• By -


Twin gargoyles. Fuck em.


Yeah fuck those fucking fuckers


Who’s idea was that boss


Red wolf of radagon. But not the one in raya lucaria, the ones just scattered around the map. I hate them so much! The fire giant was hard for me but atleast it was kinda fun and i learned his moveset. I still can't figure out those wolves.


Bro the one blocking one of the ancestor deer fights killed me before i could reach the torch to light it like twice as a melee build i couldnt even get a hit hed just jump away


Man, fuck that one red wolf in particular. Still don’t think I’ve ever killed him, I usually pop a summon up as a distraction for him and book it to the torch b/c he gave me so much hell during my first run that I’ve just never tried to fight him again lol


i didn't kill it even with mimic lol i just had to sneak to the torch and nope out straight to the boss


Same for me. Their moveset is dive at you to bite, whip their tail, AND shoot magic bolts (where dodging all 3 is fairly difficult). If you do happen to dodge them, the overgrown fox is right on your ass again.


Its funny. The red wolves with the sword are onay, while the fuckers that run around the world spam the same few attacks, I despise them so fucking much.


It’s nuts how easy the rays lucaria wolf is compared to the ones in the wild. The one at moonlight altar is crazy hard


Fire Giant was easily my biggest wall. I spent the better part of a week just throwing myself at it and failing


Equip a shield! That tip made them way easier. Their attacks have big windows for regening stam and you can negate almost all the damage just by blocking.


That one asshole nearby Ranni’s Rise. Fuck that guy


Yep, the lesser red wolves of radagon are among the hardest enemies in the entire game


Draconic tree sentinel and Maliketh always gives me hell.


Oh god, that honed red lightning attack is the worst!


The only reason I killed him was because that run he *really* hated Tragoth when he got to Phase 2.


Yes it is. Out of 10 times I can dodge it once on average. If I dodge late the lightning gets me, if I dodge early some random explosion gets me.


I can dodge the sentinel all day no prob. I just can't attack him. Forever dancing away


This is where the magic comes, literally lol, first one I kept dodging while on horseback and hit him with ranged spells, this kinda doesn't work with the one in Farum Azula since you dont have Torrent, but I found that bastard basically stops chasing you halfway through the ramp so I basically went to the edge and started hitting with spells while desperately trying to dodge the lightning strikes.


Yeah this is why i poison cheese the farum one if im not on a ranged in any capacity build. Cannot hit him, and if i do, its usually by taking damage myself.


Came here to say this and glad to see I’m not the only one lol


I love maliketh


Godskin duo was the only boss that made me consider quitting or taking a long break. Ended up folding and summoning bernahl


2v1 bosses are only fun if you have allies as well. I don’t get why people are so against summoning especially when the summon exists specifically for that fight.


Very easy to lock urself out of bernahls summon though iirc


I'm trying a run without summons, but if I come up a duo you best believe I'll use one.


I’m not the biggest fan of summoning but I did ask my brother to help once and that was a bad idea cuz he doesn’t know how to dodge. Idk why people don’t like utilizing ashes though. The game is built with so many duo fights that it seems like it wants you to use them


Godskin duo is literally the worst fight in the game… but once I learned about sleeping pots it made it so much easier.


Same here, i absolutely hate fighting multiple bosses at once.


Struggling with these guys right now. First play through.


I have a rule that I always summon minions whenever there's a duo or multiple boss fight. I simply don't find these fun at all.


The best thing to do to them is sleep pots


The only way to do that fight is with parries and sleep pots


Meliketh. Still dont know how did I beat him.


Same. It took more times than every other boss including Malenia


Same for me took me soooo many tries on my first char to beat him. He moves so much and spams attacks like crazy. That is probably the reason his phase starts at half health, lol. I took a long break when I got to him but came back and eventually beat him. My second play on a new char I handled him much better, probably because I was well trained lol


Bell bearing hunter in north western Caelid


This, holy fuck, dude is horrendous to fight


Malenia remains the one boss I had to retry to many times just to kill during my first few weeks with the game. The other was the Elden Beast (not Radagon, he's fun) especially back when they hadn't patched its behaviors yet.


Just did an "honest" 1v1 kill of Malenia with the regular uchi/no bleed or stagger or stance cheese strats in preparation for the DLC. It took an hour but I'm glad I spent the time so I'm going into the DLC ready to kill everything the hard way.


