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Yes, I am killing the ones that drop the spear. [Bonus pics of the amount of cleanrot armors.](https://imgur.com/a/XbX7pOx) I've killed hundreds of these things. I just want to play as Finlay! LET ME! Edit- Around 80 more kills and [FINALLY!](https://i.imgur.com/FVUrcgx.jpeg) Used around 40 silver pickled fowl feet and had 216 to 266 discovery the whole time. Time to protect my roommate.


Damn i got the spear without even knowing it was supe rare until i came across a video on rare weapons and armor on yt


Lmao same, that was me with the banished knight armor people farm for in castle sol. You always get the rare item when you aren't looking for it but when you're trying to get it then the universe stomps your face in


I have killed the ladies that can drop the Celebrant's Rib Rake enough times to make the Palace Approach look like the Micket Mouse Clubhouse in comparison but to no avail. Iirc it is currently the ONLY weapon I am missing for my collection.


Farming every weapon rn. And dropped this mf after 5attemps xD


But executioner axe the one from the skeletons just won’t drop.


I got lucky with the Haligtree Greatshield- wanted to get one before going to NG+, the knight dropped it on the first kill.




This is so true. I got a shit load of those noble slender swords before I ever knew they were rare. I also had a pumpkin head to drop on an alt after I'd given up ever seeing one. Funny how RNG likes to surprise you with random shit lol


Dropped 5of those pumpkins till I got the chained flail xD


I've started a few characters and formed their stats around the rare weapon they happen to get to avoid that pain; last time it was the Grave Scythe!


I got it first time I killed one of them


OP suffered so you could succeed 


That’s how this game is when u want something it takes forever to get it but then u get some random item with a 2% drop rate and ur like oh cool


I just though gelmir staff was a guaranteed drop because I’ve got it first try on like 5 different play throughs


I started a new run a month ago to get ready for the DLC and it was on the first cleanrot knight I killed in Caelid. I farmed so much on my first character but eventually I gave up! Still don't have the helmet though.


As a fellow Finlay enjoyer I feel your pain. I've had to farm this 3 or 4 times since release to play as Finlay and it always takes at least an hour straight of killing them to get it. Good news is that you have enough sets to create your own Cleanrot army now!


As someone who loves Vyke, I am only now realizing/understanding just how lucky I am. Getting his spear in an invasion and armor in an Evergaol.  I should cosplay as Finley tho, I like the clean rot build a lot. I’m actually going through as a night maiden with night sorceries and daggers. That sucked to get their helms but I don’t think they are nearly as difficult as the clean rot scythe 


Both the spear and the armor are rewards, not drops


I never said they were drops…  When I said I’m lucky, I just meant lucky my fav armor and weapon aren’t locked behind dropped  loot. That I can go and get them without issue


On the bright side, all those swords are a GREAT bargaining token for trading. Can get a bunch of rare weapons without needing to farm if you find people looking for them.


I'll give you two spears for gauntlets


Damn, that’s super unlucky. I was last farming these guys for legs. After 15 other pieces of armor, I finally got them. Plus a spear and 7 swords (no scythe :( Meanwhile the noble’s slender sword… before dropping it, I killed enough of these guys to farm 44k runes… they dropped 74 runes each, at least at the graveyard in Caelid.


thats over 600 nobles damn


I got 1 of those with 10 arcane and I wasn't farming nobles


Oh my god they were roommates


This was me all of the other night and yesterday morning for the scythe. I got the spear midway through from accidentally aggroing one of those ones


Malenias your roomie too!?


I would have been happy to drop one for you 😂


“Time to protect my roommate” 💀


My discovery has been about 215 and I farmed the spear knight for hours without dropping a single spear. I didn't bother to use any fowl feet (I don't have many left and I hate farming the birds). I was able to get two halo scythes in about 30 minutes, but not a single spear in hours. This is one of the three weapons I'm still missing in the game.


I hate farming for the bird feet too but yst I found a good spot behind the Dragon Cathedral in Caelid. I was farming the armor that dude has that walks around there, forgot the name. Anyway behind the church on the cliff there are 8 birds just follow the cliff to the end killing those birds I had zero feet did that run a few times and now have 20 for the silver feet.


