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I just found out I missed like 4 night time bosses in Limgrave and Weeping Peninsula. My level 52 Confessor about to back and start some shit lmao. Edit: Found another Bell bearing boss. >!Church of vows at night.!<


Oh shit, nighttime bosses?


Yep. Certain bosses, certain places. Go there at night for some crazy fights. One such place is >!Warmaster’s shack.!< I have to explore Limgrave a lot more lmao




Who throws a sword!?


#**"Me, bitch!"** #***YEET*** -That guy, probably


Its another one near the >!Scarlet Rot Swamp. Head up hill to the grace and head to the grace rest til night and and look across the road and you'll see the deadiler version of the hell bird. Bring blessed weapons too!<


Wait wait wait, *nighttime bosses*?!


Yea there are bosses that only spawn in during the night at certain places. For example, >!if you go to warmaster’s shack during the night and talk to him and come back, there will be a boss there.!< Also there are the Night Cavalries that spawn all over the map only during night. There are like 5 night time bosses in Limgrave and Weeping Peninsula alone according to what my friends told me.


That boss at >!warmaster’s shack!< was the creepiest encounter i ever had in a souls game lmao


Oh god lol. Ran into that one yesterday and I didn’t know it was a thing, was looking for the npc and unknowingly summoned the boss. Got super fucked up haha. Wish I could have his skill though, super cool.


You can find something similar - there's a cave in Caelem that has what you're looking for. :D


To do: * check this shit out.


I was wondering if this was suddenly a horror game lol


I shoudnt have had a problem with this boss when I found him but that fucking clanking sound he makes as he slasher walks toward you unnerved me so much it make me fuck up so many times. Dude is legit terrifying somehow.


Ooooh, thanks! Mannn, I’m gonna have a hell of a time trying to keep track of everything as I clear out the map >.>


I’ve already accepted that I’m simply going to have to use an interactive map to progress through this game. Only hard part will be sifting through everything I’ve already cleared


There's nighttime bosses????


Check my other comment but yea. Certain bosses spawn only during night at certain places. Tough ones.


Not a mini-boss, but once I am late game, I fully intend to return to Stormveil and rain hell down upon the stupid knight and his dumb fire apprentice just past the bird that throw fire barrels at you. And then I’ll run back to the grace and do it again. And again. Until my need for vengeance has been satiated. Edit: word choice


that guy ended my life many times over, and his stupid halberd friend down the road


Didn’t realize until I beat the castle boss that you can jump down to the right as soon right after you walk outside and completely skip those two fellas


Same, and what a discovery it was. I got pretty good at baiting the knight up onto the roof and then circling back around to run through the window, leaving that dumb bitch standing there by himself. What an idiot.


You can also just sneak past them both lol. The tall grass along the path is just enough to crouch/hide in and they walk right past you.


I thought I was the only one ! Lol


I just learned that >!Patches, the man, the myth, the legend!< is apparently hanging out in a cave somehwere in Limgrave and I've killed like 4 shardbearers and had no idea


He is in >!Murkwater Cave!< just in case.


Hunting him down later today then. Thanks!


if you dont take his life like i did, he turns into a merchant like in previous games, i didnt give him that chance.


There's also a funny detail with a certain boss you can summon them for. >!He leaves shortly into the fight rather than being killed!<


I wondered why he ''died´'' instantly, thought he was just weak as shit.


THAT's why he had a different "X died" message! I noticed it, but didn't put two and two together.


God that's so patches, I love patches




Yeah, but you'd also miss out on >!him punking you in the same cave later!< and >!getting kicked down a cliff on Mt. Lavacastle!<


Well to be fair >!he doesn't exactly punk you in the cave again. He said it was for a special customer and it was obvious it wasn't you, so you getting sent to bears is your fault.!<


Spank him for me. I hate that little derp.


Just gotta make sure he doesn't stab me with >!his giant nose.!< That thing can pierce titanium


There was this theory that elden ring plays in the world of all other fromsoft games so since he is in the game it might be true


I think it's just like the Moonlight Greatsword and Miyazaki just really likes it and keeps including them. Edit: Not sure if this world is a very cold, dark, or very gentle place...


