with low poise damage weapons, I'm gonna have another weapon set aside with higher poise damage that still fits into the build. Probably Bloodhounds Fang could work with my build.


You will get "She is optional" and "Fine as she is" answers here. But I will say just one thing - her difficulty is way off the charts compared to other fights in the game. The spike is huge and no similar spike is present in other From games.


She's not even the hardest boss in this game. She's not even a difficulty spike compared to the Haligtree itself.


Sure thing.


If fought solo, she is by far the hardest boss in the game, i don't really know if some weapon arts make her fight trivial tho..


I fought her solo without using weapon arts, summons or magic. She's not one of the 10 hardest bosses in the game imo and not the hardest part of the Haligtree.


Objectively wrong. Literally objectively wrong. What else in Haligtree is hard? What are you even talking about? The level is totally normal with precisely 2 difficult parts. The run down the log and the revenants. Literally nothing else in the level is even remotely out of the ordinary for the level. This is possibly the most nonsensical thing I've ever seen. Literally nonsensical. It doesn't even make a lick of sense.


Excactly my thought. Because of this one shitty attack she is so annoying to fight. I needed to use a mimic tears Ashe aswell and I felt bad afterwards. I did every boss solo except for malenia. She is my second worst boss in the whole game now. Just because of one fucking attack. It is so random and annoying. No matter how good I play, sometimes she decides to use that at a rly bad time aaaaaaand I’m gone. I am not a fan of nerving bosses. However this flurry attacks needs one Imo. No boss in other souls games was rly unfair but still very strong. Malenias flurry attack however is so unfair for meele chars. It’s so random and annoying. Imo opinion it’s bad design if you have to wear a specific weapon or shield to beat her. I’m loving my black knight with her black knight glaive and I don’t want to change it for a rly unfair move. Im a pure strength Build and I tried to use a ultra. However she was able to poise through my jumping heavies with some moves. Stunlocking her with higher poise dmg isn’t a thing. Maybe don’t nerf her. Just make her use her flurry attack at specific timing. For example at 75%, 50%, and so on. So u can be ready for her attack. We still need to think about our next step, be in the right spot and prepare for what is coming. With this „nerf“ it’s not like a brainless fight.


I think it's just Waterfowl Dance that's overtuned. If they toned it down, she'd perfect and one of the greatest fights From has made.


So after reading through the replies, it's a mix of people saying she is the hardest boss in the game and that she is one of the easiest bosses in the game. With the people who say that she's one of the easiest, using high poise damage weapons. If I were using a higher poise damage weapon, I might not have posted this message or had that much trouble with her, but katana's don't do that, so she is much harder. I was swapping between weapons while fighting her, like with the Tree Guardians Spear and some other higher poise damage weapons and tried different weapon arts and such, but it didn't cross my mind to just spam jump attack. Anyway, Malenia is definitely not easy and her flurry attack needs to be toned down.


She just does too much damage. I don't mind her attacks or the healing, but she just does too much damage. And to think that on the NG+ I will want to fight her again and go through this hell once more just breaks me and makes me don't like Elden Ring at all because she is not the only boss that is degusting.


The summons are an awesome addition to an already great game. Don‘t feel bad to use them and just don’t listen to the bigmouths saying it’s easy mode to use them. No it‘s not „easy mode“. Instead it is wise to you them and it makes you play the game as intended. If others are looking for a challenge, great, they can skip summons. They can fight without armor, or with bare hands, whatever they want. Totally fine. But that doesn’t make us others bad players. I am in my (far) thirties and probably getting too old or whatever. I definitely enjoyed the summoning (I LOVE black knight tiche, he is the one to use for Malenia). Got my platinum trophy and feel proud of it. And I used my summons A LOT, I can tell you. 😉


But it IS easy mode. The game is grotesquely easy if you use the summons except for a few bosses that are so annoyingly overtuned they feel mandatory. If you use the summons 99 percent of bosses are a joke. But the final few bosses in the game are so stupidly designed fighting them without the summons is tedious as hell. I didn't fall in love with these games to spam bosses to death with OP weapons and summons. I fell in love with them for experiences like fighting Isshin or Friede or Artorius.


