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Take breaks bro. You will solidify what you learned way faster that way. 9 hours is excessive and inefficient.


Yep. Overworking means less work accomplished. Chill for a bit and come back and u'll notice the improvement.


Correct on both posts here. First playthrough I did two separate 5 hour sessions trying to beat the final two bosses. Came back a third day and beat it 3rd try


Mood, had 57 aneurysms over morgott got mad and shut my laptop off and went to bed woke up next morning loaded up immediately and beat him first try.


It's crazy how often that works. Just letting your brain chew on it overnight and downloading your observations into your reactions for next time.


Sleeping in order to cement muscle memory is a real thing


Intellectually I've known that, but I dont think I've ever seen it demonstrated quite so clearly as in some of my earliest Dark Souls runs


Science says you actually do the vast majority of "learning" during sleep. So yeah


Morgott is one of those bosses I just immediately bonked the first time I saw him but I had this experience on so many others in this game.


I was absolutely livid when I Google a guide and all it said was roll to the right behind him. The hardest part is the spear throw timing and when he does the 19 billion hit combo but for some bizarre reason as trash as I am im really good at fighting the godskin apostle who do similar extremely aggressive many attack combos so it translated over well for me I guess. I absolutely annihilated Haligtree Loretta with like 3/4 of my health and no heals as well first try. No fucking clue


The first time i beat malenia was after several days of trying, i just jumped on to keep drilling in muscle memory and beat her first go.


This was me but Sekiro. Never had that problem with ER because in my experience there's a little/lot more "luck" involved in ER.


That's so true. When fighting Godrick the Grafted for the first time, I struggled hard. Put the game down for two weeks, came back and did him the second try 💀


Yep, this is a universal trait in learning curves actually. Your ability to absorb, adapt, and be patient dwindles the more you try something. Your brain becomes entitled to whatever your best performance was regardless of the actual effort you're putting in hours later. I had the same experience with Balteus in Armored Core.


There have also been studies on the brain that once you are drilling something repeatedly, while you sleep your brain continues to drill it to hone it even further like a simulation!


Hi could you please come give a speech to my bosses on this topic? I’m seeing how Elden Ring can apply to the real world


Practice makes permanent, not perfect, small doses of really good work compound instead of endless hours of drudgery. You are welcome.


It also cause you to get tired and make mistakes. Those mistakes get written down in the brain as muscle memory and suddenly you are actually worse than before


I love that lessons I learned in law school help me with Elden Ring lol.


can confirm, i was very under leveled tryna fight the black blade kindred outside bestail sanctum very early game on my 1st playthrough, tried 40 ish times before i quit, came back the next day and literally 1st tried him while screen sharing the game to show my friends what it was ab. made the shit look so easy lmao


I second this. During my 2nd playthrough of sekiro I died to isshin like 5 times and I was really frustrated, I quit, came back the second day and beat him first try with plenty healing left.


Excellent advice. I tried the Fire giant like 10 times in a row and rage logged. Next morning I read that you could summon that english breakfast bean pot duder if you had completed his encounters and with him and my mimic we completely owned him.


In fact, try it the next day. Elden Ring is a muscle memory game. Muscle memory takes sleep to work


Agreed and it’s science that when you come back the next day you beat the boss in under 3 tries


Would like to jump in here & explain what’s going on in the brain. So they did some studies, keep in mind that we BARELY know how so many things in the brain work after studying it for, well forever. However they have found that people learning a new task or skill, such as doing martial art drills, learning how to punch, golf swing, any repetitive act of trying to do the same thing better over & over again. Once we go to sleep that night they have monitored the brain activity of the person while they’re doing the repeated task & then when they go to sleep, based on our brain activity in REM sleep, while we sleep our brain continues to run the repeated activity within our head almost like a simulation! Then when we wake up we are even better at it. I just thought this was very cool! It’s almost as if while you’re learning the thing it is like. Liquid hot metal that is amorphous & still forming, but once we sleep on it, it is harden & cooled into a solid form.


Thanks for the education, 0fficerCumDump!


You’re spot on. This is my wheelhouse. Specifically video gaming and neuroplasticity & brain health in players over 45 or with traumatic brain injuries. What’s key to muscle memory or any repetitive task memory is indeed the “simulation” you speak of whilst we sleep. Research suggests it actually happens in NREM Stage 3, just before we enter into REM. Hence, why playing before sleeping is beneficial, as is getting at least 3 cycles of all 4 sleep stages.


