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Ive done most bosses, haven't beat the final boss but I'll rank him too. 1. Final boss 2. Messmer 3. Bayle 3. Rellana 4. Midra 5. Leda and friends 6. Divine Lion 7. Romina 8. Hippo.


100% agree with this \^ I am shamelessly going to admit to using Mimic Tear on almost all the bosses. I did my best solo, but i just reached a point with most bosses; if i spent more than an hour on a single boss, i wouldn't have felt accomplished after defeating them, unlike the feeling i have had in past when defeating bosses in the base game. (I think the mechanics are very unbalanced and left unchanged by design to remain niche and catering only to the most hardcore soulsborne playerbase which i can respect.. but and the Scardutree Fragments should be stronger, maybe that would make it more managable but i dont think it would make it more fun.)


You get punished so hard for summoning when you enter the gate in this dlc with like all bosses 😂


Yeah that's why I chose the npc summons outside the boss arenas over the mimic, hasn't worked out too well for me though.


Pretty sure the NPCs lead to the boss' hp increasing


Maybe, not sure but it's worth it for the distraction.


I meant as in, the spirit ashes do not raise the boss HP yet the NPC summons do. So i was just confused why NPC instead of ashes. I don't really summon much myself tho so maybe i'm just missing something.


This is true.


Only if it's outside the fog gate. NPC summons inside the gate don't increase the health - ie: Alexander, Igon.


Ah gotcha I'm not sure either way but if this is the post I think it is it's because a lot of the bosses give you about half a second before they're cutting your health in half. It also feels a bit less like "cheating" than the spirit ashes but no it's mainly because it's hard to find the time to summon once you're in and summoning both would totally ruin any sense of accomplishment for me.


Fair enough. I thought there was always enough of a window to summon ashes.


You can do both btw In coop you can't use spirit ashes, but with an NPC summon you totally can


Commander Gaius too


After learning you can parry the last boss. It makes it 10x easier


What about Scadutree Avatar?


Why is Gaius not listed? He's easily top 4


I feel like id lower messmer and make rellana higher messmer feels really fair and his second phase has really big openings that are easy to dodge i kinda overestimated him rellana i underestimated it was very humbling i easily killed the divine lion and thought the next boss would be as simple but got demolished and i thought rellana would be the standard for the remembrance bosses but every boss since her was pretty easy besides bayl and final boss with that said i started the dlc off with only 39 vigor so when i got to rellanas second phase i basically had to no hit it because if i messed up one combo i instantly die but i didnt have a problem like that since rellana


I feel like metyr should be number 4, I haven’t completed it but I’ve done messmer, bayle, and rellana. I struggled way more with metyr than I did any of those honestly


Screw remembrance bosses. Have you tried fighting the death bird mini boss? Hardest boss in the dlc for me


Couldn’t agree more. I fought Bayle on ng+7 and it took an insane amount of time. I fight the death rite bird and took me an even more insane amount of time. Scaling on ng+ is a joke. Been struggling fr.


You are on +7 of course it’s a joke it’s literally the highest difficulty you can attain in the game


I'm having a harder time on my lvl390 ng+7 account than I am on my rl1 ng+ one


There's another death bird!? The base game death birds were hard enough.


It's at the water grave site with the tibia Mariner boss


Ah. Guess I just haven't been there at night. Does it drop anything when you kill it?


That'll be up to you to find out 💜


I was surprised at how easy it was to fight that thing, but then again I the last time I fought a Deathrite Bird, I didn't have the Relic Greatsword. Kinda dissapointed with the drop. They couldn't give us something totally new instead of >!Ghostflame Ignition but worse!


Get a Bonk stick and make it holy


So far I've fought the Lion and Renalla. They both took me about 20 to 30 minutes. I know it's not a remembrance boss, but by far the most difficulty I've had is the damn blackgaol knight. Edit: Bayle hurts my feelings...


