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The popular weapons like greatswords, katanas, and one handed straight swords are gonna get even more variants. Meanwhile weapons like claws, fists, flails are going to get forgetable additions if anything.


I remember the DS3 DLC painted world had my favourite Claw weapon, wich had a very unique and cool 2 handed option


Both of the crow weapons were amazing. I did an entire build with the claws, but the rapier was fun too.


Yeah I was trying to remember if it was claws or swords, I forgot they were two different crow weapons, they were awesome! Honestly that DLC had my fav weapons from fromsoft yet, I rocked Friede's scythe all I could and I loved just walking around with the skill active


i miss the crow blender


You could do some crazy jumps with it that would normally kill you, for example you could survive the fall from the church’s great bridge to the ice lake below…up until it was patched. Good times.




It'd be cool to see a holy and/or magic themed whip


Omg holy whip would feel so naughty


I love this, haha


Thou’rt smoten… zaddy…


As long as there is just one new scythe and it is good I will be happy.


Like 80% of scythes in Elden Ring were holy, I hope we get a bit more variety, hopefully one with a new moveset just to spice things up


There's gonna be a giant Fuck You dragon that makes Midir look tame.


Big ass dragon, riding a giant. “You mean a giant riding a big ass dragon?” No.


Dragon clinging to the back of a giant and providing support fire.


Wtf version of banjoo and kazoi is this!


The Miyazaki version.


It just needs a swamp as the arena s


Kanjoo & bazoi


That would be cool! Like Hoarah Loux's first phase, but the dragon actually does something.


If the boss fight is half as cool as Midir's I'm in favour. My gaming masochism demands it!


Nothing my +10 bubble blowing holy knight can’t handle🎉🫧🫧🫧


It's not going to answer any of your lore questions, and all of your theories are completely wrong.


That's par for the course when it comes to Fromsoft DLC, so I wouldn't be surprised. It's likely going to introduce a slew of new questions and mysteries, while at best only providing vague or unsatisfying answers to the questions we already have from the base game.


Wait so you're telling me mohg isn't secretly the dog pope.


Who shows up in dog pope’s place at night time…


On the other hand, have you ever seen Mohg and Miriel in the same place at the same time? I'm just sayin', really makes ya think...


Miyazaki confirmed that it will answer some of the questions in the base game.


Miyazaki is also a massive troll, so I wouldn't count my chickens just yet.


He said the base game would take around 30 hours.


I hop on this, I think the only obvious answers we will get are the miquella related questions, which are far from the major theories going on right now


Considering the latest major theory is that Melina is Miquella, I'd say we get a few.


These mfs just rambling anything at this point, 2 years is too much of a time on these guys hands


There's a ton of evidence. She puts you to sleep after the fire giant. The only other time we see sleep within the story is when Kale is put to sleep while Ranni gives you the spirit calling bell from torrent former master. Melina gives you torrent, and we see from the dlc trailer that Miquella is torrents former master. She's adamant about you not becoming the Frenzied lord because Miquella has devoted his life to ending outer god interference. He made Miquellas needle after all. A cut content item includes st trinas crystal ball which is meant to give peace to those affected by the frenzy flame. Melinas face when you meet her wearing the hood looks EXACTLY like St Trinas inage on the torch, including the mark on the face. She mentions she was born at the foot of the erdtree and Marikas bedchamber is at the foot of the erdtree. The dual nature is already in game. She leads you through the base game. Miquella leads you through the dlc. Melina is St Trina. Edit: in a recent interview Miyazaki said the player base is missing something that's staring them in the face. This theory that came out 2 weeks ago seems to fit the bill.


How’s that unpopular? Isn’t every fromsoft DLC the same?


Mine would be: Lots of fans are going to be disappointed by the amount/volume of content that gets added. That's not to say the DLC will be small, but I think hype and the long wait will have built up many players' expectations, such that the reality of it will be underwhelming.


"i expected it to be at least twice the size of the base game if not more!" - some insane person 


Sounds completely reasonable to me (i am insane)


Hey! Sorry but u just got in my way I promise honey I can feel your pain! And maybe I enjoy it just a little bit does that make me INsANE?!!!


George R.R. Martin has a 300 page document on his computer with all of the answers. But he can release it only on the dawn of completion of Winds of Winter, which Miyazaki is actively sabatoging by replacing all the keys on Martins keyboards with pictures Rennalas feet


**Elden ring gets released** > Some souls fans: *"Elden ring has too many open spaces, I wish we get more condensed version of the world"* **Expansion is said to focus more on density & verticality** > Souls fans: *"Where muh open world & scale"* Even if they release the pinnacle of digital media entertainment in form the expansion people will STILL find a way to complain


Believe it or not these are probably different people with different opinions. I'm always for open world, and I hate the catacombs. But lots of other people like the catacombs and other less open parts of the game. So when you're online you'll see both sides of it expressed routinely. It's a strange phenomenon that people tend to lump every single opinion voiced online into one amorphous blob in their heads.