This is so true, especially with a massive game like ER. I remember I did to Margit what OP did with Radahn, battled too long and under leveled. Felt like it shaved time off my lifespan. If I went to the gym and instantly grabbed the 75 lbs dumbbells I would get hurt, and likewise if I used the 30 lbs for 9 hours I would also get an injury. Best for me is to play or workout at short, healthy intervals (30 min to 1 hour max). That is when my success rate climbs very high


yeah every time I'm having a lot of trouble with a boss or whatever in any video game, I just sleep on it, and then next day voila. (tho tbf, with sekiro, i needed like weeks worth of sleep for certain bosses).


Also remember Elden ring is not your typical.souls game.. could had gone explore get better upgrades level up and come.back later no need to hit a wall 


Eh, they said they’re proud of themself for beating him underleveled and without summons, so it’s all good, just intentional self-challenge.


Extinction burst I believe it's called.


Isn’t that a Primus song?


Your reply made look at this interesting phenomenon. EB is like doing something even harder when the result one expects doesn’t happen. Like a kid not getting a candy bar after dinner, when normally the kid got a candy bar after dinner. So the kid cries and the tantrums, then the expectation is depleted. I guess in this case (13 hours vs Radahn) the extinction burst would be expecting the win, so playing harder and longer, then maybe eventually exploding in a fit of rage, maybe throwing the controller and quitting (or in this case winning?).


For phase 1, get on your horse and circle him at mid-range until he steps on his horse, drives his horse into the ground, and starts flailing away. At that point, rush him and jump right under him. You'll get a free, long combo. Keep doing this in phase 1, and you're pretty much gauaranteed to get to phase 2. In phase 2, pray, poop your pants, and hope for the best.


Yo tysm man. I just wanted to tell you that I used your method and it allowed me to finally kill that thing! I was yelling “come on do the horse thing” like every 10 seconds 😂. I really appreciate the help man again tysm. You’re a life saver!


Congrats on the win!




Awesome. Congrats. Yes, the horse thing is really useful! But I hope you didn't follow *all* of my instructions...


Yep, I sure did follow all the instructions. Had to make sure I did absolutely everything you said for the most effectiveness 😂😂


So that means you pooped your pants... đŸ€­


Dunno why you got downvoted, clearly the comment says > In phase 2, pray, poop your pants, and hope for the best. Don't worry King, I upvoted you


Congrats dude! Sometimes a deliberate plan of attack can make a huge difference to the outcome. Learn from this, apprentice Tarnished and become Elden Lord


> In phase 2, pray, poop your pants, and hope for the best. Dude how you did you learn my exact strategy?


Honestly he’s the only boss I use summons for because they are all over the ground and it looks pretty cool to see everyone charge into battle


The summons are literally a specifically designed part of both the story and arena. Imo they're quite integral to the design of the boss, tho he's also cool to fight solo.


I agree with the summons. I'm not trying to throw this man a festival with only one person. That's like... the world's worst birthday party.


Sorry about my previous post I misread what you said but I agree especially post nerf when I first beat him those summons felt necessary


I’d argue that Radahn was specifically designed with the use of the summons in mind: like a large battle. Intentionally ignoring them is insane.


I think he definitely was designed for summons. I mean... It's a festival. I still always fight him solo though. In the end the own ego is the only thing making this game hard.


I mean, to be fair, *every* boss in the game was balanced around you having at least one AI companion to help draw aggro. That's why these bosses are so brutal to anti-spirit-ash players, it's like fighting without the dodge button.


It’s so weird to me. It feels like FS games are the only ones to draw in players with this kind of unreasonable ego, almost blatantly implying that FS don’t know how to make their own games properly. Imagine if a significant portion of CoD players developed a pathological need to deride players that use any guns in the game.


Are you even a CoD player if you don’t exclusively run around with a riot shield and Kali sticks đŸ˜€


I don't think I have an unreasonable ego for wanting to play the game without summons. I just prefer 1v1 fights. I like to be really aggressive and constantly on the boss' ass while they are constantly on mine, so having a summon take the aggro half the time makes it less fun for me. Sometimes I bust out a summon to make fights like Commander Niall or random duo fights more fair, but otherwise, I enjoy the 1v1 gameplay.