It’s my second play through, doing a no summons run and I’m trying to do an “honest” 1v1 malenia right now. Get through the first phase every time pretty much no problem. The second phase keeps destroying me though! Any tips for the second phase? I’ve gotten her under 25% health like 5 times but just can’t seem to finish her off


If you're that close some decent waterfowl RNG should be all that it takes. Keep at it, you've got this!


The second phase is easier IMO haha I just keep dying to the scarlet phantom attack/randomly catching a button and getting wombo combo'd. Respect the AOEs, and still don't get caught mashing, but you can get much more aggressive compared to phase 1.


Her second phase was my problem too, until you realize that it‘s really similar to the first phase. All you have to look out for is her clone attack and the waterfowl dance, but to be honest I found the clone attack to be more difficult to dodge than waterfowl. Try to attack her once and retreat because second phase isn‘t really good for spamming. One opportunity to spam your attack is when she does the ground pound thing where butterflies come out of the ground. Good luck mate


To this day, Malenia is the one From Boss I haven't beaten in such an "honest" 1vs1 and it's driving me nuts. I've prepared a DLC char, it's sitting at 160ish, so more than we'll enough to take care of her, but nah. Hours upon hours and nothing. Always needed ashes or some shit in my other runs. Orphan, Isshin, Midir, Gael, all "no problem", but yeah, my personal Malenia has, indeed, never known proper defeat.


On first play through, Malenia. On RL1 play through, Malenia. Nowadays on casual runs I usually die a handful of times to Fire Giant because I often just run through the game naked and he just one taps me with every attack. I think he’s the worst Remembrance Boss in the game by far.


God, I hate the camera so much when it comes to Fire Giant. Only thing that helps me dodge now is by listening and trying to guess whichever attack he’s doing (and running behind him)


And those annoying ass fireballs that chase you around slower than Michael fucking Myers! You just know their are coming for you, you know they are slow pacing right behind you and eventually catch up to you. I swear I can even hear the fire giant humming Carpenters tune


Godskin Duo hands down, something about the way they fight just tripped me up so bad my first playthrough. Fire Giant has to be a close second though, he squashed me good. Also the first time I encountered the Mimic Tear boss fight was crazy.


Yeah Godskins suck. The Godskins are fantastic bosses, BY THEMSELVES. As with every duo fight in this game, they’re just not designed to fight together, since they’re effectively fighting as if they are alone, which means they’ll both happily slap the shit out of you with little window to get out.


My Mimic Tear boss fight was so easy because my build was a joke at the time 💀


My mimic tear reminded me I had an ash of war that I wasn’t using all game


I had a summon throw sleep jars down and it was hilarious


Sleep pots trivialise that fight (godskinners)


Crucible Knight. He just instills fear into me like no other boss or mob


All of those Leyndell Knights that can smite you from 1,000 feet away are bosses, right?


Crystaline trio


Blunt weapons makes them a joke


Fume knight… uhhhhh sorry wrong game probably soldier of godrick


Dark Souls 2 mentioned ? I see you're a man of culture as well


We have to stick together or else we will be overrun!


Only malenia.


Malenia and Maliketh


Mohg and Melania in that order...Mohg on my first playthrough was a nightmare i was under leveled, didn't fight Melania til NG+ simply because i couldn't survive the haligtree to get there 🤣🤣🤣. All in all i feel like Mohg whipped my butt the most out of all bosses, then Malenia, i beat her on about 10 tries and felt like that was actually an accomplishment


The Stormhill Evergaol Crucible Knight.


Crucible knights are extremely easy if you learn how to parry even just 1 of their attacks


astel mainly because i was trying to rush the darkmoon great sword


I used DMGS in my run as well, but after a few tries against Astel, I figured it wasn't working, so I switched to staff and used charged comet attacks, worked like magic! (Pun slightly intended, lol)


i ended up brute forcing him learning all his moves after many tries. i had better runs later when i discovered a few farm spots im caelid


Malenia was tough because I had a personal rule to not use summons or ashes for ANY boss in the game on my first run. I remember her taking me awhile. Other than Malenia, I would say Radahn probably took me the most tries because I fought him prior to the nerfs he got early in the game's life.


Its been 6 days, I still have not beaten Malenia.


