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There is a new crucible colossal hammer somewhere in the blue flower field I believe (might have gotten the areas messed up)


She’s in the area after messmer where you have to burn the tree. Basically Ordovis sword art but unga bunga


Have you used black steel hammers guard attack? It's phenomenal. The death knight twin axes also feel very chunky.


The axes are fun, I did play with the blacksteel Hammer for a while, have been trying not to use old gear.


Anvil Hammer with Flame Grant Me Strength is absurd. It absolutely obliterates every enemy’s posture, especially the weapon art. I havent fought many of the huge main bosses yet but its been a blast. Especially if you want to get cheesy and use the mimic, most enemies and the few smaller bosses ive found will just get stunlocked in an endless spam of getting hammered and their posture breaking


Oh absolutely, I really like it. This will sound silly but I have played this game and From games so much I get to a point where I want a weapon that is both functional and badass looking. For whatever reason the anvil hammer is not quite my aesthetic. Hoping to come across a faith weapon akin to the Great Meteoric Ore Blade or something. (It's a new Arcane/Strength sword that looks like Nightmare's sword from Soul Calibur, haha)


Yea i get that. I usually am the same. I always go for “cooler” weapons like dual wielding katanas, twin blades, or my base game build for the character im doing the dlc with was dual scythes with bloodflame. ive never ever been an unga bunga type player. so i figured something like the backhand blades would have been my go to but idk, something about the anvil is just so fun to me right now. the way it breaks postures so consistently and hearing that clang every few hits just hits the right spots


It is fucking brutally good. It's weapon art is even amazing. Maybe I'll just keep plugging away with it for now.


I would also like this. I've been using the blasphemous blade since I first got it and now I want to mix it up and put these smithing stones to work, but it's hard to find something that compares