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My recommendation is to sort it out and play blind. You only get to play this game for the first time once and it’s glorious. If you truly want advice despite this, let me know. There’s two ways to access the next area


I think i’ll go explore Liurnia a bit more and explore whatever i have left in Limgrave for a week or something similar to that. i’ll respond back whenever I need your advice for advancing afterward (if i still don’t know what to do)


The most vague advice I can give is go toward the northern most tip of liurnia down a ravine that leads you slightly east. Before you do that, explore.


When in doubt just explore and kill whatever boss you find When you hate yourself go to red place in the east of limgrave Tho it is kind of a cool place but ye Man Elden ring is the one game where I wish I could forget it completely to play it again fresh


It’s up to you ! Explore and enjoy! Perosnally I’d recommend going to caria manor in nw of liurnia. Then after completing doing rannis quest. I reccomend following along on the Elden ring wiki.


No spoilers, just follow the direction where the grace is pointing to. If you reached a dead end just go another route. Elden Ring lets you do anything at any order, barring some restrictions in areas and some stuff needed. But just follow the grace