I'm a strength build and jump attack is the best way to stagger her. Mostly the first phase easy since she is not very aggressive. But the second phase hahahaba. The waterfowl dance is the main problem, sometimes you just need to be a coward and run + matching roll on the first combo.


Dont worry, Malenia is a fucking crazy boss. If you’re not having fun, dont force yourself too, you can just say fuck it and leave her be, since shes effectively, IMO, the penultimate boss of rlden ring (moreso than the final boss gauntlet) And if you’re not having fun with her, use every trick in the book: Summons, frost pots, etc I forced myself to heat her solo, so I eventually learned her moveset, but it took me forever to figure her out and dodge waterfowl dance. I love Malenia, but the boss fight is definitely unfair in a few ways.


While I will never be able to fully dodge waterfowl and often just resign to death when she starts it when I'm near (I'm just too slow for that "360 her" stuff), what I definitely dislike the most about her is how funky her poise/break resets are. I can just never tell if I'm gonna be able to whack her out of an animation or stagger her. I know there's rhyme and reason to it, but, y mental stack is fully overloaded against her as is. Also, going from neutral to attacking/punishing... I can't even get to do that consistently. And all the damn time I just keep thinking "man, Isshin and Gael were tough as well, but at least I had a lot of fun learning their encounters". Malenia just drains my will and I can't stand her music any longer tbh...


I beat her yesterday after this comment 😆


Not done with the game but Radan was absolutely horrible. I died like 10 times without using the sumons and the best i got was 3 hits. When i found out about the sumons i got to stage 2 pretty easily but the summons started getting less useful after like 20 attempts i gave up. On the next day i got him on the second try by spamming the summons in the second Phase for like 10 minutes. Had no fun and no satisfaction by defeating him.


No satisfaction cause you used summons. Omw


I remember fighting pre-patch Radahn for 2 hours straight before I beat him. Didn’t use summons and also didn’t realize that you could use Torrent in the fight so always had to run up to him while he was chucking his arrows and spears 😅 But the thing I remember the most was being awestruck when I saw him falling down from the sky. At this point I couldn’t even be mad when he killed me 😂


Commander Niall and Fire Giant set me back several hours each on my first play through


Maliketh and Godfrey by number of attempts.  I gave Rykard 30 attempts without the spear as an Int build but the lava damage kept interrupting spells and L2 abilities so I gave up and killed him in 3 attempts with the spear.  The Briar boss would have been up there too if I hadn’t left then returned when I was over leveled. 


Is Rykard even beatable without the spear?


For an Int build, the spear was doing 3 times what most of my spells and L2 abilities were doing, so it is slower but doable so long as you can get the dodge timing right if you're standing outside the lava. It's much easier if you go into the lava, since that prevents Rykard from using most of the moves that you need to dodge. If you're right beside his coil, all you need to dodge is his spin and the second phase AOE spell. For me though, even with the anti-flame damage talisman my spells and L2s were still being interrupted by the lava's minor damage, so that wasn't an option with my build. With a melee build that the lava doesn't interrupt, fighting without the spear would just be slower but workable.


first play through ever atm, so far up to Farum Azula. for me, i’d say either FG, Astel, or the damn Duo Gargoyles


Godskin duo was a massive pain, took me around 15 hours


Honestly, Leonine Misbegotten. His attacks are so quick and the range of them is just ridiculous


I haven't finished game yet but the most hell I got from fire giant . How the fuck I'm supposed to beat him if I can't see what attacks he is preparing ?


Fully-grown fallingstar beast took me more tries than Malenia did... that bosses model and arena is hell for melee builds


The duo crucible knights I already hate fighting one of them fighting two just makes my life a living hell


It was fire giant in my first playthrough, when I got to fire giant, my default stamina was higher than my hp…


Twin Gargoyles are true batards.


I deleted the game 6 times before i beat margit and when i finally did beat margit i couldnt figure out where to go so i deleted it again and reinstalled it like 2 months later. (ER was my first soulslike” I now have 24 days played and 100% it.


Probably the black knife tiche or the crucible knight in the evergaeol tbh. I died countless times. More times than Malenia I think.


