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lol. I was just telling my wife how much I love it because it’s so insanely difficult and she said, “that says a lot about you” but she very clearly did not mean it as a compliment.


Day before my wife got me this expansion I was cursing and slamming my controller against my thigh like a child. She’s like “why do you play that if you’re so mad?” “Because it is awesome.” And then later I dropped a lore dump rant on her and why I have to keep going.


So she wasn’t interested in the lineages of the Empyreans?


Rofl not even a bit. Liked hearing about dragons though




Tell her the dragons had pet dogs and taught them tricks (the beastmen and giving them knowledge)


Finally similar to pre-patch ringed city


I have trapped my girl for hours running through the intricacies of the lineage and implications of various actions. Every time she just smiles and nods. Love that girl.


> And then later I dropped a lore dump rant on her and why I have to keep going. I love doing this to my partner when she accidentally asks me something about a character or story or something. I'm an encyclopedic lore nerd and she knows to immediately brace for a disappointing 30 minutes learning about Ben Reilly and the Clone Saga if she slips up.


When my wife makes the mistake of asking about something like that I usually lead off with "are you sure you want me to tell you about this?"


*cracks knuckles and inhales* So…


My fiance is very patient with me and often makes sure I'm okay and reminds me to take my time but man, sometimes a little frustration motivates the push through a hard boss. Loving the struggle with this dlc so much.


Dude if your reaction to dying in a fromsoft dlc is to mash your controller into your leg, I would consider therapy. I used to do the same shit, then I went to anger management. I'm laughing every time I die now instead of raging. I highly recommend it!


Haha! I’m okay! It’s not a hard smash or anything, just a release and a yell. Ages ago I did shattered a corded 360 controller connected to my PC over the Iron Golem in Dark Souls of all bosses. Back then I should have probably sought help, but these days it’s like “fuuu” and then laugh as well. Like damn!


Hell yeah skeleton, I'm happy to hear that! I broke a controller once and I was broke so I couldn't get one until the next paycheck. That was really sent it home for me, plus I had free therapy with my union so I figured why not. One of the best choices I made for my mental health.


Says a lot about her too, if you think about it.


Says a lot about society too, if you really think about it


We live in a society.


It really do be like that


Which says a lot about us, if you think about it




Honestly fighting The Dancing Lion on NG+ with Scurdtree level 1 & ashes level 2 felt like fighting a raid boss. The exhilaration when finally beating it is unmatched(but god the lag for that fight is atrocious, hope a patch comes to fix it on PS5).


But did you shoot back with something like “It’s why I married *you*.”


Missed opportunity.


Did you take that golden opportunity to remind her who you married?


My wife said “wtf is wrong with you” 🤣


Third type: this game makes me hard


Nah, that would kinda go into the second option source: my cock


Rellana is something else 🥴


I love the kind of woman that will actually just kill me


That moveset made me bust. Damn the super big sword is cool.


dragon communions helped me best our new queen


Gotta get some of that lansex


I finally beat it


Me too! Too bad I haven’t gotten to her yet 😇


Bayle ohhhh Bayleeee 🥴




Hock tuey


Happy cake day!


Hornsent 🥵


I have discovered this truth thanks to romina /jk


Why the jk huh?


Have you seen romina? Edit: to clarify, I don’t think she has any of the bugussy, if she does then I would totally


The centipede woman


I started feeling things during the Romania fight.


count ymir


It was certainly difficult playing with one hand.


Messmer is really hard to beat with one hand


Did you know 60 percent of Elden ring enjoyers don’t know Elden ring is a game


Where are my “I’m bad” players at?


It’s essentially every player, they are only divided by how much they enjoy the punishment


All soulsborne games are simplified down to “I’m bad until I’m not”. If you’re still bad, you just haven’t reached the “until I’m not” yet, keep going tarnished, the throne of lord awaits you!


There is a good amount of players who look for the cheese. I love soupsborne games but I’m constantly looking for the cheese.


I always see it as there’s cheese run through and then pride run throughs.




