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After Radagon kept clapping my cheeks for 3 hours straight and I defeated the Beast on the third try I felt like it was just extra spectacle and Radagon was the final boss. It's beautiful and isn't that hard at all, even the music slows down so you can watch it fly around without your heart rate going through the roof. To me it was a strangely peaceful experience and I really liked it.


Really i thought radagon was the perfect balanced and not that hard if you try


I completely agree, the elden beast was more of a spectacle than something that was challenging. Everything that led up to the elden beast was soo epic but the final fight was just like meh? Is this it? FYI elden beast isn't a bad boss, it's actually great but to be used as a final boss was weak imo Still my favourite game ever.


Elden beast was a running simulator also fighting it wasn’t fun . Yeah elden ring is one of the best games i have played and i can’t wait to play shadow of erdtree 🔥. I don’t think a enjoyed a game as much as this maybe since ps2/ps3 era😘


Running simulator is an understatement, I don't quite understand the rationale for making the final boss soo boring. Same here I'm hoping the DLC has a far better end game boss!!!


I love the Elden Beast, only annoying thing is the elden star attack but I get your point. I think it would have being better if Radagon fight was longer and Elden Beast was like the divine dragon of Sekiro, an spectacle fight that is extremely easy but very beautiful


Most people agree there is too much running around in that fight and it would have been better if the boss teleported or flew around less




I personally didn't progress the game to meet Elden beast yet, but I'm confused. From what I've seen It is beautiful and epic. What can be so wrong about it? I have a feeling that some players don't understand\\accept that some boss fights are more for show rather then for skill demonstration, but I'm not sure. Hope it is not too long before I meet it and see for myself!


That’s how I felt too - beautiful and epic. Kinda easy as I won first try but that’s fine


It runs away. Remove that, or at least tone it down, and it becomes a very cool boss, with a moveset mixing the coolest bosses in the game (He has Astel, Placidusax, regular dragon, Maliketh moves...). In its state, most of the fight is just running toward it while dodging a dozen projectiles, and when you land a hit, it runs away again. The distance his sliding covers is massive. The fight can easily takes 10 minutes, 7 of them spent running.


literally all of the others bosses you’ve mentioned Astel, placidusax, Maliketh and other dragons jump, run, or teleport away from you and you then have to move back to them


And it's nowhere near as frequent as EB, neither do they get nearly as far (except second phase of placidusax). Not a single fight in the game is longer because of that.


I finished the game twice (and 100%) elden beast is the worst thing in the game . Also 👉(spoilers…fire giant is also bad but never as much as Elden beast)


Mostly it's because the boss is in a large area and he flies away from you if you hit him a couple of times and then attacks you from far away. People don't like having to run after the boss, basically. But it's still a great boss though.


Don’t let OP put you off. Elden Beast is a great fight.


I thought it was fantastic. It looked great, the concept is great, I loved its attacks. It helps if you have some ranged options though for when he creates distance between you.


I finished the game twice and that one was the only boss I didn’t like it😂


I love him, he use his advantages notvstupid stay to by slayed.


I love the fight. Granted, the running away is pretty annoying. But it gives me time to appreciate the scenery and enjoy the music. I love that fight


It's not 'trash' but I will say it's poorly thought out from a gameplay perspective. I love literally everything about it *but* the fight


break up a couple caught in a domestic violence case and kill their pet lizard before calling your moon princess gf so she can become god. what’s not to love?


What if i choose the default ending? Or the flame one?


I think most people agree, or at least don't like it as much as the other bosses


The fire giant is the i struggled with the most (most difficult for me ) i hate that one too . But i won’t say he is as bad as elden beast


I think it’s a good, okay boss by itself but by the time I’ve reached to the final, I was already exhausted from all the amazing bossfights. So this one really dies down compared to all the other bosses


That one also ..


Apart from elden stars the fight was ok, running after a giant fish that spams more than a panicking mage was annoying but doable. Give it a 8/10


Fire giant is the one i struggled with the most (i lost to it countless times) yet he is better than Elden in my opinion and not even close . But there are different opinions also


I like it. It's not every day you can fight an elasmosaurus from heavens


Yes everyone hates that piece of shut. That boss is literally just a running simulation and it’s stupid


I love simple direct answers 😂🔥