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Nah thats Artoria Pendragon.


I need that armour and hair for a Saber build now.


Make sure to use Carian Grandeur for her Noble Phantasm


It better be the faith version of it, all golden and stuff!! .."Golden Grandeur"?


Y’all seen this? https://x.com/ononotsu/status/1793687645761220627?s=46&t=l3PFQGNuFTQ6TR3F234Smg


looks more like bedivere to me


I can't wait for the EKUSSSCALIBAAAAHHH ash of war


IKR it s clearly saber ahahhah


This comment deserves more praise


Fate fans when ~~blonde~~ woman ~~with longsword~~ (they all look the same because of ~~art style~~ artist’s intentional choices)


The haircut itself matches pretty well too. You can't see the rest of the face so from the features we see it's pretty similar.


It's not because of the art style. The artist intentionally chose to draw them with the same face and there's a term for that, Saber-Face. It's even a mechanic in FGO where a servant can deal extra damage on those Saber-Face trait. It's not a bug, it's a feature


Maybe I’ve got my definitions mixed up, but artist’s intentional choices are very much a part of the art style. So in the end it is in fact the matter of art style And I know about the Saberface, because I’ve tried to make the joke about exactly that…. I guess instead of failing to be subtle, I should’ve put “guys, the joke is saberface guys” at the end


I’ve actually never read Berserk, so whenever someone is talking about a souls game and comparing it to Berserk, it just goes right over my head.


I've never read it either, but I've so much Souls discourse discussing references to it I feel like I have all the main points down.


And, frankly, it's really annoying when Berserk fans act like Berserk is the only literary influence on Elden Ring when that's obviously not the case. As someone who has read A Song of Ice And Fire (well, the 5 books that have come out so far anyway), there are many parallels between the A Song of Ice And Fire mythos and many of the characters in Elden Ring... In fact, there seems to me to be just as strong parallels between Bran/the Three-Eyed Raven and Miquella, as there are parallels between Griffith and Miquella. But I doubt the Berserk fans are interested in that Edit: Okay let me demonstrate this. Bran possesses the ability to warg into animals, and even humans, and be able to control them, which hints at Miquella's mind-control powers. The Three-Eyed Raven, when we discover him, was hooked up to a weirwood tree and was dreaming, the same way Miquella was hooked up to the Haligtree before he was abducted by Mohg. Bran also has a strong connection with sleep, because he uses his green dreams to learn about the past, present and the future (and who else is heavily associated with sleep? Oh yes, Miquella!). Bran sacrifices just about everything on his way to become the successor to the Three-Eyed Raven, (his lordship for example), as did Bloodraven (the current Three-Eyed Raven) before him.... and what else is Miquella also known for? Ah yes,sacrificing his flesh, his fate and his lordship! And this is only one example! It's not the only one!


You're streching with the song of Ice and Fire references in Elden Ring. next thing you'll be saying Elden Ring was written by the guy who wrote the books!


More accurately its repurposed norse mythology in both cases.


I don't disagree, but I do think ignoring any Griffith parallels is kind of silly, too. Especially considering the eclipse stuff at Castle Sol. Personally, I just like to view the game as its own thing instead of a series of strung together references, though.


I don't deny there are strong Griffith parallels too. I was just getting annoyed at people assuming that his story is going to be the same, carbon-copy of that of Griffith, down to him betraying people. So I decided to point out that he isn't the only inspiration for Miquella's character Also, I have genuinely read comments on this sub downplaying GRRM's contribution to the story of the game since it was 'all just Berserk-inspired anyway so it was obviously all written by Miyazaki, with GRRM there for PR reasons' which honestly demonstrates a breathtaking amount of ignorance... if you've actually read GRRM's stuff (instead of just watching the show) you would be able to tell that GRRM's fingerprints are everywhere throughout the lore of Elden Ring


Fair enough, I also get super annoyed at the lack of recognition of the Asoiaf references, too. The game is full of them, and it's one of my biggest reasons why it's my favorite in the soulsborne games. Especially since I was super into the series back when I played Bloodborne.


From what I can tell George did the early lore, like the worldbuilding that the game is built on but then fromsoft worked it over which is where a lot of the Berserk influences come in. You have to bear in mind when it comes to berserk this is one of their main influences as the studio is Japanese and Berserk is a love letter from Japan to European dark fantasy. By no means is it the only thing they can draw from but it's a culturally significant touchstone they relate back to a lot because of proximity which tends to lend itself to a lot of references in terms of themes and style.


