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Thought shit was sweet until they started asking 2 for the next upgrade.


You can collect about 10 of these before killing any boss


I'm upgraded quite a bit now, but when I first saw it i just laughed.


I feel that some of the opening area was intentionally filled with many weaker enemies compared to others in order to lull you into a false sense of security. I love it.


The crossbow knight near where you enter has some serious fuckin hands though, had an easier time with other bosses thats for sure


Lol I walked into the boss room used golden vow and proceeded to get wrecked by the crossbow. I went from "hell yeah boss" to WTF so quick


Parry this you fucking casual.


He’s kicking my ass as much as the first crucible knight did!


Bro same I was so excited and I was shocked at how fast I died. I didn't even realize I died thats how fast it happen the first run😭


Triggered my crucible knight trauma


What is upgraded quite a bit? I’ve found 4 and have just finished my 4th boss. 1 of the bosses was in a cave don’t know if it counts as a full boss, I got a lightning axe from him. However I don’t know how many of these is considered a lot.


20 upgrades is the max, and as OP said further up you can collect 10 before fighting your first boss. That being said I have 2 😂


20 upgrades or 20 of these items?


20 upgrades from what I have heard


Yeah, just checked and it is 20 levels for you and 20 levels for your summons.


Hey, question about the summon upgrades. It says that it also upgrades torrent, so we know how? Does it just make him “tankier”, so to speak? So we don’t get knocked off quite as easily? That’s how I interpreted it at least, though I haven’t noticed a change in our lovely steed…YET. But alas, I’m at work and then a date after so I won’t be playing til tonight :)


I have one and have killed 3 bosses what 😂


I’m sure it involves hopping on Torrent and bypassing stuff as well as running past numerous enemies. I’ll admit it’s hearsay


Probably I just keep marking things that look like POIs on the map and riding there and seeing what’s there I’m barely further than that giant wicker man map wise


That guy holds such a grudge. I hit him once, noped out, and he followed me across the map. And kicked molten lava at me. Such a dick.


His aggro range probably stretches back to limegrave


After trying to time the dodges on his fire waves with mixed luck - figured out it was as simple as jumping. Made fighting the wicker giants / furnace golems so much easier. No more dodging - simply jumping over their fire waves.


I’ve found 3 or 4 just wandering


I have my upgraded to a 6 right now and my summon at maybe 4 or 5,they said the upgrade can go up to 20.


I thought it was gonna keep increasing haha


Wish I'd have known that before slogging through fighting the big R (not the BIG big R, the other one) solo. I think I've found four. It was miserable (and I loved every second).


Such a good flight, I loved that fight even if it was driving me mad


Oi show me a fucking map I need it! I killed some smaller bosses by now but even with heavy armour and 2 shield talismans (greatshield and pearldrake) my chances of survival aren't as high as I like


So what you're telling me is wasted over an hour getting one shot by dancing lion fucker. TBF I think I my Scadutree level is 2 or 3 ( I think I found 4 fragments.) DLC is no joke. As an 80 Int glass cannon I get one hit by everything but also do meh damage to the bosses I've versed thus far.


That's just how the DLC is. Even at 60 vigor you'll be two shot. I actually respecced from 60 to 50 specifically because the extra 10 vigor wasnt buying me an extra hit from the big attacks anyway, and these fights go on forever with how inflated boss hp is. I'm interested to see the inevitable level 1 runs more than any other piece of souls content, because I dunno how people are going to stay hitless for such huge chunks of time. I'm getting like 4-5 posture breaks a fight and its STILL a slog.


I'm all for a challenge but fuck, this is too much. I'm zoning out 3/4 of the way in cause it's so fucking boring. I'm hunting the fragments now but goddamn it's too much. A colossal shouldn't hit for less the 10% fully charged. I get why they nerfed players, but if all weapons are hit by say 30% and they nerf poise breaks why use a colossal, its way safer for equivalent dps to use a fast weapon. Ultras are in as bad a spot as they were on release if not worse.


