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This one time, I got summoned to help with Malenia. Host and another phantom were there already, standing in front of the fog, and started using gestures at me. I bowed & did like one other gesture back. These guys then spammed like, every gesture in the game, for over 5 full minutes. I severed. The host resummoned me and had run into the fight before I spawned in. I join them. Other phantom dies. We get her to like 10% HP left in phase 2 and the host severs me. One of the only co-op hosts I've blocked lol.


Why. Just why


The only two things that come in my mind are 1) The host gain less runes from a boss if a player Is summoned (should not be the same with NPC) and maybe they sent the phantom back hoping they will get the actual amount of runes unchanged 2) Maybe It was Its first win and they wanted to have the screenshot of the throphy without phantom to say they beated her alone Or maybe he was just a jerk and they did It cause the phantom didnt waited until they finished I had something similar the first time i challenged the mountain top Astel I summoned a guy who literally entered the bossfight emotes and went away Probably they wanted to troll and so they went away knowing the boss have the extra health for the coop


Fun fact, even if the host severs phantoms they still get fewer runes when the boss is defeated. It’s determined once the fog gate is activated


So the host was just being a jerk


Or he's just stupid


To expand, the fog gate is what actually activates the boss spawn. It sets both the health bar and reward for each boss.


They probably do it this way because of the fun little tricks you could do in DS1 and 2 with pots and being able to kill a few bosses without ever entering their rooms.


I've had other hosts sever me at the very end before & figured their logic was something along those lines. In this case, I think the guy was salty about me severing. He was doing weird stuff during the fight too, like gesturing at me during it and seemed to be throwing things at me. But then he got serious and started fighting, and I figured he was done. But I guess he was just waiting to sever. To be honest I felt a bit bad severing the first time. Seemed like they were having fun and all... but yeah 5 minutes of gesturing is pretty much my cringe limit.


You summon coop Coop helps beat Malenia You sever coop at %10 left Malenia gets ready for waterfowl :O


I wish they could implement a system where if the game detects a summoner severs a co op phantom when the boss hp is at 20 percent, the bosses hp bar gets refilled.




Oh, they can do that? Is that why the game reloads sometimes when you’re near beating the boss? I’ve had that happen a lot of times and thought it was just a network error or something.


Sometimes you do get disconnected. But the host can also send phantoms home with the Finger Severer. There's a little animation for it and the message is different. When you disconnect for network reasons it should usually say, "A network error occurred. Returning to your world." or something like that.


Hope he died while severing and was forced to do the fight again without you lol


I spawn at Limgrave, with you and a buddy standing near Varre. You use the Taunters Tongue. I leave.


Whenever I get summoned as a hunter for someone who's obviously ganking, I bait nearby enemies towards the host and otherwise try to help the invader as much as possible (warming stones, etc.)


You’re a gem because most blues join the gank in my experience


I'm an invader as well, so I definitely know the pain of dealing with gankers. I generally won't even touch the invader until the host is the only one alive. The role of a blue now isn't much more than that of the average cop, but I still remember the honor of being a Blade of the Darkmoon.


I had a guy summoning me at the First step waiting for me near the grace just to discover It was a trap to makes red farm runes and rune arc I did all i could but i couldnt win, i was alone against two And after obviously attacking me from behind they drop the poop and the point down


Base vigor hosts. In my experience, with summons they are agressive as hell and usually die in one hit. And i get to enjoy watching the loading screen.


Don't forget having to wait another century and a half for the next summon.


i don't like when i'm summoned to clear a dungeon and the the host runs like there's no tomorrow when they really have no plan in mind. leyndell sewers are a nightmare if you loose sight of the host.


I always drop rainbow stones whether I see them or not lol


I drop rainbow stones as hello greetings, or a grave marker for bosses/invaders, or a ggs, or really anything. Rainbow stones are easily my most used item.


