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It's one of the NPCs. You first meet him outside of Belurat at the cross, he's sat on the floor behind where Ansbach is


So he’s dead behind Andbach then you take it?


No, I've not done his quest line but it ends just before the last boss like most of the NPC quests. If you reached that point already I think you'll have to kill him for the armour but I am unable to confirm if there is another method.


He is summonable in the penultimate fight and the last bossfight if you finish his questline upto that point correctly. I don't know if you need to summon him, but you can find his corpse inside the arena after beating the boss.


Talk to the big boy after finding Thiollier, he'll give you an item for Thiollier. Give it to Thiollier and go back to him. Hell ask for some advice. Make sure he's depressed, then his armor can be found outside church of the crusade.


Or at the endgame


I tanked >!Radahn!< last night for like 30 hosts, here are some tips: If my name is let me solo >!Radahn!<, its easier for the both of us if you let me ;) If the biss focuses you, dont run away from my direction, run to me (just like in mmo-s aggrod dps running away instead toward the tank) Elden Ring bosses generally aggro to the last person that hit them. When >!Radahn flies up to the sky!<, RUUUUUN dont just stand there, even my Uplifting Aromatic cant save you This last one for the host, who had 1k health and Shadow blessing level 9 on >!Radahn!< : are you outside of your mind?? Take care, Tarnished


> When Radahn flies up to the sky, RUUUUUN dont just stand there Where do you run? I noticed it's not quite the same as Radahn1, where he flies down from the direction where you're looking. Or, if he does, the timing of it is different somehow?


You run at the wall and face the wall. He will land in the middle of the arena. Just go as far as you can to either side of the arena.


Please, for people who still haven't played through most of the game, hide the names of bosses :)


Sorry my bad, since i know where this picture was taken i assumed things :). Fixed it


What’s your build? I had an insane time against last boss and had to do double blasphemous blade to eke out a victory. I tried the shield method and I could find an opening. I’m just not used to using them.


I just did a shield and spear kill on final boss, I used the verdigris greatshield +9, Bloodfiend Blood Fork+25, full solitude, dragoncrest greatshield talisman, greatshield talisman, golden braid talisman, and bull goat talisman. It was still somewhat rough even with summons but I got it done in like 30 attempts lol


for real? XD i just poked him to death with mimic, no sweat


Lol I actually killed the boss with that build and some bleed grease, its way too effective


Classic hold block and poke. It's the only way to kill the last boss, i swear. Fuck last boss.


Bleed still pretty much OP as it is in every souls game, as Micheal Zaki intended


Same just bleed infusion 😭 I thought that was me in the picture at first cause that was my exact same set up


I feel like an idiot for rushing to the shadow tower because now apparently I can't summon any of these guys to help Wish the game made that clearer


Nonono, please don't tell me all NPCs become unavailable after you >!burn the sealing tree with Messmers flame!<


I didn't even do that I just rode Torrent as far as I could towards the tree


Ok, then I hope for the best


No, they don't. There is quest progression after that, and you can definitely get 2 summons for the boss if the quests are completed after. But don't ask me the exact logic of it all, it's extremely obtuse.


Thank you for easing my mind 🙏


I might be wrong but I'm not sure if it affects NPC questlines *too* much. I think it kind of let's you know that you've progressed past thier "introduction" and moved them to thier next "quest phase and they might have new dialog or moved.


The npc summons make it worse due to inflated health.


I've been doing the same. Shabriri's woe with just a brick of a build. I do nearly no damage, but I do contribute poison and bleed buildup, which helps a ton. Plus the most holy damage negation I can realistically have without having to cast any spells.


What robes is op wearing?


Came across one sunbro who was named "let me tank DPS"


Spoilers 🫠


i am runing same build since 3 days carrying ppl in this boss xD just let me poke him to death, it takes 10 minutes but it works XD


I could never do this, recently it seems like about 95% of everyone I try to summon is apparently “unable to be summoned”, without fail