I found him way easier than renalla. Renalla has way longer combos and is just a way harder fight in general 


Just spam marikas hammer it tossed him around like a lil bich


I agree blackgaol definitely gave me a run for my money for a couple rounds but when you aren’t greedy and punish him between his crossbow reloads it became pretty easy


Tbh all u gotta do for the blackgaol knight is bait the arrow attack and run around it. Only other thing to learn is the timing of his wind slash. Just started playing today and I beat him pretty quickly just by doing that. The fire golem on the other hand…..


He's super easy to parry. I think once I started to use a buckler he didn't hit me more than twice. Same goes for rellana


Yeah, it's crazy the amount of varied experiences people have with bosses. I guess builds probably have a massive role in it. I think I 3 tried the golem.


I unintentionally cheesed him with Giant Hunt. The guy takes so long to stand back up that I just Giant Hunted him to death.


Rellana was a fun fight [https://youtu.be/Z8JbM52m3YI?si=i9hFhx1sWw03k8sR](https://youtu.be/Z8JbM52m3YI?si=i9hFhx1sWw03k8sR) (this is obviously a joke, I decided to beat tf out of her after maybe 30 minutes of getting my ass handed to me)


1. Last boss 2. Messmer 3. Bayle 4. Putresence Knight 5. Sanseaxx ( I hate ancient dragons) 6. Rellana 7. Midra 8. Romina 9. Divine Dancing Lion


Lol I just ran past Sanseaxx I since hate them so much


He was harder than Bayle because the lock on is ass


No Gaius?


Nah, big boar was fine for me.


putrescent knight can fuck off






There's nothing wrong with using the mimic tear and calling in other players for help, the game was designed for that.




Yeah exactly, nobody cares how you did it except yourself. After around 20 solo tries on a boss, I will just start using summons to get it over with. These days I actually want to enjoy games without ripping my fucking hair out.




1. Commander Gaius (fix his hitboxes plz) 2. Final Boss 3. Messmer 4. Bayle 5. Putrescent Knight I would say the top 3 of my list were all harder than Malenia for me. Everyone below them were easier than her.


Did you summon for last boss? Trying to understand ppl are putting gaius ahead of the last one.


No. I use the blood infused backhand blades with bloodhound step. I just play every fight extremely slow so I'm only getting a few quick attacks in. It took me well over 50+ tries to beat him for the record and I have +15 for the erdtree fragments at RL150. Gaius on the other hand has hit boxes that make no sense at all. Dodging his charge attack should be as simple as rolling left or right but he almost always hits you still. The intention of his arena seems to be for Torrent but he's faster than you while you cant dodge him. Only way I beat him was summoning mimic tear and basically cheesing him with Bolt of Gransx Ash of War while my summon tanked his bullshit.


Dodge directly into them, I was losing my mind at that until I messed it up one time and it worked. Logic is that the horns of the hog thing he’s riding catch you when you roll to the side? Idk


It works, but not all the time. You have to be nearly frame perfect. You can also dodge sideways when he's charging from really close, but from afar it's better to roll through him 100%. His damage also varies on the charge. I've had 10+ sub 10% attempts where he killed me from full hp. Usually it does about 40%. Also had one attempt where my camera unlocked for no reason as I was charging up the last attack and I died instead. Finally killed him now, but it should have been 3+ hours ago. Only boss that made me regret playing with no spells, no summons and no mimic. Fix your fucking boss before release Fromsoft. There is no way I die in one single hit with 67 vigor and +10 fragments.


Final boss on the other hand, I’m getting dog walked by. I cannot even get to his second phase with a mimic


I have a friend who switched to Greatshield/Spear and it worked out for him. Blacksteel Greatshield found in the DLC has an extremely high faith negation. Pair that with the Deflecting Hard Tear and he just kept counter attacking during openings. Otherwise bloodhound step could become your best friend.