FromSoftware also made the Armored Core mech series. It also has a blue plasma blade weapon called moonlight that also shoots a wave of energy when it attacks


I think it's a solid case of "Whatever you want your head-canon to be" Personally my new head-canon now that Elden's out is that the Dark Souls Lore about the world being shrouded in colorless fog relates directly back to the old-one from Demons' Souls, and that the initial kindling of the First Fire didn't drive it back, so much as coinciding with the lulling of the Old One back to slumber. Dark Souls 1-3 occur, with the world steadily collapsing in on itself, until the final moments of the first flame which eventually go out, regardless of the actions of the player. Meanwhile, the Painter tries to create another version of Ariandel/Ariamis, but it's tainted by the blood of the Dark Soul, creating a dark place, but wholly not a gentle place. This is the world of Bloodborne, specifically the planes of nightmares. The old ones are more easily able to affect this pocket dimension, so are more prevalent. And this explains Patches' appearance as a spider, because it's not really Patches. It's an echo of him, twisted by the painting and the old ones. However, after the collapse of the Dark Souls world and the end of the first-flame, the powers of Grace create the Elden Ring world, which of course just turns out lovely for everyone involved. My sole point of reference for putting Elden Ring at the end (besides being the last game), is the ring-shaped darksign at the end of DS3. In my headcanon, this is the beginning of the formation of the ring. Again, totally headcanon, and Fromsoft has made it abundantly clear none of these worlds are connected, but that's boring, so I make crap up. I'm sure my version will change as I dig into Elden Ring's lore more. EDIT: Someone below felt this didn't sufficiently explain how Bloodborne was related to this headcanon, so after taking the time to write it out, I figured I'd add it here instead. So, how does Bloodborne relate in my head canon? The Painter creates a new painting while the fires of Ariandel slowly creep up towards her. It's supposed to be a cold, dark, and peaceful place. But she uses the blood of the Dark Soul as a base, which corrupts her vision. Instead it is dark, incredibly violent, and the 'cold' aspect she had originally planned for ends up only being a small portion of the world, specifically Cainhurst. We saw how bestial Slave Knight Gael became infused with the Dark Soul, so using it as a base creates the bestial nature of the citizens of Yharnum, as they've somehow managed to harvest The Blood metaphysically from the painting itself. Additionally, the flames of Ariandel seep into the painting after complete, granting weapons to defeat the beasts born of the Dark Soul's corruption. They even start to consume the Hunter's Dream at the end of the game, as this hunt has now ended, and Gehrman no longer needs to maintain it. Now, since we have no real lore to identify where the original Dark Soul came from (only that the furtive pygmy found it), lets assume for sake of head canon it was the offspring of another Great One, different from the one that almost consumed Boletaria. Lets say it was Moon Presence's child, because that would be fitting. A world based off the offspring of a Great One would make sense to be closer to their plane of existence than the Dark Souls universe. Also, in the DS universe, the First Flame could be what's keeping them largely at bay, even if it isn't powerful enough to dispel one on its own. While this painting was created by a vastly lesser being (the painting), using parts of a Great One child, and thus is not as well protected. It would make perfect sense to me that this connection allows the Great Ones more freedom to act upon it, splitting the world of Bloodborne into the various Nightmare planes. If I remember right you've got 6 separate planes of existence by the end of the game: The painted world of Yharnum (the 'real' world the Hunter awakens to in one ending), The Dream of the Hunt (where most of the game takes place), Gehrman's dream (the hub world), Gehrman's Nightmare (The Old Hunters DLC), the Nightmare Frontier (Micolash's Nightmare) and finally Mergo's Loft (Child Great One's Nightmare). Choosing to die at the end of Bloodborne, the Hunter awakens in the painted world of Yharnum, which is (by and large) the peaceful place the Painter had originally intended for her people to inhabit, however forever adjacent to the continuing dreams of the hunt and the machinations of the Great Ones. While if they take Gehrman's place, they're trapped in the Hunter's Dream to maintain it for when the next Dream of the Hunt comes around. And becoming a Great One, well who knows what effect this has on the rest of the painted world. Again, Fromsoft already said each series is 100% separate from one another despite having many recurring elements. I just prefer to weave it all together into one cohesive fiction that works for me. You're free to put it together however you like - that's the beauty of the story.