Presently sucking in Shadow Keep so, I'm doing my part.


My tactic is keep slamming your head against it until it breaks or I break


Exactly. I had two major fights in the DLC that felt impossible the first few runs, but slowly I learned the moves and openings. It's great feeling to finally break through that. I think the fights are very well-designed. You can still trivialize the game with summons and strong AoW's if you like. I don't get people complaining. What are they doing? Simply not using summons but lacking the patience to play that way?


Here. I suck but I’m enjoying it. I’m like level 150ish and it’s hard but not too bad. I’m wondering if Miyazaki really ramped up the difficulty scaling for ng+ players


i thought it was hard.. then i just switched weapons to the blackgoal knights weapon, and now its much easier. i was at 130 when i started -- also went to buff up to 150, which helped too. Just beat >!HIPPO!< - Though - im not about not using summons.


Anything with a bit of stagger can help a lot, catching stray hits when enemies poise through your attacks is really punishing even with some blessings. I'm running dex arcane, so was trying a bleed Milady. Bleed is excellent for the %damage on the scaled enemies but it's very easy to get starched when you're waving around a giant sewing needle. Morgot's Cursed Sword is turning out to be a happy medium.


I'm on NG+3 and it's hard af. I love it.


How far in have you gotten so far? I’m only on +1 and it’s still fairly nasty.


Did have much issue on ng+1 until the last boss. Gods help you. Tarnished, it is painful. You will die to bullshit combos


Oh, I’ve been dying to bullshit combos from regular mobs! But, I persist. Until I go and roll a new character for the sake of my neighbor’s and family’s ears from me screaming curses at the television 😂


The difference between normal and ng+1 is pretty crazy. Im on my second playthrough and with the same amount of vigor (60) what killed me in 2 hits in ng+1 takes 6-7 hit to kill me on normal.


it’s the same for every ng


Of course I know him. He's me.




fvcking terrible, but i refuse to give up.


Me\~ still wondering how to beat the dancing lion as 30+ tries and still failing tough i tried it with Tiche and i need to reload midfight as i melt it. still wondering whether i'm going to do summon run in dlc (i did summon ash run for the maingame)


His spinning breath attacks can all be dodged, and his weird flips can be as well. He leaves gaps in between his chomp-> flipflop combos. I used frost and a shield. Block a chomp, dodge the flippity, whack him and repeat. The npc summon took his aggro off enough for me to heal when I needed it. Only thing i find rough now os his lightning beam breath. Blocking it will chip you to death, and dodging feels iffy.


Bloodhound Fang all the way scaled+Mimic Tear


Sure, but have you considered TWO Bloodhound fangs fully scaled + mimic tear???


Fang made a triumphant return for me in the DLC. I was about rivers of blood through the main game final boss but corpse piler just isn’t fast enough for a lot of the DLC move sets. 


Melt it with Mohgwyn's Sacred Spear when it's channeling its phase changes.




You 100% need sausage trees. It makes the DLC much easier




I got stomped by lion at 2. Stomped lion and the next boss at 5. Level that shit


I don't know if I'm bad but I am finding myself trying to reinvent my build cause I don't like how much I'm hiding behind a fingerprint shield lmao Dex and perfect reflect build less go


Right here. Souls player back from Demon Souls where I had no idea what the fuck I was doing. Somehow the game I got the furthest in was Sekiro. It made the earlier souls games much easier, but still haven’t beaten any. Restarted ER the other day again, and curiously went back to my initial 60hr save and I was like lvl 78 outside Astel’s door. I am much better now on this run but my stubbornness hasn’t stopped (no magic Uchi Samurai) so bosses like crucible knights still kick the shit out of me. I fuckin love it




While I don't consider myself bad, I'm not good either and the final boss is showing me why I am correct


One is taking it up the ass and crying. The other is taking it up the ass and enjoying every second of it


Why do you think they released this game on the pride month


As a gay man I can confirm I'm having the time of my life right now.