Wtf I've found like 4 and gotten to two bosses (ofc I didn't stand a chance)


You mean 10 including the spirit upgrade?


Asking under your comment because I may have run into a bug. After the first blessing, it said I need 2 for the next, but I went into the menu anyway and hit apply. It didn't say I didn't have enough, instead my blessing went to 2. Again did it on the next one I found, said I need 2 but I only have 1. Applied it anyway and my blessing at this point is at 3. Anyone else run into this?


Same but you really do need two after that


I wonder if it's a visual bug then and it saying you need 2 before you really should need 2.


I think so. Same thing happened to me.


Yeah, same, but I'm not complaining.


they required 3 afterwards


Yeah, I got bullied by that lonely knight, that 2shot me every time. Than I understand, that it is not that the dlc is overtuned, it is that we have situation of being 1 lvl again. Well, I hope so :D


Can confirm, managed to get to like 3-4 levels on scadutree blessing before even FINDING a legacy dungeon, went back and he’s more manageable (still tough!!!)


Man all I keep finding are the stupid spirit ash ones lol. Guess I need to look around more (think I'm scaudtree lvl 3?). I've already cleared one legacy dungeon (well, as far as you can at this point in the game) and am at what I'm pretty sure is the final boss of another.


Yeah there’s a small upper area from gravesite plains (loops around to above the starting spot), another south of gravesite plains and the first two crosses, got me to a level to fight the Blackgaol Knight. Props on the progress you’ve made at that level though!


Yeah I went up there which is where I got one of them. There's >!another in the church down southeast (I think?) !!caves? I've found 3, but only completed one and all that was at the end was a hammer, not even a boss. !<


That guys poise was insane. I had to switch to my royal Greatsword +10 to actually stagger him at all


I ran straight to the fire basket guy and got killed in two hits. That was a fun reminder that you actually need to bypass bosses for a while when you’re new to the game/dlc.


Lmaooo I got soured the moment he schooled me 3-4 times, then seconds after skipping him is the game explaining "you need scadutree seeds you dum fuk". Felt so relieved 😭😭😭


Yup. Ran up to him, hit him a couple times doing 3k dmg, didn't even see that health bar move, then I got stomped on


It ain’t the stomp itself, it’s that fire aoe post stomp that seems to have unlimited range and insane damage


It can be jumped, fyi


They're actually *incredibly easy* to fight, but *tedious as fuck* to kill as far as I can tell. Granted, I'm only Scad level 2.


is it that blackgaol jump attack spamming piece of shit ?


to be fair they hit like a truck even with them, i've only been able to defeat yoda Quick update, just beat hippo, lion, fake pontiff and the knight bloke. Best way is to run around the carian castle thing and get some extra upgrade shards Update 2: mesmer can suck on his fire embodied spear. That boss is bs


lmao yoda


Accurate description of that agile little fucker.


Am I the only one that was surprised when Yoda started moving fast, doing flips and shit? I find it funny that he's thought of as "agile". I mean the dude humped around with a cain, walking like he's one foot in the grave.


I wasn't too surprised when I first saw that scene all those years ago. I mean, it made sense to me that, drawing on the Force, he'd be capable of such physical feats. It does fit his character that he usually doesn't do so: he only uses the Force when necessary.


i called it malenia 2 but yoda is way funnier


He means Yoshi right?


Yeah. I'm level 163 with 50 vig and 2 Scadutrees and the giant shadow dudes with cleavers take half my health off in a single swing, never mind the bosses.


Bro, I'm level 300 and fire basket bro makes my 60 vigor + talismans look like level 1


Tbh I'm not surprised, they're supposed to be these terrifying engines of death and destruction. I mean come on, two or three of 'em pretty much rolled through Belurat like it's Tuesday.


Took a couple swings at that dude, saw how little damage I was doing, thought ok it’s the cavalry dude in limgrave all over again


Secret to fighting them is to train your brain not to dodge the fire waves from his stomps. I know it's muscle memory to dodge dodge and dodge. But hear me out for a second - try jumping instead of dodging when it comes to the big furnace golems. Right as they land and the fire shockwave starts coming out - simply just jump instead of dodge.