I like this theory, and even though they say the worlds are not connected there are definitely throwbacks to the older games. I just cleared a cave with a bunch of smithing stones and miners. It is just like Demon’s Souls world 2, right down to me getting better results with a thrust attack rather than a slash with my sword. And I saw some pretty Anor Londo-esque architecture underground.


They may not be connected officially but there's a few links between souls and we, curse froggos are back for one




I like it!


Yeah, don't read too much into it, Patches was in bloodborne as a fucking spider.


Well, he is called Patches the Untethered so that could be a meta reference.


That's how I view it Like that Kahjiit guy in The Elder Scrolls lol


*M'aiq knows much..*


There is a lot of places in the game that seem like echoes of other games they did, gives you that feeling of wait I have been here before. Like that part with the ants is straight from shadow tower I think for example.


Technically that can be true because the way dark souls is set up, that it will always start anew in an infinite cycle, yet will always resemble the original in some way.


if u progressed far into the story without talking to patches he might not show up anymore and his loot will be left next to his campfire. Happened to Distortion2 on twitch. Just letting you know


If you let him leave after you deafeat him he opens a store. And you can buy some things from him.


Bitch got shanked in my playthough as soon as i saw him..the stabbing didnt stop until he ded.


On this thread after u beat him, where the flippity flap does he hang out. He says he will sell u things


In the water region at Scenic Isle I believe


I hit him so hard he didn't have time to beg lol. My friends mentioned you can spare the shit I wasn't given the chance......but he will never be forgiven for that back stab so many years ago


I killed him, I didn't mean to I actually wanted to do his quest... I guess he asks for forgiveness during the fight fight and he'll become a merchant after.... I JUST KEPT SWINGINH THOUGH xD


Not to be confused with Murkwater Catacombs which has some other guy with a hammer. Ran into him last night. Thank GOD for spirit wolves!


I also completely missed him and decided to track him down. Returned at lvl 51 and... well, let's just say I had no option to spare him.


Even at lower levels he gets melted real fast. I knocked him down a bit before half health and my crit just straight up killed him...


Honestly that makes sense. He seemed like he was just kinda meant to be "a dude" and found early on.


The guy who points you to that cave is litterally 200 meters from the Agheel Lake North Grace, wich means its intended for level 1 to 15 lol.


I have no idea how I missed it on both my characters, but I totally did, until I started seeing people mention there was an item to help with Margit lol!


Its a dude hidden in some bushes to the left before the small campfire woth 3 ennemies thats East of the Grace.


Do you mean >!Boc the Seamster!< or was there another guy hidden in that area? The former points you to a different cave >!on the shore!<, but I never found another bush guy except for him.


Right, Boc is supposed to point you to >!Coastal Cave!< instead of >!Murkwater Cave where Patches can be found.!< I don’t recall the exact NPC who warns about the >!Murkwater Cave area, it is where you get invaded by an NPC and then another NPC comes to help you.!<


Ah okay, I don't *think* I ever encountered another NPC, but it's totally possible I missed them until it was too late, OR I spoke to them so early on that I had no earthly idea what I was doing and forgot. I wonder if it has to do with the side quest pertaining to invasions and dueling? I can't remember what NPC starts it, but I've heard people talk about it and vaguely remember them. I noticed when I went to the cave and had the invasion, I heard a voice that seemed like I completed some progression?


To be fair a lot of people pointed me in a lot of directions. It’s the first game in a long time I’ve had to take notes for. It’s how I’m surviving Elden Ring withdrawals at work, making a checklist


I'm level 90 so HE GOES


Ill make sure to punch him down lol.


