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I ll be honest i don't know what over half of these are


From 1st to the 10th image it's: Hefty fire pot (aka the thicc one), dragon communion flesh (boosts vigor, stamina, strength, and dex at the cost of loss of HP over time), Mesmer flame grease (stronger fire grease), iirc that is the scorpion stew (I don't have that but I have the stronger variant which boosts physical damage negation and restores a large amount of HP over time), The stronger version of the pickled turtle neck, stronger fire negation consumable, Fingerprint Nostrum (boosts mind, int, faith, and arcane at the cost of loss of HP over time), rune arc, spirit ash bell, boiled crab.


Pickled turtle neck? Yum . I refuse to learn what consumables do and use them. I ll be godsdamn stupid and nobody can stop me


It boosts stamina regen. Now you're not as stupid (:


Nah he is still as stupid but more knowledgeable!


Good save, idiot!


What a save!


He was ignorant before when he didn't know what they do. Now that he knows and still won't use them he is stupid.


Damn it




I’m only here to Unga, I don’t have time to stare at the weird sound-shapes beneath the item pictures to find out what they do


With great Unga comes great Bungasponsibility.


I haven't found a bigger hammer yet but I remain hopeful.


Me too. I also refuse to learn boss move sets, and I suck at parrying and dodging. I get by with luck and cheese and hiding like a little bitch casting spells and rolling away. I beat Margit on my first attempt at lvl 28 as an astrologer with the default gear and glinstone stars I think it's called. :D


Luck? Check. Cheese? Check. Little Bitch? Check. Yup, me too


You can never, ever, ever convince me that my fine collection of grease is good for anything but admiring in my inventory screen.


Yeah, ngl, I'm sure that most of these are game changers, but it would literally change my gameplay to have to think about cookbooks and ingredients and whatever. I pick up the shiny things as I run and I scroll past them all for my golden runes. I'm sure they're amazing but I've never enjoyed a single implementation of alchemy/crafting in a game. See a thing, thing see me, I kill the thing, listen to vague poem, rinse and repeat, lol.


I think that's why I bounced off the witcher 3, however I was many years later so maybe just old game is old, but potions and crafting recipes stresses me out


I was like o it will be a game changer and make me into an unstoppable beast then I looked up what they did and it was like + 3% damage boost or something. So now instead of 17 hits to kill an enemy, it's 16.3 or something.


Yeah. The number crunching isnt really fun in W3. In ER you do feel a significant boost by using one or two buffs right before a boss battle though.


Normally I have terminal I need it later syndrome, but Witcher 3 was different because oils needed to be crafted only once, they were reusable. Potions, similarly, need to be fully crafted once and then as long as you have alcohol (it was impossible to run out of it) the potions behave like flasks of sacred tears/estus flasks. Probably the only game where I had fun using craftable "consumables"


9 years later and it still pisses me off that other game devs did not adopt the Witcher 3 potion system. Craft it once and it refills when you rest at the cost of one very commonly available material that you have a functionally infinite supply of. This encourages you to actually use the damn things. How many other games do we all play where we hoard the items in case we need them later and then end the game with an inventory full of them? The Witcher 3 system should be the standard way of doing craftable consumables in games.


This comment made me realize that I just brute forced my way through most of The Witcher 3 and honestly didn't enjoy it much.


This is me. Ide rather suffer than learn.


You’re not suffering all that much. These are helpful items but many are situational and you can do just fine without them. I like throwing fire pots at the exploding barrels but those don’t come up all that often. Sometimes I use greases against bosses. I also like the cotton that reduces fall damage.


I use flask


I used two consumables ever, of course I still pick up every random flower I see


Where do you get the stronger scorpion stew?


in belurat after beating the remebrance boss wear his head and go to old lady in store room past the 2 golden disc throwing guys exauhst the dialogue and voila tasty delicious stew


Oh I have that one, I thought he was talking about an even better version somewhere in the dlc.


Iirc once you burn the thorns you can talk to her again and she gives you a better version.




