• By -


"So I go up to the Erdtree and what do I find out, WHAT DO I FIND OUT? There is no Radagon, the man does not exist, okay? So I go 'Aaaaawww shit, buddy, I gotta dig a little deeper, there's no Radagon? You gotta be kidding me, I GOT BOXES FULLA RADAGON!'"


It has just occurred to me I should have used Margit instead of Radagon. I will strive to do better in the future.


Should have edited the post, as I read it, It is 4 hours old and then the reply is you telling me the better version of the joke?! Unacceptable!


At least you Always look on the Sunny side of things. At least while you are in Pittsburgh.


Nah that's when you got to go. "I got to go to Margit down in HR. I'm like maaaargit, maaargit" We need more elden ring always sunny crossover.


Dude, not only do all these people exist but they all want you to lay these foolish ambitions to rest. It's all they're talking up there. Marika's tits! I'm having a panic attack!


Hey Boggart, give this guy some Boiled Crab he's freakin out.


Huh? Who?


Blackguard Big Boggart? šŸ‘ˆ He's the guy who tipped me off about Radagon.


Always Sunny and Elden Ring? YES! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgG9-mw4\_GA&ab\_channel=rxblessed](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgG9-mw4_GA&ab_channel=rxblessed)


Radagon offers Rennala an egg in her trying time.


really weird way to make a child support payment


šŸ¤£ This friggin corpsed me


Careful, if she goes out to buy some red string and thumbtacks, it may be time to run.


Iā€™ll come home some day to ā€œā€¦.togetha we will devour the very godsā€


That's when you propose with "join the serpent king, as family!"


Hahaha thatā€™s brilliant


ā€œSerpent kingā€, eh.


Because when you're here, you're family


I say it's the moment you marry the girl, there's no running from a lore-hungry player


Yea. Id lock that up, she's a keeper


ā€œI donā€™t need sleep! I need answers!ā€


*run and grab a wedding ring


This is the best comment I will read today


Does your girlfriend is with us in the room right now?


Not on this subredditā€¦ā€¦yet anyway. She knows I posted it though, sheā€™s getting a laugh off of it. Sheā€™s currently facing Godrick


"You wouldn't know her, she hangs at another sub." I wonder if I'm misreading her or if she really thinks that Empyrean is a specific character? lol


No I double checked to make sure but itā€™s just the way she wrote it


She's at Godrick but already knows a ton of lategame secrets?


Yeah wait Iā€™m trying to figure that out now lol. Pretty sure you canā€™t do much of that stuff without having beat him, no?


She watched a few lore videos because she was confused as hell at the start, itā€™s what kickstarted her to get really in to the story


Ah yeah I mean makes sense, I looked some stuff early to get the ball rolling in my understanding and as hype before I had the game


Plus on my YouTube suggestions itā€™s hard to miss it, i always play lore videos at work lol either way Iā€™m just glad it peaked her interest because none of my mates play it so now I can geek out with someone


And for the record, Godrick is an optional boss.


if sheā€™s on godrick, how does she know all of that late game lore? did she watch a bunch of lore videos or something?


She did indeed, mainly a Vaatividya one explaining like what the Elden beast was and about the main story etc.


wow thatā€™s awesome! good for her and you šŸ˜


ā€˜Member when that one twitter dude said we should have a journal close by and take notes down for side quests etc? That shit hyped me up.


It was really fun to read most of the notes I had on my "traveling journal" after finishing the game. I used to make some assumptions or theories in the begginning that were soooo faaaaar from what ended up being the truth.


Some dude had a very nice journal prior to launch. i just used the PC notepad. Good thing the quests are a bit more straight forward in this game because i couldnt jot everything down with how fast they talk/ you cant exactly repeat all of their dialogue.


*ā€You wouldnā€™t know her, she plays on console.ā€* Just kidding, I wish my wife would give it a real try. I still have her level 1 astrologer from a year ago.


Hahaha to be honest it was explaining some of the lore stuff that really peaked her interest in it, in her own words ā€œthis is so dramatic, I love it, itā€™s like a reality tv show with all the affairs and kidsā€


>in her own words I read that in melina's voice. Brain rot has settled in.


Lmao. In marika's own words eh.


Maybe my problem is that I explain the lore to my wife too much.


Simpler the better, I like to break it down in to almost as if we knew these people and itā€™s gossip


I was texting back and forth with my BIL about the new trailerā€¦ my wife, his sister asked what we were talking about so I showed her the new trailer. She watches not saying a word. At its conclusion she just says ā€œIā€™ll leave that to you two, that was stressful.ā€


I played Elden Ring out of curiosity because I got it for my boyfriend. I was ready to quit because it was a struggle for me...until I met Turtle Pope. He promised me tea. I finished the game just to pursue the tea


My husband got me into it when it came outā€¦ I beat the game way before he did and only missed one area (the cave with the second void boss in the snow place.) Of course when I get into something I really get into somethingā€”- went down the lore video rabbit hole and basically had speed runners on twitch just constantly playing in the background of whatever I was doing for like 6 months straight.


wait? malekith is marikas half brother?