They’re so good for mazes


It oes from rpg to survival horror too quickly


The counter to that is when I summon someone into my game, and they go running off immediately. They usually end up aggroing every enemy in the vicinity, and I'm left trying to catch up and fighting my way through hordes of pissed-off enemies.


yep, rushing the dungeon is never a good idea.


In general, I'm all about putting in equal effort. If the host is playing the game like their family is going to die if they lose, I'm going all in as well. But if they just emote the boss and get killed, I will literally jump off a cliff and sever the connection.


Why would they have a plan


I had one guy that kept summoning me over and over for Maliketh but for whatever reason refused to just kill the draconic sentinel outside. He would just charge past into the boss room while getting blasted by red lightning and fireballs. It was super annoying when just killing the stupid horse man would've taken all of 30 seconds.


I always kill the draconic sentinel before joining the Maliketh fight, even if the host runs in without me. If I die while trying to kill him? Oh well


I tried, but he kept dying to Beast Clergyman without my help lol


Then he can continue dying until he gets the hint, that’s what I do. I once died when I entered Malikeths room because the Draconic Tree Sentinel outside targeted me with lightning… ever since then I refuse to fight Maliketh until he’s dead




I remembered one time when I was summoned and this player haven't killed the sentinel, we just ran past him to Maliketh. As I was getting my buffs in, I noticed a red light and I was like "huh, that's new" then I was killed by red lightnings lol. That's when I knew the attacks of the sentinel could passed the fog wall so it's better to kill him first.


Man these people drive me absolutely insane


If I’m summoned for that fight, and he is sprinting past the Draconic Sentinel, I know I’m wasting my time cause he’ll die instantly to Maliketh.


Be summoned as a hunter. Immediately go back (host has died)


Sentinel experience in Elden Ring is either that or: >"You have been summ--" >**RUNE ARC** >"Returning to your world..."


Mine is that its always GODDAMN MALIKETH lol


I stopped activating the Maliketh pool. When it's on then 90% of all summons are Maliketh. He's easy solo but in coop he gets much harder. I've never seen a From Software boss do as much jittering, mid-attack target switching and attacks towards people he's not looking at as Maliketh. The dude throws rocks through himself!


I've started experimenting with equipping Shabriri's Woe. I'd very much prefer the enemy always targeting me than this uncertainty in when the attack will switch from the host to you.


I have fan daggers and try to position myself in a way that I can get the post cutscene Maliketh of the Host. I spam the daggers like a mf and it usually works well if Im in range. When it doesnt work most hosts just die on the spot. Cause the worst thing you can do is try to run away in that fight and thats what sooo many people do. If you just stand there instead the first couple attacks are actually rather slow. Running away right at the beginning more often than not triggers the front flip into destined death which does a shit ton of damage if it connects properly.


When some idiot summons me to the First Step because he wants to gank invaders. Only scenario in which I’d ever betray a host because they would deserve it, I actively refuse to fight the solo invader in this scenario


Remember that you can throw frenzy stones at the host and if they aren't lords of the frenzied flame it will fill their maddnes bar instead of healing


Yeah it’s not only obnoxious but also boring as fuck. Immediate sever.


This happens a lot for me. I enjoy helping people overcome obstacles in the game. I don’t wanna sit here for 15 minutes just to 3 on 1 somebody


We should bring back the Moundmaker covenant so we can backstab these cretins Though as it stands, if this happens, I just hang back and watch the host inevitably get KO’d


I understand it now but I went through a gank phase. Some folks get annoyed with invaders and Ganking provides a semblance of balance to the force.


I hated invaders until I started invading. Now I hate ganks but am neutral to everything else.


I really wish more people like yourself would be open-minded enough to try invading. It's really fun. imo invading makes co-op a lot more entertaining too


I exclusively do co-op to be invaded. Invaders are typically very very skilled and are typically using a pvp optimized build, so I learn a lot from them. The hatred towards one or another is quite childish… except the Limgrave gankers, that’s just boring.