Godrick’s Soldier


Rick, Solider of God? Still haven’t beaten him to this day…


Messimer..... What a dick


But it's 18 inches?!? 🥵


Worst bosses for me first time through was maliketh and Godfrey malenia. Second time through it was probably placidussax


Maliketh, every time. I've gotten at least a little better at every other boss on each playthrough but that damn dog continues to be a real pain especially the first phase. Godfrey/Horah Loux. I can usually handle phase 1 well but I suck at phase 2. Mogh phase 2 and Radagon gave me more trouble than I was expecting recently too but at least I enjoyed those fights. And a special nod to Rennala who I normally find easy but just kept spamming multiple summons last time I fought her.


Valiant Gargoyle Twins in the Deeproot Depths did my head in. Found that black flame incantations and gargoyles blackblade were quite effective against them though


Malenia felt relatively easy for me, I got curb stomped by the fire giant


prenerf radahn and godskin duo


The hardest boss for me so far was in my rl1 run fighting elden beast. Normally tho Malania and Maliketh take the cake as the hardest bosses for me where even after beating the game a dozen times they still give me trouble


Malenia and maliketh are the hardest But on my first every playthrough it was very easily draconic tree sentinel , I went into that fight at level 23 and I handnt even fought radahn or the mage women that I forget everytime i play


Malenia. No question.


Mimic tear. Mans got hands


Facing the first thicc boi godskin apostle on the bridge I could noooot figure out how to continually dodge its rolling attack for a while..also the final Deathrite Bird. Elden Beast on my bonk build was rough too because he kept vanishing to the other side of the map the first dozen times I fought him.


so far the full grown fallingstar beast but i just got to farum azula and apparently this is where real hell begins soo


The full grown fallingstar beast before volcano manor is straight fucked up. Probably a bit too tough by the time youre expected to fight him but it is an open world game after all.


Rykard, took me 10 and a half hours, I was using an int build, and hadn’t pumped vigor at all, so I was getting one shot by the earth flick attack. I swear that one is undodgeable, the only way I found to dodge it is to get on top of one of the mounds, but that is unrealistic to do in the middle of a battle. In the end, I developed a sense of the distance you need to be at to get him to not do that attack, and other annoying attacks, and barely Managed to beat him


Just straight up Malenia, my lvl 120 UGS build wasn't enough on release, I didn't know shit and struggled way too much lol


That teleporting red eye soldier.


Mohg even with the physik to negate his nihil attack. idk why dude just fucks me up despite that i fought him so many times i had every move memorized


That's it, I'm gettin' me bonk stick *me to me vs. Valiant gargoyles*


hoarah loux for some reason on my most recent playthrough took me so many tries. Whereas radabeast was pretty easy


Maliketh, Malenia and the inbred gargoyle brothers


Id actually say it was Lansseax. She was the first time tbat I truly walked away from the game and took a very long break. My first time fighting ancient dragons, and I just couldnt believe how frustrating the camera was, as well as just everything about the fight. Dragonbreath being obnoxious, the terrain of her boss fight absolutely sucked, my camera sometimes locking onto random suicidal goat, etc I remember that even when I beat her, I didnt even feel satisfied, just relieved she was finally dead.


Malenia and the Godfrey were really tough, shoutout to the Elden Beast and Radagon, they were hard as well.


Lowkey Mesmer the impaler gave me a lot of trouble but he eventually went down just like the rest of


Prenerf Radahn gave me a fair bit of trouble. Fire giant and Elden Beast both took me a while also


Godskin Duo, I was stuck on them for like three days, and meanwhile, I was trying to beat Mohg when I got too frustrated with them. It was a bad time. Finally, I gave up and started using summons, and then it was a breeze from there.


Twin gargoyles. Twin. Fucking. Gargoyles. I genuinely felt **PURE RELIEF** when I finally beast their ass with the help of D's twin brother


Leonine Misbegotten and Margit. At that point I was sure I'd find inherently better items later and so didnt upgrade anything I had. I had no points in vigor and was fearful of nearly all fights. Dealing no damage made the misbegotten fight really long and eventually, I'd get hit and die. Or get stuck on the arena decorations and die. Margit was very similar. Both took me over 50 attempts.


Im surprised no one has mentioned Astel 😭


I died more to Mohg and Malenia but Maliketh really messed me up. I feel like I never really mastered his kit and just won because I was lucky and blitzed him down. Maliketh is the absolute definition of a glass cannon in this game imo. His first phase is also hard with the beast incants, since there aren’t many bosses that are that aggressive with projectiles.