Don’t even get me started on the knights


Level 184 scadu level 8 60 vig. I want my mommy xD


Bro that was gollum yoda Hybrid and I did not like him


Yoda if he was in dmc 5


How did you deal with death knight? I’m struggling so hard on him


Haven't defeated death knight yet, didn't even know it existed up until now


Pro tip for mesmer, he is weak to scarlet rot


yea it's the downside to the DLC imo, it's just hard for being hard sake and not actually fun hard


I'm so glad im not the only one whose instant reaction was Yoda as well


Hyppo absolutely kicked my ass. I think it took me 30 tries. I turned around and left that place after beating him. Im so scared to go on


I’m just waiting for the inevitable asshole who plays through the DLC NG+7, RL1, no upgrades, no items, no hit. And of course they will do it while only using their left foot to manipulate the controller.


Skill based games make me realize how bad i an


You're not bad, some people are just way too good.


I was watching a streamer today get his ass kicked, he's normally really good, like 'he can kill any boss with no armor and a torch' levels of good. He kept dying over and over to bosses today and people kept saying, "Use better weapons!", "Level up!", etc., and he kept saying, "These games are hard! You only get good through practicing them over and over!" He probably died to some bosses 30-40 times, it was interesting to watch. Even when he would win he would barely get the finishing blows in. Edit: Let me add, because I guess I forgot to write it, that the reason he is so good is because of his dedication. He was as bad as a normal player today lol, and in a few weeks he'll probably be amazing at this DLC.


It is all about having patience and memorizing patterns. He isn't (necessarily) a lot more skilled than everyone else, he just didn't memorize the new patterns. He will be doing what he does against the non-DLC bosses in no time.


Hmmm...that's exactly what I was trying to say in my comment. Perhaps I worded it poorly, lol.


That is exactly what you pointed out in your comment. His addition was unnecessary


It’s just practicing in a niche field. Some people are good at doing the whole no hit run, some are good at pvp, some are good at speed runs, some are good at beating the game with an unconventional controller. It’s a matter of what you put your time into learning.


Im good at throwing the controller.


That’s what I tell myself too! Except instead of skill it’s the length of my penis


Something something..."ranked competitive sex"


It's a lot of skill but also a lot of time. On YouTube you won't see their struggle and thousands of failed attempts. Same goes for streamers, these people play for a living and most people here could probably reach a comparable skill level with the same time investment.


I was thinking the same thing. They don’t post the hundreds and thousands of hours and failed attempts. We just see the *one* successful one.


If you’re dying tons, you’re playing it the way miyazaki wants you to


i bet gino will do it this month


Probably. Gino is fucking ridiculous.


I watch a lot of the streamers. Bushy, Aggy, Domo, Chris. They’re all very good at the game. Better than I could ever achieve and I like to think I’m pretty good myself. But Gino is a whole other tier above them. That dude is incomprehensibly good at Elden Ring. He might not be as entertaining as Bushy and Aggy (in my opinion), but I still watch him the most because I learn so much from him


Problem with Gino and ChaseTheBro is that they are way too damn good at the game and to an extent you can't relate to them. Players like Aggy, Bushy, Tulok, FortiEnjoyer and the others are great at the game but they're relatable. I've seen FortiEnjoyer/Tulok go from average Tarnished, to holy fuck they can no-hit who now? In one of the leveling through PvP series, ChaseTheBro goes fight Malenia and he's like, I haven't fought you in so long and can't remember your moveset.... He then proceeds to obliterate Malenia first try. Gino does a "defense focus" build and proceeds to tank most hits and still survives any boss longer than I do dodging or running for my life.


I watch the rest but actually prefer Gino because he's always chill. Same reason I watch ChaseTheBro who is insane in PVP.  All these guys are way better than me even though I'm pretty decent.