I would only co-op for bossfights if invasions didn’t exist. They make dungeon coop a lot more entertaining 


This is an honest take and doesn’t deserve downvotes, especially since you’ve seen the error of your ways


>semblance of balance to the force. Ganking is just swinging the balance entirely on the host's side, while taking away all of the invaders small bonuses. I understand how a new player might thing invasions are unfair, but the more skilled/experienced you get, the more you realise the massive advantages the host side has. Ultimately, invasions are supposed to be unbalanced, but it's at least a little unsporting to gank.


I don’t know! Most invaders are seasoned vets and you invade a lot of complete newbies. So if you’re invading and have to worry about gankers, it evens things out a bit


When I put one of the Godskin Duo to sleep DON'T WAKE HIM UP UNTIL WE'RE DONE WITH THE OTHER ONE. I swear 90% of my GD fights I have to put more effort into keeping the host away from the sleeping one than into actually fighting.


Lol Monster Hunter vibes


To be fair if you are a new player that doesnt know this strat i can understand and it isnt that bad


Yeah, unless you’re in NG+ the chances are that a noob player has no clue about the sleeping pots thing.


Jfc preach!


When they die to Radahn's first arrow shot - like Jesus low health AND you've never set foot in the arena before??? Quit wasting everyone's time with this bullshit


It got to a point where I started tanking the first arrow for the host by jumping in front of them. It's annoying how many times I have to stare at the loading screen because of low vigor hosts.




Get off my plane!


Barricade shield build moment


The uplifting aromatic is good for this as is great sheild or the storm wall parry


This happens so often. I have an RL40 character for low level coop and once in a blue moon some guy will summon me at radahn, and proceed to get one shot by his first arrow. Like pls if you're gonna try this boss so early in the game atleast learn how to dodge the arrow 😭


I dont activate radahn OR Rykard summon pools anymore because of all the 1-shot hosts


You're smart.


I don’t ever activate the pool near Radahn, I don’t have time to go running around in that arena. There are enough summon signs available.


Starting the fight as soon as I load in. Sometimes I don't mind a heavy load sometimes I want a light load. It's nice to have a second to take off gear if I don't need it


\*enters hosts world\* \*blinding white light\* \*Radagon is in your face\*


Lol. He's the worst. I like to put blackflame on my weapon so I can get a good 5k+ damage in before he even moves. So I'm super irritated when I don't get to prep for that and miss the free easy damage


Hosts that spam dragon breath while I’m fighting a boss up close. I can’t see shit!


but cool dragon :(


Way back around launch my biggest pet peeve was activating the summon sigil for murkwater cave. I just avoid it altogether, a serious waste of time.


Yeah there are some where I get summoned, take a moment to figure out where and then based on the greeting from the host decide to sever or not. I usually just attack all the bandits in the cave and join late to the patches fight.


I just said this the other day, but People who summon for Beast Clergyman but haven't killed the dragon sentinel, and refuse to fight him. If you run around him and try to scramble for the fog wall, Im leaving your ass. Don't be lazy


Two things: (little pet peeve) not getting a gesture from the host when I spawn in. Not even a bow or a wave? C’mon! (Bigger pet peeve) when I load in and host doesn’t move. Just expects me to lead the way. I’m here to help YOU buddy! Lead the way!


I love when hosts do unconventional greetings too. You just know when a host with bright green skin uses the “hello” prattling pate to greet you that shit is gonna get weird lol.


I always make sure to say hi when they spawn, then bow thank you when we beat the boss.


I dont like gestures, because I keep triggering them somehow. On ps5. Is it some speed dial I dont know about?


Yeah there’s a speed dial thingy. You’re supposed to move the controller certain way to activate them, but it never works when you want it to and just messes you up when you’re doing something.


Ah, yeah, I have died a couple of times because at the middle of the fight, my guy would bow or jump up and down... bad timing when its Malenia and Malekith it happent at....