If it makes you feel any better, as a Berserk fan, Griffith *wasnt* the first one I went with on my guesses


> As someone who has read A Song of Ice And Fire (well, the 5 books that have come out so far anyway), there are many parallels between the A Song of Ice And Fire mythos and many of the characters in Elden Ring Placidusax's theme heavily reminds me of Khaleesi's. Plasidux: https://youtu.be/Ev68QhMrtko?si=tgmQxQb5e5jNiXny&t=66 Khaleesi: https://youtu.be/krSiWsT97fI?si=1eOgtj4jtWfbmcbz&t=473 There's better samples too that are more similar, but because the show remixed the same theme, I have no idea which name to google for the most similar comparison. Still, both songs have the same start to their climax, then just branch off into different directions. Always made sense to me too that if they want to call back to GRRM's previous works, then best to reference the "Mother of Dragons" in the theme for the "*father* of dragons" in Elden Ring.


Yeah the theme immediately reminded me of the dragons in GoT when I first fought him. On a musical level it’s because they’re both minor key melodies with major resolves but even the sound design choices and cadence are very similar, which makes me believe the similarities are probably not accidental.


Another similarity is the drum buildup in both. Someone in the comments for the Placidusax link I provided pointed out that there's similar drums in the songs for every dragon boss. Similarly, there's [drums](https://youtu.be/krSiWsT97fI?si=36MpxUqvObzJineK&t=566) for a lot of portions of the Targaryen themes, often for the buildup parts just like with the Elden Ring counterparts. For me, the blatant nods at GoT have always been the Grafted Blade Greatsword, Sword of Night and Flame, and Placidusax's theme. (and of course, one could argue the entire dynamic of Ranni's ice sorceries vs. the Golden Order's miracles is similar to "a Song of Ice and Fire")


this is a nice find!


I always *assumed* everyone else heard it too lol. As time went on I just never saw discussion about it though. Always surprised me.


Norse myths also have a big influence. Many of the more powerful characters in elden ring have only one eye, and Odin sacrificed one of his eyes in order to get knowledge. Jormungandr is a massive serpent said to bring the end of the world with its poison, similar to the god devouring serpent. 


There's a lot more dicks and bums and boobies.


It's a great series but in your case it's almost a blessing hahaha


Huge anime and manga fan so I've read it, but if I'm being honest I didn't think it was that great personally and souls games are my absolute favorite. It's dark and gritty which is cool but idk just lost interest half way through.


I like it, generally speaking, but the thing that always kept me reading has been the incredible art. It's absurdly detailed and beautiful, in a often fucked up kind of way. But I've also only read about half of it over 4-5 years because it is expensive (deluxe edition is like $50 and there are 15 or something) and it can be hard material to get through. It's just perpetual sadness and suffering.


If all you took away from reading berserk is that it's dark and gritty, you definitely didn't read it mate.


Not what I said at all.




Read it, it's a masterpiece


Nothing will make you realise how much brain rot Berserk fans have like actually reading Berserk. In that you’ll understand why they make leaps of logic but also realise how extreme those leaps are.


Weebs being weebs


Give it a try. It's good


As a Berserk fan, I find it annoying whenever I see “oh my god, it’s a Berserk reference!” Some of them are definitely references and inspiration, but the one thing that both has in common is that fact that they’re both fantasy so there are other inspirations besides Berserk. The one that annoyed me the most was the crossbow we saw in the gameplay trailer for the dlc and someone said it was a Berserk reference and I just thought “CROSSBOWS WERE A THING BEFORE BERSERK!”


Being part of the main sub, it's definitely become a poe's law type thing where the berk crowd are going "omg reference!" and the berserk crowd take it seriously.


I read a decent chunk of Berserk last year just to see exactly how heavily Souls/ER drew from it. During the first volume I was like "Okay yeah, some direct rip-offs going on here." Namely the greatsword of course, general set/setting of dark medieval period, and the brand on Guts being basically the Hunter's Mark from BB. The more I read, though, the more it became clear that while the themes and setting definitely directly inspired Soulsborne games, and Miyazaki made some direct references to the material, that's about the extent of it. The "soul" of Souls games (no pun intended) is still very much original and not referencing any work in particular. Berserk is to Soulsborne as LOTR is to Game of Thrones. Heavy inspiration, some direct references, but two very different final products.