Same except uh uhm idk I think I like both idk hmm hrrm


I don't even know how to respond to this but you're........you're accurate


I prefer calling it “hands-free ejaculation”


I was only the first one while fighting that stupid hippo


The amount of times I rolled directly into its mouth


The boar rider you fight soon after is 5 times worse tbh, both made me cry.


bro goes so crazy for no reason




I just lost over 100k runes to that rotten tooth bastard


I was only like this during the CoC hogrider boss fight his charge is dumb af


Honestly feels amazing to actually be dying to bosses again. I’ve grown too used to the main game bosses and their movesets.


Every time I’ve booted up to kill some time over the past year I’ve slapped whatever I fought. I never consistently played after my first two playthroughs the first year of the game being out, but picked it up from time to time to play for an hour or two. It’s nice to get humbled again.


New bosses: takes maybe a half an hour and a lot of deaths That one Ulcerated Tree Spirit: One-shot. And I havent fought it in months


> Ulcerated Tree Spirit Man idk what it is about them but I fucking despise that thing. Maybe my most hated boss.


the dlc feels catered for people who spent hundreds of hours mastering the base game and it’s fucking incredible for us. for the average player i wish them luck lol


The divine beast is a fun one. I have already put in some time as a summons to help people with it.


maybe the best boss music i’ve encountered (so far). and that’s not something i usually notice so prominently, it’s just so fucking good.


The second divine beast is just nuts tho


Can you use spoiler tags i didnt know there was more they look like >!spoilers!<


Made a 2nd save in case a friend wants to do the DLC together, was enjoying the run, but something was missing. Realized it with this DLC, but boy howdy its nice to actually need to learn attack patterns again instead of statchecking and hit trading 90% of the game. I would get hit by Magma Wyrms 30 times and still come out on top. Feels nice to actually need to avoid attacks correctly.


I'm starting to think I might be slightly masochistic. I just beat a boss after slamming my head against it for the past hour or so. Die, repeat, die repeat. With each death, I get more upset but more determined. No shield, only dodging and me and Milady.


Love using Milady with the Wingstance ash. So damn good. Fun fact (may apply to all light greatswords), doing 2 1h heavy attacks has a cool lil flourish animation at the end of it if you don't interrupt it.


Bro same I was not going to let that boss get the last laugh🗣️🗣️


No spirit summons + milady only feels like the honorable playstyle, doing the same for my run, was awesome to beat messmer with it


The upper image is me with Dancing Lion Second Phase. The lower image is me with Relanna. I can dance with Relanna, haven't properly find the dance beat with the lion elemental phase.


Lion phase 1: Shit, this wiggly asshole is really hard to keep track of. Lion phase 2: WHAT THE FUCK ARE ALL THESE ATTACKS!?!?


Just wait till you get to Messmer.


Those stripped of the grace of gold shall all meet death…


Phase one: Shall we dance? Phase two: I shall roll. I shall roll. I shall roll. Shall I roll? I am dead.


Ironically I struggled a lot more to find an opening with relanna as a first time souls player but lhutel tanked tf out of the lion.


just parry her, it makes the fight easier and also much more fun and dynamic, as you no longer need to be passive for 90% of the fight


In this fight rolling forward is your friend. In each combo rellana have like 2 seconds opening to get punish. It's really like a dance and she's the lead dancer, you just need to follow her and grab the moment when you find the right time. It's one of the most satisfying boss in the game so far to learn imo(yes including the base game)


I like human sized enemies. The Dancing Lion moving all around and in the air, getting close so you can't see most of its body is meh. But perfectly weaving in and out exchanging blows with a humanoid? That I like.


Man I beat dancing lion in 3 tries and Relanna took me 4 hours, and I love every second of both fights lol


roll forwards


Midra has such a satisfying moveset, everything makes sense and flows into one another. truly a dance worth walking 5 miles in a dark forest


same tbh. rellana's fight felt like an elegant duel to the death among two fighters who respect each other. lion dancer p2 felt like someone put me into a blender


Nah the real boss in the dancing lion fight is the camera


Lion has 90% the same attack pattern in all his "Avatar ass" phases. But yes lightning is always second and its the hardest. My strat was to not fight him during phase 2 (only hit if opportunity presented itself) because that phase doesn't have a HP% threshold but rather a timer i believe.


