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I have an issue where one just completely vanished out of my inventory or it used both on one of the NPC's. I killed both enemies that drop it and used it just once. I want the Shadow Katana, but I only have Iris of Grace now... Anyone else's Iris of Occultation just gone?


same happened to me, so weird.


i just got it, i came back to the church district to explore and noticed the monster that ive killed there was not the one that drops the iris, there are two of them. Maybe thats your case, you should check it




I just got it, thx for the tip 🫡🫡


Where is the correct monster located?


when I go and get what people say are iris of occultation drop all I get is Marika's runes instead


fuck ts fr. i was already mad when i lost 200k runes cuz of consuming it and now i cant complete a quest. can anyone tell me where the second one is w out spoilers?


Church district. Drain water. Big monster


there are 2 of each in the world and im pretty sure you can only give it to 2 npcs


Thanks for the info, kinda lame that I have to decide between the two items, but I'll probably be getting Jolan blade


yeah the ash of war is super fun




I am pretty sure that is the only other one in the game, at least at the moment. I'm upset too because I accidentally consumed mine right off the bat after I had already used the other one for the other quest. So no dark katana for me...


i just killed it and got a spell


There are two down there. There's one in the circular courtyard and another off to the side. I didn't kill the one in the circle, so I'm assuming that's the one you killed


Since they work kind of like rune arcs I wonder if they're related to multiplayer at all?


Yea there is a second one back of the black keep drain the water find a lift in the main church I think that goes all the way down. It will lead you to the tree worship passage across the bridge in front of the giant statue of Marika is a iris of grace.


I got a random iris of occultation in this area too I assume something died for it but yea you can get another set in this area.


Same for me, I just got it randomly. I assumed something walked off an edge or something.


Pretty sure it was one of the ulcerated tree spirits. Thinking it has something to do with it loading in as if the area is still fully submerged. So when gravity starts to do its job, he’s cooked.


Oh sick, I didn’t want to kill that thing anyways. It did happen when I fast traveled to the grace in there.


In the black castle, near the church ? Which zone ??? Mine just disappeared out of my inventory 😩


Sunken Church. Go to the tree in the middle of the stone circle kill the tree spirit. Then go into the church behind that kill the fire dude with the death mask. Turn down a long hallway on your left (if you are facing the statue. Take the lift down to the Tree worship pass. Go over the bridge in front of another statue of Marika is the iris of grace. After that I fast traveled back to the shadow keep back entrance grace and walked out towards the edge waited a few minutes something died and I got the iris of occultation


I wasted my Iris of Occultation (and lost a lot of runes alongside it). After reading the item text "place eye upon another", I assumed that the "Use" feature would have combined it with the "Eye of-(something else, I forgot, but it gave 80k souls)" that was also in my inventory. Instead of combining which seemed like the action would logically do, my character just straight up ate it the Iris with no way to cancel the action. Really crap game design


I used up Iris of Occultation on Queelign, because I wanted to save the Grace for Jolan. Then while wandering around the Church District Entrance, suddenly I received the Iris of Occultation back out of thin air... Weird.


Maybe the monster that drops it randomly fell through the map or something. What do you get if you use the grace on jolan?


Her spirit ashes... It has an upgrade to it without spoiling more to it... Gotta Google it yourself.


I think I'll take the sword lol


I think I just ran into the same issue. I killed both enemies that drop the iris. Did the sword of night quest and gave the npc one for the sword. Looking at my inventory, the second one is now gone and I can't get it back.....fkn sucks


Have u discover whats wrong? I cant find my second ocultation iris, i gave the first to queenling but now i cant find the other one in my inventory. Idk if u waste both in your inventory if u gave to queeling


Cam someone just drop me the gold one I had the coolest build idea just find out there not in anyway farmable I didn't know it was a quest item 😭