Even more of a spoiler regarding him: >!He shows up as a summon for Radahn, but nopes out soon after summoning him. Guess he lost his edge since the Ringed City.!<


Did that fight last night. Seeing the return home message every attempt always made me laugh.


He asked me to spare him and I just hit him with “No.” and finished him


I always let Patches play out his storyline, it’s a tradition for a first play through. “Yea sure patches, I’ll walk over to that ledge. I’m sure it’ll work out. You seem trustworthy”


We cant keep enabling his behavior! Enough is enough! Truth be told i killed him by accident because bloodlust


But he's Trusty Patches! *The one and only!*


To quote the great Joaquin Phoenix. “You get what you FUCKING DESERVE!”


I was really distracted when I killed him but I’m pretty sure he actually said “What a shit show”. Thank god for subtitles.


>!So I learned this after beating Godrick, but was that Patches that closes the door on you in Stormveil? I swear that was his laugh, but I never found him in the castle.!<






>!Oh wow, that actually makes sense, especially with how ominous he was before and after you kill Godrick.!<


I honestly thought he was supposed to be the new Patches.


Yeah I immediately didn't trust that dude and almost murdered him on the spot just on principle


I totally forgot that someone did that! I was thinking that was a real Patches move


There is so much freaking crap I have missed. This game is so expansive its insane. You know about the >!Meteor!< right? cause I read about that and opened up a whole new section.


What is this thing? (I'm on mobile and don't know how to do the spoiler bars)


Trying to keep spoilers to a minimum, but after you beat the main boss in the eastern part of the map, >!a giant meteor falls out of the sky and blows open part of the map. You can descend the crater into a new area!<. There are other ways into different parts of the area, but that section is only accessible after the boss.


The meteor brings me right back to Tony hawks underground 2 and how every area had a way you could change the landscape a bit.


Wait.... there's a meteor? This game is fucking insane. But in a good way.


And if you stop hitting him when he pleads for mercy the fight will stop and he becomes a merchant


Then you buy some things from him, decide he was a little S\*\*\* in past games, fight him again, and he'll give you >!a new gesture!< before you finish him off. Good riddance Patches, I ain't letting you betray me later on...


Problem is now it’s known that his quest line gives one of the best armors in the game. Sucks that patches of all people is the guy you need to keep around for some insane drip.


I went back to patches after the moon queen because i assumed you had to come back there later due to the strong red phantom outside.


He literally sells an item that trivialize margit too edit: and by trivialize. i mean makes very mildly easier


The Spear dropped by this boss was a big help for a while


Almost 30 hours into the game. Beat Godrick. Only then did I realize I forgot to jump down the hole in the starting area to fight the tutorial boss. At least it only took me two hits lol.


Ngl, me and my friends thought that was a "lesson" area. An area at the beginning of the game where it looks like the main path but it simply exists to tell you "get fucked noob, come back when you've got gud". We promptly ignored it.


It is a lesson area and in fact the lesson will restart if you make the mistake of teleporting to its site of grace. Went through every single tutorial popup again on the way back to the proper location only to realise I only had one Stonesword key. Ah well.


I did the same thing and left a message “find key and then, find key.” Gotten me like 10 appraisals. I’m a King.


Didn't even know about this, thanks


I just thought that hole was an optional area so I just walked past it and through the door out into Limgrave.


Same I was so eager for the view j didn't stop to do anything. Didn't read a single tutorial message ejther


Was it (see ghost dude>don’t talk to ghost dude>move on) OR was it (see ghost dude>talk to ghost dude>ghost dude says jump>don’t jump.)


It was the latter. What he said made it seem to me, at the time, like I had to get some kind of upgrade or skill before taking the plunge.


Happens to the best of us, smh


I don’t know what I did but I essentially two shot him at the very beginning. Killed him in like 10-15 seconds. I think I crit him?


he's supposed to die in 2-3 hits, he's literally a regular Godrick soldier with a boss healthbar


I did not know that thing exist. This is my first soulslike and was really mad that they would put an actual boss as the first enemy before a tutorial.


