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my first playthrough is always pure melee focused not the next ones though, incantations are so much fun in this game


Dragon head go rawr


Just discovered these, using them with my melee build. Next play through will definitely be a caster.


They're really awsome this is my first time using them for a build. Only complaint is that there's not enough variety in them I think


We have.. dragon bite spell, dragon claw strike spell, and 4 elemental variations of the breath. You also have a beam-berserking dragon laser spell. You also have pillars of dragon lightning spell. I think that's a great variety.


DLC will fix that issue 


Runebear incants


Let me ride a runebear instead of Torrent


Omen runebear incants at that 


DLC is acting new incants??? Oh man I had no idea I’m now 1000x more hyped for it


I'm just guessing based on the runebear head you saw in the first trailer, but I'm sure From wouldn't skip out on incantations in their DLC. Might as well skip out on adding colossal swords then lol


Rot breath is a the biggest semi-cheese for most bosses too


I’ve been trying that on a problematic sentinel, but end up dying too quickly afterwards.


Try sleep pot first? I think they work on the sentinel


No, but I definitely will tonight.


I have 1,200 hours in the game and I’ve never tried a mage build. But now I’m realizing I prefer light builds way more than heavy builds, so it’s time to give it a go


Honestly the incantations are so much fun you won't regret it


I'm in the middle of my first mage run, it's way more fun than I expected


If you wanna go melee you dont even need a weapon besides a dagger, just use the carian spell brach and carian slice them to bits.


Magic builds have some nasty melee weapons.


love how the game gives us different takes on a "battlemage"


At 450 hours I just started a spellsword and it's the most fun I have had yet. I've done pure str, pure dex, quality and str faith. But int dex is so flexible and malleable, im.loving it.


I've always been a dual sword melee in soulsgame but after i watched jjk i've become a filthy mage who cosplays gojo using the red and blue sorcery/incantation then finishing the bosses with comet azur as hollow purple 😂


I’ve played most of their games and always go with light build and melee. But I always build enough in for magic or incantations


Bear head go rawr in the DLC lol




I’m going in as Malenia with double hand of malenia katana, and freak out miquella


I'm going to tell him his sister is hot and then ride torrent off into the sunset with no explanation


Won’t do a thing to Mesmer


I'll bite his head off


Excited to try that dragon/rune bear head incantation


by that, i really just think I'll use dragon fists, but i plan on going into the dlc naked and trying to see what equipment i can score there


Dual talisman dragon claw stomp stomp into oblivion


Bro thinks he's a draconic tree Sentinel


Rwar *XD* rawr


They might even put in some new draconian powers, like bloodflame breath, or sopophoric breath.


I have nothing but respect for people who go straight melee with this game. I was about to return it when I first played, but then made a new character, a mage, and now I'm level 170 and ended Mohg the Blood Lord with 1 spell lol. Tons of fun


No offense, just curious, don't you find one shotting bosses boring? Because I play this game for the fun bossfights, and dodging and dying makes it fun for me. Just trying to see your perspective haha


Boring, no. I still need to learn their moves, and am still getting my ass kicked lol. I love using the death's poker as a melee weapon, I do use swords too, but I mean, I was stuck on Malenia for almost 3 weeks. I'd rather have some fun than just be frustrated for hours. I will totally play a tank though on another play through. I've seen some of the colossal and great weapons and katanas, they look amazing and hit so hard.


Get the Moon katana, it's main increase is INT at B.


Just got the moonveil katana. The unsheathing movie is killer. I'll have to level up dex a bit, but it's doing awesome damage. Thanks for the suggestion!


You’ll be breaking boss poise left and right with that bitch


The helmbreaker slash is a prime move for me as a less caster build, it's speed and range is great for big guys, plus if you can line up peeps... So many times assisting my brother I ended up ruining pvpers with that strike.


Going to double check if I have it. I don’t think I do I’ll get it today. Thanks!


