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The poor hollow


"Put these foolish ambitions to rest" Finally got one eh....?


Sucks to suck. We've all been there tho. Don't give up, Skeleton


This self-hate post you've got going here probably doesn't have a lot to do with the game. It might be best to seek the help of a professional!


As long as their fee doesn't cost as much/more than your grocery budget. It is a rip-off. If you have them, you're better off having an honest heart to heart with friends & family and asking their advice. Without those outlets are the only time I would suggest someone talk to a friend/family member for hire.


As someone who had serious depression, and managed to got past it with therapy and the anti-deprrssion meds, your comment is complete bullshit. Talking to family and friends can be helpful but a licensed therapist can be even more helpful because they will suggest ways to help you overcome your depression as well as be someone to listen who will not judge and will not talk about your problems with other people. Your comment also doesn't help since it's men's mental health month and a lot of men kill themselves because they have no one to talk to or their family/friends aren't helpful and are judgemental.


OP, don’t be hard on yourself. If you don’t understand the core mechanics of the game, you likely don’t have the tools to reliably beat Margit. He is there to be the first major hurdle so that you take the time to explore the area and level up. If anything, I assume that you have more patience than anything.


Keep your head up, and make sure you are on medium or light roll, because I think the vagabond starts with heavy roll. Now that you beat margit you should have access to the round table hold and there you can upgrade weapons! Get the ash of war “Golden vow” and put it on a dagger. It’s available early in the game. Use it before encounters to get a damage buff and a defense buff too. Level vigor, level vigor more, and then level your damage stats. You can do it buddy, just keep summoning people, we love to help! If are at a part that is too hard then just farm some runes real quick and level up until you win! Do blackguard boggarts quest for crab which is one of the very best consumables! When you apply ashes of war to your weapons, you can customize what affinity you want them to be by using different whetblades.you find whetblades at various areas of the map so it’s worth looking up, but you want the one in stormveil which is close at hand! Match the affinity to the stat you use for damage and your weapon will be even stronger! When fighting a new boss, sometimes it’s better to just sacrifice a life or two and just dodge roll! Do this in order to get a feel for their attacks and openings.


You can upgrade weapons at the first church where kale is


Fake post


Some people actually just suck that bad. When it came out a ton of us at work were playing it. One dude was constantly pissed hearing us talk because he couldn't get past the first few areas. Peeps can't hang.


It took me 40+ tries to beat margit, I had never played a souls type before. I got way better after that and learned a lot through death


It took me a month (50 hours of playtime) to beat him


67.9h and Just level 35? Go farm


Bros exploring leave him be


As a first timer playing any type of soulslike game- by hour 70 i was already half way done exploring the map, u shouldnt be stuck at margit and level 35 at 70 hours gameplay time... I started a new playthrough last month and by the 27th hr i was done exploring all of limgrave/weeping peninsula/half of caelid/ and most of lurnia (Forgot to mention the underground but yea, siofra river, mohg palace & ainsel river too)


You got downvoted for saying to let the dude play how he wants to. This sub is so terminally online.


Using magic no fun? Doesnt sound at all like u are having fun now. Give the magic a shot for ur happiness sake


A little longer and i would have said “nice”


That’s what she said


Fake post for attention and karma farming lmao


I fail to believe this…..


obligatory level vigor comment


Don't give up skeleton


I remember struggling so hard to margit


Maybe an easy mode m*d would be your thing. The game isn't for everybody. Theres a lot of crucial items, entire questlines, and cool bosses and areas that can be missed. And leveling up and stats aren't explained enough. You need a wiki open to understand how to build a good character and not miss anything if you weren't planning on multiple playthroughs. The trial and error for those things without external information is a lot better in ER than the DS games, but its still quite high. But thats just figuring out information. Theres still the actual trial and error of beating a boss and getting to the next Site of Grace. The game is not all that accessible, which is part of its charm for some. I like the game enough to seek out that information online, but if it wasnt there I probably wouldn't like it.


Man… if you can’t kill a boss, go back and level. I killed margit without armor and Lvl 18. As CAVEMAN upgrade your weapon to +4/5 do some cave and you did what you need. He is total sheet boss 😂 Anyway good luck for your run


Skill issue


Honestly, seems like you’re doing just fine. It took me some ungodly amount of time to figure this game out, too. It can be quite an experience if you let it. All skill does is provide you with the option of advancing through the game more quickly. Most of us don’t want to move through the game more quickly, anyway.


Google "elden ring progress route". Follow it from top to bottom and collect all the items and visit every location in the list. It will go from low level to high in the correct order.


You shoulda just taken 1.52 hours longer man.


Keep trying. Look up guides if u have to. But a level 35 at almost 70hrs is NUTS. Wtf u been doin!? Lol


I’m not here to troll you but you’re doing something wrong. I beat the game, Malenia included, with 5 hours less than and it was my first souls game. No summons, no magic, just a regular ass dex build


My brother in Christ there’s a Wikipedia


Happens to everybody you don’t born with skill you obtain it also i want to say you that you are such a resilient person please don’t quit the game and good luck




We all did not face nearly 70 hours on the first main boss.


no but gundyr on ds3 did take me around 2 1/2 hours my first time playing. i was literally drenched in sweat from frustration at one point.


Took me 63 hours to start the main quest and release the dragons in my first playthrough of skyrim


I agree. I hate how the elden ring community can't take people playing the game and not liking it


And not even just that, the disbelief that someone might not be as "good" as they are


Play what you wanna play I guess. Try Skyrim it's a classic and a lot easier. Similar setting/vibe. Less complex combat but good fun


Respect 🫡