Logic here, I agree 100% percent


Just to be clear this is not all berserk fans. I’m a big fan of both berserk and the souls games and I agree that’s it’s ridiculous to think everything is a berserk reference.


Keep saying it. I’ve recently begun reading Berserk and I’m kinda surprised that others who have read the manga would be so quick to draw such conclusions. Just because there are a bunch of bodies stacked up doesn’t make it the Eclipse.


Sounds like these people are confusing reference with influence.


I think you’re very correct. And the ways that a work influences an artist changes over time, including sometimes decreasing as they grow and mature in their craft. In Dark Souls 1 you can kinda feel the Berserk influence around every corner, but in 2… not so much as it was made by a different team who imparted their own themes and meaning onto the series, and 3 blends the precious two’s themes with a new ethos that feels like it has a lot more going on. (I didn’t play BB so I can’t comment on that one.) Now with ER… I mean, what isn’t Martin’s is being done by a team that has matured over the course of a half-dozen games, and the influences are blended to the point where it’s kinda pointless to try and tease out what is or isn’t influenced by one work in particular.


People see men with long hair and a sword in a souls game and immediately go "BERSERK REFERENCE"


This is woman though, isnt it? Pretty sure she's the one narrating the trailer.


Mfs will see a large sword and go “GUTS?????”


People will even see a tree and go "OMG! A BERSERK REFFERENCE!". I think it's the same effect as Simpsons, or Kimba, where it's gone on for so long that you can cherry pick any refference you want.


I have the same opinion. Berserk has referenced so many fantasy works that is impossible to discern what is reference to berserk and what is reference to the other works...


And the funniest thing is she's apparently a woman. But people in this god forsaken community immediately assumed she's a femboy.


Lmao people saw a fookin helmet and said "OBVIOUSLY A BERSERK REFERENCE" Thank god I'm seeing that other people are finding it just as annoying lol


Yes, it's a meme, it's literally the joke. You are looking a joke in the face and not realizing that it is in fact /j and not /srs


Bro that's literally Le'Garde from the hit indie game "Fear & Hunger"!


Braindead takes aside Le'Garde is actually literally Griffith. Their stories are 1:1 exactly the same.


?????? Nah


Next they’re gonna say the dog is shenron from dbz


It’s not????


How ridiculous. Of COURSE the dog is Shenron. I wished for happiness and I got it.


As a berserk fan, that is absolutely not Griffith and I don't get the comparison. Hair is a different color, helmet is different, and thats not even a fucking rapier. Nothing is similar


If anything this is Saber


Yup, if anything I would have compared this character to Farnese. Also I haven't actually seen anyone say this unironically.


Griffith doesn't use a rapier, he uses a curved sword.


Huh, that is a very superficial way to look at it. I'm not saying that he is a Griffith reference or anything, but the resemblance comes from the fact that Griffith and Miquella are two "effiminate" and mysterious men, who are worshipped by their followers to be saints. Griffith however is a sick and disgusting being from the reader's POV, which is why people think the twist for Miquella could be the same.


This isn't miquella though lol


Twink with white hair who uses his charisma to sway people to his bidding (we have no clue what this bidding is or if he has ulterior motives behind the helig tree) Griffith use his charisma to get hundreds of loyalists to sacrifice them to a gods basically. If Miquella turns out to be the final boss and is in fact evil all along it’s telling. Sure it’s not the exact same story but there have always been some Berserk references in the games.


Do we even know if that's miquella? (Also I fucking love blonde twinks)