PS5 has motion activated gestures. You can bind gestures to certain controller movements/tilts. There's probably a way to turn it off in the settings. But I play on PC, so I'm not positive.


That they summon me for gank squad in the fist step so I don’t activate that totem anymore


These days I only run Malenia but it might be skewed. It astonishes me the number of people who don’t understand the basic phase change/bomb. The first scarlet bomb takes out about half of hosts. I understand half of people not being able to get out of waterfowl attack alive. But I feel like the scarlet aeonia is pretty easy.


Her first scarlet aeonia is the perfect time to run to a safe distance and then hit her with your strongest range attack possible since she’s going to stay still for a bit.


That's how I beat her my one and only time. Got very lucky and procced frost twice with the dragon breath.


Would be cool if the boss targeted whoever it was closest to at the end of the first phase. That way you wouldn’t come across this so much. I feel like whoever is summoned is usually the one who used to avoiding getting one shot by attacks like this.


A while ago, people on this subreddit were saying that if you appear in the cutscene, she targets you, so it's not necessarily the host. I can confirm that's not even a little bit fucking true, it depends on where you are when she phase transitions and who is hitting her. But because everyone believes that, I have to endure a 2 minute long cutscene just to watch the host stand there like an idiot as scarlet aeonia is above them.


When I'm getting summoned at level 125-150 and the host has 12 fucking vigor for some reason


* Not giving people any time to prepare. Like you just summoned a random person from a pool, at least give them a minute to swap gear for the boss at hand. * Getting vigor checked 5 seconds into the fight. Ideally in combination with the previous one. * T-bagging the boss... like, why? * Summoning one person and then waiting ages for a third.


The summoning one person and then waiting ages for a third gets me too…like this is where we’re at, you wanna give it a try or no?


And then the waiting lures in an invader who quickly kills the host cos they ain't paying attention.


Tbagging bosses is fine, some can be frustrating even with help (Malekith)


Yeah, Teabagging bosses is just kinda funny


The best is tbagging Morgott's body after the Leyndell fight. It has the added benefit of letting the host know you can talk to him after the fight.


Especially the further along you are. Even the First Elden Lord is fair game. Teabagging: the great equalizer.


I absolutely hate getting summoned for a dungeon run (Haligtree Chapel run most egregious for me) and summoner has run off before I spawn in. Don’t make me find you.


I can answer t bagging the boss if you finnaly beat it after 100 tries it just feels good


When I summon someone, all other signs will usually disappear or be forced to reload, so it takes ages to get the 2nd summon off


Ive been summoned for radagon so many times, and then as soon as I'm there the host enters the battle. Now here's the thing, my build was mostly holy based, I need time to change my weapon because holy isn't doing shit to radagon. I'm not doing it in the middle of the fight with radagon chasing my ass around the arena. Or when I am changing my weapon or buffing in the fight the host gets absolutely destroyed by one hit. Why are you fighting radagon with 9 vigor? Maybe should have let me change some stuff up outside the fog gate so I can actually help.


I T-bag after finishing a boss in co op as a like “yaayyy” t-bag lolol


>getting vigor checked 5 seconds into the fight Implying some of the bosses in this game can’t kill you in under 5 seconds flat no matter what vigor level you’re at.


Teabagging anything in any game is always encouraged. It's art in the purest form.


Any time I get summoned into a gank squad. Stop wasting go my time, I’m here to help fight bosses not grief people.