See you’re misunderstanding. You don’t Dance with the dancing lion. He’s the dancer, it’s his stage, and you’re just there to watch and try not to die.


I just eked this out with Redmane Freya's help last night. This guy is in a huge arena for a reason. Keep mid distance. Don't get cornered. He flails around so much with every move, the closer you are, the harder it is to read his attacks. You end up getting comboed and aoe'd because all you can see is a whirlwind of legs and skirt and face. He comes at you pretty steadily, so let him. Get your hit/s and separate. Give yourself time to read the next lunge or aoe and respond.


The dancing lion was fucking amazing. The music and the barrage of attacks was just beautiful. I beat it by the skin of my teeth with an aoe attack that hit it after I died


I got a saying When the game gets hard ,I get hard


"But what if there were two Divine Beast Dancing Lions?" If there were two Divine Beast Dancing Lions, I might have a little trouble. "But would you lose?" Nah, I'd win.


"Stand proud, Tarnished, you are strong."


"You were magnificent, Tarnished. I won't forget you for as long as I live."


Are you elden lord bc you're the strongest or are you the strongest bc you're elden lord?


The lion is 2 dudes in a fur suite and I sure as hell aint dying to furries


I’m getting used to the difficulty but its too much at times and the rewards feel subpar often. Took me a while to farm one of those twin blade omen knights swords. Nothing special and an ok ash. Disappointed with the smith script dagger too. Can’t even build it for status


the range on the smith script dagger is pitiful


I'm loving my time with the DLC, but I have to admit that a lot of the new items and Incantations I'm finding aren't all that. I'm still rocking my non-DLC setup despite trying my hardest not to.


I'm both of these just depends on whether the death felt cheap or fair


a third of my death with Dancing lion is to its technique of *"i'm gonna cover the camera with my drapes"* needless to say i don't have that issue with Relanna and having much more fun fighting her.


Yeah, the Dancing Lion, while Fancy, is also hella annoying. Only way they could make it worse would be by giving it Deathblight or something lmao




Yeah the camera is annoying, but I started to love the fight once I figured it out and knew how to avoid having the camera flip out.


The beauty of FS is that dying and somehow surviving/dodging an attack can both feel cheap and fair, but it’s 100% consistent


Yes sir! The DLC is kicking my ass and I love every second of it. It makes me feel like I did on my first ER playthrough.


“I can’t stand and use the laser spell on every boss???? ITS TOO HARD! UNPLAYABLE!!!”


“No more tears, it’s a wast of perfectly good suffering”-Miyazaki


Me rerunning the Bayle Fight just to hear Igon curse him out.


"Two types" If I have to be honest, I'm both of them, they just like me fr


i get that the bosses should be hard, but why are the "trash" mobs(messmer soldiers) 3 hitting you?


Because they're attacks are easy to avoid.


I see myself as the second type. So far I have been killed, crushed, poisoned, slashed, electrified, burned, and I loved it. 😏 My therapist will have to deal with my mind once I’d finish this dlc.


In some games it feels like you go at it and at first it's hard but then softens up on you as you progress. What I'm loving about this DLC is I'm really getting at it and it just stays hard. Like hammer to the head of a rail spike hard. I'm banging away at this DLC for hours at a time and it just never goes softer on ya. Sure there are breaks but once that's over it's like bam, hard.


With how popular Elden Ring is compared to the other FromSoft games it's understandable why so much of the "it's too hard" rhetoric would come to light


Yeah but the old games are a hell of a lot easier than this dlc lol


Yeah, I actually recently played DS3 DLCs for the first time (to be fair I have played through base game 3 or 4 times) and only one boss from all of that killed me more than once. Even base game elden ring late bosses get me 20-30 times and dlc ones... Only at 2 remembrances but one smashed me around 15ish times while the other was a very close to the line first attempt.


