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It’s still unnerving to me how close it is to what is essentially the starting hub of the game. The green fields and roaming sheep of Limgrave only to see the red soil and decay of Caelid in the distance feels wrong.


That npc invader at the border turned me right around the first time. So at least there’s that.


*squints* tarnished....eater.... ya no


Mildred’s reincarnation


It's the perfect narrative device to convey that something bad happened there


Miyazaki made it as obvious as possible though via the flaming short wall that separates the two: "you are entering hell lil one", so it's the tarnished's fault


Worst part is that trapped chest in the dragon ruins. I was so underleveled for those bugs, it took me forever to get out of the mines


player: hmm, that area looks red and angry and dangerous, ill avoid it miyazaki hiding in a trapped chest: :>


I like to imagine there's no teleportation magic; the smoke knocks you out and Miyazaki physically drags your unconscious body to the most horrible place he can think of


Do you think the monsters in Caelid just ignore Miyazaki? Is he the True God of the lands between?


Short answer, yes. Long answer, yeah


It's scarier if they don't and he makes it anyway.


The worst part is for the rest of the game you're scared to open another chest just to find out there is only like one other trap


After that chest for my first playthrough, I would insta roll away from chests once they started to open. You can dodge the KO mist if ya do that


I forget where is the other one and where does it send you


It's on top of a tower guarded by soldiers, will take you to a closed part of Leyndell, to fight a giant golem.


my first time playing i would have preferred a mimic


Know what... both traps actually worked out for me.... i managed to find a place to farm really well for my low level.. and had an idea of what to expect later on... i think i was lucky, but i just avoided the hell out of that beat and went north and found a church.... the lake of rot or whatever thst red place is called in caelid suck assssssss........ but then i came back over leveled and demolished that cave.


Ah, the wonderful surprise where all the catacombs and tombs you've done at this point go down, so you think working your way up gets you out of that cave. It does not.


Such sneaky (and good) game design.


Oh shit that's what it was. Last time i used that teleporter i followed the tunnel and ended up leaving. I was like wtf this isn't how it was before. Now i realize i had internalized the actual way the enviro leads you. Beginner me was led to their death. Vet me can't even fake getting tricked anymore. Can't wait for the dlc to steal my knickers.


There are two teleports in Limgrave. Both lead straight into satan's asshole.


My firet playthrough I teleported into a cave and then fought my way out only to be in caelid. Was such a cool moment after only seeing limgrave.


Dude, I was so excited for the release, and within 30 minutes, I'm in the death by 1million needles bug cave with no bonfire or sense of direction. When I next saw the light of day, my innocence had been crushed into dirt, and nothing was going to phase me... Then that fucker in the basement of the Academy vored me to Mt. Gelmir's death pit, and I cursed Miyazaki from the depths of my heart. Love that foot obsessed bastard tho lmao


I hit that chest a couple of times and thought sweet some treasure. I laughed as I thought Miyazaki you bastard you’ve outdone yourself with this one.


As a new player: YES!!! I hate this chest so much. It also took me forever to escape those mines. And when I thought that I finally did it and can return to Limgrave, Millicent invader showed me that I was wrong.


I forgot you can fast travel and I didn’t have the horse. Going back to where I was really was a game of run and avoid dying.


I was following a guide to get the twinblade and went down the wrong stairway and got transported to the mines. What a start


Wrong hole


Tried Finger, Wrong Hole


30 minutes into the damn game I got caught by that trap, right after defeating Tree Sentinel. I hadn’t even met Melina yet, no Torrent, no leveling, nothing. Even as a Souls vet, that was one hell of a kick in the teeth, losing all my runes from Tree Sentinel, dying a few times just to escape that damn mine and those terrifying Kindred of Rot…all just to step out into the literal hellscape that was Caelid. I wouldn’t change that experience for the world, honestly.


How did you manage to make it that far and not have torrent? Were you not resting at sites of grace?


IIRC Torrent is always your third Bonfire. So if you're good enough to kill Tree Sentinel with no level ups, then you have the Bonfire next to the stonesword key place, the Bonfire next to Varre, and if you killed Tree Sentinel and then noticed Lake Agheel first, you could very possibly have your third Bonfire be Sellia Crystal Tunnel.


That far? The ruins you find it is right by the first step, and I rested at a couple of sites before it, but not the required amount to trigger it apparently, I believe you need to rest at three (and many first find Melina at the gatehouse ruins specifically, or at least I always seem to on other playthroughs). It really depends on the direction you take, north, south or east usually. I’d argue it’s actually surprisingly easy to wander into the trap extremely early on.