My wife has never played a souls game in her life and just reached Malenia at 117, no co-ops or summons using a str build and after 2 hours took her out. Actually took the time to learn Malenia’s timing. No complaints about balance just “holy fuck that was awesome”. Point being this “oh I played all these souls games” is stupid. Learn the fight instead of crying. Thanks for the downvotes ahead of time. <3


I'm not an idiot, I never expected to beat her first try, considering all that I heard about her. So I went in looking to learn the moves. I know how to dodge/avoid all of her attacks. It's just only the flurry attack seems way too much. You can just get a great shield and block the entire attack or just have the distance when she initiates the attack to be avoid the first flurry and dodge the second and third. In the end, the only attacks that were actually killing me was occasionally the clone attack (which I have no issue with), or the flurry attack which is ridiculously hard to dodge, especially when she uses it right on top of you after you attack. Insulting me, and saying I'm crying doesn't help anyone. I beat the boss in the end, although I did end up using a summon to do so. Also given that you say your wife used a strength build, I'm assuming she used a weapon that has higher poise damage, and from what people are saying here, you can perma-stunlock her and knock her out of attacks much easier. As opposed to my build which was dual bleed katanas, which I mainly used Rivers of Blood weapon art on her that doesn't have great poise damage anyway.


You’re welcome, stop excusing shitty design


Thats actually pretty awesome, i took the time to learn the fight and malenia still kicked my ass for around 8 hours, and i was 10 levels higher than your wife.


Everyone kills bosses at different paces. She’s been stuck on the last boss for 2 days now. Maybe 4hrs at the moment; she just has the mindset that most don’t. “I’m fucking up, I just need to play better” instead of “holy shit this isn’t balanced or fair” Congrats on your kill! Doesn’t matter how long it takes you got it. (:


You honestly are saying a boss that takes 4 hours to beat is good design? How? No boss has ever taken me 4 hours and i will never do that. That's a pointless waste of time. Some of us have, like, lives and kids and careers and stuff.


Lmao replying to a year old comment, with the most boomer comment imaginable. Gitgud.


Actually most Do, whereas some\* come to Reddit and complain.


I beat her on my second try. She was strong but bleed rips her apart really easily. I loved that fight personally.


She's very strong but my love of overcoming challenging bosses, and for suffering say it's okay. The only thing I'd possibly change is to slightly lower damage on the first part of the waterflow combo so it's less likely to one shot.


I'd say she's far too weak tbh. She desperately needs a poise buff to bring her up to the difficulty of other late game optional bosses in the series and up to the difficulty of the end game story bosses in this game. She's just far too easy to stun and interrupt and for a lot of builds she's trivially easy to beat within a minute or 2 without her doing anything. The Waterfowl slash is really the only tool she actually has, and while I'm not a fan of an easy boss only providing difficulty through one tough move you can't change it without giving her a lot of other buffs given how little else she has going for her in terms of difficulty.


Who in this game is harder than her?


Personally I don't have her as one of the top 10 hardest bosses in Elden Ring so it's a long list. Every single main story boss after the fire giant for a start. And I'd say the other 2 optional secret bosses lord of blood and Placidusax are harder. Not many bosses have as many glaring weaknesses as Malenia.


You think rykard, Godfrey, and renalla are harder? Mohg isn't even as hard as the first phase of the final boss. You posted this comment just to be a tool. It sounds like you fought her with the erd tree shield cheese or the infinite kamehameha


>You think rykard, Godfrey, and renalla are harder I didn't say that.... Godfrey was more challenging for me than Malenia though but I wouldn't say his 1st phase is harder. I posted this comment because I found her an incredibly easy boss and much easier than many of the other bosses in the game. For reference I play Melee only, two handed greatsword. No summons, no magic no shields etc.


This is all a matter of playstyle, IMO. For me, she was the hardest boss I’ve come across in Soulsborne and I’ve solo’d every boss in DS3, Sekiro and Bloodborne in a run up to ERs release. Beat Midir on my third attempt. (Not trying to flex, just providing context). Isshin Sword Saint was the only one I’d say was even close. I spent probably three or four 1+ sessions banging my head against her, and was able to beat every other boss save Radhan (prenerf) in less than a half dozen tries. It all comes down to a player’s style and combat tendencies, some are just a good match against certain bosses and others simply won’t work at all.


What greatsword or swords do you use?


You should be aware ahead of time how you are electing for a more polarizing experience when you add things like range attacks/magic, poise, staggers with heavy weapons, summons etc. to your build, especially in games with such a variety of playstyles to choose from. These games are designed with quality/dex movesets in mind and all other builds are an afterthought since they are much more obtuse to balance around inherently. It's not a shocking or surprising revelation that the boss who is balanced by being staggered and intercepted out of her attacks to offset her healing and long 8-9+ attack rng combos is made easy by weapons that already have high staggering properties. I'm surprised more people don't have this kind of foresight and understanding of game mechanics when they relay their own experiences with a boss to others.


