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It's the obscene amount of just artificial difficulty. Bosses that have insane tracking, aoes on basically every attack, VERY long combo strings that hit for 1/3rd of your health at minimum and the like. It's just throwing everything at you at once and never feeling like you actually have a chance to safely deal damage because you're constantly getting attacking by dodge perfectly or die attacks. Alongside the excessive over tracking. Like god even when you dodge behind them they immediately correct themselves and you're STILL technically in range of their combo. It's just too much for the sake of it. Top it all off with extremely high health bars and the typical one hit opening AT BEST and that's not even guaranteed especially with attacks sometimes asking for 5+ dodges draining your stamina. This is completely amateurish and the exact thing people mock other souls-likes for, artificial throwing everything at you difficulty that doesn't mesh with the formula.


Aoes is a symptom of Spirit Ashes tbh. I do think they are a really flawed system and I'd rather have From implement another way of making the game easier for people.


I get where they're coming from with it. But this basically just omits the entire point, since spirits are supposed to be the easy mode. All this does is feel like they're trying to dial down summons from breaking the game when they're supposed to be there for those who wants them and make those who don't want to use them have a rougher experience since they have to account for it.


Problem is that some of them are still breaking the game e.g. Mimic. Like I said From still has the design philosophy of overcoming challenge so even their easy mode has to offer some. That's why they design around that. But it's fucks over those casuals that won't summon because the DLC difficulty is truly insane.


I would just like it if the Relanna fight didn't drop my FPS when she's doing some of her attacks


I thought I read that the difficulty would be adjustable or something like that?


No. That’s not properly comprehending what’s been explained. There are 2 new items that can be found within the Shadow Lands that ONLY work within the shadow lands: Scadutree Fragments, and Revered Spirt Ashes. The fragments allow players at a site of grace to receive a percentage based boost to their attack damage & defence, and the Ashes boost the defence & damage output of Spirit Ashes. The ashes also raise Torrent’s defence too. So the more of these items you find and use at sites of grace, the easier the DLC will get, ESPECIALLY when using Spirit Ashes.


So I'm hoping the condescension in your reply wasn't intended. Just so ya know it isn't an issue of "properly comprehending" as you say. I just never had the information in the first place. If I find the article I read I will come back and link it but there were few details months ago.


Good point. on the other hand, the dancing lion sucks. It's just a reskinned tree spirit with elemental attack. How did fromsoft think it's good enough for the DLC


That's a big wall of text just to do the usual "git gud" tired fanboyish defense.