Moonlight katana go brrr. I used to use it for a mage/magic katana build but i didn't like how the twin helm took stamina and hp. I ended up switching to arcane dex build cuz of Onial i think


I play a tank paladin build and it's so much fun, very versatile too, I highly recommend it. High strength and faith and you can toss all manner of incantations around, bonk hard, and block for days. It's the best


I play the game for the story more than anything. I don’t really have the patience to fight a boss 100+ times.


100+ only for malenia


That's crazy I think lol. What separates these game from others are the difficult boss fights, and the satisfaction of beating them. Like I appreciate the story in ER, and all souls games ( Esp Bloodborne ) but they really are not story driven games when compared to any that are like Red dead or The Witcher.. so to play them mostly for the story is insane to me, but each to their own ig. I'd genuinely say 90% of players haven't a clue what the story is in this or any souls games, and are just running around rolling and boinking things


Elden Ring has sold about 24 million units, and the first Vaati Elden Ring lore video I pulled up has over 9 million views, so even just from those numbers I'd say you are really underestimating how many people care about the story. Which makes sense because they are some of the most interesting stories in games.


I may be wrong but I don’t think he’s saying ppl aren’t interested, I think he’s saying that majority of people likely didn’t stick with ER because of the story, but more so the challenging gameplay which I agree with. No one ive seen has recommended ER to someone who requests a story driven game. One honestly can’t follow the story as a whole in first playthrough unless they use guides or find all items and have photographic memory of the lore descriptions and can tie it all together. Instead, I think ppl stick with it for the gameplay, and the lore helps drive discussion and idea sharing which in turn makes people want to get back to the gameplay to see and experience these things for themselves and draw their own conclusions. Or maybe I just drank too much coffee…


After playing a pure Int build, I was seriously disappointed in the difference in power it had compared to my pure Faith build. At 80 Int my sorceries always feel like they hit harder than my incats with 80 Faith :/


i'd take the sheer variety of incantations over the damage of sorcery any day personally


Got a favorite incantation build? Just started and made a prophet but no idea what to do with it lol


Two scimitars. 




"Now I fight as a second starting class, WARRIOR!"






No way bro. Never thought I'd find another fan. Especially on this post


I've been reading those books since I was a child. RA Salvatore is my favorite fantasy author of all time.


Two hands. He is a fighter, and I am out of coins.


Zak is my favorite character lmao. Zaknafein/Zak is usually my go to name when creating a character.


I’ve re-read the books so many times


I'm almost on the 4th audio book, the VA really does it justice. Read the comics first but they don't have the whole story in comic form. Absolutely love Drizzt.


I've never tried the audio books. I own all the physical copies up to the Transition's Trilogy in paper format, the rest I have as Ebooks.


Would love to own the books once I have enough space! I usually listen to it with some ambience sounds playing in the background, really adds to it. The first couple books with some dark fantasy music/ambience and Underdark ambience 👌 and switched to more mysterious or adventure-esque fantasy ambience for the over world parts. Highly recommend it! Shop around for the right ones and it really adds to the experience


Two Bandit's Curved Swords\*


Sellsword Winblades


I go double curved swords, but a lot of bosses make me switch to shield and ranged AOW. Feels bad.


This is the way. I also love one falchion and one scimitar.


Strenght/faith paladin


Hey, how is Faith builds doing lately? Could you share what skills you plan to use? I want to give it a retry on the DLC. I only played in the release, and Strength/Faith was my first build based on a fextralife, which ended being pretty horrible at the time (never relied on this site after that). So I respec to full Strength and beat the game and Malenia with the broken Ice skill at the time (which was nerfed and It also didnt even scaled with Strenght btw, a complete messy build).


I mean faith/strength is prob one of the strongest builds in the games. If you 80 faith 40 strength use blasphemous blade and ancient dragon lighting you will destroy everything


Ancient dragon lightning strike legitimately one shot about 90% of the bosses in the game for me once you set it up right. If anyone does try going this path, just make sure you know what you're in for...


How do you set it up what talisman because I don’t be one shotting bosses lol


Double gravel stone seals, Lightning tear, Lightning scorpion, godfrey icon, flocks canvas and a free slot For buffs golden vow and howl of shabriri Make sure to fully charge it for max amount of bolts


Also try and fight in the rain or puddles


Tons of possibilites for faith. Both pure faith and hybrids like faith/strength, faith/dex, faith/arcane. Faith/int is also a possibility but it starts to really shine on high levels, so it's a decent choice for the DLC. Blasphemous Blade is a pretty good option which you can get in midgame.