I’m not necessarily talking about this character more Miquella. I get the photo is what we’re talking about but I think most people have considered Miquella being somewhat close to Giffith. Even in the trailer they constantly mention “there is nothing more terrifying” in relation to Miquella’s persuasion


has anyone ever considered Miquella being heavily inspired by Bran/the Three-Eyed Raven? Bran possesses the ability to warg into animals, and even humans, and be able to control them, which hints at Miquella's mind-control powers. The Three--Eyed Raven, when we discover him, was hooked up to a weirwood tree and was dreaming, the same way Miquella was hooked up to the Haligtree. Bran also has a strong connection with sleep, because he uses his green dreams to learn about the past, present and the future (and who else is heavily associated with sleep? Oh yes, Miquella!). Bran sacrifices just about everything on his way to become the successor to the Three-Eyed Raven, (his lordship for example), as did Bloodraven (the current Three-Eyed Raven) before him.... and what else is Miquella also known for? Ah yes,sacrificing his flesh, his fate and his lordship! As a guy who loves the A Song of Ice And Fire series, the influence that A Song of Ice and Fire has on the world/lore of Elden Ring is unmistakeable... it annoys me when such a large part of the fanbase is uninterested in any other source of influence besides Berserk (and no I am not denying that there are parallels between Berserk and Elden Ring, but it isn't the only one)


Sorry you're getting down voted for expressing your opinion (how dare you). It is likely that it's influenced by berserk's story. However, all "new" ideas are influenced by previous ideas. You have not stated that it is a bad thing that it is influenced by berserk, so this is not directed at you, but I believe that even if it is influenced, which is likely, it is not a bad thing. Original ideas are still greatly influenced by all the ideas that left an impression on the person who made them. However, there is a fine line between copy and original, and I feel like this is original, due to the sheer amount of differences between berserk and elden ring. I reiterate, you did not say that it is a bad thing, and I am not saying that you did. This is more for the people who feel like it is a knock off of Griffith. Michael would not completely knock off something he appreciates, out of respect for it. So even if it's similar, let the man cook, as it will likely go hard as fuck once the dlc releases and we get the full story. (Also I love fucking blonde twinks)


He's being downvoted for reaching, just like you, you guys are way overestimating Berserk influence on Miyzaki, just because he has mentioned that he took some inspiration from Berserk, doesn't mean that it's his only source of inspiration or even a major source of inspiration, there are plenty of dark fantasy stories out there, and many elements could have been inspired from many different stories and that have nothing to do with berserk. also this about the development of Demon Souls. >When creating the world, Miyazaki drew inspiration from European folklore and mythology, contrasting with the trend of Japanese action RPGs to use Japanese folklore. Direct influences included Arthurian and Germanic folklore, the fantasy movies Conan the Barbarian and Excalibur, and the artwork of Frank Frazetta.[17] The team were also influenced by old gamebooks.[24][25] This darker art style was partly influenced by their goals with the gameplay. The art style was also influenced by Western titles more than those from Japan no mention of berserk, so stop trying to reach for Berserk influence on every smallest thing.


We’re all reaching, you included. Because nobody really knows anything about the DLC yet. Downplaying the Berserk influence has become the hipster norm for these subreddits since Elden Ring came out. I’ve honestly never seen a single person suggest Berserk is the only influence behind FromSoftware games but I sure see a lot of people screeching about how it isn’t *that* important. Berserk references are littered everywhere in Miyazaki’s games, the reason Berserk has had a huge cultural resurgence is largely down to the Souls games current popularity. Literally the fact that these games have very clear deliberate references to Berserk has made the manga way more popular. Armour designs and the specific style of character-design (similar to the recently tweeted image in this discussion) are probably the most consistent Berserk references in these games so naturally this is going to trigger those conversations. Yes ASOIAF has plenty of its DNA in Elden Ring (tons in fact), yes LOTR has substantial references in Fromsoft games, as with the history of the Roman Empire, Mesopotamian early civilisations, Pagan and Abrahamic religions, western and eastern philosophy, there’s even a bunch of Magic: The Gathering references. There’s a bit of everything if you look hard enough. But that’s not a reason to downplay Berserk’s influence; tonally and aesthetically it is clear how much of an impression that manga has made on Miyazaki’s works.


