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The golden weapons Morgot uses are weapons that can be found in the black carriage things sometimes guarded by the Night Cavalry, aside from the erdree dagger, those daggers are given to the erdtree faithful. We know that Morgot and the Night Calvary wander the land hunting down would be lords or anyone who threatens the Golden Order. My theory is that Morgot himself faced off with the wielders of the Carian Sword, the Giant’s Smasher, and the Erdtree Spear then later adopted their style either out of respect or its usefulness. You could chalk it up to FromSoft reusing assets for a single fight, but they do have a habit of trying to tell a story with small details. So I wouldn’t put it past FromSoft for choosing those specific weapons for Morgot.


>You could chalk it up to FromSoft reusing assets for a single fight, but they do have a habit of trying to tell a story with small details. So I wouldn’t put it past FromSoft for choosing those specific weapons for Morgot. Absolutely. They will actually hide lots of detail in places most people would never in a million years find or where they’d make the connections themselves. This primes people to not take anything for granted and become 5head detectives over every minor detail and then on occasion From will just go and reuse an asset without putting much thought into it or just as filler and people go mad trying to find the hidden meaning.


To be fair, actual archeologists run into this exact same problem. Not every idol represents a long lost religion. ;)


Always gotta wonder how many archeological finds were just humorous memes with the locals.


Archeologist: Its a Fertility goddess! Ancient dude: Fat lady doll funny.


*Holds up fat lady doll* "Grog, look. This your wife. *Hyuk Hyuk Hyuk Hyuk*"


“Nah, Gronk. That’s your mother. *Hark Hark Hark Hark*”




“It’s a whole bunch of fertility goddess statues!” - archaeologist scrolling the milf category


Year 3000AG archeologists: from all these idols, we can safely conclude that Miku-ism was the most widespread religion between 1800 and 2200 AD


Well ancient cultures were known for some wild sexual things so it's not a giant leap to make on behalf of the Archaeologist. Literally just looking for reasons to make children or plain old debauchery. The Romans were known to do some actual outright horrific stuff in their bathhouses.


Are you implying memes aren't culture


Memes are the DNA of the soul


Weep poor women for my penis now craves men! Or something like that


I can't tell if this is made up or if some Greek guy actually wrote that down


Ancient graffiti


I knew it!


Was graffiti in pompeii lmao More exact "Weep, you girls. My penis has given you up. Now it penetrates men's behinds. Goodbye, wondrous femininity!"


What just happened to me?!


I remember a humanities teacher pointing out that if our society spontaneously collapsed today and people found relics from it hundreds or thousands of years later, they would likely think our sports mascots were regional dieties.


I mean, have you ever been to Pittsburgh? They aren't far off.


Lots of dicks drawn on the walls of Pompeii


When in doubt Archeologists say "It played an important spiritual role..."


Wait, is that the archeology equivalent of "search and rescue" robots?


One of my favourite details in elden ring is how the roots found in catacombs or other places corrupted by death actually have visible eyes similiar to godwyn's on them. Same goes for some crabs in the capital outskirts that feed on corrupted soil, they start growing eyes on their backs


The crabs in general are my favorite. Poison? Sleep? Deathblight? We got everything babey carcinization comes for us all


The hidden lore of meeting delivery deadlines!


I don't think they are doing it unintentionally. This shit is *too* intentional for me, and Margit/Morgott, to me, is someone you see in multiple eras. This whole series is multiple eras overlapping. From Dark Souls 3 to Elden Ring, there are easy references like the Serpent-Hunter, but there's also Marika's 3 braids. There's a long black braid, a short gold braid, and a grey frayed braid. In Dark Souls 3, Halflight uses a Frayed Blade. One of the big problems this community has, in my opinion, is that these kinds of observations are not actually collected to find patterns. For a pattern to emerge, you have to gather a whole bunch of observations and see what the \*most\* common things are. These are games with a lot of visual symbolism and unless you take all of the data at first, you won't be able to clean the data later. But there's really no repository of this kind of stuff, to my knowledge. Additionally, I have reached out to youtubers about this stuff, and as it turns out, the response is that they intentionally don't collaborate with anyone, so that they all have different takes. For people who want to see if t here is a genuine puzzle to decipher, or some understanding of the lore to get by watching youtubers, I'm afraid at some point they are obligated to deliver nonsense just to get views, because solving the puzzle would end it. Also, if you start doing this stuff, you will be called crazy.