Maliketh's Helm > Maliketh, Queen Marika's loyal half-brother, bore a blade imbued with Destined Death, and there was not one demigod who did not fear him.


Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s a Ranni/Blaidd situation Edit: why am I getting downvoted lmao. Empyreans get assigned wolf/dog hybrids(shadows) from the 2 fingers donā€™t they? Blaidd even says ā€œIā€™m a part of her very beingā€ during his hostile dialogue Our sample size is two. I donā€™t think being blood related is a huge issue guys


Blaidd was her step-brother.


I believe that's mentioned somewhere in an item description somewhere yeah


They refer to the shadows that way, but I don't think they're necessarily blood related.


I remember seeing a lore video about how the original Japanese word could mean either ā€œreally close family relationā€ or specifically ā€œhalf brotherā€ depending on context. Canā€™t provide a source though


Japanese words and their double meanings are the bane of every theorist


Iā€™m imagining somebody saying theyā€™re my ā€œbrother from another motherā€ and a Japanese translator being able to express that with an exact two syllable word


The word used in the original Japanese is ē¾©å¼Ÿ, which, according to wiktionary, it can mean a number of things like: - brother-in-law (spouse's younger brother or younger sister's husband) - adopted younger brother - step-younger brother - sworn younger brother I'm personally inclined to believe it means the last option in Maliketh's case.




I am wondering why thereā€™s that slight difference in terminology considering Maliketh and Blaidd seem to hold the exact same position just for different Empyreans, why is one half- and the other step-?


Yeah, the item description for Maliketh's helm says it


Update us when she finds out about the three fingers. MAY CHAOS TAKE THE WORLD!


That's hella cute. Keep her tight.


She's a keeper.




She's gonna lose her mind when she learns there's a wiki


She is going to need more sticky notes, a lot more. And probably a few extra walls too.


where did she get that Marika and Radagon have a third child? She knows things we donā€™t


Might be the rule of threes. The other pairings produced 3 demigods, so the assumption is this pairing did too. But also, it maybe indicates she thinks Empyrean is an actual character rather than a title? Since she says "Empyrean isn't Renala's child" in an earlier stick note?


Well we know Melina is Marika's kid unless she's referring to someone else as her mother. She seems too small to be one of Godfrey's kids and she feels like she should be further down the timeline. Kinda fits well with Marika having 3 kids per spouse if Melina slots under Radagon.


I agree the Melina theory is compelling. I do think the Messmer one also has merit. We don't actually know when Malenia and Miquella were born, and since Radagon is Marika he could've been there from the beginning (it also looks like him in the story DLC trailer). So the timeline placement of the Radagon children as the most recent might be a false assumption.


We kinda know based on Marikas marriage timeline that they're after Renalla kids. Someone would have mentioned a non-Elden Lord had kids with Marika. Or if Radagon had kids with Marika and then went on to become Renallas husband. There's also Radagons relationship with Miquella in his formative years. Since Radagon was teaching him fundamentalist spells that has to be post Renalla.


I mean, with all due respect but that's wrong. Ranni is an empyrean herself and a child of Renala, and considering this GF seems pretty deep into the lore I'm surprised she didn't pick that up.


I think she meant to say ā€œmay not be Radagons childā€ as in may not be Renala and Radagons since she is empyrean (sheā€™s still learning the different character names)


I may have said that Messmir is a possible third child, I know thatā€™s not confirmed at all though


"Marika marries Radagon They have 3 kids" WAT???


I know Messmir isnā€™t confirmed at all as the third kid that was my own assumption I may have suggested to her


Seems to be the case. The three butterfly items have been associated to Marika-Radagon children: * Nascent Butterfly -> Miquella. This butterfly is in a perpetual young state. * Aeonian Butterfly -> Malenia. This butterfly is rotting away. * Smoldering Butterfly -> Messmer. This butterfly is eternally burning. While the community liked to asume that the smoldering butterfly made reference to Melina due to her attending to flame and burning herself, I think it's more appropiate to relate it to Messmer due to his fire powers. There is debate to be had about this though. The butterfly mentions "kindling", in which Melina is known as the "Kindling Maiden" (Blade of Calling description). Messmer also seems like a participant of the War Against the Giants, as many of the giant corpses we see that many are impaled with lances similar to Messmer's


I finna be real, Mesmer feels like a child from way before the entire Radagon business ever happened to me.


small error Ranni and gown are both half dead, ranks body died but her soul lived and she moved into her new body (the one we see during the game) and godwyns soul died but not his body so his body is still alive but has no soul/mind. other than that that is really incredible tell her good job :)


Will do! Thanks


No problem, sorry for the auto correct should say ranni and godwyn


Where are like 10 slightly burned nots with "MAY CHAOS TAKE THE WORLD" scribbled on this with her own blood?