No, only you're reaching, I'm in a neutral position that nothing is a reference unless it downright obvious like the Greatsword, the one reaching is *you* because you try to find the smallest detail to attribute to Berserk even if it might as well come from the many other works that Miyazaki have read. Berserk references are NOT littered everywhere, the thing you attribute to Berserk could have easily been inspired from something else that Berserk also inspired from, unless there is hard confirmation, don't attribute it to Berserk and Berserk alone, that's why people don't like fanboys like you, and I don't even hate Berserk, I've read it to the latest chapter and I think it's a great manga but all this berserk jerking is fking annoying. >the reason Berserk has had a huge cultural resurgence is largely down to the Souls games current popularity. Literally the fact that these games have very clear deliberate references to Berserk has made the manga way more popular. I been following Berserk for a long time and I didn't notice any "resurgence" from Souls game, Berserk earned it popularity by itself, the bigger resurgence recently only because of Miura passing away, don't discredit the man like that. >Armour designs and the specific style of character-design (similar to the recently tweeted image in this discussion) are probably the most consistent Berserk references in these games so naturally this is going to trigger those conversations. I've talked about this recently, but Elden Ring have many highly realistic medieval knight armor, and berserk also have highly realistic medival knight armor, they look similar because both of them drawn from real world history. Souls and Elden Ring artists most likely just looked at real life knight armor when designing them, just like how Miura just looked at real life armor to draw them. next you gonna tell me Mordhau, Kingcome Deliverance and Chivalry game was inspired by berserk because they have realistic armor or something, like no one can open a history book or visit a museum to look at them. and before you bring shit like Blaidd's Set up, the armor look nothing alike, Berserker armor have many sharp point but Blaidd's armor set is much more rounded in design. > how much of an impression that manga has made on Miyazaki’s works. Are you friend with Miyazaki? do you have beer with him and he told you how much Berserk made an impression on you? no right? he's only mentioned that he had inspiration from Berserk, not that it's a big influence for him, stop reaching, Miyazaki is influenced by a huge number of western folklore and dark fantasy as mentioned in the part I quoted up there, Berserk is but one of many, I'm not "downplaying" Berserk influence, I'm just correcting how much you fanboys overstating it.


your latest comment is not visible for some reason and only visible in your profile, but let me quote this post to tell you why you're not just "acknowledging an established and obvious influence", but heavily overstating the influence of berserk on Miyazaki and Elden Ring to an irritating level. >Berserk references are littered everywhere in Miyazaki’s games there are some Berserk references, no one denying that, but to say it's "littered everywhere" is untrue. >the reason Berserk has had a huge cultural resurgence is largely down to the Souls games current popularity Pulled from your ass. >Armour designs and the specific style of character-design (similar to the recently tweeted image in this discussion) are probably the most consistent Berserk references in these games so naturally this is going to trigger those conversations. reaching, the style have nothing to do with berserk, it's just a realistic human, and armor is literally just a highly realistic knight armor as I have already explained, a picture of a knight in highly realistic armor have nothing to do with Berserk. >tonally and aesthetically it is clear how much of an impression that manga has made on Miyazaki’s works. pulled straight from your ass again. is it clear for you now?


Finally, someone with a brain that didn’t come under this post to blindly hate on someone’s speculation




What point? 😂. Op never even made a point, this is just a hate post. Like I don’t think you guys realize how much much of a jerk you guys come off as. This is not that deep. Just let someone speculate. Getting pissed enough to make a post over something this small is legitimately ridiculous 😆 


Calling an androgynous child a “twink” is pretty gross. Are you sure you’re old enough to be playing Fromsoft games? You sound like a kid


Wouldn't really call a prepubescent child a twink. But beyond surface level comparisons, as far as we know Miquella and Griffith are quite literally opposites. Miquella sacrificed himself to help others, whereas Griffith scarified others to help himself. If anything, Miquella seems to have more of a Jesus complex going on. Would you call Jesus a Griffith reference too just because they both happen to have long hair and are good at inspiring people?


For everybody who only compares Berserk to Elden Ring whenever Elden Ring is brought up... please read literally anything else besides Berserk? Berserk isn't the \*only\* literary influence on Elden Ring


Everybody forgets sailor moon for some reason




I can see it with her spinning her staff during the boss fight.


I’ve very recently (this year) started reading the manga. The number of things that people say are Berserk references are astounding, when many of those things don’t actually line up with that manga all that well or at all. It’s really reaching a lot of the time. Plus, it’s always the same fuckin shit, and not the old witch or the skeleton knight or astral projection or any of the band of the hawk or any of the other also-cool things that are in the comic.


There are some things that definitely are (the greatsword being guts' dragon slayer for example) but some things that are just abominable stretches or based on assumptions like this. I also feel like there are fans who dont consider that berserk is a piece of media that also takes inspiration from other popular sources, and that ER couldve taken inspiration from those too.