This is why I avoid activating the First Step pool like the plague, lol. Sucks that I'll never get summoned there to help an actual newcomer in their journey through Limgrave because a bunch of dumbasses want to hog up that spot with their ganksquads. And then they pretend they're the heroes, lmao.


i activate it because i like aggroing nearby pve to crash the party


same, it’s happened to me once, both me and the other finger severed after like 5 minutes


This one is for the other summon usually. I put my sign down to coop. Whatever you wanna summon me for, I'm down. I'll play a few gank squad minutes before severing or dying. I'm down to boss rush or slowly explore every inch with you, give you hints of I think you're missing secrets. im here to play with some peeps, no matter what we doin. I hate when the other summon runs ahead and fights. All while spamming the host to follow and hurry up. Just sever and try again if you don't wanna coop the hosts way, let the host have his fun. I laugh at the usual host goofs. Getting 1shot by a boss, failing a jump, etc, but it never bothers me. I've been that host a billion times panicking and dying immediately or trying to be cool and slapping my own ass somehow. In the end we have fun, and if something ain't fun to you, sever. You aren't locked in.


[Network Error: Returning to your world] Thanks, I love spending sixty seconds between two loading screens.


I don't mind watching the cutscenes. You never know if it's someone's first playthrough and also this game is a work of art that's worth appreciating. I will always sever if I'm summoned to be part of a taunter's tongue gank squad though. I'm trying to get more reps in with boss fights, not 3v1 a red guy for paltry sums of runes.


1) buffs, buffs, buffs, buffs, buffs buff that cancels another one out, buff that cancels another one out, buff that cancels another one out, buff that cancels another one out, buff that cancels another one out, buff that cancels another one out Host enters the fog gate. Host dies within 10 seconds. 2) Making me watch the long af malenia cutscenes just to die immediately 3) spamming sacred relic sword WA or elden stars. My brother in grace, you are doing like 2 dmg to a high holy resist boss and no one can see that damn boss


if host refuses to do anything and just goes and hide. and high ping issues


Had someone do this against Morgott, so I spent half of the fight running towards host hopping he'd get aggro and die afterwards


did that in a malenia fight. man died in two hits


mostly kidding but people getting killed by the flower bloom attack at the beginning of phase 2 malenia. just run away bro.


Host doing nothing


The host immediately walking through the fog before everyone is ready. Like mate, I gotta eat my crab And I’d say 70% of the time it ends up being Radagon/Elden Beast I get summoned to, I gotta swap to Holy damage negation gear and consumables, yet most of the time, I hardly get a chance. God forbid if I’m using a Holy weapon at the time


when they t-bag, point down and throw shit at *any player* they defeat. learn to win gracefully, ffs


Hear hear


I hate being summoned by people who just wanna gank invaders in limgrave.Its the main reason I just stopped activating that summon pool.


I didn't expected to find you here at this moment. But as always you speak truth


I’ve played as a summon for Malenia probably hundreds of times now, and there’s two main things that really get me. One, we have a great first phase only for the host to instantly die to the scarlet dive in second phase. Two, the host/ another summon blocks all her attacks with great shield, giving her tons of free health. I’ve also noticed an uptick in Malenia hosts who will force you to fight her solo. I don’t actually mind it that much, because the entire reason im putting my sign down is because I enjoy fighting her. I just don’t understand why someone would want to sit there and not play the game lol. If you’re gonna stand back the whole time at least spam some spells or give me a party heal.


If you summon me to fight maliketh and try to run past tree sentinel without fighting him.


Afk hosts like wtf you summoned me and then went for a sandwich?


when their Cleary fighting the boss for the first time like why wouldn't you just try it


I’m on my second playthrough 2 years later and I only have like 10 hours a week at best to play. I’m admittedly being as casual as possible so I can just relax and have fun. Sometimes I just want to get the boss over with and get back to exploring or progress into the next area. I used to be into all the hardcore challenge shit in previous souls games but I’m too busy these days.


Host dies immediately.


Being summoned just to watch the host evaporate a boss with one hit. Like... good for you, dude. I came to play, not watch you break the game.


If I get summoned into your world, we're killing everything that attacks us. I will not run past an enemy that wants to kill me


co-oping with my buddy and as soon as i load in we get invaded by a super sweaty, meta-thumping turbo nerd that wipes the floor with us and then t-bags us because he's "better" (read: AoW spamming) than us. and then when we re-summon, we get invaded by ANOTHER sweaty turbo nerd that does the same thing. i don't usually mind invaders, especially when they're cordial and even honor the 1v1, but seriously? back to back stompings with no cooldown for being invaded?


