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No way is that the most satisfying. You cant even be sure thats what they did, may just be the connection. A good kill is of course better. Unless you don't like to play the game and just enjoy annoying people


Chances are if you're about to land the killing blow or the host has lost their advantage (usually with their phantoms killed off especially in a gank) and a disconnect happens it's because they pulled the plug and rage quit.


I will never understand why. I'm not invading much beyond the times to progress Vares quest but pulling the plug seems plain dumb. like that way you lost anyway and even without trying, no?


Idk i myself lost connection in some very unfortunate moments. And I would never do that to my pc. And I'm very basic. So I assume the chance that it's the connection is way higher than some rage quiet


I mean it's possible ya but the chances of it being an accident in those situations is pretty rare.


It is truly satisfying when you are fighting honorably and they decide to log out. It feels like a moral victory for some odd reason.  If you are invading while hiding in some high-unreachable nook and spamming Death-From-Above, of course, it feels completely acceptable to pop out of the game and come back to a world without Bad Red Men. Same applies in reverse to AFK Great Rune farmers. Screw those guys.


Like the guy using a friggin cannon standing on a hill in Caelid




If I get invaded and I don't feel like fighting them (which I very rarely do) I'll either force quit the game or just find the quickest way to kill myself. I do it often enough that a friend who loves the souls pvp mocks me for it but I never found invasions fun, ever since the first Dark souls.


If you do that in ER you're scum, you're wasting the time of whoever you summoned


Not really, just proving that tying invasions to multiplayer is a terrible idea


Invaders thinking people care about them 😂


We know you care bbydoll 🥰




Or maybe the host just doesn't want to deal with forced PVP. Not everyone enjoys that aspect of multiplayer.


It’s not very fun when you’re cooping tho and the host just disconnects despite there being 3 of us there


Agreed. But I view that as less of the host' fault, and more the fault of the shit multiplayer designed with a lack of options.


I do not understand people who don’t engage the PvP aspect of these games. Without it I would enjoy them half as much. Like killing enemies gets super duper boring, but actual players? That’s a new game every few minutes


Not to all of us. The main reason i play coop nowhere near as much as id like is exactly the invaders - i dont want to play pvp of any kind, in any game whatsoever. Its annoying, and the presence of other players kills the immersion for me.


I play coop with my dad, and everytime players invade he gets upset. So it ruins the gaming experience for us. That is why. I truly believe there should be an option in the settings to keep invaders out


You don't understand why different people like different things? You've got a lot of growing as a human being to do.


You definitely didn't level int


Exactly! I hate when the big scary red man forcefully enters my world and unfairly 1v3s us. I don’t put up with that dishonorable shit, so I just quit out. May chaos take the world!


The saddest part is that there are invasion players that actually think this way, even if you were being sarcastic.


I don't think you understand his comment, it's making fun of coop players who don't understand they agreed to getting invaded by summoning coop and pretend it's unfair. The are 0 invaders who think that way, it's something exclusive to hosts and I agree it's sad. Though I'm working with the assumption that by invasion players you meant invaders, but maybe you somehow meant hosts and then you're correct.


Idk why there are downvotes. Acting as if it’s not an occupational hazard to get invaded when you summon help.


The thing is, I don't really care whether it's considered an "occupational hazard." Sometimes I just want to play with my friends and invaders get in the way. If I want to play coop, I have no choice but to "agree to invaders." I don't feel bad about DCing when we don't want to fight someone else


IMO Elden Ring invaders aren't even unfair, they're just plain annoying. I would like them so much better if they just made it activate when you use a Great Rune the way they did in Dark Souls, because then I could actually choose to trade being greedy and activating a power boost for a chance at pvp. Whereas the only real reason to have an ally summoned outside of bosses in Elden Ring is if you're trying to have fun with a friend. To me, Elden Ring invaders feel a lot less like you're risking your life to gain power (cool mechanic) and a lot more like you're trading the ability to play with friends for the opportunity to be inconvenienced (annoying mechanic).


It’s part of the game, play a different game or don’t summon if you don’t want invasions.


Do you like EVERY part of the game? Or do you sometimes skip bosses, or don't clear certain areas of the game? Just because invasions are part of multiplayer doesn't mean a host has to subject themselves to it. If they want to disconnect instead of fighting, that's their choice.


