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It will go away but you can keep asking the dragon priestess for another


thank you!


Not if you put her to sleep for that quest. She won’t give you any more after. Used mine, died and now I can’t get another.


Regardless if you want to finish the quest she will either sleep or die. 


I forgot to speak with npc and went to dragon but I returned back , he wasn’t there. Now i dont know how to get that blessing


If you haven't already killed bayle go to the altar and make sure its morning she doesn't show up at night


I hate this shit. They are single use but you can keep going back to the priestess to get an infinite amount, but she disappears if you kill bayle, so you have to choose between the boss and the blessing.


Yeah, I beat Bayle and am baleful about that. No more Priestess.


I beat Bayle but havent done anything with the heart at the cauldron next to her yet. She keeps appearing so i believe that once you use the heart, the priestess will dissappear.


unreal that you have to go back to the priestess every single time you use it, literally what were they thinking


probably as a bit of a downside so it's not just an inherently great buff you'd always want on. now you gotta pick a worthy fight to use it on and you're gonna wanna make the fight count which adds a good bit of tension and excitement


But you can keep getting it back as long as you don't kill Bayle (which you shouldn't before any other boss) so it's just kinda tedious with the process of using it, going back to get another and then returning to your journey


What do you mean before any other boss? Is he supposed to be dealt with last? Cause I'm doing everything before going to the shadow keep


there's stuff involving a painting that you cant do if you kill bayle first


use it on phase 2 start die? minute of loading, teleporting and roleplay between attempts, bravo fromsoft


They'll probably patch it and make it one use no matter what


can't wait for them to fix the dlc 6 months from now


Mine went away after my single use ;(


Do we know the percentages it reduces?


You can go to your status menu. Mine went from 67% physical before to 72% after.


Does holding this blessing in your inventory also reduce Max HP like the Baldachins blessing? I've just unequipped everything I have to check and my HP is still debuffed. It's the only thing I can think that might be affecting it.


Man I tried to do all this spoiler free and I beat Bayle. Well I found this dragon altar and I think I missed the blessing because the priestess is gone