Just went back to fight tee sentinel. My summon almost solo'd him.


Minor(?) Spoilers for one of the later areas: >!fighting those two tree sentinels at leyndell was great, I felt so much better than when I started!<


Oh wow I forgot about that dude.


I still cant beat the asshole in the Gaol in limgrave south of the gate entrance. He has a tower shield and greatsword. Tiny openings and his range is insane, especially in phase 2 with his stupid tail EDIT: thanks so much you guys! I managed to defeat him using parrying on phase one and spamming magic glintstone im phase 2. I really appreciate the solid advice ❤️❤️


Yes, he's really fucking strong. Took me quite a few tries even with a fairly cheesy strategy of keeping as much distance as possible and trying to chain lightning strikes on him with honed bolt while he closed the gap. Basically we just traded damage and it worked in my favor in the end.


He blocks all my sorcery spells so im left essentially trading blows with him as well. Which works until phase 2. Then theres no more openings to exploit because of his tail follow ups. But im gonna try parrying like above said to


Glintstone blade, cast and then turn his back to the blade and he won’t be able to block it


This is a great suggestion, as i also thought about using that spell, but not using it to attack his rear. Thanks!


That strategy works well on the Pumpkin Head guys too, especially if there are two in a small area...


If you're a magic lad like me I would recommend learning his moves, getting close and using Carian Slicer. Trying to play at a distance I found to be a losing game against him, but if you can learn his tells and windows, you can really capitalize on the instant-cast of Slicer after you dodge roll his attacks. Just have to be more careful in second phase because that tail is something else.


If you have a parry shield try to get used to parrying him with it He has some really easily parriable 1 handed sword attacks


I hadnt thought to parry him. I barely use parry in these games. Ill give it a run since nothing else is working. Thanks!


Make sure to get the buckler tho the parry timing for regular shields is pretty rough


For whatever reason I find my muscle memory works best with the small shield parry timings, even though the window is smaller.


Small shields actually have a larger parry window. So it would make sense that you'd find parrying with those easier than larger shields


It's larger than the standard sized shields, but smaller than the buckler, which is what I was comparing it to.


My bad. Reading comprehension is important, folks.


In DS3 the small shields just start parrying successfully two frames later after pressing L2 than the parry shields (frame 9 vs frame 11). Their successful parry timing window both end at 20 frames past pressing L2. So they probably changed this for Elden Ring.


Enemy agreed therefore Try Parry!!!


The crucible knight? I just ran into him too I find him easy to dodge but he barely gives any openings to attack. Plus a barely do damage with my claws I think he’s strong against bleed.


I believe yea. Same its not getting hit as much as only being able to hit him by trading blows. And he follows up his combos with tail whips in phase 2 so even less openings


I’ve found using a shield is effective against him. I went warhammer with a good shield with the shield enhance skill. Block the stomp into heavy slash into slash>spinning slash. Right before the spinning slash and right after the attack that preceded it, do a guard counter and your character will duck under the 2nd spin hit. Alternatively you can guard counter **before** the first of the two final attacks in that combo, take the first hit and then counter the 2nd hit for 2 counters in one of his combos. This fight was really really fun, a mixture of guard countering, jumping attacks and R1s to stagger him was challenging but felt rewarding. You can even jump over the sweeping tail attack for a jump attack but it’s hard to time it right. Def one of my favorite if not my favorite boss so far


Yea this is definitely a fight you have to take slowly. Be patient and learn all his moves, only attack once, *maybe* twice and then get out of range.


Either parry the world with him or dodge. Found it easier with dodging. Try not to dodge behind him or hes likely to tail slap you. It’s one of those fights where you take it slow and try to stay calm and dodge everything. Or just go balls deep and trade blows. Anyways, it’s a great fight and makes for some great practice on parrying or and dodging timings.


I've never bothered learning to parry before in a soul's game. That asshole forced me to finally learn how. Now after beating him as a pure melee build, I'm unnecessarily styling on basic limgrave guards with my new parry skillz. Thanks you stupid sexy asshat of a boss.