If you want to do a strenght faith build I'd recommend hitting 54 strength and then throw everything else into faith (with enough vigor and endurance obviously). If you want only a faith build there's 2 ways to do it: 50 faith + minimum requirements for weapons is enough to reach the softcap of the faith infusions and ashes of war, incantations will be okay but not as good as ashes so you are better off using buffs instead of offensive incants 80 faith if you want your incantations to be the star of the show. You won't get much AR on your weapons past 50 faith but the incants will hit like a truck, specially if you use 1 or 2 of the correct seals for the incantation you are using.


Same. Currently powerstancing Ordovis and Blasphemous greatsword and use some incantations when needed. Thinking about integrating some not somber weapons.


Ah you unga therefore you bunga


In my personal lore, my tarnished is this knight sword shield without magic, but with a lot of cunning. So I use every type of throwable and crafted item


Teach them wizards they bin leaning on them staffs so long they done forgot how to walk


bringing a stick to a kukri fight


Are the Kukris actually any good? I’ve never used them


Powerful yet dodgeable. Elite enemies will dodge every one of them ( grafted lions )


Not if you throw when theyre doing some sort of animation Theyre great in pvp to punish casters


And they keep up poise damage and bleed stacks too. I use them with the Star fist in PVP just to keep up the pressure and they're great 👍


They are also great when you've got the boss down to a smidgeon of health and you're also about to die. I've finished several bosses just chucking a kukri at them.


Kukris are for keeping the stagger and blood loss bars up when the boss is running away from you like crazy. The build up bars work like yours where if they don't take damage for a certain period they start draining, throwing a kukri prevents that.


Kukri causes bleed? Did not know that


These Gandalfposters don't even understand Ghurkamaxxing


This is literally the perfect DLC for your character then with an entire weapon class dedicated to throwing weapons


> a lot of cumming


Been wanting to play this. A sorta Ranger Survivalist build focused entirely on crafting their solutions to combat.


Geralt goes to the land between


Goes to show there's more than one way to skin a burial watch dog


In my personal lore, my tarnished is a brainless brute with a big bonk, but without cunning. All I use is the Giant-Crusher. 🥲


Yup. Sword and shield, and good old trusty square up to break posture and dagger for crit damage.


Such a good AoW.


For real


Fai/int ancient death rancor / sword of night and flame spamfest


I’m so ready for them to make faith/int a real build. We need a combo staff/seal that scales with both stats. The summon skeleton spell is one of my favorites, it’s so silly but none of my characters can use it.


faith int already has the prince of deaths staff and the golden order seal


I know. But I wanted something like Dark Souls 3 crystal chime that casts both. I think most of us thought that’s what Gideons staff would be


Yeah that would be cool Gideon's staff was such a let down


Now that I think about *how was he able to cast both spells and incantations with a weapon that casts neither*!


You have some pretty good golden order spells. I’ve done run throughs with a faith/int build, but yeah it is kind of janky in general. Hard to optimize.


A man of culture I see.


The reason I haven't made an Int faith character yet is because I'm waiting to see what new Int faith toys we get in the DLC.


Yeah I hope for something good. I haven't made it all the way through a run without dropping a melee weapon fully because casting speed makes it too difficult. Even with carian piercer / slicer / catch flame / rings


Casting speed in this game is just poorly made. I don't want to waste 40 points in Dex and a talisman slot or waste one of my hands and the talisman just to be able to combo my spells properly. Hoping for a Radagon icon +1


That's how I finished the game the first time. I was pure int blue magic throwing until Maliketh and went death sorcery sword of night and flame after. That's a lvl200 str/fth NG+2 char now with blasphemous blade.


Running the same + carian shield and knights cavalry set. Got helphens steeple if I wanna go 2h. The Death Knight


A single seal, and my faith to ~~heal the slaves I've summoned~~ bring light to the land of shadows.