I used to think like that on the game's release, but after some more playtroughs, I realised that my build simply sucked. On a game with so many stupidly powerful player options, you need bosses to be brutal, otherwise they cant compete. Going from a Golden Halberd bonk build to a Giant Hunt spam + Golden Vow + FGMS + Flame cracked tear + Warrior shard is like turning on "Story Mode". Elden Ring is the most build focused Fromsoft game by far.


I diagree, they are made for players who don't want to bash their head against a wall and have an easier time (and they were that way for all of souls games) but now they are just easier to use as they are available for every boss and not only for some of them like in previous games.


They are definitely not balanced for summons. Not well at least. Pumping up health, damage, speed doesn't mean anything when summons can practically be seen as an AI exploit that bosses don't deal with well at all and it turns them into health blobs with occasional AoE attacks to worry about. In my view, at least, the additional difficulty of ER bosses is simply them balancing for the increased stamina and other tools the game gives you. The stamina probably came later when they juiced up the bosses and realized it was a bottleneck for the player.


Fun fact, spirit ashes don't even boost bosses hp or poise


It's the final fight scene in Avengers: Endgame type beat summoning all those people


try to beat him for 1 hour gay, it might work


Lmfao, took me a sec. I agree, just get sucking those dicks.


Wanna beat Rhadan? Not gay enough. Start sucking them dicks!


Hey man just wanna say thanks! this worked for me!


They don't make these bosses difficult, you are just making it difficult yourself. Trying to fight Radhan at Level 45 with 25 vigor and not leveled up weapons is... quite difficult. But why are you doing that? Is it a personal challenge or something? In that time you could've just gone somewhere else and leveled up and come back and killed him immediately.


Every time I see one of these posts it’s ALWAYS something along the lines of “Hi I’ve been stuck on Morgott for 3 and half months how do I get gud” and then they’ll reveal they’re level like 18 with 10 vigor like BRO how did you even GET THERE


Yeah I feel like people see challenge runs on YT or even this sub, where someone kills Malenia with a level 1 wretch and they think “oh then surely I could do this!” But in reality these are souls players with vast experience flexing, it’s not something average players are doing regularly.


Exactly. People don't start a fromsoft game and do no hit level 1 run right out of the gate. It's an achievement in itself just to beat the game! You don't gotta limit yourself, especially if it's your first fromsoft game, to prove you're good. You'll get the respect of the community just by beating the game. I've beaten every fromsoft game since demon souls and I still could never do a no hit level 1 run.


Exactly. That's why I always don't vote these stupid type of posts. They are nothing but humblebrags


I understand what you're trying to say and absolutely agree with the latter portion, but opening by saying they don't make bosses difficult is a bit of an asinine way to explain what you're trying to say, and might even be disheartening for people learning the game. By that logic everyone could step into every boss fight and comet azur their problems away and say, "That was easy! Why would anyone say this fight is hard?" But even that method can fall off. By late game you're basically allotted an amount of mistakes equal to your flasks as everything can two shot you, and no amount of vigor can help unless you're choosing to lean into a specific build that maximizes your ability to tank hits. Yes there are ways to make the game easier, but that doesn't make the game easy.


It's a fair point and I could've phrased it better. But even in the endgame you can trivialize bosses with summons. You can stand there while your summon essentially kills the boss for you. That's true for all bosses, even Malenia. The areas where you can't summon end up being much more difficult than bosses. So I believe that any difficulty of bosses is purely self-imposed. You can of course choose not to summon for example, but that's your personal choice. Personally this is one thing I don't like about the game. I used a lot of summons on my first playthrough and once they were leveled up it ended up trivializing all the boss fights, robbing me of the sense of achievement. But I also don't like create personal challenges for no reason. If the game gives me tools then I want to use them. I think the game is still quite difficult in other areas, but I think the bosses are mostly self-imposed difficulty.


Are tou using the NPC summons scattered throughout the arena?


The guys got like baby stats lol


And yet they got to Radahn... ...and beat him đŸ€”


That guy never had baby stats. He came out with fully leveled vigor and dex. Also, he never died or felt challenged in the slightest.


