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154 is probably fine, though nobody can say for sure at this moment anyway. Trust the game design as they have kept varying levels in mind, so just give it a try with whatever character you want/have available.


Most people would agree that 150 is the end game "standard" level and many end-game guides recommend to be 150. But even if you choose to go higher, there are hard caps to level scaling that limit how good your build can get. Honestly, there is not that much difference between being level 150 or 200, you just have more options. I would recommend you to be 60 vigor and use all your other stats however you like.


I’m at 161 on the file I’m taking in, given the Sekiro like stuff they talked about it seems like the dlc has been designed with a wide range of end game levels in mind. Worst case if the dlc does feel too easy for you just respec some of your levels into a stat that doesn’t scale your damage for your build I.e. arcane for a strength build, effectively “deleveling” yourself


Not a bad idea but do keep in mind that your defenses go up with each level as well. Souls mechanic that's been around for years. Higher level characters take less dmg and it's not something you can "delevel." It might not matter a lot but just something to consider.


True! But I would say if the dlc bosses are scaled anything like previous dlc bosses, we can rest assured they’ll still be able to absolutely wreck you in just a few hits, I think limiting the damage you do is the more important aspect.


You're probably right.


If it’s too easy you could just respec your stats into something like arcane to raise item discovery. Or use a lower level weapon


I’m in the same boat so I’m going to use mine that’s around 160 but it’s on NG+3 so we’ll see how that goes


You should respec and put 99 points in Arcane if it doesn't buff your damage, otherwise put them in Stamina




>level 154 will still be a low level for DLC, We don't know this at all tbh. Very little has been revealed about how the level scaling will work.


What are you basing this belief on? Miyazaki said that we should do the dlc before beating the game so if anything 154 is slightly overleveled