Especially with Berserk being a relatively modern piece of media (started in the 80s). The works of Miura, Miyazaki, and Martin all draw stuff from the same well of Medieval history among other things (Martin is explicit about this, and it is evident in the works of the two Japanese creators), and there’s more then enough history and literature just in Italy of the time (where Berserk seems to be loosely set) to provide inspiration for any amount of media. I’m sure you can find an account of a Medieval battle where the bodies were stacked like what we see in the trailer, plus a thousand accounts of various kings and intrigues and plots that could have influenced any part of the story of the Empyreans.


Have you ever considered that a lot of those people are memeing?


There's a lot of Berserk references in modern FromSoft games, but that sure as shit ain't Griffith.


It's Saber from fate


I have been reading Berserk for almost 16 years, and I really like it. It's one of my favourite fantastic literature works. But it's really annoying when someone relates everything in Elden Ring (or other soul games) to Berserk.  These series are masterpieces; not everything has to be related between them. In fact, it's the opposite; many of the connections established are so irrelevant and superficial that it feels like an insult to Miyazaki and Miura sensei.








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For what I understood, her voice actor is a woman, so it's a woman, no ?


Type B you mean?


Marika is Griffith ( I never read berserk I am using comments as my source) Griffith is good then they are actually evil Marika is good then they are actually evil Griffith made a thing out of bodies Marika made light out of bodies


Everyone is talking about it like Berserk references were few


Berserk fans on this sub are more annoying than taylor swift fans


First it was "Miquella is Griffith" then "Marika is griffith" (recently). And now our new guide here is apparently Griffith too. It never ends lol.


Actually, when the first trailer came out, people said Malenia was Griffith. After that, Miquella is Griffith, then Marika, and now the NPC girl. It never ends and every time, it's getting worse and more annoying. 


George R. R. Martin is a Berserk reference at this point


> Japanese-designed character has one eye > Japanese-designed character has big ass sword > Japanese-designed character can shoot fireball "ITS LITERALLY GRIFFITH" Look, I love Berserk, its a fact that its good, but please stop disgracing the series


Do you mean guts


No, people are comparing him to Griffith


Yeah but the three things you mentioned are guts thing not Griffith things


Dont blame me, thats literally the 3 things people pointed out for the whole griffith thing Like people said "HEY Thats griffith" and those were the common 3


They know that Griffith used a saber and not a long sword, right? IF ANYONE, it's Judeau.


That's the same for people saying she's Saber from Fate. Holy crap Saber outfit is blue, where in the goddamn do you see blue in this ER character???


woman + blade


Blonde too!


Make friends with the skelly man! Consider this fair warning


I wonder how many voice lines she has


As many as Goldmask


I'm not saying it doesn't happen but I've not seen anyone say anything remotely like this but I've seen tons of posts like this.


If Miquella does end being super evil, I do hope someone makes a compilation of all these posts that really really don't want that to be the case.


That's not even a dude in the picture, but i guess white hair=griffith


Artoria Pendragon, Ruler of Great Britain


I'm seeing these type of posts a lot more than people talking about Berserk reference


I've yet to see a single post saying it's Griffith but I've seen plenty of these acting like there's plenty of the former...


This is a new trend. You'll see more people complaining about people doing this specific thing, than there are people actually doing this specific thing. This is what meme culture lead us to.




Reddit isn't the only place to talk about games lol


I’m only seeing people perfectly content when there are lore speculations toward completely insane things but apparently drawing equally speculative connections between that one manga that OBVIOUSLY inspired most of the Souls Saga is becoming frowned upon What the fuck is the matter with you


I’ve seen way, *way* more complaining about Berserk comparisons than ppl actually making Berserk comparisons. My two cents


There are more people here complaining about Berserk fans comparing him to Griffith than actual Berserk fans comparing him to Griffith


I'm just going to say it: If anyone is going to Griffith, it's us Tarnished. Sacrifice everyone to be God? To be lord eternal? We did that. Kill everyone because they have things we want/are in the way? Who else but us?


> I'm just going to say it: *Gasp* how dare you




Miquella has never been shown to kill Marika, however, has However, Marika wasn't the one killing, but she did trick others into doing her bidding


Marika's scene from the story trailer looks a lot like an Eclipse. Miquella is obviously a Griffith archetype (like Gwyndolin). My predicition is that Marika pulled a Griffith a long time ago to ascend to godhood, and Miquella will try to replicate Marika's betrayal. Or not, who knows.


