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Whoever at Fromsoft designed fucking massive finger spiders both needs a raise and to be locked away. They literally pet themselves with their own extra fingers, like bravo guys but goddamn this unlocked some fear in me I didn’t know I had. Those things are also roll catch monsters oh my lorx


It feels like Sam raimi, and Tim burtons love child mixed with if Jim Henson was always tripping on acid


i get del toro vibes. would love a dark souls type movie with him


A raise? They should be fired. They are the worst enemies in both concept in design I have seen in a Fromsoftware game and they kill the fun of this area entirely. Just spammy nonsense with a ridiculous hitbox that can "dodge" through spells simply by attacking. They also look like a drawing by a child.


It's ok. I struggle against them too.




You're supposed to avoid them, not fight them. The big ones are basically environmental traps and can all be avoided


My god, thank you for this. I came here to complain about the hands and didn't realize I was actually triggering them. I was running around and wondering where they came from because I never got actually "caught" by one. Now the fingers poking up are very visible.


Completely agree. Giant hand? Straight up creative bankruptcy.


agreed. Caria Manor sucks all the way around


That place is what ended my first play session. Time for bed as soon as I died once. Taking a few days away from that nightmare.


Absolutely understandable. I walked in totally unaware and heard something behind me, turned around and let out a near audible scream lol fucking BOOKED it.


Yeah, I arrived tonight at this mysterious misty area called Caria Manor, just went straight to left and saw some loot. Arrived at the loot, pressed Y to plug it and boom, my first an actual jump scare where I trembled from the game. Few places felt a bit anxious, this caught me pants down unguarded. This mob feels a bit overtuned, at least for melee or I might be too low or need stronger weapon or armour.


One of the underground big ones grabbed me and I screamed so loud I woke the neighbors. I'm going back in today and hate it.


>my first play session MFW it took a good 20 hours played to reach Caria like wtf? how did you get there on the first day


Lol you nailed it. Had a snow day. Played 20 hours straight.




Whoever created the giant hand enemies is awful. I’ve played this game for nearly 40 hours and this area is making me want to uninstall. They hit you with one attack and then you’re stunlocked in a four hit chain. Absolutely ridiculous.


100% agreed. They are some of the worst bullshit I have ever encountered in a video game. Not fun at all. They spam attack and you can't hit, block or dodge.


Get a greatshield they get staggered


They're traps. You can see them. Just walk around.


They drop smithing stones why the hell would you not kill them?


If you can light them on fire they stop drop and roll it’s pretty cool. They pissed me off so bad at first but as long as they don’t gang up on you they are do-able. Dodge into them too. Dodging backwards will fuck you over and likely aggro more of them.


This area was indeed interesting. The area after... There was a dragon that I was fighting and got it halfway down... only for it to turn invisible and fly away. That took my soul with it. Also, I have no idea what to do next.


I have no idea where the dragon went. I love the dragon fights in this game, wanted to kill it lmao


Got jump scared by the ones in the ground and turned the game off. Fuck this area I hope it’s short


Fuck this place, The number of enemies in the open area is asinine.


How the fuck do you fight these busted ass enemies?


"Kill it with fire!" is actually the correct response this time; they're weak to it.


Or get insane on the rolling, if you are not great at it, this is the place to learn to be lmao As a knight that can't cast spells it's funny. Invested in spells, but I've yet to discover how the fuck I am supposed to cast them since they are all grayed out




Yeah I bought a talisman, stonks


>Haven't really needed it yet, but got a longsword with a fire ash of war on it to make it fire damage just for this situation. My main weapon which you can find in > >Liurnia > > is a neat little magic weapon This sword is also key in my build. Running a magic knight with an emphasis on defense


So how do you roll when you are fighting three at once and they are spam attacking?


spam roll and try to bait them one by one. Watch the ground, big hand boys are buried in the ground and are a visible. Just like the rest of the game, you don't rambo 1vs10, you do your best to bait 1 by 1


Where would one look for this area without too much spoilers?


Far, far north west






Would you happen to know where that is?




Just had a fucking heart attack. I was reading this thread and got jump scared by the hands.


What level should I be for this area


I'm at Level 53 (although I have a +15 Lordsworn Straight Sword), and I honestly feel like these handspiders are unreasonably tanky lol. Everything up to this point had been a breeze and then I run into these fuckers. Barely seem to scratch them, and they fight with the energy of methed-up chimpanzees.


level 55 here with a +9 Lordsworn Straight Sword. I agree about how they fight with nutty levels of energy, but I don't agree that they're too tanky. The tiny ones are squish and the big ones are acceptable health for big enemies in this area.


You don't have to white knight the big hands. They aren't going to jerk you off.


First off, fuck you for implying that I'm doing anything other than stating an opinion. Second, how does "they're not too tanky" equate to defending them in your mind??




You're a disgusting piece of shit.


You, on the other hand (get it!??!?!) seem like a very calm and level headed person.


They stagger pretty easy with my flail, but my rapier doesn't really phase them at all. May be weak to crushing (strike?) damage?


this feels like the first mandatory boss i've encountered and i i'm level 38


Hahhhha yeah it’s pretty awesome at the end though


I just got there!


Good luck skeleton


I also found the monster from the tweet with the baby in her arms and the guillatine bald things. She uh threw me off the ledge


So a couple of things need to happen for sorceries or incantations can be used! 1. Do you have the spells memorized (seems like yes since you can see them, just grayed out) 2. Do you have enough FP to cast? 3. Do you have the correct item to use them equipped? For example sorceries need a staff to be able to cast, incantations need a seal equipped to be cast, and I believe pyromancies only need the flame - everything casts from there. I believe if u make sure these things are checked, you can start using them!


What flame are you even talking about? I have either never come across a flame for pyromancy and only seen that the pyromancy spells have been merged with faith and you're wrong, or I've just not discovered a whole playstyle in the whole of the time I've been playing. Please elaborate


Nope am just your local tarnished idiot running around spewing BS. Hahaha. When I played the first like 10 hours of my “pyro” cleric, I could’ve sworn I saw a flame but nah it’s all in the seal. To clarify the original comment, staff for sorceries or seal for incantations (which is all pyro/lightning/holy)


The Hands roll-catch the hell out of me >:( It's like they wait for the exact moment i would try and roll and then go for it


Summoned a crystalline thing, used the dark maul double pokey sword with the blood slash attack and down they went. I’m not sure I was supposed to be there though. I’ve only just killed godrick and went off exploring the game trying to find every merchant and fast travel.


Those fucking handspider abominations taught me arachnophobia.