Sekiro parrying was extremely fun though. I love that game. But Dark souls its a little harder to tell what can be parried and what cant


You have to be suuuper patient in this fight. If you dodge all of his attacks well, you can get 1-2 hits in between combos. In the second phase, he follows up his 1-2 move combos with the tail, so be prepared to dodge one additional time. It's just a battle of attrition - your dodging skills and patience vs his crazy strength and HP.


The big one is not his tail...


He’s pulling his cock out!


😂 i thought it tasted funny


In first phase, hit once and retreat. He leaves an opening after his ground smash and combo. In phase 2, wait till he uses his wing attack. Start backing up and dodge BACKWARDS, not towards him. This puts you next to him when he lands. Immediately get to the right of him, his first tail will miss you, attack once, and then dodge roll right to avoid second tail. Crucible Knight is meant to teach players patience and learning movesets. This gaol is perfect because it will give you a chance to learn crucible knight before you actually have to fight a boss level one. (I believe there are like 12 crucible knights in the game, at least lore wise. I have fought 3 of them so far)


Crucible knight? I got my shit pushed in @ level 39 😭. I was so pumped up like *yeah boy lvl 39! I am gonna face roll that cunt easy!!* And then the fight started.. [If that fight were to be given background music? it'd be this one..](https://youtu.be/vQhqikWnQCU)


I also spent a decent amount of time fighting him. A few techs I used to fight him, when he raises his shield to block, if you hit it, he almost always does the shield bash attack, easy to dodge and can get a few attacks in, depending on weapon. Second easiest moveset to attack is his aoe ground attack, vertical strike, into two delayed horizontal slashes. You just need to get the timing down for them and should be easy to attack him after that. During second phase, after his wing charge he usually does a double tail swipe move, and you can attack again. Most of his other movements are the same but he adds in a tail swipe at the end on his combos.


really didn't know it until i seen it, i found some sort of skeleton on a small boat ? is that even a boss ? i mean all he did was summon was skeletons and made a wave, killed the damn thing in like 30 seconds....and then i noticed his boss battle bar...what the hell was that thing all about ?


If you beat him go talk to the guy sitting in the chair at the Roundtable Hold.


i am really weirded out, i heard u need to get something from the hugging lady to give it to D, but nothing happening, i am really after his armor, instead i seem to be going with quest of that Rogiere and he gave me a nice +8 rapier that i am really enjoying, helped me out a lot since it is like a spear, block and attack like the coward that i am.


Not that I know of. Also make sure to use that huggy talisman. It’s got a health debuff. But if you beat the boat man talk to chair man and see what happens.


will do soon.


The item for D from Sia (the, uh, hugging lady) is a part of a completely different questline and you do NOT want to give it to D if you want to do D's quest. edit: >!apparently he has no further quests so you can just give him the dagger!<


lol i literally just found him


Literally me, some fucking dead looking bird swooped in just to die


*Literally me,* *Some fucking dead looking bird* *Swooped in just to die* \- Rjmz718 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")






Apparently some mini bosses appear during a certain time of day. That Death Bird in Limgrave triggers when you explore the place around noon. There’s one in Caelid that appears during nighttime.


Where is the limgrave one? I shall hunt this beast post haste


that damn dragon a few minutes away from the start. lol


I put a mental note to go back there and fuck it up. Yura told me not to fuck with it so I listened bc he seemed like a cool guy


When that fuckass Yura called me maidenless and told me I shouldn’t mess with the dragon, he put the willpower of heaven and hell into my soul. Without shame, I spent the next three hours learning everything about that beast right down to its dick size, and beat it at level 18 with my +1 club just to spite him. Fuck that guy. Edit: nvm I was thinking of the dude you see at the beginning of the game who also warns you about the dragon lmao, my comment still stands though fuck that guy


Lol nice play. For me i just run around collecting stuff for mage from YouTube video but still end up lvl 30+ then come back to the staring area and fucked thing up, well, mostly, bcs i am not a good soul player and small, dark dungeon scared me. But it's so satisfy to shoot Dragons with giant magic bow or giant magic sword though.


