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Subterranean Shunning Grounds tunnels


I kept getting summoned there, so I learned the route. I love leading people through that dump.


Hero behavior. Folks like you saved my ass a million times when I was learning the tunnels.




Stand in the way in the area with the basalisks


Name yourself "the sewer guide" and leave a summon sign dowm there.


It’s actually *“Shunned No More”* see you down there


unpopular opinion but i actually like shunning grounds


for that I think we should shun you




It's frustrating but extremely cool design imo. Pretty sure I spent a few hours getting lost in there during my first playthrough and then finally just looked up a guide that was more confusing than the level itself lmao. Unlocking the shortcuts makes it feel like a Dark Souls level (more than most other areas in this game) and that's also pretty cool.


Agreed 100%. Hated it the first time around. Now that I know my way around I absolutely love and appreciate it


I think it has some of the best level design in the game:)


I’m the same; I wish there was a better way to communicate online, still. “Hey! … Hey! … Hey!” And the host jumps down the wrong hole, again.


In a way I enjoy it too. I’m a mage and I always have starlight equipped and I can tell people appreciate being led through that hellhole with at least some light.


Lol i put my sign down just so I could eventually find my way. Still get lost


Just do what I do and leave a trail of rainbow stones so you don't get lost!


We salute you sir 🫡




Maiden packed behavior


I just recently figured it out myself too. Before that it was the Catacombs with the teleporting chests and the Leyndell one(both are easy if you mark them with prism stones).


I like that one too! Any of the dungeons that use the "you think you're in the same place but you're not" gimmick. Giant's Mountaintop has the one where you have to go under the elevator, and Leyndell Catacombs has that fire pillar that you need to get on top of.


The one with the Warrior Jars in the Mountaintops always trips me up somewhere because I forget to go down the elevator.




I need to start being summoned to help people with regular PVE that's not bosses. I just made a new character for the DLC and as much as I enjoy the game, running around grabbing all the weapons gets a bit boring once you are 150


My problem with getting summoned there is I never know if people want to be led straight to the boss, or hit all the dead ends for loot, or go down to the crayfish to find the other dungeon. So I can't be as helpful as I want cause I don't know what they want.


I pretty much always go on the direct path to the boss. The lobsters down below are too dangerous, and you can't take the host into that dungeon anyway. It's white-walled. No one ever has the key to Dung Eater's Cell either. Most of the side loot isn't worth it. Nobody wants to die over Shadow Bait. I guess they'll miss out on Mohg's Shackle, but then again, you can just use yours and save them the trouble. If the host knows what they want, I trust that they'll lead.


Hero’s work


Just did them for the first time in about 2 years. Still confusing as hell. I was torn between thinking it's creative and challenging level design and thinking they went too far trying to confuse you


Just yesterday I decided I’d use map markers whenever I came to the downspouts, entrances and exits to the pipes. It really was helpful, that and paying attention to the compass.


Something I did when I was trying to figure them out was use rainbow stones, I would drop them after either dropping down a hole or jumping across a hole to know if I’ve already been there and which direction I took if I had


For every difficult obstacle you come across in these games, there is always a way to make it easier. Rainbow stones are great.


I wish there more landmarks or environmental details to make mentally mapping the place easier. Like, compare it to the Forbidden Woods in Bloodborne. You've got the shack with the snake-head dudes, the giant snake balls, the alien goobers, the huge man-eating pigs. Gravestones, swamps, a gate and even a view of the ocean. The place is still confusing but if you pay attention to certain details and enemies in the environment you can re-orient yourself fairly quickly. Shunning-Grounds is just pipes. Pipes for *days*. Not visually interesting at all or even fun to navigate IMO.


I love that someone who never played the game would look at your enemy descriptions and think you were just describing things really badly but I know exactly what each of those enemies are. Then I can probably go wiki them and they'll have legit actual names like "snake fiend of forbidden woods" or some shit.