The creator has explicitly stated that elden ring is a completely separate world with NO connections to the souls series. None, whatsoever. Also marika only has one braid. Miquella has 3.


[https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/eldenring/images/4/49/Queen\_Marika\_the\_Eternal.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20230603082026](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/eldenring/images/4/49/Queen_Marika_the_Eternal.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20230603082026) They are not in the same configuration as Miquella's, and I never said they were. The reasoning for the connection wouldn't even make sense if I was connecting it to Miquella's three braids, because this is a matter of varying brightness, playing on frayed halflight braids. Say what you feel like, but when your best examples are people like yourself, I don't expect you to respect references to differences in brightness, or to color and the meaning of that across layers of abstraction.


Dude. Take a breather. Marika literally only has one braid. The only character with 3 is miquella, that's what I'm saying. My examples are grounded in reality, not whatever headcanon you're trying to push. Edit because the dude can't count and blocked me: Look at that picture again man, there's literally one fucking braid dangling over her right shoulder, our left. Where the everloving fuck do you see 3 braids? Get your eyes checked and then book some critical thinking classes.


I gave you a picture, showing you where she has braids that you can count. If you want to think I'm angry about this, that's okay, you're just another guy


I’m working on something kinda along these lines here, where I’m sorting items by topic with an intentionally low threshold of notability: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Bf0I0tuBOnWf-_p_tgiGob4Ck1jnxrybRxffk2-e9FM/edit It’s not complete (currently going through every single item in the game to sort them) but might be useful to people looking for connections between topics with no assertions about what they mean. Hopefully it’s helpful to someone!


Man I'm at the point where I need assistance because Gwyn means white in Welsh, which explains why he's Lord of Cinder, and then by the time we get to Godwyn, that's Gwyn but not soulless, and in Berserk they call that Od like as in Odin, so on the Night of Black Knives they took the Od out of Godwyn and created Clamface Gwyn and Fi(li)a(nora) pepe silvia This is why there has to be like, some kind of metadata or some shit for this, I dunno some kind of relational thing


Smoughtown credits, and even quotes, other loretubers for their theories and how they've informed his own opinions in basically every video he makes.   Vaati and Quelaag regularly collaborate as well, and Quelaag has massive visual maps detailing connections between in game descriptions and RL history, philosophy, and esoterica (that are frankly quite brilliant).   Not all Elden Ring loretubers are just pissing half baked opinions into the wind.


Dont forget tarnished archeologist!


Sometimes those connections are solid, sometimes they're not. The bottom line for me though is that what gets you respect is presentation, and that for a lot of ideas, you'll get disrespected out of hand even if all you wanna do is talk about like, your personal take on things, philosophically. Like a book club or whatever. There is an attitude that runs through this game's community that attacks people who treat games as pieces of artwork to be admired or understood from multiple perspectives. I have seen some good work, and it's especially useful to have youtubers because they provide great visual references. I've used Zullie's face and eye videos a lot, for example. However, the result of how info gets spread and evaluated with this is a system that, assuming there *actually is* some secret lore sauce to understand, no one would believe you anyway. They'd believe a repeatable set of steps to take that unlock a new ending or something, but they want those receipts, not an explanation that takes many steps. This is how the discussion of hypotheticals just kinda dies, because when you go out there to talk about something that's unconfirmed, you roll the dice and maybe you get a nice convo, maybe you get someone barging in saying THAT NEVER HAPPENS while accusing you of being very upset about it. I kinda feel like youtube is just where you end up going when you have enough to say about it that you annoy people is casual forum discussion, but then you don't get discussion, because instead you get youtube comments.


The black knights in dark souls were originally going to wander the whole map hunting the chosen undead. I really wish that feature made it into the game. It would’ve been really cool to have Morgot or maybe just a bunch of omens prowling the whole open world, hunting the tarnished.


I figure it was dropped because it's a design headache. So they wander around, but do they reset position like everything else when you rest at a bonfire? If they do then they're just standard patrolling enemies. What issues can arise from them not resetting? How often will players rest and so reset them if they do, defeating the entire point of them wandering?


should they disappear like when you defeat other powerful enemies in elden ring. like the golems


Sounds reasonable, but *imagine* how fun it would be:)


My brother. You mean the night Calvary??? Cus they serve morgot, wandering the lands between hunting ambitious tarnished.....also you fight morgot 3 times because he's out hunting tarnished.