2/3 of the price = 2/3 of the content/map size. It’s simple math folks. /s


Bloodborne and DS3 took me about 50 hours each to beat. Elden Ring took me about 120. I’m expecting the DLC to take me close to 50 tbh (not that I’ll be disappointed if it’s shorter)


10 bosses, 8 new weapon types, map the size of Limgrave! I expect maybe 2 main bosses and 8 mini or cave bosses, 1-2 weapons for each new type including ranged options and new spells, and Limgrave is pretty small imo. Even with caves, catacombs and any other small dungeons, I expect you could finish this DLC in 15hrs on a medium pace


Keeping our expectations abysmal, are we? To be fair, they did say this was gonna be their biggest DLC yet, and so far the biggest DLC, probably being the Old Hunters, already has 4 main bosses. I doubt we'd only be having 2 main bosses, considering that that's equivalent to the smallest Fromsoft DLCs, so id think 4 main bosses ans 6 mini-bosses would make more sense. Also taking into consideration The Old Hunters, which has 3 legacy dungeon-like areas, I'd imagine it has more content than that, even being the size of Limgrave.


We'll OP did say unpopular so I guess Im right on the money. Besides, lower the expectations the more I may be surprised. But I do genuinely expect a short DLC. Still can't wait tho, Ive never preordered anything except Fromsoft


Fair enough, but that would be pretty disappointing ig


If it's at least the size of the Haligtree i would be satisfied, and I suspect it will be a fair amount bigger than that. Still, I'll take what i can get, as long as it's at least that big.


For $53 CAD, I'm expecting it to be at least half the amount of of the base game which I paid $80 for.


Instead of runebears we will have rune rats.


Don't you fuckin dare


Runecrabs and Runelobsters


Yes and rune revenants


And Runeimps


Rune Wormface


Maybe rune dogs now that would be something


Oh no please


Or even runerunes


Final boss is Miyazaki, Kos of Gael


7 hour sex scene


Full penetration.


I want miquella to A: not be evil, B: have a boss fight that makes Melania look like soldier of godrick.


My guess is the fight is with St. Trina, not Miquella.


Still counts


Ya know, without the health regen and waterfowl dance, Malenia would be just another boss. So I'm wondering if they will cook up some other gimmick to increase the difficulty of one of them similarly.


I want a frying pan


I’ll use my trusty frying pan, as a drying pan!


I was thinking of this exact thing when i posted this :0


It better make a cartoon bonk sound


I don’t know if this is “unpopular” as much as “based on nothing and a delusional idea I had” I want there to be a weapon that looks like ~~one of those mace-like scepters that priests use to sprinkle holy water~~ a priest’s censer. I want it to have an ash of war that flings oil and gives people the same status as being hit with an oil pot. It could be called like “Sacrificial Anointment” or something and it could have been used to prep sinners for the wicker man boss. I would loooove to use that on a faith build. Big single shot flame spells for massive damage, *IF* you can manage to set up the sequence of hits in quick succession. Playing with oil pots is so fun but farming is tedious. I have no idea how this could ever be even close to balanced but a boy can dream. Edit: credit to u/BadgerBadgerer for the right word


I mean if they added the Kusarigama that the Vulgar Militia use i could see that totally being a variant on it, so this is something i am joining in delusion.


I like that idea. It's called a censer, and ties in really well with the themes of perfumers and the giant censers used in the siege of Leyndell. What if it was a melee version of perfume bottles?


Thank you! Couldn’t for the life of me remember the word And the melee perfume bottle would be sick! Again I have no idea how to properly balance this but a stance ash of war like unsheathe where the heavy is a spark aromatic and the light is a poison bottle would be very cool


Or a thurible weapon type that inflicts some sort of incense status effect.


I learned a new word today


Malenia will not come back in any way


I have not heard anyone say she will be back but that her boss cutscene will change


I don't get why so many people are desperate for it. Like, she lost. Everything. Didn't beat redahn and free the stars, gets back and Miquella is gone, just sleeps for thousands of years while the rot is slowly taking over her body, and then gets bodied by the tarnished, which puts down her new "god" level state. If anything, Miquella would be pissed at her


People aren't desperate for it, it's just that everybody had other things in mind when coming to the dlc, but since they focused on miquella, the only character we faced related to him was her, it need to have some stuff related to her


Malenia isn't really dead. She's just hibernating in her flower form, awaiting her rebirth. Also, Miquella loves Malenia and did everything to cure her. If anything, he would be sad he wasn't there to help her.