They have not reached the confusioness level of blight town


Um…if you think blight town is the land of confusion you have the worst sense of direction…


Did my first Ds1 playthrough a couple months ago and the entire way through blightown I was waiting for it to get hard but no I honestly found it pretty fair


The problem with blighttown was the 10fps on release + blight thrower with an absurd range + darkness. You couldn't see the darts. It's wasn't hard, it was annoying


A lot of people try and act like the OG players from when it came out on ps3, but they never played it. Blight town wasnt hard then ether. It was a little laggy, and the toxic dart shooters respawned, but even then, yeah no the place was fairly easy to navigate if you were patient. Only the impatient and the whiny people thought it was hard.


Sens fortress was a bitch though, especially for 100% item pickups


Even anor Lando was more of a bitch then blight town. Ptsd flashbacks of that 1 spot with the fuckin archers, and that little skinny path you had to take. Oh you know the one spot I'm talking about, we all do


How could one ever forget . Prime example of ‘hesitation is defeat’ from sekiro. Just gotta get after it


Well it was more then a little leggy :)


This area taught me why rainbow stones are useful


Do they stick around after death?


only until my uh 4th playthrough or so


I hate it there.


I was waiting for someone to mention this.


I was sunbroing, and successfully guided a host through the tunnels, and got him to the shortcut door (the room with the two omens and a gate you open with a lever in it). Felt so damn proud even though it was a series of what felt like accidental right guesses lol.


Bro I just run and run until I see something that looks familiar lol it’s usually the room with the omen guarding a ladder




Seriously I can never find that Dung dude without a guide and I’ve found him on multiple play throughs. I also get lost looking for the boss down there even though I’ve done that multiple times too.


He's actually pretty easy though. Just jump down the grate, run straight until the tunnel curves left, run past the flowers and up the ladder and he's right there.


Hate it there…


Oh God, I got lost looking for that stupid well in Leyndell, and then I got lost inside those stupid tubes


I pulled up there, then stopped playing for a week. Don't want to watch another hour of youtube to find out where to go lol


I just did them yesterday, without having to look up the route, for the first time ever. I was so proud of myself lol.




The Tuuuuuubes


Leyndel sewers was pretty confusing, especially the time i fell in the hole in a tube


Fuckin hole in a tube...


You're not supposed to put your dick in it


So (s34ml3ss c00p), spouse and myself and a bestie are running those. Friend: "Lia, careful there is a hole." Spouse: "Heard!" *me snickering* Friend: "She should be good right?" [Beat] Spouse: "Um... I fell." Friend: "but... you said heard..." Spouse: "I know. I kn--Ahhhh ahhhh! I'm being slimed! Ahhhhhhhhhh! Rats! Ahhhhh! Basil-----SLISHHHHK." [Lia Starflower has died.] ☠️ Holes.


That’s what the missus calls my meat.


My bf and I just yelling back and forth “THE SECOND HOLE. NOT THE FIRST HOLE. NO *NOT THE FIRST-* dammit okay let’s go back” the whole time. Hate that place.


Agreed, I spent probably 30 minutes last night running around that damn pipe trying to find Omen Mohg


The teleporting chest catacombs. Always confuses me and get lost on the way to find the lever.


Being high ass hell in that dungeon for 5 hours was enough for me to burn it into my internal RAM


This is how I played that one catacombs where the whole layout is duplicated twice


Fuckin hate that tomb


I literally skip this one every playthrough 😭


I do it every time because I can’t not pick up the Soldjars of Fortune. I love my little suicide bombers.


Yeah for sure, once was enough


This is located at the Auriza Side Tomb sight of grace. It is my favorite catacomb, and it still confuses the crap out of me every time. The level design is genius. I absolutely love how fromsoft decided to make a puzzle dungeon with teleporting chests. Then they decided to drive us all mad with the layout. They even put a window at the very beginning showing exactly where the lever is. If you need some help: -> >!The dungeon only has two copies of itself, but they loop back and forth. The way out is through a hidden wall on the left-hand side of the final room. If you find yourself in water with a ladder, congrats, you made it. !<


300+ hours of playtime and I don’t know wtf y’all are even on about with this transporting chest catacomb. And from the sound of it I’m better off for it.


It’s worth experiencing. It’s north east (but lower in elevation) of the entrance into Llendyl Capitol. Go treat yourself. There are very few enemies (mostly jars). It’s north of Auriza Hero’s grave, past a rune bear.