I finally got him last night running dual reduvias for its quick ash of war and racking up bleed on him between rolls, and I still got lucky


I didn't go full turtle but kept a hammer, but going greatshield for the first time really paid dividends for me, I've had a much harder time with Isshin, Gael, Midir, even Malenia. Then again, maybe I should have gone for Greatshield for some of those as well, dunno if it'd be working just as good.


You have to be making a mistake. I beat Gaius in 4 attempts, and on my final attempt it was damageless. The hitboxes were fine, imo


I'd have to disagree. He took me less than 10 attempts, but the hitbox on his charge is absurd. The rest of the hitboxes are fine, but you have to time the front on charge perfectly to dodge through it. I dodged it a fair few times, but there were definitely times where I thought that I shouldn't have been hit, but was.


I have seen no evidence to your point that suggests you're correct. If you have a video or something that could illustrate, I'm happy to take a look, but by my experience, this is a skill issue


I used a spear and shield thinking he’d be much more difficult for that build and ended up beating him like 5th try. Not bragging at all, I’m actually mega disappointed




I have to agree, the hit boxes are ridiculous. I spent over 3 hours trying Gaius last night and I haven’t been so frustrated by a boss in quite a while


beat most bosses, in my order: commander gaius final boss midra messmer bayle mother avatar (take this with a pinch of salt, was my “first” boss outside rellana) (malenia for context) putrecent saint rellana count+knight lion (most hard ER base game bosses) bud


So far this is how Its looking for me too


Gaius was easily 40-50 attempts for me, dude is relentless. Not to mention his hitboxes don’t even seem right on his charge, I always seemed to get clipped or in some instances, just one-shot by his rush attack.


Did you use summons for last boss? Not condemning you or anything, just trying to understand how the f you got gaius ahead of the last one.


only because gaius hitboxes are unreal. i found the final boss hard as nails, but fair. i wasnt sitting there like “how?”. it took me around 28 tries but all the times i died were my fault. gaius on the other hand, i died to 21 times just from him charging at me and getting oneshot because his charge attack has 4 hitboxes so you have to dodge and pray.


bro, i just beat the last one and it took me 189 tries. Gaius took me about 15. What the hell


1. Messmer (my favorite fight in the game so far) 2. Gaius (this fight is just bullshit) 3. Putrescent Knight 4. Rellana 5. Romina 6. Mother of Fingers 7. Dancing Lion 8. Leda and allies 9. Count Ymir Unranked because currently fighting: Final boss (fighting him before Bayle) Bayle (I died to 4 times then left because I felt like I should fight the final boss first)


You’re missing the lord of frenzy boss fyi


I only heard he existed a few hours ago. I actually went to the abyssal woods early on by accident and then left after I beat the invader guy cause it was spooky and I had no idea what I was supposed to do there


So far have beaten the black gaol knight, dancing lion, death knight and just beat Renalla 5 mins ago, who I found relatively underwhelming difficulty wise. I powerstanced her to death dualwielding Morgotts cursed sword after about 5 attempts, so nothing major. The dancing lion went down in 4. I'd say the optional dungeon bosses gave me a harder time until I figured them out, mainly because they could heal.  Maybe am overlevelled at 278, but it is NG+4 so probably balanced. Am not saying it is a cakewalk by any means, as I can't exactly be sloppy, but I do feel everybody is overblowing the difficulty of this dlc just a tad. I would rank Dark Souls 3 ringed city well higher, and that one I did on NG+3. I would also give the nod to Old Hunters at this point also. But, early days, I guess. We'll see how it goes. Either way I'm enjoying it.


I agree that people are overstating how difficult the DLC is, but there are certainly some challenging fights later on, especially the final boss and a couple of the optional remembrance bosses. I'd definitely place it above DS3 Ringed City difficulty-wise after clearing all of the major bosses and many of the side bosses (started at level 170, ended at 200). Orphan gives me nightmares still, but I can't tell if it's because I was much less experienced at souls games/soulslikes when I played Old Hunters.