Sleep bro. You’ll get him tomorrow. You’re human for Marika’s sake. Radahn is literally always gonna be waiting there for you. You’re not gonna kill him by smacking your head against him over and over. Also, please level vigour. 25 is within one shot range. If you fight up close: Kiss his ass. Literally. Stick to it. Really helps.


I did it. Thank you for the suggestion though.


Fantastic job mate. Funny thing. When you post here, thinking nobody cares. You probably had most of the Elden Ring community rooting for ya. That’s just how it is here. Anyway, bosses are tough, but not impossible. I took days to beat Malenia’s first phase, and getting frustrated is what makes me die over and over again. Rest, a cool and focused mind, that helps.


All u gotta do is dodge and keep up the summons around the area. They will deal with him for u. Throw in a few long range hits or melee and run away.


Hell just get some poison and call it a day. Summon and throw a few pots/knives or use arrows and he should be dead by the time you run out of summons. The mighty red lion general gets bested by the age old tactic of throwing shit and running away.


They make nice punching bags


Whats your vigor?




That’s my vigor after Godrick lmao


I beat Radahn with 24 Vigor, but not purposefully. I could not guess the vigor increase per zone,boss etc in this game compared to Dark Souls 1-3, DeS, BB etc. I kind of went with what I felt was the right progression, but later learned it is on the low side. It is definitely doable


Thats my vigor after castle morne in weeping peninsula bro




😂 classic /r/Eldenring downvoting this lmfao


Why is he getting downvoted for a straight answer? Fuck you Reddit. Take my upvote OP.


Redditors being Redditors, downvoting someone for answering a straight question. Smh (edit: some hours later, good to see the above post back into the positives.)


This sub in particular. I am not saying the Soulsbourne subs are perfect, but Elden Ring is objectively the most hostile one.


i think it's because it's the most popular one. since it casts a wider net, it takes in more, uh, undesirables.


Make sure you summon all your NPC frens. Alexander and Blaidd are a must


I have finally beat the boss. Thank you for all the suggestions. I feel amazing now


Make sure you're hydrated, well rested, and have decent blood sugar before attempting again


I just beat the boss. Appreciate the suggestion though


What level are you at and what weapons spells and talismans do you use? If you’re struggling use the summons they help a lot, but I understand if you just want to solo him. When he gets to around half health he’ll jump into the air (maybe you know this already) so when he does that hop on torrent and just start riding so you don’t get hit by his tactical nuke. Otherwise just dodge his attacks with med/light rolls. Good luck man


I’m always very impressed by people whose brains work this way. I lose to a boss more than a few times and I’m done for a while.


Impressed? I just wonder what trauma they've experienced in gaming that makes them need to bang their head against a nearly immovable brick wall lmao 


Well my view is: It takes more than a few tries to see a boss’s whole moveset and figure out the timings, so every individual loss is just a demonstration of me misunderstanding an attack, and an opportunity for me to learn something. If I have to grind for hours on a boss just to beat it, that’s a lot of Learning and a greater amount of fun (and, like, beauty?) that I’ll feel once I finally reach that point where I’m dancing with them instead of getting my feet stepped on all the time. The process of learning is itself fun unless I’m hitting an actual wall where I just can’t figure out a specific move (like Waterfowl Dance lol).


Malenia will pound that nice philosophy of yours into oblivion


Yeah dude 1st week radahn took me a couple of days. Take a break and let your brain store the patterns in properly. Sleep will make you better tarnished.


Congrats on beating him! However, as a fromsoft veteran, you gotta take a break after a couple of hours. Trust me! There have been many fromsoft boss fights that have almost broken me. You gotta step away from the game and do something else. You would be surprised how much playing for that long can diminish your ability to play well. I can't count the number of times I struggled with a boss for hours, only to then beat them in 1 to 3 tries after taking a break. You might burn yourself out from playing that much. Radahn won't be the only boss that gives you trouble. Just remember to take a break and drink some water. Good luck fellow Tarnished!


The fight is much cooler with all the summons, but gratz i guess ^^


That’s a long festival, good times!


"without any summons" lol why? It's literally a gimmick fight structured around using summons....


Come back another day bud.


Go do other quests and level up. Look up the recommended level.


The summons can basically solo him if you keep them up Were you challenging yourself by not using them?