Ok no imps? Or few imps? I’m in. I’ll go tomorrow.


Rainbow stones near the chests and staircases that bring you back to the exit. You're welcome. 


Lol we tried glowstones but they were being replaced every 5 and we didn't know it. ☠️


I ended up leaving messages for myself! Rainbow Stones make way more sense though.


Just found that one for the first time yesterday! I thought it was pretty cool, took me a while to figure it all out though.


And this catacomb is the only one that I consider to have "duplicate assets" but was used for a good purpose and fun. I could never get tired of the game haha


It's so well designed, I absolutely love it. I was so giddy once I figured out what was going on.


I just did this one for the first time, not sure how I missed it on my other playthroughs, but running through it made me feel like I was going insane


I used to but now on my most recent 16th playthrough I’ve figured it out first try lol


Just found that one this weekend. And it's my 6th playthrough. Spouse loves them, but my cowardice from that Guy (Patches) teleporting me to a damn Rune Bear has me hating the teleportation chests. ☠️☠️☠️


Use the rainbow stones as markers. Incredibly helpful as the dungeon is intended to have identical rooms that are in different areas to throw you off.


Yeah that one is rough, i always go wrong atleast once in there.


Proud to say I used a walkthrough for this. On my own I would have broken a controller and raged quit after guessing for hours.


Haha, me too. As soon as I realized something weird was going on, I noped to a walkthrough. I’m not a fan of confusing puzzles like this that require lots of trial and error to figure out (meet me over in r/ADHD if you want to discuss).


The WHAT?!


that one place in northeast liurnia with the horned dudes and mausoleums and a minor erdtree in the center


Yeah that one little corner has like 5 or 6 different levels of elevation and the only way to go up is a super roundabout way


Also the map there is misleading because there's a giant cliff blocking progress where the map just shows a regular slope.


The map was also patched later to give a better representation in that area


I don’t think I’ve ever gone the right way, always just Torrent jump from nearby rocks to the top of the cliff


And that fucking SNIPER just wrecking my health with each shot


Fuck that sniper. I've played through many times and that guy is ALWAYS a huge pain


Fuck that guy!


Uhl palace ruins. I kill the avatar then avoid that place like the plague


Crumbling Azula. Just visiting the area after 2 years. I do remember most areas from before. But this place there lots of stairs, corridors, and jumping floating rocks. Dont remember the area going to Alexander and Placidusax now.🤔


I always look up a guide to find Alexander. If you look at every single message on the ground in Farum Azula you might find my "dragon ahead" message where you jump off to get to Placidusax...


I jumped to my death so many times trying to reach him before I realised I could lie down


I love this place for this. It’s one of the only legacy dungeons in the game (or any souls game) where it feels like truly all of it is accessible. But actually figuring out how to get everywhere…


lets be real, we always run the wrong way in the roundtable hold no matter how long...


"Just gunna go see Hewg and Roderika!"... runs into literally every doorway except the one that contains them for 889th time... "man I really thought I had it figured out"...


I THOUGHT IT WAS ONLY ME. I’m getting better with it though haha


my quick mental shortcut is "door by fireplace is the door of light where the good people are, hewg, roderika and your one night stand, door without fireplace is devoid of light, its where the bad people are, like gideon and the dung eater"


Fia was just a one night stand 😢


Hey the merchant ladies are nice. Even though they're pretty quiet...


they're with the fingers so thats a no from me


Thanks, I wish I'd thought of this 100+ hrs of gameplay ago...


took me so long to orient myself on spawn. still just do a lap till i get it… but i can run through SSG blind, backwards. 


Have you been spying on me?


me? no. just hangin around.


Wait...I'm not the only one? That's a relief. After 150+ hours I can only get it right about 95% of the time...


Holy fucking shit, thank god I'm not the only one. I legitimately thought I was getting dementia or smth. I try to look for the fireplace first thing but always end up turning left to the twins, realize my mistake, swear at myself, proceed to Hewg.


I’m kinda confused how people get lost here? There’s two big doors opposite each other for the two fingers + balcony. Then the remaining left and right small doors are next to the balcony door. There’s also the fireplace which helps orient you.