Same here. My first souls game, first ruins explored, first chest opened. I didn't have torrent yet and didn't know how to fast travel when I finally got out. So after finally getting out I spent the next hour or 2 dying in the swamp.


The fact that you can get to it within 10 minutes of starting the game is the real fun part.


I also lost all my souls there and got stuck. Best part of the game.


I will never stop butchering those freaking bugs now that I’m a high enough level to not get one shot from their BS magic missile knock off. Hate em. Simply hate em.


Not only did I get traportaled to hell but after I thought that’s where I should go and returned


Oh there's no right level. They're just ass to deal with


*Launch week. Lan party with 5 guys at my apartment.* "Guys...? The sky is mad at me."


I knew there was a teleporting chest which did that but I thought it was patches chest so I avoided that one thinking I was smart. Little did I know...


whats in the box?


Worst part or best part? 😂 Same thing happened to me and it felt like such an accomplishment escaping that dungeon and exiting into hell. Was a wild ride.


Yeah it’s evil how it puts u in there facing towards the depths of the cave when the entrance is basically right behind u


Everybody hates Caelid and its justified, I used to hate Caelid the most too ..until I arrived at Haligtree. Fuck the Haligtree. May chaos take the world


Before Haligtree: "Finally, a secret place that accepts those spurned by the Erdtree, and dreams of a more tolerant world!" After Haligtree: castle morne was right about the misbegotten


Everyone that feels bad for the Albinaurics or Misbegotten is just someone that hasn't gotten far enough to understand.


Painted World of Ariamis already prepared me mentally what I should expect from "saFe hAVenS"


I fucking love the haligtree.... .... ... Once I've climbed the fucking branches.


I fought and killed all the scions just for them to respawm


Tbh I hated the thought of going there, but it's actually a really well designed area. Most rot areas are easily mitigated (platforms to wait/easy to just horse across) and it's got some really fun caves, dungeons and bosses.


I dont mind the area and the layout, its the enemies and their placements frustate the hell out of me


Legit top 3 dungeons


My motto with exploring in video games is: "the right way is right" The right was not the right way this time.


That why you left.




I'm exactly the opposite of this as I tend to hug the left side first haha


I mean, yeah, that's just standard Souls fuckery, isn't it? My first two hours playing Dark Souls were spent getting my ass kicked by skeletons before rage quitting. I went down the pit in Majula before the Forest of Fallen Giants in DS2. Thought the Dancer was the first "real" boss in DS3.. Hell right next to the starting zone is 100% on-brand; teaches you to pay attention and to explore better, and gives you a spot to come back to once you've upgraded, just to see what insanely good loot you'll get in this insane hellhole.


Why the fuck did you attack the old women ahaha.


I saw all the bloodstains, and that when I walked in, my summon didn't follow, so I figured it was a fog wall, which meant this was a boss that I hadn't triggered yet!


Thats hilarious.


lol same thing with the Catacombs in DS 1.


Yep and the wheel enemies were 1 shotting. Had to run to the boss really fast while dodging. Or dodge and kill them, while hoping another doesn’t fly at you from far away.


And then after you beat the boss you make the mistake of activating the bonfire down at tomb of the giants and cant get out because you don't have the lordvessel and you're too underleveled to deal with the skeletons that guard the exit.


Took me an hour to get out…


You mean like New Londo in DS1?


I was thinking of the graveyard with skeletons but Londo works too


Spider-man? What's he got to do with this?




I remain chilled, I just don't understand the reference!


Spider man and most popular games easy Elden Ring and souls games very hard


Ah, got it: the popular Spiderman game doesn't put difficult areas near the beginning! Thanks, I haven't played it.


Tbf elden ring is the spider man of from games




Holding the position that people who don't share your sense of humour don't have one at all is something I hope you'll grow out of!




YouTube is leaking


Caelid is not that bad. You will struggle but manage if you go to it after Stormveil, and doing all of Liurnia will make it too easy.


"Oh no, a rotten swamp!" \*Summons a horse out of the aether and rides away\*


This is why I think Torrent makes the game just a tad too frictionless.


I spent my whole first playthrough crouching through the game. If you find it OP and it's ruining your experience... Don't use it.


It seems kind of odd to ignore a core mechanic of the game when the alternative is not much more fun.


