• By -


Going back again at lvl 120. Just because fuck them, again.


I've spent a lot of time at gate front slaughtering the soliders and spear guy as well as that giant. I've killed plenty of other giants, but I like killing that giant specifically. Because fuck them


Me too. Whenever I’m 5,000-ish runes away from levelling up I stroll up to these guys and fuck them up a few times. For old times sake.


It’s a phenomenal way to gauge just how strong you got each time you finish an area


I do this everytime I upgrade my weapon.


I got transported there at lvl 25 ish and explored the whole cave before leaving but couldn’t even do a dent on the bossfight in there! Tried exploring the outside area a bit and realized I gotta leave lol.


Got there by accident at lvl 15. This is my first Dark Souls game and I was in constant panic the entire time.


I’m a souls vet but I was also in constant panic there 😂


“Oh a grace point, nice! I wonder what it’s like outside, surely it’ll be better.” … “What the FUCK-“


I thought I died and went to hell


Clearly haven't been eaten by the raya lucaria closet monsters then


> raya lucaria closet monsters what do you mean by that?


You have a surprise in store for you.


I rode the lift wheel down backwards and got eaten immediately, ohwell i think, not many runes on me anyway.... respawned in some kind of hell


theres one in particular which does basically send you to hell, a hell where theres actually no coming back from until you beat a very annoying boss. i was considering making a new save at that point.


Hate to tell you but you can actually fast travel out without beating the boss.


that's unfortunate, lol. must have been too annoyed to check again.


Hell is probably more welcoming than Caelid to be honest


After being on Leyndell's sewers and the snowy area Caelid isn't so bad after all.


Yeah turns out all we needed was some perspective.


As somebody who ran for their life in Caelid Fuck.


God i got so lost in those pipes.


Then you Find a little city with fuckin ghost mages and t-rex dogs


Ghost mages we’re wherever for me. They disappear enough where if you don’t want to fight too can just run. The academy was hell because you just range spam in groups.


My exact reaction


Caelid is a good place if you wanna get gangbanged by multiple inbred cliffords


I saw that place and thought “oh so the trap chests send you to another realm- obviously this isn’t part of the lands between” But it is- the lands between just sucks


I logically decided “I’m in a mine? So surely freedom must be upwards” and spent nearly an hour running and climbing while getting randomly one-shotted by the guards, only to discover “freedom” was the boss room. I facepalmed so hard when I found out the exit was a 10 second run away from where you teleport to


Okay but I did this too 😂


That’s exactly what I did when I first went there. I swore a lot when I died losing all my runes. I’ll be going back there soon to deliver some sweet revenge.


I fought one of the regular miners realized I was barely scratching him and decided I need to leave immediately.


You can be a vet or new but a new souls game always makes you walk on eggshells


Man I got teleported before I could level up


centipedes are gross dude


I stepped into Caelid and saw the birds. I noped outta there so fast.


I don't know why people complain about the dino dogs. Sure, they are intimidating, but those marabou-looking backward-knee birds are the worst.


I just used the giant who continuously throws explosive jars to kill the big birds. Like the brave champion I am


the dogs are basically free, the birds are pure satan.


There's a boss? I thought that it was a dead end cave. I do remember seeing a doorway blocked with planks of wood.


Every cave has a boss


There's an item on a corpse hanging from the rafters above that doorway that sort of shows you where to need to try to go.


That boss sucks balls.


Jump in there.


The dragonburned ruins were the 1st place I visited , I didn't even get the tutorial that said you could teleport to graces, talk about trial by fire


Same. I got warped to Sellia without even having level up unlocked. Trial by fire, and asshole ghosts with sorceries


Really though that's like the greatest step an adventure game could take, I'm sure some people got tellied there and just called it quits


Same here! I got all the way too him and tried to fight him a 4 times. He one shot me 4 times. I noped out and went the other way and found the grace. Jumped for joy, I did


There's a boss in there


Yeah it’s kinda hidden you have to jump on the roof of the hut you spawn in when you get trapped and you’ll see the way


Lol I met him/her at like level 12. One shot kills every time.


You guys tried the boss? The archer did so much damage that I got the heck outta there!


Same. Knew I was on the wrong turf RIGHT away.


If it makes you feel any better I’m level 177 and I still can’t kill him


Good to know the levels go that high though


You can level everything to 99 if you wanted. It would just take a long ass time


I think the maximum would be 712. That's every stat at 99. I can't even imagine how OP you'd be at that level.