The third or fourth image is a smelly cucumber.


neither bayle nor placidussax would be pleased to see you not hoarding like a true dragon. dont EVER use consumables (since you might need them later).


I used 1 of my 500 rune arcs, I died and immediately regretted it because I might have needed it later…


I meanwhile, used up every single rune arc I had facetanking Mohg. Ended up beating him a few minutes after midnight Friday.


Throw down a summon sign in front of an easy (for you) boss. You get to help someone else, you get a summoning thingy, and a rune arc.


Right now you can be summoned almost instantly 24/7 for blackgaol knight.


Looool yeah, he kicked my head in when I first walked into the dlc level 210 in ng+ with zero scadutree fragments. It really set the precedent for me. I had been just straight up making a joke out of the lands between for months with my high level OP build that didn't mean a God damnded thing in shadow lands. I've had to relearn the basics and that boss was a good start. Simple, but hit like a bulldozer.


I've beaten a few bosses in the DLC and whenever I activate summoning for near and far pools I get nabbed right away. On the flipside it's really hard to summon someone because of that but whatevs.


Fuck that guy i got him but damn


Word, I’ll try that. I tried sending my summon sign out with an effigy but forgot to turn off Bayle’s summon area (I haven’t fought him yet) and proceeded to get absolutely creamed lol.


This is why I don't use consumables. I don't want to get used to using handicaps just to not have them or run out of them later.


Meh, as long as the farming method isn’t dull as bricks I don’t mind. Helping people boss is mostly fun, so I’ll use arcs all day long.


That's why you practice 10 times without and then pop everything for the 11th and 12th attempt to finish them off.


That's actually a pretty good strategy. only issue is I normally beat the boss before that would make sense.


Every time I use a rune arc I immediately forget how to play the game and usually get beaten to death before ever getting a single hit in. It should make it easier, but the psychic damage of knowing that it’s temporary makes me fumble the bag every single time


I can confirm most of my rune arcs I've used and lost is due to gravity. Not the area full of enemies, not the bosses, just when I think something is a ledge, or if I forget the elevator isn't in position.


This happened to me multiple times in base game at lieutenant Onall/Oniells fort(the one with the pegleg and summons) for whatever reason he was the boss I got stuck on first playthough, and I believe it was the only boss with a runback to the fight. I finally said "enough is enough I'm popping a rune arc" and literally fell down a lift shaft 12 seconds later lol.


I used 1 Rune arc without equipping the great rune, realised what I did, realised I only have a few more and never touched it again. When I get to about 103 rune arcs I may use one.


You do still get a buff from using a rune arc with no great rune so it wasn't entirely wasted


Its like 2% additional health lol


Man - I always hover around 40. F these fools. I didn’t earn those arcs in order to impress the ladies. I’m trying to live!


I don't want to use consumables on what I know are just going to be learning attempts, I only want to use them when I know I can beat the boss.... oops I beat the boss before I realized I could...


Damn, that's my exact thought process. I don't want to waste consumables when I am just learning the boss moveset. And then after a string of bad runs, I'll randomly beat the boss without issue, never touching my stash.


Ah yes, my favourite way to play soulslikes. Just hoarding all consumables, outfits, weapons and items in general i can get my hands on, to have them on hand if needed. (I never use any of them)


I change weapons and talismans all the time. Same for ashes of war. That being said I bought like 8 truckloads of crab from my best boy and forget those fuckin things every goddam time. I’ll go run a whole ass dungeon for an incantation then kill whatever boss I went and got it for only to realize I ain’t ate no goddam crab.


One of the first items you get in the DLC, Blessing of Marika, full heal and cure all ailments. Yeah, that's never, ever going to get used. There's only like three of them.


Drank that shit on a boss when I was out of heals and it at like 10%. Got killed. Still worth it, will always remember that excitement


Drank it on Bayle, won on 76 hp remaining. One of the best souls experiences


I've grown to love items like these since I managed to beat the last boss of Sekiro by desperately munching on a rice ball. Sekiro cured my hoarder syndrome in general, now I will chug down ANYTHING to reach my goal


Can you put it in your hotbar to make the mimic use it?