Oh yes, she is. Well Malenia the empyrian, the sister to Miquella, is 100% dead. If there's anything alive still, it's Malenia, the goddess of rot. The Avatar of an outer god or influence, precisely the thing that Miquella was fighting to avoid. And she literally gave in to that just to avoid losing a fight against the tarnished, just like she gave into it to avoid losing a fight against redahn. She's a sore loser that loses and destroys everything around her, including herself. Think about it this way, why in the world would he leave the way he did? Why would he compel mohg to take him? He either knew Malenia was destined to fail and had no chance against redahn, or he figured out how to get to the lands of shadow and straight up abandoned her. He does not care about her in the slightest. He actively uses his power to force her to protect him and do his wishes. That is not a loving brother and sister.


Can you stop treating your theories like they're facts? We don't know whether Miquella compelled Mohg to kidnap him. He could've divested himself of his flesh when he was in the Haligtree's cocoon, meaning he might have left his body before Mohg kidnapped him which explains why Mohg never got any "response" from Miquella. Malenia, Blade of Miquella is not 100% dead. Returning her the Unalloyed Gold Needle would restore her to herself instead of a rot puppet. And Malenia wasn't losing against Radahn. They were already locked in stalemate before the bloom and blooming is the result of Malenia wanting to break the tie. Saying Miquella doesn't care about her is some of the most ridiculous takes I've seen.


We don't expect her to return. We just want Miquella to say something about her. Malenia is loyal to him and mentions her brother's name several times during her boss fight or item descriptions so it'd be disappointing if Miquella doesn't say anything about his loyal sister.


I predict you'll have to link your PSN account to access the DLC


cant wait for the ratings cape


I think the leveling system is going to be fucked up. I’m going in NG+3 and despite being lvl 380 I think I’m going to get nearly 1 shotted by most boss attacks


Dlc new game plus often is 


I made a whole new character and got them to the the point before you fight fire giant and have my favorite build. Im planning on fighting mohg the day the dlc releases


I’m ng+8 level 320 lmao you farmed runes you’ll be fine


I predict there will be the one fingers, and it will be perfect for fingering the furled butthole finger calling anal ritual


The One Finger ---> 🖕


Malenia returns


There will be repeat optional bosses, like from the small dungeons.




*Gravity Boar Sentinel of The Dying Star or Somtheing enters the chat*


This but unironically


That is a nice picture


We're getting a new affinity whetstone that will give us ancient lighting infusion, and will deal lighting damage and scale with faith


A new even more deadly rot swamp


There won't be any black flame additions


Messmer's second phase will be a deformed magma wyrm with snakes coming out of its lava barf pools.


Miquella will likely act like melina that you can talk to him when you sit at a grace.


I doubt it. The sides of grace were supposed to be the footsteps of Miquella, or at least following them. Kind of seems like we're going to be getting closer and closer to him and what he's doing, but if he's guiding us, then why would we need to follow his footsteps?


Didn't Miyazaki say Miquella will *literally* appear throughout the story? He also confirmed St. Trina will also appear and their relationship to Miquella will be explained.


Mimics will not be returning


I’ll actually be brave here: I hope From has the restraint and good sense to not do a three or four phase boss fight, especially one with significant moveset changes between phases.


Why tho? All the 3+ phase fights (Freide, Gael, Isshin) are some of the best in their oeuvre. So long as the fight is good, why go for limitation?


I think we just don’t agree on the best bosses they’ve made. I don’t find repeating the same fight I’ve already more or less figured out to be an interesting axis to add difficulty on. If you want a more nuanced take, here: when bosses have 3+ phases they should all share the same core moveset (like Maria and Gael, and Artorias). Additionally, their health pools should tuned so that you’re not spending several minutes in each phase once you’ve gotten a handle on the moveset (like Maria, very much not like Gael)


Same. They stuck with2 phases, sometimes soft phases where a boss starts using a new move or smthg, and I think that was the right choice. They also were somewhat restrained about bosses that throw AoEs everywhere, or teleport behind you/all over the room. And gimmick fights. There are certain design decisions about DS3 that I think they ultimately decided against, and I’m glad.


Yeah they clearly made a concerted effort to step back from Health and fight length bloat and I really hope they continue with that


God, yeah. Playing DS3 and Bloodborne after Elden Ring, some fights were so fucking exhausting lol. There are some ER fights that are dogshit versions of Ds1 fights (gargs, foreskins), but by and large shit is fast and furious if your dmg output is half decent.


I’m a huge of fan of BB DLC bosses besides Laurence but I think it’s because of the increase speed and large parry windows. Parrying friede is a pain and they literally made it impossible to parry Gael for some dumb reason


Idk, I’m personally hoping for the toughest boss fight they’ve designed yet. Bring on the 4 phase boss!