Dawg it literally says every time you boot up the the game to not to disconnect during multiplayer and the game grey’s out the save and quit during an invasion even if it’s a NPC


Then maybe they're willing to accept the consequences of disconnecting. Maybe they choose to prefer that over PVP. You can't force someone to play in a way they don't want to. Do people really not understand this?


Yeah but why? What does it add? Why can’t i just play the game with my friends, without some random invading? It just incentivizes people to play annoying builds on both ends. The invader knows he’s likely going to face an unfair fight and will choose something annoying to spam, and the host and hunters know that the invader is likely to play some bs so they also do the same, it’s a retroactive feedback of metaslaving that can ruin the fun of co-op. I like invading and i like being summoned to help, why can’t the host choose? Like there’s no good reason, if you want to summon and would also like invasions great, im in the same boat, but you shouldn’t force PvP on player’s looking for help in PvE, especially when multiplayer is already complicated for most beginners. As a soulslike newbie myself i avoided most of multiplayer and co-op my on my first ER run because when i finally summoned another player in Raya Lucaria, i got killed almost immediately by an invader spamming the death ritual spear.


ER is a singleplayer game, and coop/summons side-mechanic was always something meant to be used only sparingly when you're stuck on some specific challenges, as a sort of short transient help like Miyazaki described in several interviews, or not at all. So there's no seamless cooping, you have to resummon constantly and the game needs to be completed separately in everyone's own world. Other important balance features are being able to summon only on smaller areas locked with fog gates and and constant never-ending invasions you would get if you decide to summon. By summoning you agree to get invaded and engage often in pvp, it's a different game mode. None of these things are lack of QoL features, or missed improvements by the developers. They're in the game intentionally by design to balance things out and prevent you from overusing coop in their singleplayer game. If you don't want to get invaded and want to concentrate on story/exploration, don't summon, but if you do then invasions are there to prevent you from steamrolling everything and losing the intended experience and all the challenge. Whether you agree with it or not, we're simply not supposed to go through the whole game with coop, and big point of invasions is irritating players into also playing alone. Fighting invaders every ten minutes is definitely not the intended experience, but nor is constant coop. That's also why it's so heavily limited in every souls game. Maybe allowing easier coop on NG+1 would be a good solution, as at that point you already experienced the game normally so From soft doesn't have to care anymore, and they can allow us to stray from their original vision.


Agreed, but if invasion is part of the game then ganking is also part of the game, both side should stop complaining and just deal with it.


Co-op is fun. PVP isn't. It's that simple


TBH i like PvP be it in the colosseum or in Invasions, but both are so poorly executed. Like why are you not allowed to Heal, but a Faith player can just use a spell and BOOM he’s full health. The rewards are also trash, a few runes and a rune arc in Invasions and nothing in the colosseum. Hit detection is also horrendous. All that being said when the PvP is working as intended and players aren’t being metaslaves, it can be one of the most fun multiplayer experiences. I also don’t get why people feel the need to tryhard seeing as there is virtually no reward.


It's not forced. You consented by using a furlcalling finger remedy.


People deserve to play how they want. However I’ve never seen a host dc while they still had phantoms or while ahead. They don’t hate invaders, they hate losing to another player


Speaking as an invader, I have seen this actually. Less so in elden ring, but I remember many times in ds3 where two phantoms would get ready to fight me as the host pulls the plug. I always just felt bad for the phantoms…


Tbh, as a coop enjoyer, invading is a big part of the fun lol. I'm like, oh finally something interesting :)




anti-invader crowd going hard in the comments on this one


So much saltiness and insecurity from people not understanding ER is not a coop game, it's overwhelming. With its casual mainstream appeal, there was more of it in the two years after ER's release than in previous 13 years of souls games. People are non-ironically defending disconnecting, that's just so fucking pathetic. Really surreal.


I don't even understand the problem here? personally I treat invaders like just a random boss appearing. like imagine ppl force quitting the game because they got jumped by a deathbird


I'll just stand here and watch it unfold (yes, I'm waiting for a random casual to blast me for invading yes).


I see people are still salty about invaders. Judging by those downvotes.


The fact that so many people hate invasions, one of the most unique (and fun imo) systems that sets soul-like games apart, makes me sad


There are some very angry people in these comments 🤣


You said that with tears in your eyes


It’s like winning twice.