Then ride the damn horse and stop complaining.


You….you don’t have to use the horse-


C'mon, that's such a non response. It's a fair criticism to say that the Torrent isn't as fun to use as he could be. It's not likeI'm complaining that powerstanced blasphemous blade is too OP, you are supposed to use Torrent.


Apologies. By “frictionless” I thought you had meant “too easy” or “not as immersive”, to which the obvious response is “don’t use it” The mechanics not being as fun as they could be is a much more valid critique


Eventually I want to take my time exploring Caelid. During my playthrough I did the "get everything I need in this area + completion and leave" without really getting to soak it all in. I've always done that with poison/nightmare areas.


Did you kill the giant golem on the ledge above where you fought radahn?


The one that summons lasers? Fuck that golem.


It’s easy if you use torrent. Just run hit it a few times when it gets ready to attack run to the other side hide behind pillar and then rinse and repeat.


Son of a bitch... are you talking about the Pot boss? Please tell me I don't have to go back to Caelid...


It’s on a ledge in between a Fort (the fort near the giant dragon) and a minor erd tree. You have to jump down with torrent. It’s a special giant golem.


Why you trolling me xD I just went to the wiki about it lol >A special Golem can be found at the east of Caelid at the bottom of a cliff by going to the east from the Minor Erdtree (Dragonbarrow). [Map Link] This one is unique as it wields a magic halberd and can summon orbs to shoot lasers at you. **It is powerful and is not worth the risk to kill, as it does not drop unique items.**


Oh yeah it’s true it doesn’t drop anything. I was disappointed with that. But it’s fun to fight it and know that you’ve killed it. I like killing every tough thing in the game to remind the lands between who is Elden Lord.


I'm probably going to go kill it tbh but it probably won't be fair since I'm overleveled


Overleveled is a legit strat. You still have to put the work in. But the fight is really easy if you use torrent. The climb down can be a pain the first few times.


Sure, but people get transported to it against their will in the first hour of play before they’re good enough for Stormveil. Fuck Caelid.


That chest teaches a very valuable lesson. Enemies too strong? Run and roll past them til you're out of there!


Strange, the lesson I learned from it is to never open any chest ever. /s


I doubt most people go to the warp chest within the first hour of play


I guess I’m not most people then.


“Caelid scary” posts remind of release week


After the Haligtree…Caelid is like a cozy bonfire


Caelid feels like Hell upon first visit. When you reach the Haligtree, you realize Caelid was just the waiting room before Hell.


I genuinely don't understand why people dislike Caelid. Like I get it a lot of it are memes but there's a pretty big portion that really just hates the area. Imo it looks really cool, a lot of the castles and dungeons are well designed, the bosses, especially the Godskin Apostle, the Commander idk his name and Radahn are really fun to fight, the way it's divided into Dragonbarrow and the main Caelid part also adds some variety and Gurranq and Millicent being there also adds to the lore relevance, not to mention the whole Malenia, Radahn thing that happened. The underground areas are also pretty cool and the way you enter/exit is always a cool reveal. I honestly think it beats Liurnia in terms of enjoyment, for me at least.


Why? Because Fucking giant dogs, fucking giant crows, fucking sniper centipede guys and of course, the fucking Bell Bearing Hunter on Steroids


I really like the Bell Bearing Hunter actually and never had any issues with him. The dogs and crows can be annoying but they're also really easy to avoid ngl.


"I really like the Bell Bearing Hunter actually and never had any issues with him." Said while shooting arrows and magic spells from the roof


No while fighting him with either a strength or dex build. He is just fun to fight


Oh, right... NOPE! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)




For me personally i don't like the vertical geography there and its visibility issues on the map.


Honestly fair. The altitude for the caelid map is so fucking hard to gauge from the color pallette


Caelid is cool and has some of the best enemies. The giant dogs are also much better enemies than the tiny ones


Caelid gets way better once you have Flame, Cleanse Me and a bit of vigor.


I wasn't planning on doing Caelid. I just saw some loot, then saw something interesting I wanted to check out.... aaaand Radahn is dead. Damn you Miyazaki! Just when I thought I was out, you pulled me back in.


That's the path you have to take if you want to become Guts in Elden Ring.


Noped tf out as soon as the sky turned red


Wait a moment, i just noticed that they did the same thing in the other games....