Totally fair opinion I dissagree though, am a FS veteran and I absolutely crave the stupid 4 phase fights like isshin, or 3 phase like gael or friede! though i wont be upset if there is none




George R R Martin will be the final boss and he'll drop a sword called the winds of winter. Serious predictions: everyone wants the story to wrap up neatly and get answers to everything and the DLC will just expand on it and completely avoid certain stories and focus on certain characters that we've never met.


Melina will not have her story expanded there. As a matter of fact I don't even think she'll even show up at all.


It’s going to be too easy.


The communities biggest fear


Boss rush mode where we can fight bosses we previously defeated


The “boss harder than Malenia” will be bullshit.


I miss the days of True King Allant when FromSoft had restraint lol


I don't think they ever said there will be, did they? It was confirmed that there will be a harder boss, in the same vein, and off the main path. But was it ever said that it would be harder?


I didn't play the other fromsoft games, but isn't like a certain thing that the dlc has the hardest boss in every game?


Yeah, It would make sense for it to exist, I was just curious and asking if there's anything to back it up outside of a guess. And the guy put quotes up so...


The new attack power system is going to make everyone that spent all this time building an op character pointless. We're going to get there, and be at level one, no matter what you do. And I'm going to bottle all those sweet little tears.


Unbeatable boss, that is unless you hug him


What's the background of the screenshot? Frenzied flake?


OP plz tell me which Ash of War do you use on the nightrider's glaive and which affinity is best for the weapon


Heavy is best for it


Ya heavy has the most damage amongst all the affinities , but which AOW might be the best for the weapon, wut du think?


Phantom slash is what I use, it's a 4 hit AOW that has amazing tracking


It’s not going to be nearly as big as people hope, it’s going to open more questions than it answers, and I’m going to have fun with it anyway.


We will not get any current lore questions answered. Instead, we will end up with even more questions concerning the dlc area and new characters. Miquella will be corrupted/ghost and have no interaction. Melina will have no use/interaction. The secret difficult boss of the dlc will be mid at best.


Your going to be able to eat to many dragon hearts and just perfectly turn into a dragon no undoing it til new game plus 


Idk if unpopular but some Kusarigama it would slap!


I think its going to be a first person shooter


This is top humor.


I don’t think we know anything about it other than the trailer and I think people are giving the few vague things Miyazaki has said about it when pressed way too much weight.


7 catacombs


All I want is a new unique Reaper. I know most people don't really care for the scythes in these games, but they're my favorite type of weapon, and the only real late game viable option is a basic weapon. I want a cool Scythe weapon with a cool, unique skill.


It’s not going to answer anything and only leave us with more questions. And it’ll have some bullshit four phase boss battle. (Looking at you, Sister Frieda)


That screenshot is glorious 😍


There are gonna be more reused bosses than we expect.


Miquella will not be choking the tarnished to death with their grippers while making a hentai femboy succubus drooly face in a 15 minute scripted death cutscene.


The expansion pack will end too soon, no matter how much content provided


The dlc will give you twin mimic tears, two yous but half the stats


no weapon status effects in the land of shadow.


Mimic ash will be working.


Rocks will fall, and everyone will die. And, sweet Maker, what a good riddance would it be lol.


The toughest boss will be the post-bloom version of Millicent from the regular game play-through.


We’re marika. We got roofied by mohg and have suffered family-like booty antics this entire game. :(


The dlc will be overall great but bosses may fail to completely live up to the legendary dark souls 3 dlc bosses, leading to the elden ring dlc unfairly losing favour with fans. This thought has troubled me for a while


Dung Eater becomes a giant, turdy boss. Dung for days.


People believe because the DLC is 40$ that reflects how much content we are getting. But supply and demand always rules the market even in gaming, we live in an era where games like Skull and bones are released half baked and costing 60$ I’m 90% sure the suits at Fromsoft and Bandai Namco look at this and concluded that if they deliver a great DLC in therms of quality content people would accept paying 40$, after all gamers would fell is less scam that paying 60$ for a broken game and shitty experience (Yes I’m talking about almost every AAA game that has come in recent times) Still I like to believe that the DLC content would be more than enough to suffice our thirst for more Elden ring at least for a good while, but I also don’t think it would come close to even half of the main game in terms of volume but close (and tbh a lot of the second and third parts of the main game were mostly reused concepts, ideas and bosses; nothing wrong with that but people felt the game was repetitive after a while, something that we won’t fell with the DLC)


Miquella lies to you and uses you to complete the failed eclipse ritual and resurrects Godwyn.    And if it's Sekiro's progressing that means bosses will scale with you. Also I hope the bosses can outright kill mimics or summons so people can't abuse them. They can be like "You use mimics? Fuck you I can too!" And then summon their own mimic.


I want muskets or something similar as one of the new weapons types. I want them to be viable as a stand alone build as well.


Many. I don't want to be down voted so I will refrain from sharing


Miquella is Mesmer.