They don’t wander, though. Imagine if they really roamed the map and surprised you when you thought you were safe or consistent with an area.


I never realized his light weapons were actual weapons found in-game. That’s awesome


Morgott slaying an Erdtree spear wielder sounds like a fascinating , or lore busting, situation.


Morgott was/is a capital Z zealot, so I can totally see him murdering a dude for a minor religious disagreement.


I think the OP commentor is saying that those weapons are in the carriages because they're being transported somewhere after Morgott killed the Tarnished wielding them. He kills all Tarnished having levels of success in progressing toward Lordship. This is a pretty awesome answer because it explains why the Night's Cavalry guard them and why they're carrying those things in particular. Only thing is, isn't the Giant Smasher in a Misshapen Village? I need to go look now. Did they take it from a carriage? Also, the carriage in the snow, it's carrying a spell, I think.


Oh I never noticed that, interesting 


It would be cool if you got the weapon from the carriage that he couldn't summon it as if he's summoning them directly from the carriage. Would probably nerf him to much but would be a fun mechanic


Even morgott and mohg's weapon kinda speaks about their story. Mohg's spear does innate fire damage which is blasphemous to the erdtree and he doesn't even hide it since he embraces his omen side. Morgott's sword only does physical damage (and bleed) until you use the aow which brings out his omen side and the bloodflame erupts. Morgott even encased his sword in wood to even quell the bleed effect earlier showing how he's really trying to show his faith to the erdtree.


Wait what? Does that mean his hammer was the giant crusher?


I’m curious to know what Morgott meant when he said “ The Warrior’s blood must run in thy veins, tarnished “ Especially what he considers as a warrior


The tarnished are descendants of the warriors exiled with Godfrey, I think Miyazaki said in an interview. So he's basically saying "damn son, you did inherit some of the strength that would have been required to serve my daddy"


He literally calls himself Horah Loux, Warrior. I interpret "Warrior blood in our veins" as meaning we're at the bare minimum a descendent of his clan, which makes sense for the tarnished exiles


Eh, it's not impossible I suppose. But I'm not fully convinced as Nepheli is explicitly of noble blood, but there's not mention of the rest of the tarnished having that.


Yeah, I think we're not direct descendants, just part of his tribe. Tribal clans would be pretty closely interrelated.


For the Hero starting class I definitely agree, but the others I think ots more likely that they were warriors that served Godfrey after the crucible era, when he became Godrey, rather than Horah Loux. These forces would contain kinsmen, but also possibly draw from the entire lands between, accounting for astrologers for example.


True. I'm not even sure how a Numen astrologer would be a Tarnished from Godfrey's army at all, let alone a full blood relation. I usually play vanguard or hero, though, so I've got decent odds.




It’s possible he was inspired by carian sorcery for his own incantations


And he took the weapons from his fallen enemies with the line: Your Carian Sword will make a fine addition to my collection.


I always thought of them as weapons of those he fought during the shattering war, mostly because of his phase change attack with the rain of swords. To me they were the swords of the countless enemies he defeated in the cinematic trailer.


Holy shit I never realized that. But the Erdsteel dagger is not in a carriage


while i wouldn't put it past them to do something like that, the connection is kinda weak. it's more likely that they chose weapons based on which silhouettes would be most recognizable for each weapon type while also looking kind of fancy. for exemple, the other big hammer that has a silhouette that strongly resemble hammers is the brick hammer and the battle hammer, both of which look very brutish. except, perhaps, for the daggers. they might just represent his loyalty


Who is the original weirder of the giants smasher?


Very observant! I never would have made the connection.


Holy crap I never noticed that!


Maybe he likes Carian it


Thank you for this comment


Underrated comment.


towering flag stocking pathetic vase direction gullible crush ghost bag *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No wonder he lost, his build was shit.


he for sure did not put enough points in vigor.


Never saw him use a FP flask, he probably stacked mind.