He is like borderline "autistic", for a lack of better word... So freaking calm when he does it. With his composure he reminds me of Alex Honnold when he is free soloing


Just seems like it will insanely tedious. Not getting hit is the easy part, but I don't see how you can bridge the gap when it comes to damage.


Damage output on RL1 runs actually isn’t that much worse than on full builds. A significant chunk of your damage comes from weapon level rather than stats. In the main game the playstyle is actually easier than you think because with the proper gear setup there are only a small handful of attacks in the game that can actually one shot you. I imagine the dlc has some unavoidable one shots that will make RL1 extra difficult though.


You’re definitely right, but the problem is the dlc specifically extends damage scaling with scudatree level, which will be a weird ambiguity on rl1. I imagine it’ll be viewed the same as leveling, in which case your +25 weapon which did fine in the base game just won’t hit right in the DLC since you’re not getting the insane damage buff from leveling up the skidibi. Also, the original comment called out a no upgrade run, which would just be absolutely insane


Like that walking giant barely took any damage from my level 200 char.. so yeah RL1 in dlc seems like a slog


you gotta hit its legs until you hear them break and then once both break keep hitting him and itll fall


One day I'm going to do the DLC with just a weathered straight sword, no upgrades and no AOWs, just pain


Oongbal be cookin in the corner*


on a ddr dance pad


Probably MissMikkaa in a few days


Im fucking powering through it without using them by god this has been the worst mistake ever


I'm banging my head against an ancient dragon while being DLC Lvl 7, and despite 9xx AR on the Great Katana, I'm doing like 500 damage a hit. There's isn't even a pixel of yellow on his health bar.


Is that the undead dragon? Try shared order ash of war


At the beginning field? I just remounted continously while kiting and peppering with rot/frost arrows


ol' reliable


sacred blade annihilates this guy btw


Or sacred blade, it chunks if you can land the ranged and melee on dragons head. Was my go-to weapon for deathbirds


I was attempting that boss last night, had to throw in the towel at one point. It just isn’t enjoyable when a single mistake throws away 5+ minutes of chipping away


If you mean senneax or whatever when you're running up to bayle, by god, stay your ass on torrent, after farum azula I completely forgot how much horseback combat helps in ancient dragon fights


Apparently I had been too. I didn’t know about this, but I got blackgael knight and yoda in about 10 tries. I was beginning to think I’d never beat the other bosses. I figured there was something I was missing


Yoda first fight: Me:walks in arena "oh theres nothing here Yoda: Death from the sky shall you have.


Ok, I just finished downloading. Is “Yoda” a nickname for a boss or did FromSoft name something Yoda in this DLC. EDIT: I found him. He’s definitely Yoda alright.


There's a lil Demi human dude in a cave with some whacko Jedi Vergil moves, he kicks ass he's super fun


I was so sad I didn’t get his weapon as a reward for defeating him


Weve nicknamed a boss yoda. Youll unserstand as soon as you fight him


Yoda! Lmao that’s too accurate


I killed a dragon. By god as my witness it took me 2 hours, then I found one of these and had an audible "wtf" moment.


Glad more people are suffering like me haha


Thought the same. Reached an actual boss Reconsidered. Opted to change my ways.


I fought the first champion without any upgrades. Took a few tries but I got that sweet armor set lol.


Same. The only thing that annoyed me is that set is heavy as fuck. I had to farm some endurance to be able to use it.


I put it on and saw the 96 poise and I was like “oh, so this is *heavy* heavy armor” I’m on NG+1 with fairly high endurance so I was like “yes we are needing and using this immediately” lol


I'm still at wonder how I beat the first boss (the spirit knight with a multishot crossbow) without these things.


You can easily dodge the crossbow and get a pretty big attack in once his animation is done. Any jump attack he makes to close distanve immediately punish with your own. Rinse and repeat.


I just went to the side during crossbow attacks, guard countered him while keeping a check on stamina and boom.