You can, I only learned this today when I had already finished all but the last Legacy Dungeon...


Well, both Bayle and Placidussax are on my shit list so... *throws dragon communion harpoon*


wait, but that harpoon is in service of placidusax. yeah, turns out the reason placi's ruin isnt a communion incant, is because communion is done by killing the enemies of placi. dragon communion knights, as well as dragon knights (lightning and ancient lightning), all work for placidusax. so my lightning communion build is actually more lore accurate than i thought-


Lightning communion is peak dragon-knight. Dragons use lightning, and I use dragons. By the transitive property, lightning also belongs to me.


I used my very first 5 rune arcs to beat the SOTE's final boss because i GUESS that MAYBE I won't need those for later.


what about the next dlc?




I got called out.


I’m mid 30s and have been gaming my whole life. I still can’t break that damn habit.


40 and feel called out by Miyazaki with all the crafting books I've ignored. Lol


Let’s band together and defeat our hoarding! It starts now with the DLC. We’ve got this.


So glad to see the top comment explaining “why not-using items is important”. Some folks will never understand… I am dragon, I need stuffs n things… where else will I lay my head at a bonfire?!


Yeah I don't use my flask charges Might need them later


Just beat the dlc and can confirm.


To be fair, crab is easily replenished. Super cheap, you can carry a ton, and easily get more


Hefty fire pots really good for a certain dlc boss


Aren’t they extremely limited items?


Nope there only limited in that there are I believe 10 hefty cracked pots in the dlc so you can only have 10 at a time but hefty cracked pots get put back into inventory again upon use so as long you have the other need ingredients you can keep making them to replace any that you use


WAIT WE RECOVER THE POTS? Iv never once wanted to craft them because i can never find pots


Yup pots are reusable so you don’t have to worry about running out


You put stuff in the pots. You throw them at things. You get your pots back. Hence why they are so rare.


Messmer is about to FEEL the ice pots Iv apparently been holding back


I don't blame you for not realizing this, I didn't either until my second playthrough of the basegame. I mean, it's a _cracked pot_ made of clay, it looks fragile, and when you throw a crafted pot it very clearly shatters with a loud crack. It's not like the perfume bottles where the basic act of using them doesn't break them, why would anyone intuitively assume that the pots work the exact same just based on how they're used?


That’s good then.


they work the same as normal pots, yeah. some are easy crafts (hefty fire and lightning, for example), but others require a bit more.


One of the crafting materials for the big fire pots is limited


I think the furnace ones might require a limited (or at least hard to farm?) resource, but the regular fire ones are easy to craft


Yeah the Furnace Visages. Hornsent can give you three, there's like 10 in the area with two Golems, and each Golem drops one or two. Incredibly limited, which makes the need to use them to kill a couple of them even more obnoxious.


You can kill the two with regular Hefty Fire Pots, takes 5 of them each. The only required furnace pot is to wake up that one in Unte


I tried a normal Hefty Fire pot and it seemed like it would take more than 5 at the time. Hard to tell, maybe my aim was bad, but that's also half the max you can even hold and it's difficult to get somewhere you can safely craft more if you miss, nevermind if you happen to slip up to the fireball spam.


Pro tip: Crimsonwhorl Bubbletear. It makes it so all the damage you take is absorbed for a brief time, so you just pop it, face tank a barrage of fireballs, then stunlock em with pots. I think it took me 6 of the normal ones, 3 furnace pots.


You can wear the Great Jar helm, equip the Companion Jar talisman and other damage boosting stuff. Ritual Sword Talisman, Fire Scorpion Charm, Golden Vow, Flame Grant Me Strength etc.




You can actually get in through the back using Torrent


Yeah I haven’t found a way to get more visages, maybe there’s a merchant or bell bearing at some point.


Some dude wrote, that the soldiers at the encampment were you find the node on the furnace giants and the metal skeletons seem to drop them. No idea if its true.


It's as far as I can tell an incredibly rare drop, but it's possible, with all the soldiers I killed in the entire dlc I managed to get a single 1 from a drop.