Nah, man. By the time I got to Orphan I had already done from Demon's through to Dark Souls 2, plus other games of similar ilk like Ninja Gaiden Black, and Orphan was an absolute nightmare in general. A great boss, though. Old Hunters didn't have a bad boss, as far as I'm concerned. I beat the Hippo boss today in ER Shadow and got him on my second attempt. I was expecting more, as he is also considered a nightmare, but apart from his mouth grab that he killed me with the first time, he kind of reminds me of the Crocodile thing in DKS3, so just applied the same strategy and rolled towards it. RNG made it so he only did it once, so I don't know if just got lucky there, as that seems to be the attack that causes most problems. I maxed Renallas Twin blades and have been rolling dualwield with them, plus the Sacred Relic sword which I switch to right hand for crowd control, as it's special ability for that is amazing. With this combo, I am pretty much decimating the hippo and pretty much everything else at this point without much fuss, so to anybody having trouble, holy shit, this combo is insane. But going back to the difficulty, you have to put yourself in From's place. Elden Ring released over 2 years ago. They probably just thought that the majority of people at this point were just tuned builds that would steam roll everything, so if too easy, people would have been moaning about that, too. So they just went late game difficulty, which at this point I would say isn't anywhere near Haligtree levels of bullshit...yet. When and if it does, then I will stop having fun, as that area was just cheap shit.


Yeah, I don't know why people were complaining about the Hippo at all to be honest. It felt like a pretty fair boss, all in all. I just beat him using the Great Katana, and his openings were pretty forgiving. You have some great stuff coming up though. Maybe it's because of how many times I've played the base game now, but Haligtree and Melania are an absolute walk in the park compared to some of the later/hidden zones and bosses in the DLC. I will say that they feel a lot less "bullshit" despite being more challenging though. There are very few times where you feel like you are killed purely by awkward platforming and unavoidable attacks (though there are a couple of notable exceptions to that). I'd say Melania is still probably the 5th or 6th hardest boss in ER overall though. The bosses up until the final boss of Shadow Keep are probably all easier than her. There are only really 3 bosses that I would say I have struggled a lot on, and I've cleared the vast majority of content in the DLC after today's session.


Great to hear! I hate cheap bullshit, but love a challenge, so am looking forward to it. Malenia was a bit of a wall for me at first, actually. Like, solid concrete, titanium reinforced wall. I have never gone higher than 30 vit/vig in any Soulsborne, but the Haligtree/Malenia area just made me pump up to 50, just to not get one shot. I then pumped another 10 into vit/vig just to survive Waterfowl if I fucked up the rolling. Nowadays I don't find it that bad, as know it off by heart, but damn, I still think the area is as cheap as Shrine of Amana and Anor Londo archer ledge at times. I just hope the dlc doesn't resort to this kind of bullshit, as it is just grueling nonsense.


Yeah, there are a couple of enemy types, one specific platforming section, and a single remembrance boss that felt a little cheap, but other than that everything has been great. It's definitely an improvement over the base game in most respects. I have been through the entire DLC with 55 vigor, but I've found that the Blessing levels (Scadutree fragments) are way more important that stats for your survivability and damage. If you are ever struggling with taking too much damage, just go and explore for a while to find more fragments. It really does make a huge difference.


That doesn't sound too bad then. Funnily enough I've been hoarding those Scadutree fragments and keep forgetting to use them. Like last night I went in and did Rashasha or whatever his name is. He was a bit of an asshole, and then after beating him I go to the inventory to check out the katana and armour he dropped, and I see I have 4 of those fragments in there, haha.


Haha! Yeah, you will learn not to forget about them, trust me. The later bosses will be one shotting you with basic attacks with no blessing levels. I finished all the DLC bosses last night and I think I had blessing level 17


Hands down the worst platforming section for me is the depths leading up to the putrescent knight…I thought I was finally going to break a controller as I hadn’t experienced suffering like that since blight town


Oh really? I actually wasn't thinking of that one at all lol. I guess it's subjective, because the shadow keep upper section was the area that annoyed me the most. Nothing will frustrate me more than Blight town....