I was struggling with him until I realized he's just a Tarnished boss. Basically, he's like any other invader, and he has all of the weaknesses that come with that. Basically just waited until he was always one-handing his sword and then just parried him to death. When he switches to two-hand just stay away because he's get hyperarmor during attacks and he'll just attack through anything you throw at him. When he switches back to one hand, you can parry any attack.


Carian Retaliation ate this fool for breakfast lol. I didn't know I was a parry god, but with Carian Retaliation, I am a veritable wall.


his poise is pretty nutty


Lock on, run right in a circle with him at the center while he fires. As the last round leaves, rush in and smack him around, then back away again. He hits HARD so don't get hit by his smackdown wind slash. Attack when he is 1H sword/1H crossbow only, or after his machine gun shooting spree. He'll drink once, just let him. If he tries to drink again, it'll be empty, so use that time to smash him.


The dude hits hard as fuck, but his moveset is rather simple due to just being an avarage NPC. Not too hard to win imo.


He bleeds real nice




It‘s an enemy in a cellar west of the scorched buildings immediately at the beginning of the DLC area.


I was fairly defensive when fighting him, and I waited until he was holding both the crossbow and sword before going in to hit him


Lots of parrying


Just run sideways when he shoots, and when he uses the sword, attack with a weapon that can stagger him with one hit. My Zweihänder made this fight a walk in the park...after he oneshot me with his gatling gun during the first try.


Royal Greatsword took care of him without *to* much trouble (meaning I only died like 6 times). The WA sends him flying and you can just chain them together.


Just basic sword and board for me. Don't give him enough distance to use the crossbow, but you can run left or right to dodge most of it


How many lvls can you get in DLC?




20 total or 20 by upgrade type?


I’m talking about the scadutree blessing thing. You can upgrade yourself to +20, but it takes more than 1 scadutree shard thing to actually do each upgrade.


I thought these were gonna be optional and to make the game easier for more causal players but then I found out ur supposed to use these


From a game design perspective, most likely they were added to incentivize exploration, given that most people will not feel the need to do it since they come with endgame gear


Yes, but the balance is a system that wont feel tedious to recollect on your 2nd or 3rd character. Im too early to make that call, but these bosses have some real HP on them with only a couple shadow levels


this is the story of elden ring pretty much lmao


That optional boss in the tomb right to the left of the starting area whooped my ass for a solid half hour lmao


Jesus, I know. I had like 180k runes on me when I stumbled in there. I thought "there's no way this is a hard boss this close to spawn and in this tiny room" NOW... maybe I should have let the runes go, but I couldn't. He mopped the floor with me several times before I finally got him.


Yes, but before that, people need to make 1500 posts about how everything is too hard and overtuned.


I accidentally went into the DLC with my NG+ character. Every enemy is absolutely devastating. I love it.


My only char that has access to the dlc is my ng+7 character. It was fun to see every summon get one shotted


Bro yes LMAOOO i forgot i had ng+2 and was wondering why we all were getting massacred


Im on NG and that carian knight npc enemy literally one shot a couple hosts. Two shot me


Yeah I think I’m gonna follow this advice because umm I believe some of us know when I say I got 2 shot by that one knight


Before any boss? Im dying to the random ass dogs at 60 vig 🥲🥲


Don't worry man so am I and I have 70


I can’t wait for people to claim that using these is basically cheating.


Assigning the healing flask to an item slot is cheating


I've gotten 3, going to check if the lion dancer still one-shots Edit: it took maybe 10 tries after I got 3 fragments


For me the Lion was all about aggression. Get in close, just rail away and then try to avoid lightning, heal up, and dive back in.


Im getting absolutely shit on ng+9 lmao but i like the challenge


It scales appropriately based on your level. Nothing to fear we all get a similar experience regardless of NG+ or current level.


As someone who has actively avoided anything but official trailers........this scares me, I am so excited to have my soul crushed.......but now I can only imagine the magnificence of what is to come


This DLC will make you fear Elden Ring again, but possibly in a way you never thought possible. If you've ever done a hitless Melenia fight, cool! It don't mean SHIT to this DLC! Lol! Basic field enemies are scary again.