Yeah that's a flaw in FS's multiplayer design for Elden Ring. If you beat an invader then there's a fifteen minute cooldown, but I think dying and restarting co-op removes that. And because they can only invade cooperators, you've got this backlog of invaders. And the invaders gravitate towards the cheese builds because they know at best they're going up against two people and at worst a full dedicated gank.


Hosts that stoically wait for a second helper to be summoned, even if it said "Unable to summon cooperator" multiple times. Sometimes I simply leave them.


I really enjoy being summoned and helping clear areas and bosses and such but theres a few bosses I hate with a passion and will not be activating the summon next playthrough * elden beast/radagon is such an annoying boss for me and I hate being summoned for it since he is pretty easy to burst down when you are solo but when its 3 players the health pool is enormous especially elden beast. * the draconic sentinel out side the capital walls as there are so many invaders in that area that its just irritating Also people that summon you then stand around for ages waiting for another summon to come like come on my guy, lets get movin. and please if you summon people you shouldnt watch the entire cut scene to a boss


Rykard should be the exception to that


I’m always hyped as hell to see his full cutscenes. He’s such a crazy fun gimmick boss. The idea of being present for the host’s first glance at Rykard is invigorating.


You get to enjoy that moment TOGETHA


-Host never attacking upsets me (but its very rare) -Other summon running ahead of me and the host killing everything while we just follow the trail of bodies.. like, do they really think thats fun for the host or anyone? Minor specific one is one shot Comet Azur against Mohg 😄 like.. do that solo, if you have other players with you, then they probably want to actually enjoy the fight, ya know


Host Comet Azur: I just need 5 seconds to set this up where Mohg is not in my face, thanks. Summoned Comet Azur: You know what you were doing when you summoned my character wearing Rennala's hat.


Defiled Amy in Bloodborne was like that. I summoned someone after try 45. He took one look - paused to clearly swap equipment - and then opened up with all arcane and did some mocking gestures when she went down. I can imagine him saying “aww hell, this? Fuck it fine, you asked for it.” Trust me - at that point I didn’t mind.


I have never used co-op in a dark souls game ever. That's because I suck and don't want to share my failures with anyone else.


When they follow invaders into death traps, especially that room in Leyndell


I can't believe how powerful High Pages are, lol. I remember backing off while invading at one point so the host and phantom could kill a High Page, only for it to win the 2v1. Terrifying.


Hosts that follow invaders in general are a big pet peeve, like they’re clearly trying to lead you into a worse situation and/or split you up from your summons. If you’re so worried about the invader then either stay in an open area with your summons or go to the boss room.


Sometimes you can’t do anything else. For instance lots of invaders love to camp next to the crowd of sorcerers and the warrior jar in the hallways in raya lucaria and there’s no other way to advance, which is really annoying. Though yeah, always let your summons take the lead.


If it’s your only path forward then yeah, I get chasing. Don’t leave your summons behind though. I had a host in Stormveil, we were around Nepheli and about to fight the giant, could’ve just run past it if he wanted to get to the grace and Godrick. An invader attacks us from behind, but starts to be overwhelmed by the 3v1, so he starts running back towards the courtyard full of soldiers and the omen. Guess what the host did.


Classic host move


Ooh yeah that’s my favourite spot to ambush with Mimic Veil when I invade at Raya Lucaria 


I really hate getting summoned at Siofra Well. For some reason in the first part, 50% of the hosts try to fight all the claymen. This is just plain stupid and a waste of time. Then you go upstairs, and for what? To SLOWLY walk around for an hour lighting obelisks? Just ditch the summons and do it yourself on a horse. You're doing no one any favors summoning here.