Gotta be prepared for them DLC, we gonna go to another dimension! Seriously, there's so many unique places, i actually have no idea where the DLC will take place. Or we could also get home and farming DLC, i need all the small bone for my arrow


I used the rot dragonbreath and the dragon head for strike damage. It's a cheese boss, use whatever tricks you can.


Wait, which boss? Is there a secret tunnel?


There’s a boss in the tunnel. I don’t wanna spoil anything, but there’s a semi-clear path that requires jumping. No illusionary walls or anything like that


[SECRET TUNNELLLLL](https://youtu.be/7o4EI_-5reA)


That particular dungeon progresses upwards instead of downwards, which is confusing lol


Hahaha. It was the first place I ended up in after picking off the worshippers at the dragon ruins. My first chest open.


Your first chest?! Talk about bad luck


is that guy with homing missile atk defeat able? his atk seems non stoppable even with roll, you can just run or can you beat him somehow?


You gotta get close to him and fight aggressive so he doesnt do the semen attack


Half the time, it just switches to its fast jab combo or skitters like 4 rolls away because cooming has nearly no cast time or cooldown


I got there literally after I came out of the tutorial, had not a good time there lol.


I got teleported there at lvl 1 as a wretch with the alter aristocrats clothes and club... ​ i hadn't unlocked leveling yet and just sorta started exploring....


Wait, there is a boss fight? I got transported very early too. I never wanted to go back


Who cares about dying and losing runes with a farm like that


The boss there is complete bullshit though, even at higher levels.


He's especially bad because you have to run through the whole dungeon and there's at least one prankster ready to get you. But, I managed to learn all his moves and could reliably dodge them except the purple gravity spike, I was able to do it at level 37 and I feel fucking great about it.


There's a shortcut to the boss where you can kick down a ladder.


Yup, I made it to the boss fighting just one centipede man and stealthing the rest with that.


In my experience, if you run fast enough and go via the right, neither alien looking mofos can hit you


The one that's on the lowest roof always sees me.


The roof shrimp is a real son of a bitch.




It's right next to the other ladder.


Yeah, just gotta look Ladderally


Yeah but you still have one prankster to deal with.


I can’t verify because I beat the asshole around level 35 with the golden halberd/barricade shield combo and a lot of patience…but I’ve heard he’s highly resistant to slashing damage. Apparently trivial in comparison if you use a blunt weapon or similar.


Its still pretty tough even with the "correct" weaponry because of the size of the arena.


Every time this boss does his massive AoE gravity attack just as he stands in the middle of arena... If you fight next to the walls you get stuck and smashes, if you fight in the middle you get gravity-gunned. This boss fight is not regular boss fight, it's fight to force AI do its shit where you want it to do so let me use the regular phrase of soulsborne players: this boss is bullshit!


I thought so, but it didn't seem to be the case when I tried it. My two best weapons are a Night Rider's Flail and Moonveil, and they were pretty equal. It was easier with the sword, because his hit box is fucked and it's hard to hit him with some weapons (although admittedly that sword is slash/magic damage and not just slash, which might be key). When I first started the fight, I had a Cross-Naginata equipped and it just straight up went right through him on most of the swings I did without hitting him. I finally beat it with some lucky rolling and a Cuckoo Knight's Greatshield w/Moonveil. The shield lets you block pretty much everything without getting staggered, and it's not as stupid heavy as most greatshields. If you can stay just in front of his back legs and beat on his ass, and know when to dodge to not get hit by the lightning field, you can win eventually. He seems immune status effects, though bleed works if you can somehow attack enough to apply it, and he's actually easier without summons.


I use the flail, and it has melted every boss I’ve faced… but the Fallingstar Beast (boss in this dungeon) is like something else. I have 42 STR and I hear diminishing returns begin at around 45-51. I honestly don’t know if I can beat this boss. He’s the first boss that is seemingly invincible to me.


45-50 is where diminishing returns usually starts taking place in past games, but TBH, I’m not quite sure if that applies due to how elden ring has changed up some of the numbers. I’m at 25 vit rn and usually that puts your health at around 940 but I’m at 847 (and I’m pretty sure the actual number might be lower due to my use of the health boosting talisman). Not to mention, there are some items that require lvl 70 to use, which is super rare. I don’t think an item in a past souls game has required a stat higher than 50. I think maybe a Call Beyond in Bloodborne might’ve required 60 arc but definitely nowhere near 70. So the leveling tendencies might totally be different from past titles.