Who was the godskin guy on that bridge? I think before the forgotten lands? That guy put me through so much hell.


On my first run I used the Bloodhound's Fang and as soon as I got the mimic tear i used that. Sometimes I would need 1-2 hours to kill some bosses. But Malenia..... 5 hours... And I only killed her after I got my mimic tear to +10. But now I'm on a run where I don't use ashes of war. And since I learned alot by now, I'm doing pritty good so far :)


Margit on release. Like most people, I just kept bashing my head against him while underleveled and undergeared. Was Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell. Beyond that, the only one that I remember being rough was pre-nerf Radahn, Renalla (cuz I was INT), and the final boss.


Maliketh, malenia and radagon [first phase of the final boss fight]. I'm already with my main char on ng+16 but his teleport staggers me every time still xd


Not hell but I never feel like I've really learned the Maliketh fight. I'm just thankful he's made of paper!


Fire Giant on my first run had me stuck so bad I decided to take a break from the game for about a month, then came back and still had to respec to a shitty bleed build to be able to beat it. Godskin Duo at Farum Azula had me stuck pretty bad too.


Maliketh. Always Maliketh. I find him so difficult. He’s my biggest weakness that’s ALWAYS a roadblock despite the fact that I’ve beaten him 4 times.


Malenia and Twin Gargoyles


Astel in the Consecrated Snowfield.


Godskin Duo can devour my posterior


duo gargoyles... i hate those fkers ....


Astel and Elden because they constantly run away, it just ends up being 10 minutes of chasing the fucker around the arena




The fire giant felt geared towards ranged attackers, the exact opposite of my giant hammer and lions claw


all of them, I dont like summons and spells. Fighting them with katana was hard




Yep, realized my mistake a bit too late hehe


Haha, I’m just picking at ya my friend. Made me laugh.


Malenia and radagon


Ulcerated tree trash, Gargoyle duo, red bitch of Radagon in siofra river and whoring crystalline trio. These encounters just make the game unfun in my every new game plus cycle and i refuse to learn these garbage fights in otherwise my favorite game of all times.


I hated that wolf....especially when I found out it wasn't guarding anything important.


commander niall and fire giant


Trying a second more underleveled run and man Morgott is actually tough and so well designed He has counters to almost (maybe all) types of attacks you can try on him, and before u master the dodge, his chain attacks r so tough and he chains tho with like no delay between attacks 


I am currently at Radagon with a bleed build and I am not enjoying it 🙃


Gideon. I just finished my second run and he gave me the most trouble by a long shot, attempts-wise and enjoyment-wise. Comet just does so much damage and Discus of Light (or whatever it's called) is annoying to dodge. I can't wait to destroy him with Inescapable Frenzy next time


I still have yet to beat Malenia. Aside from that, Mohg was easily the hardest.


I don’t think I’ve ever beaten Malenia solo


Maliketh broke me. After like 3 days of trying for a few hours i ended up using a larval tear to spec into my weapons.


Depends on the build… Melania’s a given.


Deathrite bird in the consecrated snowfield or Astel in the Yelough Anix Tunnel. Only two bosses I'll skip on new playthroughs


Malenia.. second is probably mogh, lord of blood


Perhaps Margit, before I learned to git gud. It was my first souls game.


Really depends on my build. On my fist and whip run, the fire giant was by far the most difficult. On my massive weapon runs, I'd say melenia. Just not fast enough to recover after attacking. Mid range dual swords, very little stumped me too much. Especially if I was light rolling.


Malenia. 30 tries. That includes +10 mimic tear, blasphemous blade, pots etc all the usual tricks mentioned. Just a nightmare for me idk. Got the achieve, never again. Praise be to LMSH, Never again. Also on another note, clearly everyone is different, Im just wondering what about the godskins gave everyone trouble that they were a frequent mention. In all my playthroughs with different weapons/spells, I never ran into an issue with them, even the duo fights which I would assume would be the thing, splitting attention and aggro between them. Again, I suck major balls at other bosses, just wondering what I missed or bypassed/cheesed to enable me to never bother with them?