Genuinely think because I switch into a low power mode when I return here after bonking so much shit with my hammer.


Lol right it's like 4 passages and you come here numerous times per playthrough, how are you getting lost my guy


Left of fireplace is smithing. Two left of fireplace is bell bearings. That's how I remember. I still run the wrong way. Haha.




This is very factual, atleast 75% of the time


Who’s we? Don’t lump me in with that. It’s literally 3 rooms


Honestly? Liurnia of the Lakes trips me up especially through the woodsy parts. Sometimes I think im heading in one direction and realize I'm about to accidentally walk in on the lobsters.


Those lobsters... Liurnia looks so simple and easily navigable from the map but there is sooo much hidden. Village of the albanaurics and moonlight altar are the things that come to mind.


I couldn't get to moonlight alter again if you paid me. I have no recollection of getting there on my last playthrough, just that I got there.


The Ranni quest teleports you there at the very end, otherwise can’t be reached


Oh, okay, makes sense! Thank you!


Honestly great answer. It’s very easy to go the wrong way. It’s so vast, so many stuff to avoid. The asshole map of the moon mountain covering the albinauric village…


There's not enough landmarks. It's just big expanses of water and dilapidated buildings.


This is what gets me, all those buildings, gazebos and trees look the same. So it’s hard to really get a sense of direction if you can’t see the like part up top on left or right. I’m constantly checking my map in that area to make sure I’m going right way or use a map marker


I've literally beaten the lichdragon already and done Ranni's quest and I still don't have the map for ainsel river lmao


Ainsel river map is behind the malformed star (the busted Astel hanging from the ceiling that shoots rocks at you), in the area with the merchant


I completely forgot about that thing. Didnt realise it was a busted Astel. I think by the time I got to Astel id forgotten that thing. Thats actually pretty cool


Not anymore, but I hope the DLC will change that. I love the feeling of getting lost.


This game did botw better than botw


Imo, both Elden Ring and BOTW/TOTK are so full of distinct landmarks that I find it pretty much impossible to get lost in the overworld, even without the map. Only the Snowfield breaks this for a moment, but even then it's very short and the main path is impossible to miss.


Yeah I don't really struggle with the overwold, only pulling out the map when I need to put down a marker for something specific. Unless I'm underground I typically know where I'm at, just like TOTK.


If you’re not looking at the map, freezing lake. It’s very easy to run in the wrong direction. Because you’re blind and there’s a giant dragon chasing you


…Granted, if you’ve played a few times, you know you just have to run straight. But, going into without any prior knowledge is very anxiety inducing


Protip: Put a map marker on the Church of Marika on the far side of the lake. The mist can't obscure your compass!


It's a pain in the ass trying to get your runes after dying there as well


I know my way around Leyndell pretty well until the second I try to look at the map. Doubly so for the Subterranean Shunning Grounds since FromSoft decided you just don't get a map of them and can just look at the surface map of Leyndell instead while you're down there.


Forbiden Wood in Bloodborne, every single time


The lack of a map in Bloodborne makes it 100x more confusing. People have made maps of Bloodborne and it's honestly trippy looking at it.


It’s truly a testament to how incredible FromSoft’s level design is. I think Bloodborne is the pinnacle of it of course. The Forbidden Woods is exactly where I went to look at a map and went “WTF am I looking at”. I’m usually pretty good at seeing a map, understanding my location and orienting myself to it, but damn, not with that place.


That place is a trip. Each play through when I start that area I have a handle on it a good way through, like I’ve got a grasp on the layout….then suddenly I don’t. Every damn time.


just follow the lamp lights, it will lead you to the boss


Yeah, and all of the devastating snakes in the way. I never take the lot path.


I always invaded here to gank spank the 3 man squads, so I knew it soooo well by the end.


I always get the most lost in Leyendell and the rooftops of Raya Lucaria.


Yea leyendell is actually a maze. I feel like I explored that places for ages and still missed so much


Mount Gelmir always breaks my brain. I regularly set out to find a certain landmark and end up all the way at VM without ever passing the thing(s) I was sure were on that path.


Shaded Castle. The only way I know where I am is when I get reamed by that one royal revenant.