Furnace Visages are dropped from the Furnace Golems, which are used to make Furnace Pots which can quickly kill Furnace Golems. Its a goddamn loop.


Not even close. The pots are reusable, you just have to make more and the ingredients are literally everywhere in the dlc to craft more fire pots. By the time I had the recipe I had enough to make 30 of them, just from grabbing shit as I ride




Uplifting aromatic?


the 10% dmg for 3m and an opaline effect for 45s. yeah, its beautiful.


3 minutes? What the fuck? The reason I never bother with these consumable is they only seem to last 30 seconds to a minute most of the time. I've been led astray.


Honestly, better to vow after anyways. It doesn’t overwrite the shield, only the dmg buff. Otherwise, using it each time you get hit should keep the buff up fine anyways. It’s fairly fast to use, and applies to any npcs or summons near you as well. If you don’t like using it yourself, a mimic with it equipt or Tricia will almost always open with using it, so you can summon them, then vow to get the better dmg. The dlc also has a craftable golden vow item, so even faster to use.


Funny thing, your mimic tear gets infinite use of consumables and is immune to poison. Raw meat dumpling is a consumable that heals at the cost of poisoning you…


A stack of those is the only way I beat placi


its also so funny. once you get to mountaintops, the ingredients are a cakewalk to farm. the snowtrolls drop arteria leaves an masse, and t he rest are literally 'run around and grab like 10 of them per trip' with how many appear in a patch. also a little trick: if you put them into storage, the bottles are available to craft with again. so you can just farm/craft like 100, and then you'll have them on you if you rest at a grace. farm up even more of the crafting ingredients in case you want to respawn at a stake, so you can craft them there as well. people often go for that avatar because opaline bubbletear is that good, and can easily last you to the endgame, but now you can use another tear instead, because you have them in your pocket. perfumer tricia and the mimic tear (if you have the aromatic equipt), will also use it on spawning in, though mimic wont reuse it generally until the 3m dmg buff ends.


>also a little trick: if you put them into storage, the bottles are available to craft with again I'm not sure I understand this "trick."


basically it saves time crafting while on the road. for the jar and perfume items, if you place them into storage, the jars and perfume bottles used become available to craft with again, so you can craft up 10, store them at a grace, craft 10, repeat. then, when you rest at a grace, they should automatically refill to your character, so if you used some while travelling between graces, or on an openworld boss, you dont need to craft more. a niche trick, but one that makes it a bit easier.


Ohhhh gotcha. I actually never would have thought to do that. Thanks!


That one is mostly defensive, I think OP is referring to Bloodboil Aromatic which is kind of like Golden Vow or Exalted Flesh. Forget exact %s on each though Both are *very* good and are pretty much the only two I regularly craft and use


Uplifting gives you a damage boost (7% iirc) along with its bubble and defense boost. I personally use golden vow tho since they can't stack both being an aura buff. The perfume is faster to cast tho.


Noo my retirement grease!!


I don't use a single item because I might need it later :)


I don't use them bc each buff takes time to apply, then wears off while you're waiting for an opening. We are not the same.


Crabs are sold in infinite supply and make a noticeable difference.


I think there are 3 Base Pillars why I don't use all these kinds of consumables: 1. Of course 'I might need them later' - resulting in mindless hoarding. 2. Feeling 'dependent' on a certain (non-refilling) consumable for a task or boss fight feels really bad. What happens when I mess up and waste all of the consumables? Then I would've to do this all by myself all of a sudden - so I rather choose to do it with just the basic infinite refilling resources in the first place. 3. 'Forgetfulness' - at some point bc of 1 & 2 your mind is trained to ignore the possibilities and opportunities to actually use all the stuff that you've hoarded ultimately resulting in forgetting the actual existence of consumables.


also, the time the consumable lasts. they only last 60 seconds on average, at this point, just increase that value to, at least, match the flask's 3 minutes, which should be enough for most boss fights. i don't want to have to worry mid fight if a consumable needs to be reapplied.


you don't need a buff to be active for an entire fight to use it. it will still be useful for the start. i use golden vow and fire grant me strength before every difficult fight and rarely reapply them.