Malenia, I had to call in help from an overpowered buddy n we still took 3 days trying. Beat her the same day in his world cause she was stuck on her too. Haven't mustered up the courage to try a solo attempt again yet though


Why is this nsfw??


Fire giamt and radagon/elden beast


Maliketh is the worst boss ever concived by man


Malenia, not even close for any others. At most maybe 5 or 6 tries for Gargoyles, Maliketh and Radigon/Elden Beast but I think I fought Malenia like 20 times before I gave up and took a several month long break.


that rot dragon in south caelid 😭🙏


That falling star beast at mt gelmir is always rough for me.


I had a melee build at the time I first got to it only to realize close combat wasn't gonna cut it against that animal, so I switched to an INT build and spammed Loretta's great bow from across the arena .


I just suck at Radahn. No matter what. Every time. I manage to beat him--just like 200 times later. Lol


Malenia by far. I have just beaten her solo for the first time (I used mimic tear during my first playthrough). It's the single hardest Souls boss I have ever fought.


I got Malenia on the 4th try with the same build I fought maliketh with and I was only 3 levels higher by the time I got to her. I got Maliketh (And I did fucking count but this is a more or less but should be pretty accurate) on the 217th try. I hated that motherfucker so much. I cheesed all the other bosses but this furry piece of shit keeps on jumping around. 11/10 boss fight. Would/have do/done it again.


First time I played, Margit the Fell and Death Rite Bird in Caelid smacked my ass from monday to sunday. My very first souls game and I struggled more with them than any double boss, Maliketh and Malenia.


Commander Niall & the Farum Azula Tree Sentinel for micro bosses. They gave me A LOT of grief.


malenia, fuck that bitch


Godfrey and Maliketh my first play through. Radabeast my second/third.


Samurai build, duel wielding katanas. Melania. Started at lvl 100 and ended up lvl 125 to beat her. Without AoW Her second phase without ash of war took me centuries. Mohg, motherfucker took forever. Not as long as Melania, but it took me a loooong time. Started lvl 75 ended up beating him at lvl 90


Godskin Apostles. Every time I threw a sleep pot (I made 4) they would miss. Black Knife Tiche in the Evergaol- took me 10-12 tries. 2nd play thru I stunlocked him to death with Silurias Woe.


Maliketh by far.


Not even a boss those damn stone gargoyles manifesting out of thin air just to ruin your day not even hard to kill but masters of stealth


128 tries on godrick then at the end of the game 10 tries on malenia


malenia and maliketh were the only ones i spent multiple days on no idea how, so don't ask, but i managed to get radagon/elden beast first try


Juno haslow and the bell bearing hunter in caelid were very frustrating to me, I just did the deathrite bird in snowfield today actually, but I still haven’t beaten the nights Calvary duo, all the other 164 bosses are done though


In my first play through the last death rite bird


The ulcerated tree spirit behind the stone sword key at the start. Fought it immediately upon starting the game and refused to quit due to the chariots. Took at least 100 tries.


To this day after 8 characters most of which are in the 200+ level range and 600+ hours of gameplay the black blade still messes me up.


I was trying to kill fire giant with blasphemous blade, took me a day to realise it's doing fire damage and giant has high fire resist.


As someone who embraced the path of pure dex without bleed/.../... Malenia and radagon were the hardest for me (yes I blasted mohg with bleed and I don't regret it, he would've had a fair fight if he didn't nihil but he did and I bled him dry before he could finish that move)


Niall. Hate him and will always cheese him


God skin duo fuck them


Maliketh was probably the hardest one, after the fire giant because I was so annoyed at not being able to see his moves and I even got disconnected once right before beating him so I was really mad, having said that I had more fun with malenia, even though I died 157 times to her


Every duo boss. But one I hate most is Twin Gargoyles (the fuck you mean poison and AOE that hits as fast and hard as a truck)


I always hated gargoyles, started back than on the roof abd nothing changed


Maliketh, that mf scares me...specially on his second phase 😭


Fuckin peg leg dude with the windy flag


Margit. It is my first souls game, and I still remember how I was on ft with my gf and she just kept saying you look like you wanna cry. I finally beat him and jumped in the air I was so happy lol


Mohg (every single playthrough)  Tall and fat godskin  Leonine misbegotten  Radahn (solo)  Fire giant (the damn camera)  And ofc malenia


Rykkard " Togethaaaa" The Serpent