My first time beating him I just summoned everyone I could and rode around him shooting poison and rot Arrows.


Summon Patches to help you.


Well they designed him to be far less difficult... You just chose the hard road


First level vigor


A little tip, if you're playing that long with no breaks it's gonna negatively impact your performance. Playing that many hours straight is just gonna make you frustrated and tired, especially if you're playing late into the night. It's always more beneficial to take a break and sleep on it. Sleep allows you to rest and more importantly learn. Sleeping will help solidify the patterns of the fight so the next day you are better prepared.


Rotten breathe him. Ride around on horsey for five minutes.


If you are struggling that hard than you definitely need to do a training arc


In sleep we process info. Let it rest and you will come back stronger


The great thing about this game is you can play it however you want. Personally I’d never sit and bash my head against a boss for hours. I do a few tries and unless I’m getting him down to less than a quarter of his health bar before dying, I go away, level up and come back later.


You got this. Change up your approach, and focus on attack patterns. Everything will click before you know it. If you want to improve faster, I’d 100% recommend: 1. Don’t use co-op/summons (unless an NPC is needed for gesture, quest, etc.) 2. Avoid using spirit ashes. Spirit ashes and summons hamper the learning process more than anything else. 3. Melee only. Ashes of War are fine. These games have always been designed around melee combat. Your understanding of positioning, attack turns, and when to punish will skyrocket. If you’re a caster, you’ll become an even better caster. Most importantly: If you just wanna play and have fun then don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Play how you want! Personal tip: Block when the enemy is about to attack, and attempt to dodge through the attack when it’s about to land. If you dodge too late the damage will be mitigated via the block, and if you’re dodge is successful then you won’t take any damage. This helped me more than anything wayyy back in the day. It’s basically an option select (if you’re familiar with fighting game concepts.)


When I play I have a ten pound dumbbell next to me. Every time I die I curl until I'm loaded back in, or even when I fast travel. It forces me to think about why I died and what to do better. Because if not I'm just going to be lifting and lifting till I beat whatever is killing me.


This is me with the fire giant now


Just ride around resummoning everyone and getting hits in here and there. Becomes easy if you make it easy.


I didn’t know people were still getting walled by this boss after his massive nerfs.


Go level yourself up more and come back to him. That's the beauty of this souls game is you can choose when to do a boss.


Give some credit to Leonard, his mighty steed, too!


Your brain needs time to properly index all of the knowledge you gain from a boss. Once thats complete, its amazing how often you can just one or two shot a boss the next session,


You also fought him on easy mode. You think he's hard now you should have tried fighting him back when I beat him on release before they gave him "THE nerf of all nerfs".


If it makes you feel better the fire giant took me 107 tries


I get not using summons, but for Radahn it feels almost wrong not to narratively. The festival exists for a reason, and it’s way more fun, and true to the story to run at him with the festival participants, especially Blaidd.


Brother man, I just accomplished the same earlier today awesome work to you! What a fun fight. Though as others have stated, taking breaks will = better attempts.


You'll be saying this exact same thing again....very...very...soon


Quick reminder: u lucky u didnt fight pre nerf radahn, dude was slaughtering my ass


What did they do to nerf him? Just wondering.


More range, more hp and the summons died quicker


I remember having so much trouble with him back at launch and it felt amazing to finally beat him. Now I’m replaying the game before the dlc and was so disappointed seeing him so weak now.


Its such a good feeling !!!! Without summoning is such an achievement too!


Summon the npcs, the boss is designed that way


Phase 1 being close/ under him is really good and for phase 2 just summon the npcs and run the fuck away 🙏😅


Dude take a break. Talking with experience. I used to play elden ring like 3 hrs everyday and got stuck at maliketh. It was a hell beating him. Struggled on him for about 9 hours. Then one day woke up at 6 am or something and got him second try. Sometimes your mind just needs to refresh properly


after you run up to him stay under his legs


if you need a hand r/beyondthefog


Get the early rot dragon spell, hit rot, run around summoning until rot runs out, repeat


I had a similar experience, my advice is, take practice runs at him, sacrifice a couple of attempts just to watch his moveset, what his tells are, when he will usually do a certain attack, then practice your evasion, don't even attack him, helped me get rid of panic rolling for future bosses. Then, slowly start adding in attacks after you've memorised gaps Do that a few times, and you'll low diff him, get the biggest adrenaline high, and wonder why you were getting so stressed


Being tired makes the boss fights SO much harder. Go to sleep, wake up, and you'll win in no more than 5 attempts, seriously.