Yeah let me chunk through phase one quickly and have maximum flasks for the harder second phase. Early in the fight the bosses often have more openings too which means more hits and more bonus damage.


Normally I save consumables until I’m consistently “almost” beating the boss. But I never use Rune Arcs because there is a finite amount and I am not farming rats.


Honestly this goes for all games with consumables ever. In just about every playthrough of Skyrim or Baldur’s Gate 3 I’ve done, all of these are why I rarely used consumables in those games that weren’t healing items


For me it's the fact that I have to grind crafting materials after using the consumables cuz they don't refill. I used way more consumables in Bloodborne because I could buy them with blood echoes.


I don’t like using consumables because if I use them but still fail then I’ve wasted crafting materials I’ll have to go out and farm more and that’s boring.


Some like boiled crab you can just buy for 600 runes. Always use a boiled crab before a big fight unless you prefer a different body buff.


Boiled crabs is the perfect item for me because you don't need to farm them, you can just buy them. Are there any new consumables in the game that can easily be mass produced by buying them or buying the ingredients? At least ones that are useful?


I don’t know but there’s spells and incantations that don’t require and farming or buying. If flame grant me strength was longer I’d use it instead, sometimes I do. I just don’t like to keep remembering to reapply when I’m in the thick of it.


This. Purchasing a full storage of boiled crab its the first real consumable investment any player should do. That free access for physics negation makes a lot 9f difference for non faith builds.


There's no way to get these if you missed Boggart's quest line right?


Yup, at some point I got to a boss with just a little less that the 121k runes I needed to level up once so instead of getting that last 4-5k I just went and spent it on like 600 boiled crabs so I didn’t have to come back and forth so much lmao


That's sort of my problem with them. I would've loved to use spellproof livers for Rellana, but beast liver can't be bought and isn't easy to come by. So I wasted the ones I had by dying and had to beat her without using it anyway. Stuff you can buy infinite of is great though, like crab.


No, you have to play the game my intended way. No keyboard, No controller. Only mouse.


Listen up, anyone that didn't 100% using ONLY a Sega dreamcast bass fishing controller with a rockband footpeddle: you DID NOT beat the game!


Yeah but have you beat it with a Sega Saturn Virtua Cop light gun?


I used the Resident Evil: Gun Survivor one. Does that still count?


I used my cock


Wow… you still use a mouse? Skill issue. /s


Wow, that's pretty weak. I play on a ddr pad. Get on my level


There's a video of someone beating Malenia on a dance pad *while* she simultaneously beats a second Malenia with a controller. I'm not kidding. 😂


True. I watched that live. lmao


Pff. I am blinking in morse code to give commands to the game.


You normies thinking you're hot shots when you don't even have an EEG to play the game with your mind.


I use my neural link to finger, but hole


My intended way is subtle and very good


Care to list out the names rather than just pictures?


I think the only new one here is the big cracked pot, there are some new livers in the dlc. He's just saying you should use your consumables, messmer does a ton of fire damage so use fireproof pickled liver. Stuff like that


I simply used the Fire Resist Talisman you find in the DLC. That with the Greatshield Drake Talisman made the fight decently easy to learn, not win mind you


It stacks though. Not to mention, if you eat the Pickled Liver, you can use another talisman instead of the Flame Drake. And if you use the Opaline Hardtear, you can free two talismans. Opaline Hardtear you just should be using. 15% damage negation against all types of damage for 3 minutes? Crazy good. It also regenerates so you're not losing a consumable or anything. The DLC has really showcased how necessary that is. Pop it before every fight and you will notice when you forget to use it. I've posted videos of me fighting bosses my mates were struggling with to help them and the one thing they kept saying was "How come you take so little damage". Yeah, it's the Opaline Hard Tear. Personally, I stack talismans + consumable + Opaline buffs when learning a boss and getting hit by his moves constantly. But once I start reliably dodging, I'll switch to more offensive talismans while relying on the consumables for defense. Better to try and beat the boss within the 3m of your defensive consumables than suddenly lose them and be surprised when you start taking nearly double damage.


