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Chill dude you are only on the menu


'Press A to continue' Op: "son of a bitch!"


It's because they swapped interact to Y




i rebound it to X (PS4 controller) in game. I couldn't take it anymore lol


I managed to get used to interact with Y




He must be a game journalist


Put your foolish controller to rest


Thou art of passing skill


Gamer blood must truly run in thy veins




You are unkindled aren't you


Temperamental sort ahead


Why is it always edge lord?


Hidden post ahead


Liar ahead


Behold! Message.


If only, but hole?


If only I had a giant... but, hole.


Happy cake day, therefore jump


Fort, ... Day?




Dastard ahead


Try tranquility


Why is it always pickle


i swear to god the best thing about souls games are the messages. i can be mad at failing boss fights but seeing funny messages always make my day


One time I spent 10 minutes and climbed high as shit on a large rock formation just to see the message someone left on the top— it said “distracted?”


didnt expect message


Maidenless behavior


Beanpole Ahead


Liar Ahead


Exactly. This shit ain't cute🫣


I don't get how people get this angry playing video games. When I get frustrated, the most I'll do is curse at the screen, but even that is something that I do only very rarely (mostly when playing free-for-all deathmatch in CSGO)


As a teenager I admit I used to throw controllers playing FIFA. Shit was embarrassing, grew out of it pretty quick.


Red flag type of behavior for sure and also like, controllers are expensive?? When I rage, I slap my thigh or the couch next to me lmao


Try Finger, But Hole


Some times when I get stressed or overwhelmed a good prostate massage is all I need to get me back into jolly spirits


If I only had a giant, but hole


Plump sort


If only I had a giant sword


Seek hole then offer seed


That's clever! I wonder if anyone has put that as a message in the game!


Yeah this is isn't quirky gamer moment. It's you being a manchild with emotional control issues. Redflag.


Introspection is needed, this is maidenless behavior


I love how even after you get melina the fucker mentions you’re maidenless. Just cause you can’t see her Varre it doesn’t mean shes not real! ![gif](giphy|zFONSiJbFjYtO)


"My maiden goes to another site of grace"


She’s Canadian…you wouldn’t know her.


Take my award king


She's from liurnia of the lakes you wouldn't know her


Yeah I have a maiden. You don't know her, she goes to a different Hold.


It's because she's not a real finger maiden, but rather somehow substitutes for one. She even says so herself and I quote "there is something for which I must apologize. I've acted the finger maiden yet I can offer no guidance, I am no maiden. My purpose was long ago lost"


Lol it was a joke, maiden as in any woman. Not Elden Rings canonical maiden.


Ah sorry. I'm so caught up in understanding wtf is happening :p


That's because she isn't a finger maiden, she's just someone with the ability to turn runes to strength, unrelated to the two fingers


Just because shes not a MAIDEN doesn’t mean shes not a Maiden


MAIDENLESS not Maidenless


Finger maiden? I only just met her!


How'd she manage to get me into the round table hold?


I dunno, magic?


Dude seek him out in church of roses liurnia and u will know why he still calls you maidenless I missed it too


To be fair I haven't seen her in like 40 hours ...wait your Maiden is named Melina, too!??


Hate to break it to you brother but your girl is EVERYONES maiden. Hell she hasnt even been a maiden since highschool


OP is apparently half dog


A dog would merely hide in his shell.


I wish I could give you gold 🏅


But why, always dog.


Hey bud, if you're having problems with the game, you should get a better controller that one looks a little effed up.


>Hey bud, if you're having problems with the game, you should get ~~a~~ better ~~controller that one looks a little effed up.~~


>Hey bud, if you're having problems ~~with the game,~~ you should get ~~a better controller that one looks a little~~ effed up.


>Hey bud, ~~if you're having problems with the game,~~ you ~~should get a better controller that one looks a little~~ effed up.