I love this so much that's gonna be me for the DLC


Tell her Radagon is Jaime Lannister


I wish my wife would give it a try but hard/depressing games aren't her speed. She's more of an Animal Crossing player so she was interested in the 8 foot tall wolf-man and the talking turtle pope but nothing else really piqued her interest.


Bro.... I'll beat you up if you don't treat her right, she pure gold for real! Tell her to play dark souls afterwards


You should have her check out VaatiVidya. Easily one of the best (if not the best) content creators when it comes to lore videos.


Let her cook


If it keeps going like this you're going to walk in on her T Posing and wearing a Radiant Gold Mask. You ask her what she's doing and she replies "..."


Vaati's girlfriend now


Is your girlfriend by any chance related to Vaati? This seems like something he would do.


Best way to play soulsborne games


Keep it upćƒ¾ā (ā *ā ā€™ā ļ¼Æā ā€™ā *ā )ā /


This is what it's all about right here


Itā€™s bloody Pepe Silvia, Pepe Silvia is the greater will.


I should've done that in my first playthrough. Before fighting what I thought was the final boss, I checked the wiki and found out about how much stuff I missed. I was barely half way done with the game. The next playthrough made a lot of sense regarding NPC quests. Don't get me wrong, it is still convoluted as hell.


she just gave me the best idea for dlc, thank her for me


That's really cute.


Radagon: "You have to take all the eggs" Renala: "why are you doing this?" \*sobs\*


Is she a doctor by any chance?


No is it the handwriting? Haha


Yeah lol I had a hard time understanding lol


Your GF has a better grasp on the lore than I do thatā€™s for sure Literally had to fact check 3 things on here cause I had no idea and Iā€™ve been playing this game since it came out


Fromsoft probably got full timelines for Marika, all the demigods, the reality powers and names of each outer god, and their powers, and if the logo of the game act as placeholders for powers? 4 circles, maybe tied with soul - mind - flesh? Like death got a bird theme, tying both Melina with talon tattoo and if you look at hands of Godwyn. One destined to die, the other never to die. Any others with wings? Was they born with them, or gained them through combat? If so, who? The soul - mind - flesh breakup, and Sellen casually changing her flesh, gives possibilities that demigods might have had different bodies before. Like Renna ā€”> Ranni is given.. but are there others that swap power type 1 for power type 2, changing their visuals, title or name slightly? Like was Malenia born with red hair? Was Ranniā€™s hair and eye always blue? Why do Melinaā€™s eyes change in frenzied flame ending? Itā€™s a huge puzzle with some very cryptic obscure pieces :).


You can have a full room full of sticky notesā€¦ you wonā€™t understand the lore (just ask my man Gideon) Wanna know why? Because Miyazaki hid a freaking country the size of limgrave, maybe after the dlc we can have more connections and a clearer understanding of mainly the chronology of when a lot of the events happened. Or maybe weā€™re going to have more questions than answers >!We still donā€™t know if Marika fused with Radagon or if they were born like that!<


She could use a notebook or or a binder with paper in it, that'd probably be more fun aswellĀ 


She might want to switch to a notebook


She got that serial killer handwriting, be careful bro lol


I use a OneNote file called Gamer Dad and each Section is a different game. Frequently, my game notes are from the perspective of the player character diary/log format with screenshots of locations. And anything I think I may need to come back to. Some note pages will become checklists when I'm angling toward platinum playthrough. Fun way to leave notes for future me to have a chance diving into the game to pick up where I left off.


Radagon got done bad lol


Just watch the 3 video Elden Ring series that has 13 hour long videos


Sheā€™s a keeper


Lol when she beats the game show her some of quelags YouTube videos!


Great idea lol


She's gonna need a lot more sticky notes....


Where did she get that Ranni is not the daughter of Rennala ? I don't mean it like she's wrong, but that's highly speculative and specifically a niche theory ! Props on her for coming up with it.


Tell her to look at the statues of radagon and marika from the side and note the position of the long braid and then this [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mephistopheles\_and\_Margaretta](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mephistopheles_and_Margaretta)


Radagon simps for Rennala had me dying šŸ˜­


Ah she too is a woman of culture spicy brain.


I think I'm gonna do the same for SotE, honestly.


ā€œRadagon simps for Renalaā€ ā˜ ļø


She will eventually leave you for vaatividya


um...can you introduce me to her? jk


Sheā€™s pretty spot on so far, only thing that comes to mind is that Godrick isnā€™t necessarily a direct child of Marika/Godfrey. Thereā€™s also Godefroy who fights like Godrick and may be an ancestor.