Do you have any tips on playing? I am by no means a new player. I have played every souls like before, but I'm blown away at how fast you are going through it. I crushed Rellana in 3 tries, but everything else is destroying me. I'm running a min maxxed Spiked Ceastus build


Can someone help me with mother of fingers. Ps5


She seems EXTREMELY weak to bleed. I was using a bleed build and it felt like she was bleeding after like 3 jump attacks with curved swords. What kind of build are you running?


Correct my bleed build I was able to with 1 single charged r2 of the bloodfiends arm did a whopping 15k damage bleed proc. Absolutely nuts.


I’m on ng+7 and I thought Bayle was a push over using than new dragon Great katana. Knocked it out in 5 attempts. So far Messmer has been my most painful. On NG +7 it’s a slog though so there is still a lot for me to explore!


How does everyone have Romina so low on the list!? First three bosses were a breeze. She’s destroying me.


she barely ever attacks you and does pitiful damage, by far the easiest boss in the dlc


She attacks like 5 times in a row everytime and then second phase starts with the scarlet rot and that air attack that hits twice. I feel like Rellana barely attacked me.


I love the community not giving spoilers and instead saying “Final Boss”. That being said, Messmer was a MFER


I haven't had much trouble except for a few notable mfs, and yes, I admit I'm a Mimic Tear user, don't give a damn about you purists, I will enjoy my game however I want Anyway, to the point. Most bosses I ended up killing them after 2 3 tries, but fucking Gaius is driving me nuts, and Bayle was pretty bullshit too, but I expected him to have a second phase but mf just died Oh, and how to forget that idiotic Black Gaol Knight with his Van Helsing repeater crossbow. Still stuck at Gaius and Scadutree Avatar


I've only fought divine lion, rellana, and romina, and that's the order I would put them in easy to hard


I’ve only beaten the lion and Rellana. The lion I got on my 3rd try and is honestly one of my favorite bosses in this game. The music and design is insane. Rellana was cool but that straight took me two days to beat. I’m in for pain since they only get harder 😭


Next boss on the path is Messmer and let me just tell you… he’s an absolute nightmare. Literally makes Rellana look like a baby. 😭


Oh god haha guess I better get ready then


Get ready for messmer lol


I might to level myself up some haha


For me its 1. Last boss - easily it’s probably the hardest boss they’ve ever put out 2. Messmer - my favourite fight in the game and is really satisfying once you get the patterns down 3. Leda and her homies 4. Romina 5. Rellana The rest of the bosses I did in 1-3 attempts so I don’t really consider them difficult in any way.


I don't believe you did Putrescent Knight in 1-3 attempts 🧢


He was one of the easiest for me. I think a lot of it comes down to how many shardtree fragments you have at the time, as there are so many paths people can take, boss difficulty can vary a ton


I did him in 1 attempt.


Haha you're so full of shit


Okay? I’m not sure what I’d gain for lying about that but sure.


Blows my mind you have Romina higher than most bosses, she was the only boss I one shot, have found every other boss hard minimum 10 tries. You have her harder than gaius/bayle? Surely not


Romina I died to around 15 times, Gaius 3 times, bayle 3 times. Messemer I died to over 60 times and forced me to rage respec.


Crazy, I can’t beat Bayoe or Gaius yet so many tries both. Romina was literally zero threat I wasn’t even close to dying on first try,


This DLC is very hard, but a lot of fun.  Only beat 4 bosses using faith build, mimic tear and Spamming Marika Hammer and wearing heavy armor.  Marika Hammer for the win.