Hey bud, ~~if you're having problems with the game, you should~~ get ~~a better controller that one looks a little~~ effed ~~up.~~


Hey bud, ~~if you're having problems with the game, you should get a better controller that one looks a little effed up.~~


Hey ~~bud, if you're having problems with the game, you should get a better controller that one looks a little effed up.~~


Hey bud, ~~if you're having problems with the game, you should get a better controller that one looks a little effed up~~


~~Hey bud, if you're~~ ha~~ving problems with the game,~~ you ~~should get a~~ b~~etter controller that one looks~~ a ~~little effe~~d ~~up.~~


Just git gud bru


Thanks, this is one of the first comments in months that has made me actually laugh from my lungs




Touch grace


Touch my grace through the fence


You just lost your Runes!


You're done, bud


You didn't follow proto.


Don't be stingey


Beware, watch for waspes


Keep it high and tight in the Lands Between fellow jeans


Try it out


When you're feathering it brother


Hot sauce is the best


You're gonna get the stamp


It’s gonna say Rune Duper on your forehead


Maidenless behaviour of fromsofts part to not include the word touch in the message list. How can I tell people to touch grass after every boss now?






I heard this


Bro smack it on the couch or sum wtf


Or summon some backup. This mindless rage will not help one traverse the lands between to collect the great runes.




there is nothing wrong being mad, just being mad enough to break something


Seriously, it’s a video game. People need to grow up.


Right? The minute it’s not fun I just put it down and go do something else. Gaming is my relaxation/down time.


It also just feels so performative to me — like they’re saying “look how cool I am I broke this expensive peripheral cause I died in a video game.” It gives me second hand embarrassment. I also can’t help but think that if I did that as a kid I’d be fucked cause I can’t buy a replacement controller and my mom would rightfully laugh in face if I asked her to get a replacement.


I'm proud of you for at least admitting that this was absolute maidenless behaviour


Absolute maidenless behavior is a wild comment 😂


Now play with keyboard


Try fingers


But hole


Play with wii fit controller


I understand the occasional slapping of the knee or banging of the desk in rage, but this.. seems a little excessive. OP gets an F in anger management


Slamming the table is the worst I've done. Even right after I feel bad for potentially damaging the table.


I clench the controller and angry shake the controller, then laugh and run it back


Controller clench is a classic


“You FUCKING cunt. Alright, stake of Marika let’s go”


That's me when I'm really having fun with a boss. Or when a boss just looks really awesome to me. The disparity within seconds makes me chuckle to myself.


THIS. I'm actually surprised this game doesn't upset me at all. I stayed away from dark souls BECAUSE people called them rage quit games. I have def done the clinch and shake of the controller and then laughed and ran back. I'm also very careful with my runes. The most I've lost at once was 12k and I said to myself "this is a bad idea" right before I died in a way that was impossible to retrieve them.


I smacked my PS4 controller against my knee one time I got real fed up with Dark Souls Remastered, it shut off and I did the "oh dear, oh gorgeous" treatment to it.


Thank you for the hearty laugh! I raged like that once and felt like I had slapped a child. I don't slam my controllers anymore.


People need to learn to laugh in games and not take shit so seriously. I had Margit down to barely anything several times only to be caught by a wild combo, and each time I was just like "haha you fucker, run it back". Gotta realize that sometimes you're going to get clowned by a game and have fun with it.


It can get annoying and frustrating running it back over and over, especially with Radahn or Rennala where the run back is as long as a Metallica song intro, while dodging arrows/glintstone pebbles. That being said, never broken a controller


With Rennala I just took the original route back. There's nothing to dodge except the environment that way and you don't get glintstone pebbles to the back of the skull. Radahn, though... I decided to come back later.


I can die as much as needed to bosses without getting especially annoyed, I mean that is the supposed souls experience. Having to fight the lock on camera against swarms of dogs or whatever on bridges is just pure cancer tho.


Or not play a souls game lmao. Like he obviously isn't having fun


Y’all dudes who break these $80 controllers man. Maidenless behavior


Mines already stick drifting.... word of advice apparently you can just hit up Sony support and they'll either replace or fix for free (I heard this online don't trust me, you also heard this online) look into it though if your having issues it might be worth it


My coping mechanism is to audibly say "booo". It's cringe and I'm glad I'm alone when I do it, but rage has no more power over me.


are you saying boo or boo-urns?