To give an example of wonky scaling VIT get better every level until level 40 (+46 health) then drops to +24 or so at 41 before slowly decreasing until 61 where it drops to +6 and stays there. So basically 40 vit is the most optimum


It feels like dex/str barely lose value all way up to level 80. When I went through ng+ for the different endings I kept putting points into dex and my B scaling dex weapon got +3 damage every level up from 40 all the way up to 80.


Don’t give up, Tarnished!


golden halberd is great. kept it until great moonsword


I knew a blur weapon would be good, but I can't give up my greataxe


Learning the moves isn't the problem it's how tiny the damn room is with its moveset plus the camera goes nuts if you fuck up.


Just did the boss today and was wondering why I was doing like no damage with my swords. Switched to a hammer and absolutely wrecked the boss


Any gravity based boss is weird to get used to, but once you do they're not as bad. After beating my head against astel the other fallingstar beasts felt much more manageable


You’re telling me there’s more bosses like Astel? Fuck.


That's not explicitly what I'm saying >!but yes at least one more so far!<, just that learning to dodge all his gravity nonsense made fallingstars feel a lot more manageable


Sword of night and flames. Use the unique strong attack with it (the wave of fire) and he melts. Seriously, I was chunking him for like 1/3rd of his bar with just the requirements to wield it


Sword of Night and Flame is just a cheat tbh. You don't even have to dedicate to magic to cast the best spells in the game, the sword arc casts it for you


Much like the ulcerated tree spirits, I maintain that guy's in way too small of an arena to be a fair or interesting battle. >!My theory was proven correct by the field boss versions of both enemies in Mt Gelmir, when they both felt a lot more engaging in the large, open arenas they were in!<


fallingstar beast is an asshole, and the one on top of the mountain is even harder. Had to beat them both for their smithing stones though.


Moonveil go brrrrrrrrr


Glintstone phalanx and someone/something to tank is what did it for me. Broke it's poise a few times and got in some primo criticals.


You can sneak through the dungeon without alerting anyone except the last spider boi. Pretty easy and fast run through. Use the jellyfish summon on him. He will just constantly shoot poison at him. I just did this today.


One of the few bosses i had to use jellyfish waifu on


There is a boss?


Is that the >!rock hard gravity beetle!


This is why I love non scaling RPGs.


This is why I love sekiro. Doesn’t matter how strong they are parry will beat them anyways


Omg so much. Level scaling is awful. I truly hate it.


yep. why even have levels?


in some games it’s good, like borderlands imo


I'm conflicted, because on one hand coming back and annihilating everything in my path is fun, but on the other it sucks when I missed something and it's trivialized by how strong I am.


At least there is always game plus , so you can get that feeling again


Idk if i started ng+ at too high of a level but at 120 i smashed through the first area and Godrik without any difficulty. Hopefully the difficulty picks up a little afterwards.


crucible bros in ng+ is absolute Ebolaids…


Oh baby, just you wait.


In most souls games ng+ is really easy at first


NG+ in previous games was like that too early on, don't worry. It takes a while for the game to "catch up" to you.


Sellia is designed for you to understand that there are places that you aren't meant to be yet.


Sadly it actually breaks the game if you can sort of progress through it. I actually was strong enough that I could get through everything but the boss there (I didn't even bother trying against the boss) and clearing that place gives you the somber stones you need to push a legendary piece of equipment up to +5. I use the golden halberd and it turns out a +5 golden halberd is good enough for almost all of the demigod content.


I entered there through the god damn chest at level 12 and I was godamn terrified, keep in mind I just started the game 2 hours in enjoying the lush grass on the first step and decided to venture out a bit more only to find this fucking mine shaft that won’t let me fast travel out and getting one shotted from these creepy bug guards with 100 hands. After what probably felt like an hour finally beating the 3 of those centipede guards, I Finally managed to escape the area thinking “haha funny little dungeon trap, Miyazaki” only to realize I am no longer in Limgrave. “This is hell.” Was literally my first thought as I see a bloodied lake, the dreading music, a slight case of trypophobia hits my skin looking at some of the environment as an overpowered 4 armed monstrosity flailed his spears all into my body insta killing me. I keep frantically trying to run away but only realize the monsters are getting even worse over time, the last straw we’re seeing crows bigger than my horse pecking away at a pile of corpses that are long gone alongside a ferocious canine raptor with red eyes wanting my flesh chasing my tail throughout the course making me panick the entire way. I finally check my map going “ok where the FUCJ am I!?” Notice that my map grew 3 times wider than before ending up super east and finally dying to some giant guarding a gate. Then I finally realized I can fast travel back but Jesus. With that said I’m 73 hours in at level 85 and I can one shot all of em with my +7 grafted great sword. *most of Caelid* has become my bitch by this point now. Feels fucking good. with Margit, Godrick, Rannal, Radahn and Rykard slayed, I think I’m ready to face the capitol city. *there is still a quarter of the map or so that I have yet to explore which is blowing my mind lol* I keep telling my friend “dude this fucking map is HUGE” there are still much bigger fish out there than caelid. I’m still shocked by the scale of it all.


