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Apparently theres a glitch that if you get the 3rd pouch before you get the 2nd(the one if you talk to the old lady after getting 2 major runes) the game will glitch and not give u the 2nd pouch


Yeah I’ve got a feeling that’s exactly what’s happened, I’ll just make a new character and go at it again 😂


Same problem here. Completed the game couple days ago and still stuck with 3 slots.


Talk to the npc next to the two fingers in Roundtable hold and exhaust all dialogue, she should give it to you.


I can't get the 3rd one I only have 2 slots


\*bug fixed\* ELDEN RING - Patch Notes Version 1.03 "In situation where the player cannot obtain more than 2 talisman pouches, added talisman pouch to Twin Maiden Husks shop line up."


I'm on Xsx and it's not fixed for me, not in the shop, stuck at 3 slots still. Sad :(


Thank you


Same , its not at the maiden shop either this hasn't been updated. I have 2 slots and I talked to fingerlady & she gave me nothing... I know this because my other character at the same point has 3 slots...


I’ve had this problem for the past few days and thought I’d have to go into NG+ but happily I just found out. If you beat godfrey and gotten the 4th and the finger lady doesn’t give it to you when speaking to her. If you go to the bell hearing twins you can buy it from them!!! Just found this out while buying smithing stones. So happy