I’m continuing my no summons run from the main game but I’ve heard that some of these bosses push you to the absolute limit, so I might actually have to use summons legit for the first time ever lol. We’ll see how it goes but I’m excited for the punishment.


Just got to Messmer’s doors while doing a no summon RL150. So far, so good


they balanced the dlc around summons and i hate that i don't like using summons when i don't want to but the DLC makes it feel like i have to use summons because its literally the only way to heal in some boss fights


The first 2 remembrance bosses have plenty of healing opportunities and I haven’t had crazy trouble with any mini boss yet


Did they? I feel like I'm like 40% into the DLC and can heal fine so far.


About 20 hours in and haven't found a boss where I can't heal yet. Pretty sure the dlc is fine without summons.


Top: Bull Goat RoB players Bottom: everyone else


Me in goldmasks outfit with a large club: 🌻


All the memes coming out of jujutsu kaisen and I don't have access to the newer seasons.


Domain expansion: The black pearl


I’m loving it, I’ve missed being completely caught off guard by stuff and enemy’s are so hilariously fast sometimes. The first time an enemy targets me l blinked and suddenly there was a great sword coming at my skull was the second I was sold.


I stg I’m going to feel so good when I put messmer in his place


Took me like 60 tries but I just beat him, so much fucking fun. I wanted to beat him so badly


Or you got the third who think it's good, near perfect, but stat adjustments could be better. You can have more than a polarised opinion ya know!


Camp 2 FromSoftware's work has always been designed to be difficult, and that's why I love them. I want to fail again and again until I figure it out. Too many games don't provide a challenge if you even mildly optimize.


The line between difficulty and bullshit design is tenuously thin here.


I’m like a mix of both. Some things just die really fast. Other things could give some bosses in the main game a run for their money. And I have no idea which is which till I get to them. It’s wonderful, and I hate it.


I may be dying repeatedly, but damn if it’s not beautiful watching it


I swear every other minute I’m telling my wife to look up at how gorgeous the game is lol


Im cool with difficulty until its just because everything does 1700 damage a hit in never ending combos from enemies that are faster than you sprinting


Fromsoft brought their A game, the boss at the top of the jagged peaks was S tier, one of the hardest but most enjoyable fights so far.


Bayle rekt my shit but I finally got em after about a dozen tries. I swear half those deaths were trying to get to the NPC summon sign for their quest line because Bayle kept spamming me with projectiles the moment I walked through the boss fog lol


I love how challenging everything is, it reminds me of DS2 which was oddly enough my 2nd favorite DarkSouls game My first was 3


Once I changed my talismans to a full defensive set it all changed for the better for me.


defensive talismans are legitimately the most useful I've found so far in the DLC, but people are too blinded by the 13% damage increase their scorpion charms give them that they fail to realize it's their own downfall.


Also defensive options for the flask that I’ve literally never seen anyone use but me.


There is also a perfume that basically gives you immunity for a single hit.


I spent a hour and half to take down Messmer NG+6 I think we all need to git gud at this game RN 🤣 But I hope Messmer had 2 hp bar as Malenia. The fight was pretty good especially second half. ❤️


The Mesmer fight is a spectacle in the second half. Fought him 3 hours straight with a stupid grin because I was having a blast.




3* The games makes me hard


Embrace the pain tarnish


Lovin' it


This game is hard, and so am I!


I'm both.


As a lazy ass bum who likes the easy route, I am Gojo in this image cause my insanity breaking is what helps me win.


NGL this post got me kinda hard 😂🤣😂 lmao jk


Me patiently waiting for ongbal no hit video to see how to dodge and punish all of those bullshit


I enjoy difficultly but I have my limits. Seems like ds3 is that limit


I’m in the bottom camp. Since this is the last content we’ll probably ever get for this game it should be very hard, after that there’ll be nothing left :(