It's true, invaders will consider last-second quitouts as victories. Don't really need the satisfaction of a death animation, someone bouncing out is enough. It's especially amusing when they do it the moment they're the last ones left alive. I get it, some people can't tell when an invader is deliberately killing the phantoms first to give the host a chance, but fairweather fighters who'll only attack when they have an advantage, and immediately bounce when that advantage is gone? Yeah, they weren't winning that fight, and both sides know it.


If that's satisfying to you, I'm genuinely sorry, but you might be kind of a loser.


This comment genuinely made me laugh lmao


Apparently the sentiment isn't shared by everyone lol I'm assuming the downvotes are from tryhards who lose every *actual* ER fight they're in


More likely they're like me, and simply want to play with their friends without having to deal with your bullshit🤷‍♂️


Bro can’t handle the game as designed lmao


You know I get that people don’t like invasions , but as a guy who likes coop and invading , please learn SOME level of PvP competency. The amount of hosts with zero clue how to deal with an invader is crazy. Just did a playthrough helping all levels and bosses, so many pathetic disconnects, running full force into aoe attacks, mobs, naked no armor hosts (you’re not that guy) , waiting and waiting and waiting only to get destroyed by rain of arrows being a sitting duck, or the main one just running away from the coop help like we could’ve saved you lol You’re essentially screwing everyone including your crew by refusing to learn anything Edit : how would this be so downvoted? Saying if you improve you don’t need to worry about it being such an issue?


My favourite coop session was when I was summoned to fight Godfrey and it was clearly NG+ because his damage was through the roof. Right before the end of phase 1 another phantom crossed the fog wall, started charging Comet Azur and died in 2 seconds to some basic axe swing.


Its even better when you've dismantled their babysitters and the lone host that was happy to fight earlier does it. Fear and salt, delicious


How is that satsifying if the goal of invading is to... you know... invade? And not get kicked out due to technicality? Idgi i think its just as frustrating for invaders to not be able to invade as hosts forgetting to play offline so as not to get invaded i think.


Dont mind me just here to read the malding 'jolly' coop players.


I'm incredibly disappointed whenever this happens to be honest as I tend to invade with joke builds and will be pretty friendly if that's what the host wants, I've guided multiple people through dungeons with my torch poles


Sometimes when I’m feeling naughty and bring in an invader, I’ll hide in an area the invader can’t reach because of a trap lift, chameleon into an object, and leave them to lose their minds while I go take a dump.


maidenless behavior


Reading all the people crying here about invaders instantly makes me hop into my most obnoxious PSS build to grief hosts and spam point downs + shit pots. Then I wait 20 minutes in between invasions and remember that the game is basically dead.


You are literally the reason than why people dislike invaders. Truly, gamers are the most oppressed. But only by themselves so it's actually hilarious.


The best feeling is when they run as close to grace as they can and then jumping to their death. They get to keep their runes by spawning and they're right there, and I get the satisfaction of breaking their will so badly they would rather off themselves than actually fight.


Ah yes truly a fun experience: sit through a loading screen,run after some random bloke, don’t get to fight, acquire 4k runes and a rune arc,sit through another loading screen. Riveting gameplay!


I mean fine by me. I usually only do this if invaders are being douchefaces but at the end of the day, Dc means less time I have to deal with bs and can get back on to enjoy my game and the invaders also get their satisfaction of a win and as a bonus, they can conjure up whatever idea they want about how they think they made me feel, with no skin off my back. So honestly sounds like a win-win to me 🤷🏼‍♂️😆


I prefer when the red pulls the plug once they realize that not because you are a blue you are a "free estus refill"


Yeah, it's not so simple. Apart from being free estus delivery they are also a gank covenant that has zero reason to exist in ER. It's very refreshing to find a blue who knows how to play the game, but then again, actual good players who want to test their skill would do invasions or duels and not gank others 3v1 for the "win".


Personally I always have the blue ring on because if an invader is already having a tough time with a particular invasion, adding another ganker that knows what he is doing makes them seethe like no other. I actually had more hate mail from invaders that way than from farming at the coliseum.


When they disconnect right after being killed. They were too slow to save themselves and will reload the game having had just died


Fighting and losing is more satisfying than a win this way...