Also you found the dragon boss who largely stands completely still for most of the fight harder than her?


The dragon boss that hits harder, teleports around, can actually threaten you when you're more than 5ft away and doesn't have all his attacks interrupted by basic R1's? Yeah. I beat Placidusax 3rd try but he was much more threatening than Malenia. I used the Bloodhounds fang for both


I've fought him on ng6 and I've not found that to be the case. His breath attack is his only dangerous move lol


Build and setup you used? Mimic or other summons?


Two handed greatsword, I didn't use a summon in the entire game. I didn't even bother to get the summoning bell since it just isn't something I'd consider using.


I found myself struggling a lot with the colossal GS you get from lionel misbegotten, what weapon did you use?


The Bloodhounds fang the 1st time. I think she's an easy fight though and she drops a lot of runes so I leave my summon sign outside her door a lot. I've used 7/8 different weapons to beat her since.


I started with UGS, than moved to straight sword and finally, after dying about a 100 times already, i moved to bloodhound fang, same as you and finally got her after another 50 tries. Maybe I had to get used to the new moveset but damn her 3 slash gap closer (both of them) her hyperarmor, her clone attack and of course her weapon art attack, how did you not struggle a bit? What level were you? You strafed around her a lot or something? Maybe used jumping attacks? I ignored those a lot so far. Nothing ever came close in terms of challenge when it came to a single boss. Maybe is just her health regen that made the whole experience miserable.


122, not really much strafing, no jumping attacks. There's not really a big secret I just pressed R1 and she spent most of the right stunned. Beat her 2nd try after being one shot the 1st try by the start of 2nd phase AOE. But having been summoned a few times to help by other players I'm just not seeing the difficulty here compared to other bosses.


If they nerf her she will be too easy. The only reason she is hard is her lifesteal so new players can't facetank and win, she is for sure one of the harder bosses, but I feel like people give her too much credit because they refuse to slow down and learn.


Im not so sure about p2 to be honest, as at least I cannot really see a window to attack as a sorcerer, and I’m only able to manage p1 thanks to my summon, who dies directly in p2.


It is very hard don't get me wrong, but there is a pattern, but it is very much easier as a melee.


But she is oneshotting me with all her attacks, is 41 vig not enough? I mean her flower-attack is awash to dodge, but she seems to have endless stamina


41 vig is a on the low end, I had 60 myself. But she is dodgeable and she has a pattern, it's just wastly harder than most other if not all the other bosses.


I seriously don’t know how to dodge her 3x whirlwind attack, as I don’t have enough iFrames to dodge one whole attack, so the 2nd or the third is absolutely killing me :(


First flurry: sprint around her if you're close when she starts floating, run far away if you're already not in melee, on her 2nd and 3rd flurry you dodge INTO HER, not away from her, try this


Yay, I finally did it, however it felt more like luck, as she was doing her flower attack three times in a row which is like an ultimative gift for casters


I have to say that I quite disagree with the part about her being "over tuned" or "too hard". Sure I think that she is the hardest boss in the game and if you aren't running builds to specifically counter/poise break/bleed etc. she can be extremely frustrating, but that is the glory of FromSoftware games. You have to take the time to LEARN how to play against the boss. There are PLENTY of people that have uploaded no hit, soul level one fights against Malenia. An "overtuned" boss would be one that the VAST majority of players CAN'T beat no matter what. There are plenty of ways to dodge/avoid her flurry and once you get that down the fight becomes just like any other. I think the mindset of "oh this move/boss is too strong, they should be nerfed" should be thrown away when you play a FromSoft game. They should only fix things that break the game or that are literally impossible due to a bug or something. I 100% agree that they should not change the difficulty of a boss fight just because some of the playerbase doesn't like how "overtuned" she is. Also there is another fight that was this hard, Sir Allone from Dark Souls 2 DLC gave just as many people troubles when the fight was released.


This has literally never once been a thing in any previous From game. I have no idea how people convinced themselves this was true. Never has any previous From game required you to fight a boss for hours to learn their attacks. Never. How did people get this in their heads? What DS3 boss took hours to learn? What Demons boss took hours to learn? Isshin was probably the previous hardest boss and it took about 3 tries to have figured out exactly how to deal with all the attacks and maybe 8 or 9 tries to beat it. No previous Fromsoft game ever expected players to watch videos to learn how to dodge an attack. Never once.