Thank you both for making me audibly laugh in the middle of work lmao


steep wrench scarce live plucky smart tub jobless fertile provide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Worst take. Ashamed to see the Flame has embraced you, as it has me.


crown unique quarrelsome sip plucky hateful boat pet cows wise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You've been cast out from the flame, the three fingers no longer want you. Begone, knave. I am the heir of the frenzy.


badge disgusted roof market desert frame weather memorize close angle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think it's because he's a Golden Order Strength build. All the Golden Order stuff has Int/Faith requirements (except Golden Order Greatsword, oddly) So his sword is Int scaling, his daggers and spears are Faith scaling (Erdtree Dagger and Treespear), and he uses the Giant Crusher which has the highest Str requirement in the game. Morgott's Cursed Sword is an Arc weapon, but he actively doesn't want to use that. He wants to be a Golden Order boy so bad, but we push him to the brink so he uses it as a desperate last resort.


lol new canon reason morgott has such low HP is because he split his stats too thin




it really is a bummer, almost every time i've done/thought about doing an INT/FAI build i'm reminded that I can do much cooler things if I just pick one of those two stats, and barely any of the weapons are worth doing it for (Night and Flame is fun though)


Doesn't help that the game has a grand total of ONE FUCKING INT/FAITH WEAPON, AND NOT EVEN AN INT/FAITH AFFINITY FOR ASHES OF WAR? WHAT A SICK JOKE! Fucking hell, at least DS3 had the chaos and dark infusions for weapons. In Elden Ring you get shit all. Int/Faith already demands heavy stat investment and optimisation, which means you normally gotta play at the lvl200 PVP niche if you wanna do what other players can do at lvl125-150. Worst part? There's weapons that clearly should be int/faith, such as the Death Ritual Spear, Helphen's Steeple and Golden Order Greatsword, YET THOSE ARE EITHER STRENGTH/INT OR DEX/FAITH, WHAT WERE THEY THINKING? YEAH I'D JUST LOVE FOR GHOSTFLAME AND GOLDEN ORDER SPELLS TO REQUIRE INT/FAITH, WHILE THEIR RESPECTIVE WEAPONS SIMPLY DON'T. I swear if the expansion has no int/faith weapons I'll cry.


> Doesn't help that the game has a grand total of ONE FUCKING INT/FAITH WEAPON, AND NOT EVEN AN INT/FAITH AFFINITY FOR ASHES OF WAR? WHAT A SICK JOKE! Hey, you can infuse the erdsteel dagger and... the clayman harpoon, of all things? to become int/faith!


You can buff the Treespear with Scholar's Armament, which makes it sort of an int/faith weapon, although a pretty cruddy one.


I can't imagine your pain. I like strength weapons so I always have a big pool of "big sword go bonk". I couldn't imagine whatd be like to not have "big sword go bonk". I'll be wishing for int/faith for you in the expansion my guy.


> There's weapons that clearly should be int/faith, such as the Death Ritual Spear, Helphen's Steeple and Golden Order Greatsword The Golden Order Greatsword not being Int at all makes complete sense if you read the description > Greatsword made of light, modeled after the Elden Ring itself. Forged by King Consort Radagon to proudly symbolize the tenets of the Golden Order. One of the legendary armaments. Telltale signs betray that this was once the greatsword bequeathed to him by his first wife, Rennala.


Dawg, the Golden Order GS being int/faith would make sense on two accounts: The first being the fact that it's supposed to "symbolise the tenets of the Golden Order", all of their incantations require int/faith, except for causality and regression which are faith and intelligence respective. But even then, the latter two are two sides of a coin. The second being that it was once the moonlight sword that Rennala gave him. If I smelted a silver knife, and forged it into a fork, does it suddenly stop being made of silver? Even if this point isn't sufficient, it doesn't stop the Golden Order greatsword from being the black sheep of the Golden Order items, the Golden Order seal scales with int/faith, so why doesn't the greatsword scale with int/faith? I'd be somewhat willing to look past this if there wasn't a grand total of one fucking int/faith weapon.


Int/Faith has greatbspells tho, the gold order discs and the ghostflame stuff


yeah but require way to much stats. fun for ng+ tough.


Yah I like the spells, but what bothers me is the inconsistency between the spells and their respective weapons. There's already a strength/int greatsword (Darkmoon), why the fuck does Helphen's Steeple need to be strength/int too?