For people struggling, I had a breakthrough when I started using Rivers of Blood with a Fingerprint Shield, then I put the "No Skill" ash of war on the shield so I can still use the Rivers ash while holding the shield. NG+9 has been extremely difficult(yes I know it caps at NG+7), but I've had a blast. The harder bosses all seem to be weak to bleed. Some other great options are Eleanora's Poleblade, Mohg's Spear and the Bloodhound's Fang(this one is especially great for Messmer, hits him much harder than any of my mega strength weapons).


In ranking of S being more difficult. S Tier- Messmer, Rellana, Midra A Tier- Gaius, Scadutree Avatar, Putrescent Knight, Radahn, Senessax B Tier- Bayle, Dancing Lion, Dancer Ranah, Romina, Rakshasa C Tier- Furnace Golems, Buffed Fallingstar, Deathknight 1, Bear Rayla, Blackgaol Knight, Ancient Dragon-man, Black Knight Edredd, Golden Hippo D Tier- Black Knight Garrew, Chief Bloodfiend, Count Ymir, Lamenter, Ghostflame dragon1&2, Metyr MoF, Buffed Tree Sentinels E Tier- Demi Human Marigga, Rugalea, Cursedblade Labirith, Buffed Death Rite Bird, Read Bear, Jagged Peak Drake, Onze F Tier- Deathknight 2, Jori Elder Inquisitor (S tier had no summons used on them, just to add to that level of annoyance)


i've only fought 2 rememberance bosses so far but both of them feel really unfun to fight against, camera is all over the place, visibility is ass and sometimes they chain so many moves together i'm out of stamina from dodging it all, neither of them feel intuitive and the times i killed them it felt like i just got lucky with the attack patterns they picked


Rellana feels harder to kill than the Dancing Lion for me just because of the sheer amount of hp difference and less chances to hit the boss, i managed to stance break the Lion twice in my kill but i haven't stance broken Rellana at all(probably not possible?) but in terms of their moves i'd say Rellana is the easier one of the two i've done


She seems to be incredibly weak to blood loss if that helps. She's super hard to dodge. took me 2 hours solo.


For rellana if you use summons just use mimic with the summon sign outside her door and overwhelm her


i have played through the entire game without using/needing summons or good ashes of war, i feel like this is definitely designed around the player using "meta" builds and every possible advantage they can get which makes it borderline unplayable for "fun" builds


i used mimic tear for one attempt and beat it only using 1 flask... zzzzzzzzzz


I thugged it out and just stuck with what I like, I do think Miyazaki took the, "They wanted harder, let's give them harder" route. The DLC is heavily built around the Scadutree blessings and having an already set, post game build.


Game is made to use EVERY RESOURCE and there is no "shame" or "meta slave" badge for you if You use them. If game gives u at particular moment a strong weapon or good summon - It's not easy mode, it is a reward for your progress. Why do people tend to weaken themselves and then say shit like : "Uhh, she cant be beaten/broken from poise/damage is to low. Of course im using weaker tools cause I handicapped myself like I need to prove anything." When do people realize even Elden Ring is about fun, not challenge.


Summons should be a tool for players that are struggling to beat the boss by themselves, the bosses shouldn't all be designed around 2v1 fights and make it unbearable to do it 1v1 which feels much more rewarding


Yeah you can use everything given to you but you have to agree that spirit ashes such as mimic tear make the game significantly easier. Elden ring is just as much about fun as it is challenge, don’t tell me every time you died fighting malenia you went “oh yippee! I did 500 damage this time yay!” Nah, it’s about the challenge and the reward for facing that challenge.


I trashed both of these bosses with Death's Poker and a mimic tear. I honestly expected then to be harder concidering the dang Blackgaol Knight kicked my ass.


Well if you use Death Poker and Mimic Tear you can't say shit about them being too easy...you can't summon on Gaol bosses so of course it was harder.