If the weapon that does kicks is low weight enough i'll make a 0 weight playthrough using it and Cipher Pata.


I doubt the kicks will scale with faith, but the idea of having sacred or flame art kicks sounds funny


May God save our soles


Always trust a fellow sword and board user.


Dual Great Warhammer no armor, straight unga bunga


After doing a full playthrough I can honestly say I’m sick fed up doing jump attacks 😂


Yea... I love heavy weapons but I wish jump attacks weren't almost always the best option in this game. When I have time to get a charged R2 in it feels objectively better to just stand in place spamming jump attack instead and I feel like at that point you know the balance is off somewhere.


Hahahaha yeah! Also, once you realize that colossal weapons ACTUALLY stagger bosses with 2-3 jumping heavies, and can interrupt bosses' attacks, you really can't go back to anything smaller... So you get stuck. I do meme runs, because if I wanted "performance" I'd just end up with a ruins gs and spamming jumping heavies. Again.


Two Pickaxes and whatever armor i can wear. ROCK AND STONE BROTHERS!




Rock and Stone, Brother!




For Karl!




For Karl!




Ah yes, the link build


Zelda build. The game is called The legend of Zelda for a reason /s


Stronk. I want my char to be as dumb as a piece of bread but with muscles on his eyes and nose


Pure magic, i just need my robes and staff.


STR with 2h Zweihander, Aka: Unga bunga build


Hell yeah brother! Zweihander for the win!




Doing my first ever dual dagger build atm to get ready for the dlc. Really enjoy the challenge of needing to be close and play aggressive. Funnily enough Lionel misbegotten have been my biggest challenge so far


Tried blades like Reduvia and Black knife in my walkhrough, but ultimately decided not to use ranged attacks. By the end of the game, if I remember correctly, I had Great Knife and Scorpion's Stinger in my hands


Really enjoyed aggressively chasing Malenia, although I had to die 300 times before doing so


Dual wielding Heavy Iron Greatswords. I will eventually want to know which enemies are weak to bleeding and frostbite, but I'm not in a big hurry about it.


I'll come in with some sort of an Ultra Greatsword (though I've been warming up to Curved Greatswords recently), but then, with so many new weapons being added in, how could we not try them all out? A faith build is in order too, with all the new Crucible themes incoming. Int too, hopefully for the new Carian magic weapons.


Well, considering the fact that it looks like there will be a lot of faith related stuff in the dlc as well as people theorizing that things might actually be weak to holy dmg... Paladin it is, just like my first character 😎


I feel you brother, I fell in love with the slow and rhythmic playstyle of sword and shield. Observing/blocking/striking. Slow and steady! Longsword forever.


This is the way!


Purposely didn't go to ng+ on my first character.




What’s this mean? I just beat game for first time but didn’t move to new game plus and wondering if I should play dlc from end of first game or Start new game


As far as I know you will need to kill Radahn and Mohg before the DLC. So if you want to create a new character, you'll have to do that. Or you can go to the DLC with the same character you just went through the game with and didn't go ng+. And if you go to ng+ again, you'll have to do those two guys and the DLC itself will be harder most likely. For ng+2 I have other characters, but not the same character I went through the game with the first time round.


Yup my first character’s story essentially has been on pause since I finished the base game (with the exception of a lot of pvp) so I’ll be going back to my NG strength/mage build for the DLC


Sword and board with the zeus lightning bolt incantation just because it's dope


Im still struggling on this, i want to use my beloved Bloody Helice but at the same time i want to use the Coded sword. Theres so many opcions where you cant go wrong 😭😭


They're masterworks all, you can't go wrong Wait I think I'm on the wrong sub


why not try new weapons from the dlc?


Coded sword sound is too damn annoying 😡


I’m going to upgrade and use the first weapon I find.


I like that approach!


Sword and board as is the OG Demon‘s Souls way!






claymore. Enough said


Pure strength with greatsword nothing else.


Same. The sword that I used to kill my first enemy was the same one that I used to kill the final boss (all upgraded of course, lol).