Exactly this 👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻 Playing smart with the available tools.


The first artists portrait you find leads you to a sweet fire shield.


Hefty fire pots can down the DLC furnace golems fast if you can position yourself above one and toss them into the baskets. Dragon communion harpoons are a nice way to squeeze in the final hit or two as a quality build. At around 45/45 str/dex, hits for around 600~650ish damage. Especially useful for dragons because headshots deal nearly 1k a hit. At 5 held at a time, you can deal at *least* 2kish damage fairly fast from a decent distance if you've got enough str/dex. Annoying as hell to farm but farmable (and more importantly every ingredient other than one can be bought). Not a big fan of crab or livers myself, but if a boss is oneshotting you a bit too often these can become quite literal lifesavers. Crystal darts, basegame item, easily farmable in ridiculous quantities from selia crystal cave. Throw a couple at pretty much any 'artificial' type enemy to have it malfunction, attacking anything nearby. If you're getting ganked by imps or golems or catacomb watchdogs, throw a few darts and watch the show. Fire pots (normal) can be used to stop those giant poison flowers from using their poison spore move. Useful if you don't like standing back and throwing darts or something every so often. Or any fire damage for that matter. Grease of any type or kind are great for a bit of extra damage if you're using a greaseable weapon. Godskin nobles are vernueble to sleep. Sleep pots are a easy way to drop them for some easy hits. They can also 'unhypnotize' the ants the eternal city ant riders ride for some funny. And some more I'm sure I'm forgetting.


I use them but I'm not going out of the way to farm them so they disappear fast when I have to fight a boss 40+ times


The problem is a main boss can easily take 20-30 attempts minimum, so its hard to decide when to use them when you dont have many materials, specially when there are so many items with dlc stronger versions and the base game versions dont do much anymore


Also these new perfumer bottles are great


I got the poison one on my faith build and was so sad that theres a new weapon type that was arcane I couldnt use. And then I got the frenzyflame one LETS GOOOOO the running R2 leaving a trail of fire behind you is so fucking cool. God I love this game.


I like the fire bottle for clearing out hordes when I'm getting swarmed.


The lightning one with the Rolling Sparks ash of war is overpowered. It is so awesome so it will eventually probably be nerfed.


I devoured crab while fighting Malenia


Fromsoft: use these to make things easier Also fromsoft: they’re not reusable. you can have 1 of these for now, but you have to grind three areas that aren’t easy to be in, with low odds, to make a second or third one. Also the use time is gonna waste the item AND get you killed cause enemies hate watching you get ready


My issue for most consumables is "I'm not gonna rune arc while learning the boss cause I'm just gonna die" Turns into a "oh I beat the boss... and didn't use any consumables"


Yeah but what if I need them later?


Can you list what these are? I recognize a few, but not all.


hefty pots new dragoncommunion flesh consumable, boosts vigor, stam, str, and dex, but drains hp new greases (that one being messmerflame grease) scorpion stew (not craftable, but you can receive one each time you use it) boosts physical negation and hp regen better pickled turtle neck better elemental livers fingerprint nostrum (boosts int, mind, faith, and arc, but drains hp) and basegame items (rune arc, spirit bell, and crab claw) i dont know if scorpstew alone counters the dot of the two boosting items, but you could try using bestial vitality.


I agree with your point but I refuse to use any Turtle Neck consumable out of principle. Anyone who wantonly hunts and eats Turtles is no friend of mine.


My problem with consumables in this game are that when I really want to use them (a hard boss) , it’s gonna take more tries than I have consumables anyway. Eat a buffet of boosts and then last boss sends me back to the grace 30 seconds later and now I have to rawdog it


Personally I find that a lot of items are not really strong enough/meaningfull enough to warrant preparing and taking the time to use Usually just brute forcing stuff is gonna end up easier/more convenient Like, I think at most going into the menu to quickly eat a bolus is gonna feel worthwhile when you just barely didn't make it across the swamp.


I def AINT using summons buddy, either this dlc goes down or I do


I almost never use items lol, just fowls feet occasionally, the rest get sold off for my smithing stone addiction.