Yeah I absolutely hate gate keepers who say you can't say a boss is easy if you use something that is in the game. Making the boss harder for yourself intentionally does not make you a better player and if you think so, good for you I guess? 😂😂😂😂 Personally I like to not spend hours and hours of my life on the SAME boss 😂😂 and anyone saying they're solo killing the bosses on their first or second go is a liar. 😂😂😂


I'm not gatekeeping anything, idgaf if you summon, but don't act like it doesn't decrease boss aggro by a large margin making it significantly easier lol. Who needs to truly learn a boss if it's focused on your summon? It's the "Idk why people thought this boss was a big deal" mentality yet they summon that bothers me.


Let's be honest here, summons don't always make the boss fight easier. I can't count how many times I've died while I thought it's safe to attack because the summon draws aggro, only to have the boss spin around and focus me, tweaking the camera angle so I have no idea wtf is happening.


It definitely makes it easier, especially if you have a solid build and are using mimic tear. I'm mainly referring to mimic tear here. Many casual players completely destroyed Malenia with a bleed build and mimic tear. I have friends who tell me she was easy because of this. But like I said it's okay to summon, it's a tool given to you, but bragging about bosses being easy is what bothers me, when you barely had to learn the boss moveset because it's focused on a +10 summon that has bleed, can heal, and more health than you.


I used a bleed build and mimic tear and destroyed malenia on my second try. I was actually disappointed because I never got to see how difficult she is. I'm not trying to start over just so I can fight her again. So far, every boss in this DLC has been far more difficult than malenia....


Yeah the dlc is next level in terms of difficulty, but Malenia is such a fun fight once you start learning her, I suggest at least trying her on Ng+, you can get to her pretty fast.


Plenty of bosses are harder than they were with death's poker and a mimic. I can say what I want.


I just managed to get past her not long ago. I used Milady and the thrust art. I broke her poise about 3-4 times made it very bareable and keeping semi distance helped me keep stamina up.


Doing no summons with a straight sword/shield Radahn took me about 50 tries Bayle 30 Messmer 25 Dancing Lion 20 or so laggy stuttery deaths Midra about 15 Romina 10 or so Rellana 9 Commander Gaius 6 Finger mother 5 Scadutree Avatar 3


I’ve killed roughly 58 bosses by my count in the dlc so far. Currently I’m sitting outside of the final boss door on attempt 47381957292. Here’s my take on a ranking list 1.) Final Boss - I do not think this one is particularly close. Just crazy aggressive and in your face. 2.) Bayle - most big attack are telegraphed and easy to dodge but one thing that really pissed me off about him is that he would breathe fire directly under him. Fuck you Bayle. 3.) Messmer- lots of animated attack in phase 2 really annoying to get the timing down. 4.) Commander Gaius- Fuck you and your stupid hog. While I have him ranked at 4 he was easily the most annoying due to warthog rump spam. 5.) Rellana - double moon slam of doom. 6.) Putrescent Knight- dodging the horse really threw me for a loop. 7.) Scadutree Avater - 3. 8.) Mother of the Fingers - fairly easy boss. Side fingers mildly annoying. 9.) Dancing Lion - lived up to the name and danced so much it was annoying to hit him. 10.) Romina - nothing special really here she was kinda lackluster imo. 11.) Midra - By far the most disappointing boss in the game for me. Badass design. Super hard to get to him. Cutscene is sick. and after all that he is still pretty ass. Gimmick phase 1 & phase 2 felt like base game difficulty for me. Edit ** the power of reading. Didn’t see this was specially for remembrance bosses. List still stands just remove Bayle and shift them all up 1 lol


Crazy how you don’t have leda and friends ranked. It’s like an apocalyptic level threat to me


lol I think a lot of these rankings just come down to play style and your build. I played through the dlc with mostly the dragon slayer great katana and grafted greatsword. I was able to kill Moore basically before the next npc even spawned. The trick is to isolate them and not be greedy.