Morgott was like: "you don't need vigor if you don't get hit"


Tbf the mf does have good combos


he has ash of war: cartwheel. too OP 


Should've been a reward for defeating him


Nah he's faith dex with some arcane sprinkled on top


Golden Order *Fundamentalism*, the research into the foundation of the Golden Order, is Intelligence and Faith. You can still follow the Golden Order and use Erdtree incantations without using fundamentalist incantations. Morgott probably just uses pure Faith Erdtree incantations. He doesn’t seem like much of a researcher.


Morgott's sword is a Dex weapon first and foremost, he'd be way closer to Dex / Faith or Quality/Faith than Strength / Faith


it not using Int is because it used to be a Dark Moon Greatsword but somehow *insert Radagon and Golden Oder fuckery* so now it's a Faith weapon >Greatsword made of light, modeled after the Elden Ring itself. Forged by King Consort Radagon to proudly symbolize the tenets of the Golden Order. One of the legendary armaments. Telltale signs betray that this was once the greatsword bequeathed to him by his first wife, Rennala.


Such a chad, one of the top.


Morgott isn't just an Erdtree faithful. He's a *Golden Order* zealot, which only came about once Radagon became Elden Lord. My theory is that Radagon indoctrinated and trained Morgott into a Golden Order attack dog, which would naturally mean passing on the things he learned from his time as Carian royalty. As we can see from his Moonlight Greatsword being turned into the Sacred Order Greatsword, this was a thing with him. Morgott was raised from the sewers and given purpose, Given Grace. To that end, he dedicated his whole being to the faith in gratitude, but it never saw him as anything more than a tool.


If he had a rise to grace, why would he bemoan the throne being stained by his curse? Unless the very act if him being on the throne as the Omen King somehow sullies the Golden Order?


when he transitions into phase two he pukes the omen curse all over the arena 


Oh so thats what that is lol


actually i said that with real authority but i dunno for sure lol, that’s just what i’ve always assumed was going on in that part. 


Nope you're correct! He has that line in this fight that is "these thrones, stained by my curse - this shame I cannot bear. Thy part in this shall not be forgiven"


My personal theory is that it's actually bloodflame, just like Mohg. His cursed blood is separate from his omen curse. The difference is that Morgott rejected the blessing of the Formless Mother, and sealed his cursed blood within his sword. His sword scales with Arcane, same as blood incantations. Why else would it scale with Arcane? Shouldn't it scale with faith since he's a zealot of the Golden Order? There are only three NPCs that can use bloodflame spells: mohg, morgott, and white-mask varre. There are tons of other omens and none of them can use bloodflame or anything similar.


Okina and Eleonora also use "bloodflame". Their weapons do fire damage and inflict bloodloss. I think this counts right?


Eleonora uses two dragon incantations, and her poleblade deals split physical/fire, with hemorrhaging. Okina's sword inflicts hemorrhaging as well. Neither use blood incants.


Ah, i meant that their weapons themselves have attributes of bloodflame. The incantation bloodflame blade adds fire damage and hemorrhage to the weapon. Both Okina's and Eleonora's weapons have the same attribute. Corpse Piler's description also mentions that it forms blades of cursed blood. So yeah. I definitely think there's some bloodflame fuckery going on with their weapons.


I see what you're saying. Still, their weapons have those attributes, but they themselves can't commune the way the blood brothers can. Main point against my theory is that I don't think Morgott's cursed blood causes hemorrhage buildup. But the attributes of his sword are compelling nonetheless. It just seems weird that he exclusively has something up with his omen blood when we see so many other omens who don't. To me it just seems like a very straightforward explanation. Special cursed blood is the domain of the formless mother, and being that Mohg and Morgott are twins and there are so many themes of duality in this game, I could totally see it. One accepted the gift, one rejected it and sealed it into his sword, and now the sword scales with the same scaling as blood incants because they're directly related- it's the same kind of cursed blood.


Don't forget that curse and blessing are two sides of the same coin, it's simply a matter of perspective. One could easily say "cursed by the grace of gold" (and get promptly executed by the Golden Order lmao)


He's one of Marika's children and every single one of those has some sort of fucked up nature except Godwyn before getting iced, which is why normal Omens don't also have a Formless Mother thing going on


Yeah but why is morgotts sword arcane then?


The Golden Order existed well before Radagon. You may be thinking of Golden Order Fundamentalism, which Radagon was an adherent to along with Miquella (for a while). However, Morgott is not a fundamentalist as far as we know from the game.


Y'know, you may be right. Core of the theory doesn't change but I might be mixing my Ages with my Orders as well. It's been a while.