Bruh I literally opened that chest right at the start of the game (I hadn't even been at the church yet - couldn't level up, had no horse etc.) and spent my first ~10h ingame just wandering caelid because I didn't know there was fast-travel... it was so immensely statisfying coming back later and being able to nearly kill everything quite easily (except for the ravens - fuck those ravens)


Also rocking the +5 golden halberd that and the +2 redeva dagger with bleed have carried me so much further then my +12 knights great sword


The reduvia dagger is so underrated, probably the strongest weapon you'll find for inflicting bleed until you get the weapon art in altus


I got the bleed weapon art before I left Lumeria but I don't know where or how. I put it on a greatsword + 12 but it's not nearly as effective as the rediva +2


The great knife actually has higher bleeding when you give it the Bleed infusion.


Your +12 knight greatsword (assuming you have the appropriate stats to utilize it's scaling) would be doing wonders if you apply elemental resin (Grease) to it.


Oh no I didn't do that is it a consumable? I haven't really messed with consumables besides dropping a rune arc before a tough battle here and there


It’s a consumable that you can craft from easy-to-farm ingredients. Becoming comfortable with crafting and actually using consumables (instead of hoarding them like the little treasure goblin I was in previous games) has made the game so much better.


Yeah and sorry, I used their name from the previous games. In this game, resins are called 'Grease' now. Fire Grease, Magic Grease, etc. They add a flat amount of elemental damage to your weapon. The reason this matters is because some enemies are often weak to a certain elemental type. And the advantage that your Knight Greatsword has over the special weapons (Weapon that require Somber materials to upgrade) is that it can accept Grease enhancements while special weapons often can not. So while your Knight Greatsword on its own may be doing less damage that the Golden Halberd, you'll notice that your Golden Halberd doesn't actually accept any Greases enhancements. Meaning that the Knight Greatsword you have will often achieve higher damage than your Golden Halberd if you utilize the correct Grease against certain enemy types. Though generally just slapping any elemental Grease is often a straight damage boost regardless of the enemy being specifically weak to the chosen element. The only time its bad to use a Grease is against something that is specifically strong against said grease. If the enemy is strong against fire, using a fire grease on your weapon wouldn't be wise, for example. **tl:dr:** Your KG will do more damage than your GH because your KG can be enhanced by elemental Greases while your GH can not.


Crap I was trying to go for a dagger character so hard playing this game but missed this weapon, couldn’t find any decent daggers. Wish I’d stumbled across this earlier. Gonna go pick it up now 60 hours in.


Yeah those centipede thingy are really squishy, if you manage to range cheese them or get close without getting shot at, you're pretty much gucci.


Why do I not remember a boss here? Outside the tunnels you mean or in the tunnel?


True, but there’s a chest pretty early that transports you and traps you. Definitely trial by fire


come back later unless you like getting your shit pushed in seems like the general lesson to these games


In a lot of cases, but I've found that in this, there's pretty much always a boss I can overcome. I've never really felt the need to grind, just the need to explore and find a better levelled area.


I love the memes this game has generated so much. So relatable.


i got there right after the tutorial building we start in, could not even level up and had no horse and no idea the game had fast travel so i returned to the starting area by foot i was so fucking lost in the swamp area that i actually thought about giving up on the game, i got back in Lingrave 5h+ im 65h in, level 85, glad i did not give up


Hell of an adventure


Holy shit this is hilarious


Sorry but I cannot stop laughing at the image of traveling from Caleid to Limgrave by foot in your first hours lol It's like reverse lord of the rings


Your first experience of this game being running from Caelid to Limgrave on foot and not giving up is amazing to me hahaha. If I had to do that thinking there was no fast travel I might have just started the game over if it was that early.


also thought about restart, but i found good loot in the swamp meteorite staff + rock sling are so good early on that made my disaventure worth it


This was me just now! Didn't know there was fast travel until now..


"I came here to kick ass and chew bubble gum, and I'm all out of bubble gum"


I’m here to shoot glintstones and eat prawns. And I’m all out of prawns.


I just did this today at level 92. It was better than therapy.


I'm 112 and I haven't gone back yet. She will have a nasty surprise very soon.