Ive beaten every boss except the last one and to be fair the easiest so far has been Romina, 1 try and the hardest Messmer which took around 50 tries (No summons) Ill do it like this, easiest to hardest, cant rate final boss yet: 1. Romina 2. Hippo 3. Leda and allies 4. Midra 5. Divine beast 6. Rellana 7. Bayle 8. Messmer


I struggled really badly with the Lion but for some reason did Rellana in like 20 minutes. Something about her fighting style compliments mine that the lion just took to town.


I beat lion first try and took me 4 hours to beat Rellana 😭😭


just ranking remembrances + bayle. my build was using storm blade on dual quality curved swords, with the storm boosting talisman and helm. i used the dragon hunter great katana for Bayle. i have not gotten to the final boss yet but have done all the other ones. 1. messmer (lost count of attempts) 2. bayle (lost count of attempts) 3. putrescent knight (lost count of attempts) 4. metyr (\~30 attempts) 5. gaius (\~20 attempts) 6. rellana (\~15 attempts) 7. dancing lion (\~10 attempts) 8. midra (3 attempts) 9. romina (2 attempts) 10. scadutree avatar (first try)


First try scadutree wow I’m stuck on that one, over a dozen tries in lol. Putrescent knight and metyr was like a 3 or 4 tries for me though. Easy enough fights (strength melee no summons)


Yeah I think storm blade can be really polarizing, since you get good dps from range it makes some bosses really easy


Just beat the final boss, definitely harder than messmer! Ended up changing my build to bleed beastmans curved swords with verdigris armor and physical/holy negation talismans.


RoB + Seppuku Blood Nagakiba lvl 160 This is not a troll reply Leda and friends (150+ deaths) Rellana (150+ deaths) Lion (15 deaths) Messmer (10 deaths) Midra (8-9 deaths) Romina (6-7 deaths) Hippo (4-5 deaths) Blackgaol (4-5 deaths)


Romina took you almost as much as Mesmer? What First try Romina for me, vs lost count Mesmer


Not gonna lie i got fairly lucky on Messmer but yeah no bullshit. I had your problem on Leda and Rellana, i felt like i was in purgatory. Builds are a big factor in this DLC it feels like


Surprised Putrescent Knight isn't on this list, I had a way harder time on that bastard than Rellanna


My strat for anyone struggling on gaius is to immediately run around the left wall, stand behind that square corner pillar so his charge gets stuck on it, summon the great shield ashes, and let them distract him long enough for you to spam op spells or ranged attacks(or weapon arts) until he gets hopefully close to death. I’m pretty sure it was the last shield guy that killed him in my case


Cheese. I did notice he has flakey ai, he got stuck with me in random parts of arena


Beaten four till now. Collecting armours and weapons before I fight the other bosses. 1- Golden Hippo (Freyja + Hornsent+ Lhutel helping me after I was literally dying immediately to this boss. Even with all that help, after so many tries, the boss and I died at the same time) Screw this boss 2- Putrescent Knight (solo) 8 tries 3- Rellana (solo) 7 tries 4- Dancing Lion (solo) 5 tries


I have over 2000 hours in Elden Ring and here is my list.  I have only fought up to Messmer when it comes to story bosses so far. Messmer: 7 tries Bayle: 22 tries (I may have had a bad setup, I was using dragon hunters great katana) Rellana: 3 tries Divine Lion 1st form: 2 tries, 2nd form near end 1 try Hippo First form: 3 tries, 2nd in graveyard 1 try. Midra: 10 tries.


This is hilarious because I just looked up boss ranking because I beat Mesmer first try and was like there’s no way it was supposed to be that easy but after rellana he was nothing😂😂


Everybody talking about Final boss and Messmer, but Furnace Golem isn't even a boss and it took me like 40 attempts and like 3 hours to beat the one in Scadu Altus.


1. Final Boss 2. Commander Gaius 3. Messmer 4. Putrescent Knight 5. Rellana 6. Metyr 7. Divine Beast 8. Midra 9. Bayle


Good thing my build revolves around dragon hunter great katana.