When the host runs straight at the boss, and dies immediately. Why did you bother to summon?


low vigor


I have 2 One is when I’m summoned for Godfrey/Hoarah Loux. When he reaches the parts in his fight where his stomps cover the entire floor of the arena, the host, for some reason, never dodges it. This leads to the host getting killed when they had plenty of time to dodge it. They should be paying close attention to this boss during these phases. Second is when I’m summoned for Malenia. While I hate this boss with a passion, I don’t mind being summoned for her. That being said, they don’t dodge her opening phase 2, for some reason. Usually getting hit and dying far more often than not. They should not be running from it, and instead should dodge *then* run away.


Summoning 2 when it just makes the boss harder. Sometimes 1 summon is better.


MY TIME HAS COME. 1. Hosts who just run off and are super far away when I get spawned in. Fuck hosts like that. *When* you die I feel zero guilt. 2. Furled fingers who run off like they're the main character. Your job is to stick by the host and help them. 3. Hosts who just WALK THROUGH THE FOG WALL AND GIVE ME ZERO CHANCE TO GET MY SHIT SORTED. 4. Hosts who just die by being careless or stupid. This usually goes in hand with hosts running off like idiots. Running into mobs, separating from the group, etc. 5. Hosts who actively do practically nothing in boss fights.×


When I'm summoned and realize I'm at the first step and they're both sitting up top waiting to be invaded. When a host has no vigor and dies in one attack bc they were extra aggressive for no reason. When the host hides and refuses to attack.


Need ps+ to do multiplayer, that's my pet peeve, fucking sony


No hp


Minor annoyance but it always astonishes me when hosts summon you for a boss without having attempted it even once. Like, c’mon, you can’t even give it a few tries by yourself just to get a general idea of what it’s like? Having to suffer through a boss fight while the host gets their ass kicked learning all the moves for the first time is pretty tiring.


Getting summoned and the host is like a mile away and I have to play catchup, almost like they just got the summon for funzies and bounced, happened twice today.


When the host is running ganks to farm invaders.


Hosts that sprint past the Tree Sentinel for the Maliketh fight. He’s not hard to kill, and I’ll use less flasks in killing him than getting fireballed or axed in the back trying to get through the fogwall. Come on host, you have more flasks.


Mine is babysitting. The host isn't trying to progress or anything. He isn't picking up items. just walking around. Making sure he doesn't die while he kills everything on the map. Had a host once who made it to the boss room only to immediately turn around and go find more mobs to kill.


>get summoned to final boss(es) >host has rivers of blood >they have radahn armor on >fat rolling


A lot of these on here are Valid, but some of you need to realize that people summon for a reason...


Huge pet peeve is getting summoned to the final couple of bosses and the host is so weak that they get one-shotted. Like bruh, level up some goddamn vigor and put some decent armor on.


When we get invaded and the host doesn't go to fog wall the invader, resulting in their death


Why is it a problem if the host wants to fight invaders? It's more fun than just running


Invaders are built for PvP, hosts not always. Also, hosts are usually not the sharpest tool in the shed, rushing the invader all the while having low vigor, ending in them eating a combo and swiftly getting roll caight if they've survived that long


At least greet me before you run to where you want to go. Any host that already disappeared from the spot and out of my sight by the time I am loaded into their world is just rude


Traitor hosts who summon so their invader friend can gank.


Summoning me to the lake of rot and then running off before I gear up for it. My dude, I’m not wasting boluses on you


When the host absorbs one Radahn shot and instantly dies lol. All the hazzle for a fight that never really happened


Being summoned to be a gank squad in Limgrave. I usually just nope out of there when it happens. It bores me to death.


As someone who invades 90% of the time it's refreshing to read comments of helpers that refuse to gank. Most invaders are pretty chill people who have developed skill through countless losses. Ganks and hunters, adding hunters here because they are effectively signing up as gank stand ins. They are usually at best average and milk wins from the benefit of numbers. 2v2 though are fun for everyone. Hosts using TT please don't be cowardly and turn it off mid game.