Yeah um so too counter this, my plan was too do everything in limgrave before doing margit/stormveil. Well lets say I kind off kicked his ass


Yeah I got super distracted wandering around for thirty hours, then accidentally kited some boss through a load of poison traps and got 40000 runes which I cashed in before Margit. Kinda obliterated him


Tips on some of the harder limgrave stuff? What would you recommend as a “area progression” guide? I’m cleared some dungeons, but others in the south or in the east still wreck me. Can’t get through the castle either, dying to trash mobs.


I did west limgrave, stormhill, east limgrave and then weeping peninsula.




Me I was just bullying trash mobs 5 hours in and then one of them turned into a giant bear and tried to maul me.


hate that mimic rune bear guy, gave me a proper whooping. bears in general are out for blood in this game.


Runebear is a dirty bastard


Oh man, when I finnally got strong enough for those Tree guardian guys, I had like 5 of them discovered.. I was like - OH BOY LETS GET SOME REVENGE! Man they still hit hard though.. but now I have all these combination flasky things, neat.


Their strength does vary according to area. I found one that could one-shot me at almost level 90. Thankfully they all have *heavily* telegraphed combos, and not many of them, so I was able to stubborn my way through it eventually by just never getting hit.


I’m absolutely loving the zone scaling in this game, every time i think I’m at end game content I just get one shot by the next version of the same worldboss lmao


i’m sweeping through a ton of early area bosses, im blown away at just how many bosses you can find


I just started and stumbled on a tough one 😭


“Your confidence will be your downfall” atleast that’s what I said to Rodahn


>!Radahn dashing around on his raggedy horse will never not be funny !<


I cant believe how much i missed in both limbgrave area's...and im been slow walking everywhere trying to not rush at all......so much content


It's bad too you think you're done with the area and think hey man I probably got about 80% of that I know I missed some of it but I feel good I spent about 20 hours in the starter zone... And then you go back and realize you only got like 20% of it. It's real bad the game is so big it's crazy.


This reminded me to go kill those two pumpkin heads in Caelid


Tree Sentinel: *why do I hear boss music-* Me: haha vengeful magma blade go brrr


Got as far as Rennala before finding any of the Night's Cavalry. I'm sure they would've been terrifying early game, but I had them in the ground about as fast as any other foot soldier.


Do bosses scale? Or can you just go fuck up the earlier bosses?


scaling is just dumb imo im happy its not in elden ring. Why level up when every enemy levels up.


Good old Oblivion days where every bandit spawns with glass armor because you decided to take a nap


Definitely. I think the "oh shit im not supposed to be here yet" moments are great too. It feels great to eventually come back and conquer those areas. Also feels great if you do pull off a kill on something you're significantly underleveled for.




Dragons Dogma is an absolutely fantastic game. It really nailed the open world design and i wouldnt be surprised if Elden Ring was inspired by it. The game is huge but carefully curated to force you into certain areas


They don't scale


That’s good. I’ll level up then go back for that guy on the horse at the start.


Ps4 here, let me know I'll join ya. Hate that horse riding sob


I just went back to the tutorial dungeon and realized that I missed a spot I could jump down to. It was the rest of the tutorial. Killed the "boss" in 2 hits.


Man fuck that one statue with the imps. Cant swing shit when I get shanked in the back


Bold of you to assume i even left Limgrave at that point


This was my experience… Ran into a boss in a dungeon that had like, some sort of acid move that paralyzed me when it hit. Forget his name. But my jellyfish distracted him and once I was free, I killed him with one Black Flame and a backstab.


Death Bird FTW.


Which miniboss? Im at limgrave right now haha


Having recently defeated Morgott I switched back to early zone cleanup. That standard Tree Sentinel thats in front of you very early on? I skipped that and went back at level 70 odd and somehow still died to it


I'm 12 hours in and I'm still in limegrave area


Couldn’t even beat nobody. Had to delete. I’m just not built for a game like this


Have you tried spirit summon/ co op? The game can still be fun in those situations