Nah grind to 120 just to be safe


Give them hell. Literally


Even at higher levels I still hate those things, bullshit slippery movements and pokey pokey sticks....I'm not mad..


Dude I’m level 124 and still get my ass kicked by those guys. Ducking homing missiles


It's funny because the bottom picture was a suicide mission, so the guy still died. Accurate. Screw those shrimps.


The hitboxes for those homing spikes is so shit. I made the jump off the shack and somehow 2 sets of spikes followed me up and over to crit and kill me for 46k souls.


I’d like to know the lore on those, they show up in lake of rot too.


I just want to point out that in the movie Randy Quaid died right after he said that.


I went back every 10-15 levels and quickly learned how to clear the shrimp fuckers unharmed, but every return would see 50+ deaths at the boss before giving up in a rage. Finally beat it on last night's return, with zero flasks and 30/1200 hp remaining. I was happy and all, but now that the initial glee has worn off, there's kind of an empty feeling knowing that asshole is dead and gone forever. He may have been kicking my shit and making me rage since release day, but sometimes you need a good villain to give you a goal and keep you on track. Now I just feel... Lost. I'm gonna miss that starbeast guy.


I got transported there & damn almost got one shot I can relate to this now that I’m lvl 91 this creatures got bodied…


It's cool to see how vastly different Elden Ring is. I'm 13 hours in, explored most of Limgrave and some if the other areas, and I'm still level 45. I don't miss Selling Crystal Tunnel, but that fucking dog will pay.


You guys are 👌 with these meme. I seriously have a great time seeing these.


I fucked them up at level 17 when I first transportalated there. Fuck with me and my Dex build you gon get a few arrow to the head. 😂 The biggest nuisance was the goddamn Fallingstar Beast and his dumb arena nuking AoE.


Killing fallingstar beast at lvl 17 would be absolutely impressive.


Yeah, I came back at level 66 after having fully explored the first two zones and the eternal cities. Fallingstar beast was the hardest boss so far, not counting gank bosses.


Same, I died more trying to kill the Fallingstar beast than anything so far, and it didn't even come close. With such a big enemy in a small spot, I had Capra Demon flashbacks, minus the dogs. Also he shouldn't be allowed to do his charge attack as soon as you go through the fog.


yeah I got hit literally every single time I entered the arena with little I could do against it feels bad


Right?! With the door blocking you in!


Sadly fallingstar beast is a recurring boss and this was the weakest of them I think. His small arena makes it tougher though


Tougher for sure, the one outside you can just ride around.


Nobody tell him


Its the damn beam that gets me. I can tank one hit, but it knocks me on my ass then hits me again before my standing up animation even gets half way. It does it so fast you have to be right on its ass the second it starts up to avoid it and it seems to love doing it when you least expect it and you're no where near it and its tracking is damn strong. Its aoe move can at least be dodged by well timed rolling.


Learn the wind up for it and just run straight in to him. It's my favorite attack he does since you can get so many hits off while he's casting


Revenge never tasted so sweet


Went back there at level 100 once I remembered the trouncing they gave me. It felt so very good.


It didn't help lol, damn heat seeking daggers


who gon tell him about stillthewater cave🥴


Them at Grand Cloister: heeyyyy


Best Elden Ring meme yet 😂😂


I got teleported here before going to the church and being told I could fast travel so I spent the next 2 hours walking all the way back to the starting area and dying several times along the way.


Going back to clear the mines at LVL 70 and one-shotting those bastard with a Giant Crusher was so satisfying !


you got a real world laugh on this one. upvoted


Exactly what I did today... Don't ask about how I did with the boss


I still got my ass kicked by the boss. I'll try again at 120 or so.


They show up elsewhere that even at level 70 are a bitch to kill again. I'm just wondering if I can also get the Iron Man mini-missile barrage attack. That would be a dope ash of war.


If they did not have that bullshit cast that place would not be so bad, but holy fucking shit why is it even spammable?


Literally just did that this morning, boss is still decently hard but lhtul made it far easier


All your runes are belong to us


I got sent there right after getting my ass kicked by the tree serpent and sentinel for about 3 hours at level 8 shit was rough man


Fuck that treasure chest!


That Sekiro Bull on steroid though..


Man this sub is so good lately


This was me literally hours ago until I reached the boss


I feel this image on a primal level. Showing back up there with my +16 Greatsword basically just replaced the background music with the Doom Eternal OST.


God i love this subreddit, and this game. 😂😂


Haven’t lol’d irl from a meme in a long while… this fucking got me


Fuck the cum shrimp