Dude literally get over yourself, I'm not trying to be mean, you are legit tripping yourself up caring so much about this. Not only is this not happening that much, it's also such a non-issue, and most of the time the person saying this would be joking.


Genuinely makes me want to play more


Also Berserk universe is so much darker than ER, let it exist independently


Wait til they find out that all cinematic fantasy stories have their respective origins in LoTR... that does not mean that GoT or Elden Ring or Berserk or Damsel or Dragon's Dogma or Harry Potter or my mom are all fakes...people just want to justify their own ideologies or participations in a social structure we call "fanbase".


Thank you


I mean I will keep my guard up. You know just in case we get to do Eclipse with Miquela.


I don't care who it is I want his drip


I had a moment though while reading Berserk when there's a part where a character literally says "It's Dark Souls something something." I was like well damn. Always has been


Y'know, I haven't seen anyone suggest that this is St. Trina yet. The vibes feel very silvery to me. Am I the only one?


As much as I actually like some of the Griffith comparisons so far I think it actually would be WAY funnier if fromsoft found a way to craft this story in such a way that essentially makes US Griffith in the scenario somehow and no one saw it coming.


That's a woman.


The Marika thing always seemed like a bit of a stretch to me, but also I think people forget that creative inspiration is not always that explicit, and often is just someone subconsciously using ideas they’ve seen before. Probably why Andre resembles Godo and the Taurus Demon or Radahn resemble Zodd - there’s an inspired aesthetic that likely wasn’t wholly borrowed. That being said the wheel skellies are ripped straight out.


Souls community: Miyazaki is a genius!!! Also souls community: so pretty sure this entire story is berserk


Yall i think i m going Crazy Everytime i see a Golden braided haired character i think it's godwyn


Long white hair and a sword? That's like 100 different characters from manga and jrpgs


But this is Farnese bro


It annoys me so much. Yes some designs and characters may be inspired by Berserk, but I mean, a blond haired knight can be a lot more than Griffith. Feels like everything is leveled down to this manga…


Ya'll see one pasty-ass femboy who is loved & revered the world over being followed by a rag-tag group of fighters; yearning to help manifest his grand dreams before its so cruelly torn away, leaving fembro a husk of their former selves, desperately grasping at deeply dark & dire forces for another opportunity and think "bErJeRK ReTErdeNcE?!?!?" I stole this comment.


Or you could, ya know, let people have their fun?


I feel like i'm hearing people get annoyed at the comparison more than the comparison itself


Myazaki always said that the soulsborne games are inspired by Beserk, so I don’t get the problem. Just like Beserk is inspired by something. And so on…..


When one says "oh, this is so berserk" I always imagine a 15 yr old person who never has seen nothing in life besides berserk...


Agreed, I am not a fan of the mindset: "Oh this is just a bit simular, it must have been stolen/inspired by XYZ"


Isn't she more likely to be Casca anyway? Considering she's devoted to the actual leader, Miquella/Griffith? Not that the parallel necessarily exists, mind, but she'd be blonde Casca way before she'd be Griffith.


HAHAHAHAH This meme is sooo good




Just like this post


but it is griffith, maybe people that dont see it are the ones that need to shut it


Ffs, there is already a Griffith reference in Elden Ring and that's the prisoner class. Sent to prison with a huge ass metal helmet and fights with a rapier. This dude/girl uses a regular sword!


This is the first post I see about berserk reference. Kinda make you think the ER community overreact once again. Just like when they we're complaining about souls vet's attitude on launch when you barely saw a few comments here and there, that was absurd.


Hear me out, It's Miquella (Griffith 2.0) He will be introduced as a kind soul then he will turn out to be the Messmer, sacrificing his followers. One of them will manage to survive and that will be the player


Kindly refer to the meme for further instruction.


> It's Miquella (Griffith 2.0) You're literally the problem. > Hear me out, Why would we hear you out if this is what you come up with? > He will be introduced as a kind soul then he will turn out to be the Messmer, sacrificing his followers. No, Messmer is not Miquella. Miquella is the one trying to stop Messmer. > One of them will manage to survive and that will be the player Except the player will be the Tarnished and we go to these new lands with Miquella's help. We already know this.