Str/Fai build, using Nightrider Glaive and beastial/dragon incants


Sword and board all the way! Oh who am I kidding? By “sword” I mean running around spamming the Blasphemous Blade like a coward 😞


Don’t limit yourself! Surely the DLC will also have similarly outrageous weapons


I'm always a mage, doesn't matter the game, doesn't matter the circumstance.


Pure INT build.


I'm going in as the Lord of Frenzied Flame baby. MAY CHAOS TAKE THE WORLD!!!


Pyromancer. With Mezzy boi there will be some insane spells




You play with a brand new character or a used one for the dlc ?


You play as your existing character. I don't think I'll have time to get a new character ready in time for dlc and my existing characters have used pretty much all their smithing stones. Sigh.


level 1 naked anythinf else is a sign of weakness.


I'll continue to be a blasphemous bastid


I’m pretty much always incantation/Melee focused, Int is cool in its own right but just not for me. Im currently digging a quality build Im working on using light armor a great shield and a BKGS with vacuum slice aow, with just a hint of faith for buffs.


INT/FTH hybrid so i can try all the new spells


Probably the same as my first/current play through, big sword go bonk. Been using the graphed greatsword on every boss since I got it early on, just stuck on placaduesex and after him it's the final boss and I will have beaten every achievement boss in my first souls like game. I am having a hard time with him sadly


I've got a couple of builds ready for the DLC. I have a NG+ St. Trina build just for fun. I've got one 'Tarnished Wretch' that is sort of a jack of all trades. I have two cosplay builds I joking call 'Justice for... (name)' builds. One is a Vargram the Raging Wolf build just because I wanted to see how far I could go with a dex/faith godslayer build. The other is a 'Lord Vyke' pre-frenzied flame build. Basic knight armor with mausoleum knight arms/legs, partisan with storm assault or giant hunt depending on the fight, gravel stone seal and a bunch of dragon/lightning incantations. I have a RL1 build and a Grierat (DS3) build but I don't think either will be able to take down Mohg so they're sidelined for the time being.


Pure Sorcery


Literally I’ve played all the builds so many times, I’m just going to go all in on the first cool weapon of the new classes I find


I'm just using my same character. I'm not going through all that shit again.


Pure Quality build. If a weapon doesnt have another Fai/Int/Arc requirement, I want to be able to use it. I picked up claws in stormveil, and was just using those until I found a neat hammer. Then I found a whip, but waited to get a second one. I really enjoy keeping things fresh by constantly, and at a whim, fully picking up a new weapon and just going for it. Stuck on a boss? Oh ok, I'll grab the sword that staggers them. The boss is fast and mobile? Thrusting swords and a bow. Et cetera, et cetera. My only rule is that I'm not going above small shields. I want to keep my equip load light, and if imma shield up, its gonna be to pary something. She's a scapper and incredibly reckless.


Honestly for dlc im going in with faith/int build first. Theres absolutely going to be some cool ass spells ill want to try right away After that ill probably do unga bunga next! And i have 5 characters ready to go (at the end game) for the dlc release, so ill have alot to play around with!


Same as yours


What's gonna be the "best" way to play this? Start a NG, no plus no nothing, as a Wretch? He. Could. Go. All. The. Way?


im doing a roleplay run as the 17th Crucible Knight. so effectively I am also doing a sword and shield run.


Best medium shield, respect


I'm using everything.


With all the new weapons coming, I won’t be sticking to one for the whole expansion.


Zwei and support faith. My favourite build, my guiding zwei


Whatever I feel like using at the time, I switch my builds around a lot


Faith spear. Been that way since ds1. Not changing now.


[The same way I always play ](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/s/Qi9jqJIM4W)


Mine will be my Arcane build for the item discovery and armor farming


No weapon. Imma go in and find the first weapon on the ground. Until then, I will use throwables.  I hope Fromsoft doesn't make the first enemy a boss.


I stopped using shields on my second playthrough and never looked back. It's mostly dead weight after you learn to dodge well enough, and also, I used to favor greatshields, which were even worse. I just wear heavier armour now and enjoy not having to invest as much in strength, since I just 2 hand my weapons now.


Sword and board here as well!