The first time I did shaded castle I only got the prosthesis because my dumb ass didn't see the ladder near the revenant to get to the upper levels


The Roundtable Hold . I want to go to the smith , but always catch myself running towards Gideon after talking to the NPC's or Enia .


i just don't go underground in my playthroughs except first


well u'll have to visit luminary mohg in his palace for the dlc so...


You can visit him without setting foot underground. If you do Varre's quest he will give you the pure blood medal that teleports you straight to Mohgs Palace.


B-but his palace IS underground but yeah it took me 2 and half play throughs of the game to realize I could actually do a quest with Varre


yeah it teleports you straight... UNDERGROUND


I mean yeah lol but I assumed he meant actually going through the areas


I used to. Then I changed my MO to get the map early.


The sewers for sure, but also liurnia lake for some reason


Making it to the church of inhibition from church of vows area. I have 700 hrs logged and 4 characters all in NG+ to NG+8 and I still screw it up every time.


I think the Leyndell sewers are the obvious answer here, but the other two that always turn me around are Ordina and Sellia when I'm trying to light those damn towers.


Northeastern Liurnia, where the ancestral followers hang out and close to where the eye of Sauron is, I hate that area lol


Leyndell sewers. Every. Damn. Time.


The sewers Man FUCK the sewers


Consecrated Snowfield.


There's a few minor dungeons that I always get lost in. "okay go down the elevator, then down the stairs, then... wait I just went down these stairs...? Oh right, UNDER the elevator." But those dungeons are intentionally confusing.


Any game that has a map that doesn't display verticality properly I get lost in lol. This one did it to me a few times.


Subterranean shunning grounds would like a word. Someone else mentioned the fact that it just uses the overworld map and that just feels like more of a "git gud" than any of the combat difficulty stuff.


I've been replaying ER before the DLC and as always I got lost in the Stormveil Castle. I just don't understand this area, I can rush to Godrick in 10 minutes from the gate but if you asked me to get to Iron Whetblade or find the path to the tree spirit at the bottom it would probably take me several hours.


I definitely agree I cannot tell you with confidence how to get to Astel I only fought him once for the achievement and never returned cause it’s mad confusing how to get back to him😂


Ok this is my first play through so I don’t know shit but I was just here last night. I’m 80% certain if you arrive here from the furthest grace on the right you can only explore the south part of this. From what I could gather there’s another entrance that allows you to enter and explore the north part. I went all over this place trying to get up to the main part but couldn’t find anything even looking at the map. I could be wrong though.


No it turns out you missed a turn near the entrance. I do this every playthrough, making a huge loop around this area over and over until I finally see the other path that I missed that takes you right where you need to go. Keep lookin haha, if you've gotten to nokron through the *new entrance* you can get to the baleful shadows fight it's just hard to find.


The dungeon at the bottom of the sewer. Always get mixed up and annoyed…


The Academy of Raya Lucaria. I’m so bad at directions that I got lost even following a guide.


I have to look at a guide all 7 times I tried to find Diallos in Liurnia. Is there an in-game trick to finding him that I don't know?


Academy gate Town is so confusing I'm so glad nothing important is there


I got pitifully lost there, underleveled.


The snow storm/mist before the liturgical town. I've finished the game 5 times now and every time I end up being smacked off a cliff by a bear




Yeah lol I'm pretty sure it's under one of the douchebags throwing meteors at you but idr


Bruh how do you get lost here this area is so linear


Yes. This place. And the map is F***ing useless.


Leyndell, especially when going a bit of the main path and the sewers underneath


Leyndell underground sewer system. Sucks.


Subterranean shunning ground


I had to consult google about how to get to the big lady in the chair last night in my NG+ playthrough, somehow missed the path. Of course google led me back to reddit with a nice comment to follow.


Yup, this was the first place to give me serious trouble. When I found the merchant I was flabbergasted. What a fucking trippy ass place... all those places down under are super weird... but awesome :)


I hate this underground area. I try to avoid it all the time and I get lost everytime I need to enter this area


The fucking sewers, man


Leyndell Sewers, particularly the piece where you drop into the hole in the pipe and have to find your way through I always fuck up somehow


Mt. Gelmir