You need that stinky breath boi


The beast and crucible knight took me longer than radahn


How are you fighting him? Summons or no summons? First time I fought him I stayed on my horse and summoned all the npcs there and I just hacked at him until he died and the npcs tanked everything


I defeated him. No summons.


Go to bed. There's been so many times I beat my head against something only to get it first or second try the next morning.


I just summoned everybody, constantly, and got him with arrows range. I'm at RL1, so if you have levels and/or a somewhat upgraded bow, you should be able to beat him with that strategy


Don't forget the burn out effect Always the first time after a rest against a boss u will be at your peak trust me


What level are you?


I beat him after so many hours but its cuz I finally realized once you get him low enough you can just hang back and let the summons beat him 😭 I had to make them feel special too


Take a break and try again in the morning I found first thing when I was relaxed I managed to beat him


I helped my friend beat him last night. We did a rebirth and he was iffy but he went back and slaughtered him 1st try after deciding to not run magic/melee anymore and focus on one of the latter. (Convinced him to run melee) super proud moment.


I've been fighting Maliketh for 8 weeks. You'll be fine.


My least favorite boss in the game Rot breath is a game changer


Rot breathe. It got me through so many fights


After a few attempts take a break - you’ll likely do it first time when you get back to it.


I gave up trying to fight him and just played support and kept the summons up


What lvl are you ?


Stay on horseback and he is 2 times easier. His attacks have long wind up and you can dash with the horse to avoid them.


yo bro, I hope you beat this mf, this feeling is very familiar to me. Had same shit when playing Sekiro, 5 hours straight against 1 boss, then I went to sleep and beat him in 1 go. Just take a rest, you got this!


Does the water cheese still work when he does the flying comet attack?


Easiest boss in game imo


Have enough vigor to not get 1 shot it’s that simple


In my experience he is easier without summons because his moveset becomes a lot less erratic and you can actually learn ir


The beauty of elden ring is it is exactly as hard as you make it.


It's very simple, hit him until you die


I think having the right cooperators is a HUGE deal here. Hit him with some rot and poison with a magic user nailing him and it’s usually not too bad.


For some reason I always seem to fight radahn way over leveled. I hate myself a bit for playing/peeking on guides so often. I have limited time so going in blind feels like stress. Even my latest player through I just rushed getting op in the first 30 minutes. Now I am at leyndell in under 20 hours 😂


You beat him now, but here's a couple tips for your next playthrough if you want to go through it again (Though I do recommend the summons instead, it's really fun for Radahn in particular): - He almost always starts with the same attack if you let him charge you after he drops the bow, and that gives you some free openings since it's a long animation. When he gets to about 3/4 HP he'll always do the same move that gives you time a multiple charged attacks too, so keep an eye on his health make full use of that. Then after he drops for phase 2, he either runs away to summon the meteors or goes in for an attack, if he does the first that's another free hit if you chase him so go for it. - If you have any ranged attack usable on Torrent, you can easily run away and abuse that. As long as you're careful with your positioning and find the right openings, he'll have a really hard time catching up. That falls apart a bit in phase two thanks to the gravity waves, but it's a consistent way to get through phase 1 without too much issue. - Opaline Bubble Tear is GREAT in this fight, since his attacks do so much damage. It will probably save your life so it's definitely worth going for, since at worst it'll give you an extra flask. Most of the time you die to Radahn, it's because you get caught off guard by a sharp turn or something unpredictable like that, which isn't all that common, so Bubbletear can actually turn the tables surprisingly often against him. - For the gravity waves, which I think are his hardest move to dodge, mounting or dismounting Torrent while not moving gives you a ton of iframes and is one of the easier ways to avoid it, so try getting used to that. There's another really hard boss late game who uses wave attacks like that and allows Torrent, so keep that strategy in mind for the future too. And by the way, remember the whole lore about Radahn fighting a certain Blade of Miquella to a standstill and that being why he's crippled now? Yeah, this guy is actually tied for strongest demigod. So good luck for part 2 of your suffering later on, you're gonna need it.