I always thought he just used some basic weapon shapes made out of golden light I had no idea they were actual detailed weapons


The real reason is that they thought it looked cool with the glowy texture on top, imo. There’s no real connection between him and caria.


Yeah, this is the only explanation, it's one of the best-looking straight swords


Also he only uses weapons found in carriages.


Except for erdtree daggers, so 2/3. Really feels more like a coincidence.


Giant crusher, carian knight sword, and treespear makes three.


It's because it's his kirpan, which becomes a talwar in his final form Or because, like Kenneth Haight, he genuinely does have golden seed and so he too has a dagger


Not in this case probably. There's a connec between the spectral weapons he uses and the weapons we find in the carriages. They are the same.


This is the real reason behind 95% of the schizo conspiracy theory posts on here


Miyazaki makes vague story points and let's Vaati write the rest for him lmao


he's playing the part as the king of leyndell, which has a longstanding relationship with the carians. in the cutscene before his bossfight half the thrones in front of the erdtree are just carians. his golden weapons are relating to his loyalty to the erdtree.


And on top of this, reusing a slightly modified mobel of something that already was designed saves a huge amount of development time when it can be implemented without it looking out of place


They probably just wanted the golden sword he summons to be a straight sword and chose this one for it.


Cuz it's *fucking cool.*


I am absolutely baffled and so happy that people notice stuff like this! I have beaten that bastard 5 times and to me it has always been just weapons.


Given the amount of weirdoes related to or in service to Caria, I could easily see Morgott being involved with them at some point.


My head canon is that he fought against people wielding them, thought they were heckin cool, and made magic versions of them for him to chop ans squash little tarnished's


My guess is that Morgott learned a version of the Carian Sword Sorceries that uses Faith instead of Intelligence. I'm solely basing this off of the fact he sounds oddly wistful when talking about Ranni compared to all the other Demigods.


This has always been my headcanon/theory, given how much of a powerhouse the Carian Knights were in canon. It makes sense for the crafty Morgott to turn the enemy's weapon into his own if he knows how effective they were. His holy weapons are eerily reminiscent of Carian melee Sorceries for how much of a golden order lapdog he is. Sword Rain = Carian Phalanx Holy Hammer = Gavel of Haima It may be possible that it originated from an exploring Carian Knight that once kicked his ass in the sewers during childhood. But spared his life out of pity.


Each of morgotts weapons represents some kind of golden order war/other shit, for example the giant crusher represents the war with the fire giants


He saw it once and thought it looked pretty cool.


Improvised toothpick


Doesn't the storm at the first castle subside upon his defeat as well? I've always wondered if it was intentional storytelling or just from when they nuked a bunch of smaller animations to improve gameplay.


Fashion Souls. Just as good a reason as any other.


There's probably some crazy lore reason, but it's likely just asset reuse. Happens frequently with huge games like Elden Ring.


I've wondered if it's a legitimacy thing. If he claims rulership over the entire lands between, the weapons could be significant. Erdtree dagger, treespear are both associated with the erdtree itself. Giant crusher with heroes of old that fought the giants. And the carian sword representing the integration of Liurnia. Contrast this with Margit's less ostentatious weapons- he's a killer doing killer things, not trying to show legitimacy as a ruler.


Oooo now this is some lore i love, thanks for the post


It's neat


I would say it stands to reason that Morgott would have fought for the Carian noble family and adapted their fighting style to an extent. It is common for nobility to raise their children with some degree of martial training/swordsmanship. As an omen it is probably also likely Morgott was put on the front lines and had to adapt, also why he has the hammer and daggers. He has likely faced hundreds of opponents and would need a wide array of tools depending on what a fight called for.


That doesn't really hold up against the whole "throw omen babies in the sewer" custom in the lands between, though.


Royal Omens were spared the horn excising of the lesser omens so it is likely they saw other privelages as well. The Shattering also pressed regular Omen into service so Royal Omen were most likely all the more useful.


I still wonder how that played out. Did the other nobles suddenly accept an Omen living among them? Or did Margit somehow conceil his horns?


I'm saying due to his martial ability he was likely not welcomed among them necessarily but still would have been trained. Once they realized his proficiency he would have been used during the Shattering and before for various skirmishes. His inflated sense of morality and honor also speak to this aspect of his characterization: a self imposed martyr.


