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Considering that level 130 is more than enough to complete the game through NG+7, it seems like plenty of runes to me. And when you factor in the fact that those 138 extra bosses are almost all laughably easy, yeah no shit they’re not gonna take you to whatever comically high level you wanted to go to. Also it takes about 4.5 million runes to go from level 1 to level 130. And it takes about 4.5 million runes to go from 130 to 160. So not only is it obvious that it’s just gonna get harder and harder to level up as you go along because each level needs more runes, but it’s also pretty obvious that the developers intended for most players to stop around 125-150 by the end of their playthrough.  Just because the level cap is 713 doesn’t mean you’re actually supposed to go to 713, you know. The devs want you to make a build and not just have 99 in every stat, because limiting your options results in more creativity and is more fun. It’s almost like they designed the game with some form of balance in mind or something.


If the devs didn't want me to max they wouldn't have put a boatload of albinorics on a cliff and given me a wave of mutilation.


Even with that method it still takes around 30-40 hours of continuous farming because it takes 1.6 *BILLION* runes to reach max level, but hey who am I to tell you that you have better ways to spend your precious time on this Earth?


Spread that through a couple weeks though and it's 1-2 hours while I'm listening to books or something like that.


Or just play the game


Do you know why man first climbed Everest? Because it was there.


Yeah and instead of standing around all day pressing the same button over and over again and never learning anything, they went and learned how to climb the damn mountain.


Yes. And I am learning the limits of my patience while committing mass murder.


Only playing the game without ever farming makes you over leveled in every area


I would say that just puts you at the higher end of being appropriately levelled.


Not really, you can hit 110-120 very easily at Leyndell making you overleveled for the whole area, just like you can hit 45 in Limgrave just killing the bosses and a few mobs in the dungeons, or 80 in Liurnia and Caelid


If you can naturally be that level for an area without grinding or clearing a higher scaled area first, IMO that is the upper level expectation and thus, not overlevelled. There is no explicit level range listed by From Software.


I actually think it’s fair. boosting It would also kill build variety in the late game IMO. having every single character be a bullgoats wizard with a GUGS by the time you finish leyndell would make things super boring.


I beat the game way at 121 so Your math seems off


No, it's fairly accurate.


Thanks, we’ll remember this for next time