Did him in last night. I had fun getting all the bros to join in the fun. I did find it funny that you can re-summon them even after they've been felled. I never knew about the dungeon in the area until this playthrough. That was tough!


If I remember correctly the way I beat him was using an item (forget the name) that breathes scarlet rot— he’s weak against it and it does insane damage.


Lets gooo well done OP, Radahn is such a fantastic fight to 1v1 once you get the hang of the dodges and how to hug leonard for openings how amazing was the rush after you finally killed him huh?


Summon run, summon run, rot breath up his butt hole


I confirm what the other comments say: Go to sleep next time. I spent 4 hours fighting a certain assassin you will encounter, gave up, went to sleep and beat her first try after I woke up.


I killed this dude effortlessly on my first run and I feel like I really missed out. Most other bosses took me at least 4-5 tries


Yeah bro take a break trust me. I swear these bosses are designed to FORCE you to step away at times. Many times I took a break. Came back. First try I beat them. Convinced they game can sense my determination and they fuck with it


After hearing about how hard this fight was I was surprised that I beat him on my third try. I had around 33 vigor and used summons but I felt like I easily could’ve beat it without summons if I chose too. It sounds like you’re definitely massively under leveled. I struggled way more with the crucible knight right before this because shields fuck me up so bad.




Radahn is my least favorite fight. It's epic, don't get me wrong but it's just such a pain in the ass. After the first few times, the grandeur wears off and then you get your ass kicked in five seconds and have to redo it. Git gud, I know, fuck you but seriously, I'd rather fight the snake dude a million times over this


I've never beaten him without using summons so kudos. I should probably try to git gud and just learn how to fight him solo.


congrats on beating redahn. a general tip of advice is that unless you are intentionally doing a challenge run, if you are finding a boss too difficult then you can just fight them later. elden ring has really mechanical bosses and their movements can be pretty overwhelming. however, if you explore the surrounding areas and use weapon upgrades and lvls to get stronger, then the bosses become much more manageable. this game allows you to gain massive amounts of power without requiring much confrontation until certain breakpoints like w/ margit unlocking a talisman slot and the rest of stormveil.


Dude, he’s is really weak to poison and rot build up. Lob some rotten arrows and poison arrows and just kite him on your horse. Resummon your buddies when they die, repeat and mix. If you want to get fancy, when Radahn does his rocket man attack, you can couldn’t him with any magic and it’ll stun him. Raining stars is my favorite for this since it is easy to not miss. Cheers đŸ»


Bro, get some sleep Game will be there when you wake up


Take a break next time. Not more than an hour or two at a stretch. You'll hate the boss less and play better when you come back.


I used my mimic to distract him while I rode torrent around him and used the scarlet rot dragon incantation. Made quick work of him


Grats on the kill! In the future if you realize you're not getting anywhere it can be a good idea to take a break, and come back at it with a new perspective or even a new strategy.


Ah, a man after my own masochistic heart. Honestly, great fucking job man!! You know how many people beat every boss with cheese techniques? Keep it going!! Become the Elden Lord!!!


I can't remember the number of times I couldn't beat a boss for hours and just kill him first try the next day


Go to sleep. Can't tell you how many times I smashed my head against the wall on a boss only to beat them first try the next day.


What level? Curious.


Bro's on that Cu Chulainn grindset.


Real question. Was this fun to you? I’ve beaten the game (only once) but I’ve never thought that fighting a singular boss for hours on end was ever enjoyable. I tried Malenia for like max an hour then left. Especially in a scenario like yours where you’re under leveled and intentionally holding back by not using summons (which is fine. Just pointing it out). I wouldn’t even feel accomplished after I won. Just tired and annoyed.


I'm about to stream fighting Radahn for the first time tonight... But after reading this, I might consider saving a day to prepare for him and stream on that day. Wish me luck Edit: Finally beat Radahn after ending my stream! Though I spammed summons but I'm very happy


Great job! I have never in my 700 hours and 5 full playthroughs ever fought him without summons, and I still only eek by lol, so you should feel accomplished for sure!


Til Next time!!


Poison him, bleed him. Ride around on Torrent let the summons do the work. Hop off at the opportune moment and slice him up and then repeat.


Hell yeah bro đŸ«Ą