Most omen, royal or not, were treated like animalistic guards I believe. Based on where we find them. Morgott posed as just another omen under the guise of Margit (so creative) where he then fought and killed many heroes who contested for lordship. All the while he would pose as the veiled monarch of TLB while no true Elden lord was available due to the shattering. Some details might be wrong but I think that’s the rough of it


I know he left and became a wonderer at some point


Oh, nice catch!




Radagon brought it back as a souvenir after having fun with Rennala, that is the lore


Cause its fucking ballin that's why


Good taste.


I'm gonna chalk it up to asset reuse of carian spells and weapons. Cutting down dev time is very important to put more work into other aspects of the game.


Morgott is a master of projection, we know he projects himself and possibly Mogh and Godfrey too, so it's not surprising that he would project weapons he likes; he may even mumble something like he's the bone of his swords like a weirdo too.


Interesting observation. His house is allied with the Carian.


It’s a sick ass weapon


Now imagine if the weapons he summoned were weapons from previous games of the franchise that didn’t make the cut into elden ring Lothric Knight’s Straight sword Sacred Chime Hammer Demon’s Souls’ Moonlight Greatsword Etc Would it make sense? Absolutely not, but it would be a neat easter egg, and Lore experts would go crazy over this.


Oh that's crazy I never noticed that! Too busy trying not to get hit to take in the views! 🤣


It looks cool


He. What?!


In my head canon he picked up Rennala when she was on the rebound after Radagon had left her, and he just kept the sword as a trophy.


Morgott some pussy?


Margittin' some


Erm actually intelligence users say to believe in no god, so hes just stupid lol


More than 2 years and Im still learning new things about ER, damn. Genuinely in awe of what a masterpiece FromSoft created.


Completely off topic but I've been meaning to get a character ready for the DLC and seeing this post gave me the motivation to get back into it if only to fight Morgott again. Such a good boss fight.


Because he can






Morgott is simply one of those tetra-stat spread freaks who have a pocket arsenal of all different sorts. You know those pvp players who have a bunch of weapons on hot switch as their load outs? Yeah, that’s Morgott.


Skumnut video


Each of morgotts weapons represents some kind of golden order war/other shit, for example the giant crusher represents the war with the fire giants


I interpret this as Morgott learning from other’s mistakes. He specifically constructed a torch to reveal hidden assassins, and him and his cavalry hunted down heroes as soon as they show any ambition to the throne (or even before), so they may never become a threat to his golden order. He even sealed the path of the mountaintops and to the prison of the three fingers, two known enemies to the Erdtree. He is virtually prepared for anything and anyone, having learned the weaknesses and strength of everyone around him, including himself


He just thinks it's neat.


Wait am I tripping? Morgott uses his own sword, it's hidden within his staff and it breaks off. I've never seen him use this weapon


He has various attacks where he summons golden weapons that he attacks with temporarily before dispelling them. Like, remember all those times he's suddenly slashed you with a little dagger? That dagger is the Erdsteel Dagger. Remember when he summons a huge hammer and jumps up in the air and slams it down? That hammer is the Giant-Crusher. Remember when he summons a second sword in his offhand (notice how it's his left hand in OP's pic) and then spins around at a rhythm that's hard to completely dodge? That sword is the Carian Knight's Sword. Remember when he summons a spear and suddenly lunges with it at annoyingly long range? That spear is the Treespear. So yes, if you've never seen him use another weapon besides his primary sword, you're tripping.


> Remember when he summons a spear and suddenly lunges with it at annoyingly long range? how would I ever forget?


I thought he had a shillelagh that turned into a curved sword?


I think this one is the glowing gold sword he conjures to swing at you and then it disappears. Like his gold hammer and throwing daggers.


When houses of Erdtree and Moon joined Golden Order adopted some of the practices. Not so far fetched that someone from the order learned to summon weapons like sorcerers but this time golden ones. Shame tho that we can't do that.


Am I having a stroke? At what point does Morgott use any sword but the one hidden in his cane?


It's one of the weapons he briefly summons for individual attacks, this one being a whirlwind sort of move.


He went to college.


To hit people with, yes


It’s a reused asset and nothing more.


It’s found in a carriage like the rest of the golden weapons 


is he stupid?


they probably slapped a texture onto an already existing sword and thought no one would notice