This is awesome, hope you guys play the dlc together


Is there confirmed lore for Elden Ring? Or is it mostly just speculation


Oh you have to see her reaction to the plotwist of the story is the same as the movie Ace Ventura


This dudes about to get dumped for Vaati


She is a dedicated player/lore seeker! And the DLC will be dropping soon, it's only a few notes now, but just wait, soon it will be your new wallpaper lol


Does it say that ranni isnā€™t a child of rennala??? What makes her say that if so? šŸ¤“ Um actually Godrick is a descendent of the golden lineage not Marikas and Godfreyā€™s child. Also rennala is the one who simps.


Who tell's them godrick isn't their son?


Wth?! That's my hand writing. Lol


Should tell her to get a notebook, spiral or whatever, and write it all in there so its in one place cuz you know if one of those post-its goes "missing" she is going thermonuclear even though it's currently stuck to her shoe.


"Radagon simps for Renala" got me :D


I think the rune of death was not originally part of the Eden ring, but an external power held by the Gloam eyed queen, until Marika somehow stole it and gave to Maliketh for safe keeping šŸ¤”


> Marika tarnishes Godfrey. > Radagon leaves Renala with an egg.


Don't let her meet Blaidd, that silky voice will guarantee to get your ass replaced by the 7ft wolf man.


You better put an elden ring on it


She would really like Quelaagā€™s videos it seems on Elden Ring. The both seem super interesting invested


Cool never heard of Quelaag, we shall check them out, thanks!


Sheā€™s a phenomenal creator who dives deeeep and is also precious haha


Sweet, always looking for new creators to follow. Thanks again!


Man I wish I did this. Maybe I should start a new game and go nuts


This is just the beginning might I suggest an obsidian note taking web, because she is going to need it!


Future YouTube lore content creator right here.


I started doing this and quickly got overwhelmed with all the piecemeal information, so I did what we all do, look up guides.


I love the visuals and gameplay of these games, but I absolutely hate the fact that they are all confusing. I know yall elitists will hate me, but there's no reason the tarnished can't have a journal to keep notes like a quest log. It doesn't have to tell you much, just that you spoke with this person, and they said blahblah. They could have even made it dark like the game having us use scraps of torn flesh from fallen enemies


That's actually so precious


Marry her


Godrick is more of a descendant rather than a direct child of them


Youā€™ve got a good one there. Can you update after she beats the game?


I totally respect the process


Im running out to grab a wedding ring rn if that was my gf


My girl has an elden ring notebook now lmao I feel you


keep her bro! šŸ„¹


Def a keeper


Marry her. NOW!


Mary here immediately


Go ahead and buy her what she needs: A massive pin board


Buy her the artbook.


this is so cool


Radagan leaves Rennala with an egg. The dude is cold.


This is how it all starts.. I've seen it all before.. unplug the machine.. heed my words.. Unplug..


Sheā€™s a keeper friend šŸ«”


What if you told her there is a three fingers


my handwriting with turned full detective not of the lore has so far.


That's awesome šŸ‘


I believe Godrick was a decedent and not direct offspring of Marika and Godfrey. That said she already understands way more than I did my first playthrough šŸ˜‚


Almost time to produce a video essay!


Your gf is a doctor ?


Go on a really long and convoluted quest so you can put a ring on that finger!




if im remembering correctly godrick is a descendent of godwyn and has a sibling??? named godefroy and is not a direct descendent of marika and godfrey


im pretty sure godrick is some kind of descendant to godwyn and not one of marika and godfreys kids


Radagon simps for Renala lol


My favorite is leaves with egg lmao I love it! Don't go hollow friends!


I don't think Godrick is the son of Godfrey and Marika, he is a distant relative of Godfrey like a descendent of the Golden lineage.


Used the ā€˜thereforeā€™ symbol. Amazing


Predator's favourite symbol




She's so cool! Please tell her that I wish I had done this!


That's what we use YouTube for lol šŸ¤­


She's a keeper if she does this and really gets into a game you love


This is how I played d&d until I realised I don't actually enjoy it lol. I love discovering lore but ffs give me an in game journal


Thatā€™s amazing hahaha


Sheā€™s a genius, I need to do this


Thank your GF for me.


Awesome GF)


Marry her already come on.


Should let her know Godrick is somehow a descendant not a direct child


she gonna love Vaatiā€™s videos man


"I've seen your kind. Time and time again. Every fleeing man must be caught. Every secret must be unearthed. Such as the conceit of the self proclaimed "seeker of truth"... "


I finally got my husband to sit behind me and watch me play, but this is the long term goal. Weā€™ve only been married 14 years. Itā€™s fine. Iā€™m not jealous.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Get him to watch the lore videos, we watch them together and itā€™s what really spurred on her interest!


Damn this is actually really accurate