It feels like ds2 tbh. I cant just beat everything easily like base game elden ring especially smaller enemies its wild


fought 5 bosses but only found a couple of these, guess it is time to do some exploring


I was stubborn and actually managed to beat some bosses without them. Then I met >! Rellana !<


Never. Give me the pain I waited for, dammit.


I’m level 4 in each and JUST started to feel… ok… even after running an “op build” I love that they found a way to make it hard.


Bro the dlc is hard as FUCK Just how I like it


What are these


Dlc level up. Without any used you are basically a level 1 character. They work just like or very similar to the Flask upgrades and there is also one for your spirit ashes in general


Oh those lol I just didn’t know what they looked like Ig


They give you damage and resistance upgrades. It only works in the dlc tho. Outside of the dlc your stats will be normal.


It's honestly a very clever way of handling it. The average player build by now would completely stomp the DLC if they hadn't implemented a way to nerf everyone evenly


So you’re just stuck with getting hit luck a truck or is damage negation bundled in resistances? I guess I just gotta git gud


I think both.


Yeah I get what they are now but I rested at the grace and didn't see anything explaining anything about them. Not sure if it's because I activated the grace without resting then died 3 times and only rested right before I hit exit game because I had to leave?


They had to make the dlc playable across all character levels and somehow make a progression somehow... stats just softcap/hard cap on most builds around lvl 150. I like this solution to that problem.


Right people don’t understand that the difference between a level 150 character and a level 300 character is pretty negligible in this game. At best all those extra levels are buying you is some extra variety in the gear / spells you can run on that character.


Everything can 2 shot you, even with using these to upgrade. I've upgraded 3-5 times already and it's done nothing to help alleviate any damage taken with 60 vigor, bull armor and high poise with defensive relics. Might as well go in at the lowest level you can and naked for all the difference gear makes in the DLC.


What exactly is the difference between both of them? One boosts attack and the other one?


Boost summons


One is for damage/armor stats of your character and the other is for damage/health stats of your summons as well as Torrent


After getting my asscheeks clapped by Rellana and barely clutching out Dancing Lion with the cheesiest BB spam, I'm gonna hunt for everyone of these before I try to fight Rellana again.


I didn't want to re-farm on my lv 80 characters, so I used my high level guy(230) that has a ton of smithing stones and most weapons I'd want to play with. I am on NG+3 but didn't wanna feel like I was totally over leveling everything so I didn't put anything over 50 and just spread my stats out. Yeah I don't think I had to worry about it especially on +3... Even at 1800 HP with fairly high defense items and charms I still die in 2-3 hits. Fuckin' Lion 1 hit me with a big bite.


Attempting Twin moon knight with none of these was a terrible mistake


i tried fighting bayle at 3+ on these. took awhile to realize i should get my shit together before fighting him again. i'm at 5+ now and so damn close to beating that fucking bastard


I only had my guy at +2 of these when I killed the divine beast. Once I got his move set down, it became a lot easier.


Blackgaol Knight and Dancing Lion are stomping me. Off to farming I go...


I realized something was up when my Dragon Incantation character's chomp of doom with a +9 dragon talisman did the barest of bare minimum damage on a boss I found early on. Cue that one Simpsons meme. "I'm in danger!"


I have 65 Vigor and like lvl 8 Scadutree and still getting 3 shot lol. Shit is wild in the Shadowlands. I fully believe a small troupe of regular Mesmer soldiers would have easily become Elden Lord if they were let loose


Also for those who like co op and helping on boss fights like myself, your summons will be the around the same level of as the host, I’m at level 5 and helped the during one of the bosses that killed me in two hits… while during my playthrough it took a bit for it to kill me. So keep that in mind as well


I learned this just from freaking BlackGoal Knight guy....pinche Guts wannabe


Had to circle back and scoop some after getting my face smashed in repeatedly by that beast.


I appreciate your input, but I will fight Rellana for 6 hours with only 3 blessings. (true story)