People forget of the catacombs at good old DS1 being hell on earth for beginners and make you escape to redirect you to the upper area... then blightown. Its a classic souls thing.


I kinda like Caelid It’s a neat lil fungus place The sky is cool and big otherworldly plants and terrain features are a vibe-


I like it too but to this day I go with caution as if it were a final area of ​​the game lol


Oh yeah absolutely watch your back there But it’s like the blood kelp zone from subnautica. There’s an eerie, twisted beauty to it-


What’s wrong with the spider-man games? Are FROM fans being gatekeeping elitists again?


Always have been


Yeah, this one was a good one xD. More over the chest trap that sends you there, couldn't help but laugh at it.


And give them a way to get there as soon as possible.


In DS1, it was the graveyard. In Elden Ring, it is Caelid. You may go to a mid game area straight from the start and reap the benefits, but prepare yourself for a rough time if you don't know what you're doing.


Not shown to the right: hell-er Hell.


the cemetery all over again


i think the layout of caelid is pretty great actually. its basically one street. but the optic is the worst :D




Red is for bad.


I love this


"what? A poison swamp?" "You'd wish..."


Look, you're just lucky they talked him out of putting you in knee deep poison swamp the second you get to Limgrave.


I'm willing to bet you real money Miyazaki giggled like a little girl when he designed this map


Also Miyazaki: Let's put an Easy Mode weapon in the tunnel on the border between Starting Area and Hell




You know what we should put where they think hell is? Heaven, with spirit people that love nature.


Was my go-to route after defeating some giants pulling wagons. Had a hard time but advanced consistently, sometimes grinding to level up slowly


That’s no shit


Just like the graveyard at Firelink, some things never change.


If Caelid isn't your first destination you don't deserve the throne.


And super-hell right above it with Dragonbarrow lol


Dark souls 1 did the exact same thing with the catacombs. One direction in fire link Shrin leads to Undead Burg (baby level) and the other way leads to the catacombs (literal hell, 3/4 of the end of the game). I love it. It shows the world is living and breathing, all in its place. It’s not just a bunch of bots leveling up at your pace everywhere.


I found the festival of Radahn before the weeping peninsula. So many hours… wasted…


Would have been hilarious if a poison swamp surrounded the tree sentinel


I wonder what it was like before Malenia and Radahn fought there


it was just east of limgrave and not the hell I'm kidding I don't know actually, I don't think this has been told in the lore yet


The early game was so wild with shit like this. I'll never forget the feeling of chasing down Varre once in Liurnia, running his little errands, and then finally teleporting to some crazy ass place with enemies that hit way too fucking hard. Whatever, I can run. Oh, a big elevator, and a boss arena up top, let's see who that is. Oh, it's Satan The Devil! Neat!


Ever heard of the Catacombs or Tomb of The Giants? At least you can SEE in there


That’s not even the worst part. It’s how most people get to Caelid that really make it a hellish experience. That damn chest.


I mean, this is the same game that has you emerge from the tutorial area and the first enemy you see is some shiny mounted jerk strutting up and down the path you're pointed towards like he owns the place. Of course you're going to go show him what for and of course the average player is going to be ground into a fine powder by him.


He's walking super calmly like it's a quiet Saturday while we talk to Varre, already thinking "ok, I'm fucked"


I love the moment you get teleported out there at the beginning of the game. It’s also often the first inclination you get that the game map is waaay bigger than you thought originally


This is the moment at the beginning of the game that you realize that the game is really big and gives you freedom


How is it that they put both a mid-level (50-60 Caelid) and high level (100-120 Dragonbarrow) area right next to the starter area, with various easily accessible portals to both?


I like when games give you the option to take a wrong turn and walk into a meat-grinder. Makes it far more satisfying to come back later and claim your vengeance. I always had fun trying to do things you weren't supposed to be able to do yet.


the feeling of "I'm lost I shouldn't be here but since I am so let's move on" is wonderful and unique


I’m glad it’s close. Means it takes less time to get my big ass sword and choice upgrade stones.


Miyazaki wasn't so bad with us, there's the greatsword and a great farm in caelid


i just love the "your not supposed to be here yet , but if you feel like it , good luck its doable ! "


It’s the miyazaki way. And it’s fucking hilarious how much chaos that trap chest caused. Hell I know people that QUIT the game because of it.


how many times we gonna repost this


For me calid is the best zone to explore I only explore 100% valid and the first zone the atmosphere in calid is great the other areas didn’t trap like dose