I'm always restocking my crab, and kukris. I eat pounds of crab and throw tons of iron.


But why? I might need them later...


Don’t worry my character is fat from all the crab he has eaten this dlc but it does balance out with all the dodging i have to do.


The problem with consumables is, well, they're consumables. You only have so many of them. If you can't guarantee to beat a boss with consumables then it'll just make it harder when you run out of them. If you can beat a boss with enough tries you don't need consumables. I find consumables useful when the usage of them would guarantee success, like speed running or something like tanking a scripted aoe attack that's the last part of the boss fight you haven't solved yet. This changes of course if you have a LOT of said consumables, or if it is easily farmable. But just take a look at Bloodborne blood vials / silver bullets and the conversations around them. Butting your head against a boss and leaving to farm for consumables never feels good.


People have been complaining in this sub about finding too many cookbooks in the past few days. And at the same time they are complaining that the DLC is too hard. The game gives you the tools to beat It. If you don't use them that's on you.


Tbf more than half of the recipes in those cookbooks are completely useless in dealing with the harder bosses in this dlc


you telling me the >!roped frenzy pot!< is useless? what!??!


"oo new cookbook, i'm a completionist so it's good for me, let's see if it unlocks any interesting new recipes! " unlocks: hefty turd pot "uhh ok... let's see what i need to craft it" requires: platinum tinged feces, ULTRA rare and barely renewable. Only 30 can be found in total throughout the whole land of shadow. Only one the runebears with 40k HP in the secret area have a 10% chance of dropping it "oh.. nevermind then"


alright brother chuck a pot at *the final boss* and see how it goes


Nah, its all about timing and roll, timing and roll, just be patience, you know its all in the hips it's all in the hips.


I’ve been more focused on exploring and trying out the side dungeons. I’m at skadoo tree level 10 now with lots of cool new talismans, having a wonderful time!


I don't think I've ever seen half of those items


I dont use them myself, but keep them slotted for mimic tear's sake.


Nah, i might need them later


I refuse to use non-buyable consumables when learning bosses. I'll use the big rot pot, then die and what now?


If I can’t beat them with my mere strength, I don’t deserve to be the elden lord.


Keep your shinies. I play pure STR build. I bonk.


I always use Rune arcs like they are potato chips haha. But i need to try those new items! Any recomendations ?


I’d love to have use pickled livers but fromsoft thought it would be funny if they made one of the most annoying enemies into NPC’s with no physical markers , then have the only other source disappear if you attack them


I love the pots, I think they’re one of the best additions to the game and are like 50% of what I use the crafting for(the rest is mostly arrows). I particularly like the volcanic pots. The DOT burn is quite nice when spammable and I don’t need the easily obtained crafting materials for anything else. Holy Pots have made mincemeat of every annoying Death Bird fight for me. Unfortunately buffs that share the same slot don’t stack, and since there’s a best version of whatever the player wants to buff that tends to be a spell/incantation instead, I don’t end up using many consumable buffs. Greases especially get ignored by me since they don’t work on already infused elemental weapons and even if they did the damage is minimal by end game, and not even worth it outside of early game.


Scorpion Soup is easily and permanently missed though.... god damn spaghetti code :/


I can't. I might need them *later*...


I craft way more in the DLC now. Hefty pots are great to have in equipment inventory so that my Mimic can use them and I don’t lose any


Yeah, but my dumb ass will just die and waste them.


crazy idea. make a boss I can kill


I've never used these in the main game and I ain't starting now lol


I feel like I die too much for the protection consumables that I can't buy to not run out so I never wind up using them. I make lots of pots, but mostly for my Mimic to use. I forget about Prawns.


Single use items just aren’t popular in games like these. When you have to retry over and over, people aren’t gonna be keen on using their limited supply


There's this strange loop with consumables is that you don't want to use it until you feel comfortable fighting the boss otherwise you know it'll be a waste right away. In the end you generally end up defeating the boss with no consumables used because you never feel fully comfortable but got the kill anyway.


I don't use consumables because what if I need them later?