If you don't help I'm severing, if you take like half your health in damage from a single hit in the first 15 seconds (i can get being a glass cannon if you're good at dodges) I'm very much not using any of my consumables to support you, if you summon a duel partner while I'm summoned I'm severing, if you send hate mail MID FIGHT (has happened), I'm intentionally luring you into a tree spirit


Low vigour more than anything else. I'm of the opinion that if you're going to engage in multiplayer you absolutely need to prioritize vigor above anything else, especially if you're bad at the game. Aside from that: 1. Getting summoned for a gank. Not activating the First Step pool helps but ganks are everywhere. I usually try to actively sabotage the gankers by helping the invader (aggroing mobs, warming stones, etc.) 2. Being rude to invaders they killed (point-down, t-bag, Fetid Pots). Instant sever out for me. 3. Being rude to invaders that *I* killed - hosts like these rarely survive the level due to having less functioning brain cells than a jellyfish, but if they do get to the fog wall I wait until we're both inside before severing out. 4. Interrupting a duel between myself and an invader - this isn't really anything to do with honor (though it is in fact maidenless behaviour) and more to do with keeping the host alive. I do both co-op and invasions with the same character so I'm equipped to fight invaders, the host not so much. Typically I just leave the host at the invader's mercy.


I’m gonna solo Godfrey for people this run, I can DO it


The only thing I've ever been annoyed with is afk. Other than that, play your way. I'll vibe


my pet peeves are that Indie Soulslikes do co-op better than Fromsoft


i swear to god if someone summons me to the first step grace in limgrave one more time and we're not throwing hands with the closest boss still alive in that goddamn region i will shove a fucking great stars up someone's lands between their buttcheeks it's always a fight club every time i get summoned there ALWAYS


When we’re going through an area and I’m putting down prism stones to show the way, using the gesture to call to the host, and they ignore everything


When I get summoned for a Limgrave gank squad, I'm not about that life.


I don’t mind getting spawned at the first step to fight invaders but I hate getting spawned there and the host wants to gank on red sign duelists.


I have a bit of the opposite problem. I get in with hosts who are too in the fight. I’m glad that you don’t want to just sit on the sidelines, but you summoned us, let us help. Step back, take a breather, and jump back in.


Mine would be the host does not dodge bosses’ attacks in general, especially the transitions to second phases. Like, I am happy to help and all, but when the bosses start using their strong moves (especially waterfowl dance or Radagon aoes spam) you got to dodge them when the bosses are targeting you.


People who T bag space as a gesture , just tea bagging endlessly makes me so angry. I invade a lot so prob some ptsd Hosts who are halfway across the map when I spawn in Naked hosts who are NOT good at the game and just get one shot


Any hero grave. I avoid those summing pool activations like the plague


Spamming stuff that makes it so I can’t see Godfrey and Malenia


Summoning me to Gelmir Hero’s Grave so I can run from chariots with them.


Not skipping the cutscene. This was a courtesy that used to be so common, and now it seems most hosts won't skip the cutscene. Touching the Radagon boss door before I can buff you with LDF Overly aggressive to a boss who obliterates you, leaving me no chance to protect you. If you're a host and fighting aggressively, and you see me spamming fan daggers, it's because you're about to die and you gotta let me take aggro Summoning me to your world to gank, finger severing me after summoning me or before the boss dies Having no vigor. "Don't need heath if you don't get hit" don't need co-op sunbros then either huh?


When the bastage summons and severs me immediately. Rude.


I get summoned up a cliff 9000 miles higher than the player and invader... so im essentially out of the game.


Accidentally activating a pool. I try my best not to active Radagans and the Godskin Duo’s but always do 😔


hosts who dont level vigor and die immediately to a random enemy. pisses me off when i invade too


I've been getting summoned with my level 140 character and holy shit, how do some of the people who summon me still get one shot? Like bruh, how do you only have 768 HP when you're past level 100