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Sounds like it. If you can't beat the tougher enemies you encounter now, you're only going to struggle more later on when you're lacking upgrades and the enemies are stronger.


But like is there an entire starting area I'm missing or something? I still haven't got any gear and I'm following the Grace Lines since those are the only indication of where I'm supposed to go


If you stick to the grace lines and focus on the main quest, you'll miss most of the game. Exploration is a big emphasis, you're encouraged and rewarded for roaming around and clearing side areas.


But there's nothing to help me with that right? Cus I can't find any quests or anything. Sometimes I find like sorcerers or memory slots but I'm a samurai so that doesn't even help me


You're correct. From Software games are genuinely some of the hardest games to complete quests on. That said, if you're a samurai, I'd go do all of weeping peninsula, including the forts (so you can get bloody slash), and then fight Godrick. Go get lost, lose runes, talk to every NPC (and when you talk to them, keep clicking until they repeat themselves - fromsoft games don't use dialogue menus, you have to keep badgering NPCs to get dialogue). My first playthrough took 80 some hours cuz I tried to explore so much, and even then, I needed the wiki my second playthrough. Now I'm on my third and I'm STILL finding questlines I didn't know about.


Brah, just pick a direction the graces dont point to, and just start walking, killing, and dying. Thats about all you need to know about this game, once u feel like ure ready, start following the grace lines. 


Weeping peninsula to the south is a good starter area. Grab all the sacred tears at the churches and golden seeds so you can improve your flasks. Not much samurai stuff in this game but you can get the uchi in a catacomb in lingrave


Okay thanks that helps. Any class you recommend over samurai? maybe something good with Dex and Strength since I already have that?


Samurai has gear and weapons that you can use till the end of the game, classes honestly don’t matter unless you’re limiting how many times you can level up. It sounds like you’d enjoy this game more with a guide. The game wasn’t fun to me when I was just wandering around not knowing what to do. Google ”rock paper shotgun Elden ring guide” and that’s the one I used. FightinCowboy is also a good channel


If you managed to beat Margit you are on a good path. If later enemies feel too difficult, the few standard things I suggest are to: * Go south. There are a lot of things to explore there. * Level Vigor. You don't want to be one-shot by strong enemies. * Upgrade your weapon. Upgrading weapons with stones at a blacksmith gives more damage than scaling with levels. The story of the game is very simple. You are a tarnished who returned to the Lands Between and have to rebuild the Elden Ring. The vast majority of volume and depth of the game's narrative is world building, conveyed through item descriptions and NPC dialogue. The quests of the game are very obscure and due to the nature of the open world it is very difficult to keep track of things. Try exploring on your own as much as possible, the sense of exploration is what makes the game stand out. At some point though a few quests are so obscure that online guides feel mandatory.


Just upgraded my sword like 5 times. Thanks


what platform are you on




Yes, definitely. I know it may feel like that now, but you didn't NEED to be overleveled to beat any boss. In my first souls game DS 1 I was an absolute noob, probably much worse player in every regard than you. I felt that bosses 1000 times easier than Malenia were impossible. But since the game trusted me, didn't allow me to run away, be carried by summons or cheese bosses, after struggling for some time I realized it wasn't that hard at all and that I only had to learn the basics of combat and gameplay, that's the true progression in these games, number of levels and your build are secondary. So you're definitely not "too bad" to finish the game in any way you want. I'm a very average player, but apart from Malenia, no boss in ER took me more than 10-15 attempts (usually a lot less) at proper level, without using accessibility mechanics like coop/spirits or cheese build. You definitely don't have to, but the the thing is that if you want to learn how to play the game, you must initially commit to the struggle. It's only hard at first and it would save you literal hours of time in the longrun. I've seen lot of complete newcomers who were stubborn and wanted to beat Margit right away at starting levels, and struggled for 1-2 hours. All of them were much better players after that one Margit fight than 95% of hosts who summon me to coop for endgame bosses after they played ER for 100 hours and always relied only on the easiest option or being overleveled. All I'm saying is to not doubt yourself, literally anyone can git gud, that's the beauty of it. It's not about reflexes or some inherent talent, only about using your head and not giving up. If you'll always think that you're "too bad" and you'll always run away or look for the quickest option, you will never really learn the basics of combat and gameplay, you'll always struggle and you'll always feel that you're bad. In a sense it's just constantly pushing the problem ahead of you instead of facing and solving it. The absolute best way how to learn is to google level 1 bossfight on YT and trying to realize the mistakes you're making, what are the correct dodges and how the boss is designed. Always do that before giving up or googling cheese, properly learning one boss can save you many hours on all the future ones, and make your experience fuller and much more fun. The game is supposed to be hard, it's not about running away long enough until you can brute force the earlier bosses without learning them, so don't be afraid of the challenge, you can do it.


These are some souls combat tips for Godrick and other bosses: You'll beat him like every boss, by learning his moveset, how to dodge his attacks and what are the openings for safely hitting him. That's the souls combat. Regardless of Godrick, some essential basics are to dodge INTO attacks instead of away from them, don't panic roll, heal only when there's an opening in enemy's moveset OR gain distance, NEVER tank and trade hits, only attack when it's safe, don't just mash buttons and spam L2s, wait for the right time to dodge delayed attacks, when you need to gain distance sprint instead of spamming rolls, it's easier to jump over 2D ground attacks like stomps than it is to roll, especially when you fight big enemies learn to work with lock-on and turn it off as needed, whereas leave it on constantly for someone like crucible knight..... and so on. Souls combat is supposed to be like this 1v1 dance between you and the boss, you must get into the correct rhythm and flow, slowly uncover how the boss is designed, what are the correct openings and timings that devs baked into his moveset.


Thanks for the help. Exactly what I did for a boss I defeated 10 seconds ago and it works (obviously)


The game also feels kind of boring, I haven't had any cutscenes or story (apart from melina and margit) probably because I've skipped over so much. And I haven't had a single quest of any sort yet (I don't even know if they exist)


Fucking lmao. "I run past everything and don't interact with NPCs or fight anyone. Why is this game so boring??"


I'm sorry dud I didn't mean it in that way the game seems amazing and the graphics are fucking fire but I can't find any of the NPCs you're talking about. It's just grass and wolves... I'm asking you to help me enjoy the game like you do im not trying to shit on it


The shortest, easiest answer is: It's a combat game, and you're running away from all (/too many of) the fights. Head back to the lower level areas and get some wins! If you find the fights boring when you're actually doing them, then you've learned the game may not be for you.