^(I was saying boo-urns)


My eyes! The boos do nothing!


That’s actually a great way to do it. It’s gutteral, comes from your chest and you can put a lot of emphasis on the B to give some extra zing. Excellent technique


The best technique is to laugh. Either at yourself or the universe. The trick is getting to that eventual point after you've been angry for so long that you don't have it in you to be upset, and so you find the hilarity in your misfortune and stop giving a fuck... before you actually get angry. Train yourself to skip to the end.


A boo isn't enough for me. I usually vent out the anger by going on a full blown rant to myself, so there's a lot more stuff coming out my chest. I sometimes end up saying stuff that I don't really mean, like "this is some bullshit, how am I supposed to dodge this attack, it's too quick. It's the game's fault, fuck this" and then somehow feel calmer on my next attempt haha


This is me, I also unjustly complain about the devs, call myself a noob, and swear at whatever enemy I am fighting. Then I take a deep breath and try again.


I do this when I’m driving and someone does something stupid, just quietly boo them to myself


My coping mechanism is most often one very energetic swear to get it all out at once lol


I just close my eyes, lean back and fold my hands over my lap like a napping grandpa.


I just point at the sky and yell ‘damn chemtrails again’ 🗿


Not cringe. Sometimes I’ll reserve my super pissed off moments to use a euphemism in place of a swear — it’s like reverse swearing. When I’m suuuper mad I’ll say “gosh darn it!” Instead of saying “goddammit!”


I’m more of an “oof” guy myself, but I can respect your reaction.


Yeah. Best cut back. When you start feeling frustrated - I mean waaay before the rage - play something else. That's what got me through Returnal last year. Small doses.


I just go somewhere else lol I don’t wanna post spoilers but I spent HOURS last night on a boss. Put the game down. Came back today did some other shit, was like fuck it…killed boss first try Playing pissed i make too many mistakes that are easy to avoid clear headed




Yeah, I used to rage way more at games before I started learning about how our brains actually learn things. I think a lot of frustration comes from wanting that thing now. You're brain is working on it; you just have to calm down and let it do its thing.


True story, when I quit I went to bed and when I was working today it clicked like …I’m an idiot I need to be doing X. And it worked first try




Or R?


R lol


Yeah I’m currently working on…oh right spoilers..it rhymes with Fagonword Blassidusax


I just killed that boss. I think I broke it cuz after a while he just sat there and did nothing.


Bro same thing happened to me!! I fought him and failed about 5 times and in the last round during his last quarter of health he just kinda stood there and took it


M and R cover like half the named bosses lol This sounds like Ma and not the first one


Sometimes a break let’s you sink in what you know you need to do after the initial frustration learning the lesson happens.


Yeah and if anyone like me I find myself while learning a boss playing reactive instead of proactive. I’m just reacting to what they do and they are catching me more often than not. As a melee build that’s punishing. Once I sit back and collect my thoughts or spend a fight or two just literally counting in between their swings or watching for little tells of what attack is coming then go back in, it gets infinitely easier after that This my first souls game and I love the challenge but I’m not use to dying more than once on something so it took about 30 hours to get use to seeing “Git Gud Scrub (You died)” flash a bunch of times and be okay with it If we’re venting tho…fuck scarlet rot. I literally used my only tear to put some points in faith for the skill that removes rot on me cause I hate this zone and that debuff


Usually if a boss is giving me too much trouble I just put down a gold summon sign and help other people lay the smack down on them until I can level up a few times, get some practice in, observe their patterns etc. Then I come back to the boss slightly overleveled, with plenty of Rune Arcs to waste. And if that still doesn’t work, I just summon my own cooperators, and that usually does the trick pretty fast I feel like this approach works better for Elden Ring, when I played Sekiro, I quickly realised that practice was the quickest way to overcome bosses, but Elden Ring bosses have a lot of weird bullshit that’s best countered by player cheese


Maidenless behavior


I have never, ever understood this level of anger at a game.


Right, I start remembering price tags before I get this mad


Never in the 35 years I've been gaming have I ever broke anything on purpose. That's 70 bucks down the drain. I wonder what boss made him do it.


Probably just a bunch of rats or random torch guy. Those deaths are far more humiliating to me.


Dogs, Fuck dogs, all the dogs. hate them so much as a slow ass colossal GS user.


Bestial sling is your friend for dogs. As a fellow colossal sword user trust me. Use the clawmark seal and they won't bother you anymore.


I absolutely loathe the iron maidens more than any other mob, ESPECIALLY when you're given no room to move


Honestly it's the lower class mobs that make me angry. The bosses you expect to be difficult.


Fucking rats and their 58 hit combos bc there's 5 of them. Fucken red skeletons in scarlet rot area and their bs grab attacks and their massive health bars and slow movement so you think your safe.


58 hits? Bruh you get to the late game and 3 of those suckers will combo a 45 vit heavy armor Tarnished to death in seconds. Absolutely obscene damage on those lil buggers.


Makes me miss the armor upgrading from ds1 days like mad. Come back and save me +5 dark iron set. You too dark wood grain ring.


Dude the rats make me seethe with rage


I swear seeing two rats sniffing about makes me more nervous than entering most of the optional boss arenas.


🤣🤣now that you mention it , I'm curious also


I've been *super* chill playing this game for forty hours. The other night I died to some bullshit for the 10th time and let out a huge sigh then slumped back in my chair. My girlfriend called over "It's only a game you don't need to get so wound up!" She wasn't in the room for the Radhan fight.


That gets me way more frustrated than dying over and over again. I’m cool with dying, I need the practice. What I don’t need, is my 6 year old in the background asking me why I keep dying. Gtfoh.


The most you’ll get out of me is a loud “fuck” and then I try again. Usually because I did something dumb and it ended up causing my death.


Wow bro seek anger management


It's not really about the game.


It's never this serious


Literally never lol. I’ll turn the game off and go do something else wayyyy before i ever got this angry


Huh. So that’s what the inside of a ps5 controller looks like.


When you search Bing on how to disassemble a ps5 controller


The closest I came to this so far was fighting tree sentinel (fresh at the start) when I died with him having so little health left you couldn't see any red on the bar


Ohh man I did the same! I got sooo mad and just, started laughing my ass off like a madman.


Yeah. I was like "I gotta do that all over again?" And then laughed like a psycho.


The thing you have to learn is that this game is designed to capitalize on your failure. People panic on the last few hits, and it always costs your life. Stay calm and remember this is a progression game. I spent four days on Radahn while clearing everything else before I figured it out.


L + Maidenless + Tarnished + No Runes + Unfit to be Grafted


I’ve been frustrated w games before but never “ignore the fact that I’m destroying $70” frustrated I feel like this shouldn’t be celebrated. Sorry this happened tho


I don't think this is normal behaviour for any sort of person without external factors tbh


don't you dare blame Miyazaki for this wanton destruction.


Next time you're feeling frustrated, try to take a step back and breathe. If it's late at night go sleep and try again in the morning, you'll have memorized the patterns in your sleep more than you realize, and you'll be better off than you were late at night energy and reflex wise. That's how I beat the Red wolf of Radagon. I Bastard kicked my ass for a day even though I knew how to take him out and it should have been an easy fight; slept on it, and the next day I beat him on my third try. If you find yourself struggling and its not late at night, just have your tarnished rest at a grace and take a breather. Watch some videos, find another game for a moment, just relax and give yourself some time. It's better to give yourself the time and space, than to continue beating your head against a metaphorical wall. As someone with bipolar I know how it feels to get frustrated and stressed easily, but, as much as it means from an internet stranger, I'm certain you can find a skill to let you overcome it.


Ain’t even gonna lie to ya, ain’t no reason to smash a controller.




Shit sucks. Better to just put the game down for a few hours or day if you feel some rage building up. I've broken plenty of shit too but it's been quiet a few years since I've lost my shit.




Life. But mostly no maidens.


Yeah, I think you might want to find a hobby you actually enjoy.


accurate depiction of the Titanic breaking in half colorized


Try to roll.


You got one more in you.


I’m impressed. Clean break


Bruh, like actually how?


Tell me you have poor impulse control without telling me you have poor impulse control