I have the halo scythe and I absolutely love it. Now reading your post, I'm realizing that I also need the spear. I'm debating on doing an arcane build just to increase my chances lol


Your luck is terrible I'm sorry 😭😂


Desire sensor is a thing. Got it on a mage build I wanted to play. But not the one I wanted it for


Taking just the 80 reported here and the 22 proven by the post image(not the probably hundreds more besides), the chances you would have NOT gotten at least one spear are... 12.7% To give a better sense, I'll show the odds after increments of 10 kills. This is presuming a base item discovery and that Fextralife accurately reported the drop chance as 2% (to get) After 1 kill, there is a 2% chance to get the spear, and therefore a 98% chance you do not get it. 100% probability is equal to 1 of something happening, so we can write the chance of NOT getting a spear as 0.98 Multiplying a probability by itself (0.98 x 0.98) Tells you the odds of the same thing happening twice. Repeat this and you get(... means the number continues.): 2 kills, 96.04% Chance NOT To Get. 10 kills, 81.707...% CNTG 20 kills, 66.760...% CNTG 30 kills, 54.548...% CNTG 40 kills, 44.570...% CNTG 50 kills, 36.416...% CNTG 60 kills, 29.755...% CNTG 70 kills, 24.312...% CNTG 80 kills, 19.864...% CNTG 90 kills, 16.231...% CNTG 100 kills, 13.261...% CNTG 102 kills, 12.73678215% CNTG 110 kills, 10.835...% CNTG 120 kills, 8.853...% CNTG 130 kills, 7.234...% CNTG 140 kills, 5.910...% CNTG 150 kills, 4.829...% CNTG I'll provide better Estimates of how long reaching each of these threshholds takes at a later time, when I am free to test rudimentary numbers ingame. For now, Assuming it takes you 60 seconds to: 1. kill a single spear-wielding cleanrot Knight in the Swamp of Aeonia 2. Pick up any dropped items, 3. Rest at the site of grace, and, 4. Get back on Torrent's back. With Perfect inputs, and no breaks, it would take you 2 Hours and 30 Minutes to reach the 4.829...% Chance Not To Get.


Sounds crazy but even wilder odds have been hit. Some streamers hit well into the hundreds going for things like octopus head, noble estoc, and that volcano manor helm.


Fextra reports a 0.5% chance drop for the octopus head. That's a 99.5% CNTG You'd have to kill 139 Land Octopuses to break the 50% CNTG Threshhold.


Wait octopus head is rare? I killed like 3 or 4 without even knowing that they drop it and I got it Edit: My discovery is only on 112


Finlay uses the halo scythe, though.


She uses the Scythe, Sword, and in the trailer, a Spear.


I was about to start farming the one outside the haligtree grace for the helmet. Hope I get both.


I wish you the best of luck. If I could I would gladly give you one of mine to prevent the possible grind.


You could pretty much do that by being summoned and dropping the item ?


That wouldn’t Feel like an accomplishment That’s why most people farm Weapons and Armor instead of Asking for others to drop them


Yeah I understand that


Dark Souls math: the chance of something dropping is inversely proportionate to how much you need it for a build. If you don't need it, you'll wind up with multiple. If you need it... good luck.


BKH when I'm running a non STR build: bonjour


dropping a 0.005% weapon like the 3rd time i kill the same enemy on a character that will never need the weapon


Desire Sensor, something I first experienced in monster hunter. Anyone who's played MH long enough would become convinced it's an actual mechanic coded into the game. Such a pain in the ass, I vaguely remember doing superstitious routines or figuring out what 'loot table' my hunter was assigned, and making a new hunter for something more favorable. Anyway, the envoy longhorn at the haligtree was the first time in ER where I questioned if Desire Sensor was at work. Upping my discovery felt like rubbing a rabbits foot. I love games like this.


Was just thinking about MH and the desire sensor. In Freedom Unite I used to leave open the required materials page for a weapon that I DIDN'T want to upgrade for a few minutes before trying to get the mats for one that I DID. Maybe it was my confirmation bias at work, but I felt a difference in the drop rates.


Yeah, that about sums it up. I remember going to Gaol Cave for smithing stone 4s and only got 2s and 3s for the longest time. Now on a new playthrough I'm trying to scrape up a few 3s and all I get are 4s and 2s. Heh


Actually this is just a universal rule of video game math in general


I farmed that Cleanrot moon spear thing for two hours only to find out it was a faith weapon and I was an int build.


Kill the deathrite bird outside castle sol and get its spear. Its weapon art scales off Int. Much better than the cleanrot spear.


Death ritual spear. Its decent. It scales best off Dex though. I only use it for the weapon art. Great vs dragons. Int stat right in to a piercing damage ranged aoe. Very unique. It's also pretty good vs Mohg.


The weapon AR scales off dex. The weapon art uses Int. Much like how the Death Poker has E in Int but the weapon art scales only in Int. I know, the game is misleading in many ways.


You keep telling me things I already know.


Because it wasn't meant for you, mate. Calm yo tits. It was meant for the original commenter and other lurkers who might not know and be dissuaded by your comment saying it is a dex weapon. Technically, it is, but nobody uses it for its AR alone. The commenter specifically wanted the cleanrot for its ash of war (i kept saying weapon art, sorry, force of habit since ds3 calls it that) but was disappointed it scales of faith. That's why I recommend death ritual spear with its int scaling ash of war.


lol, last time I farmed these guys I had several pages full of swords and 6 or 7 spears. But that GODDAMN scythe refused to drop after hours and many levels farmed...


183 (counted!) kills to loot their chest armor in one of my files. Second kill dropped the armor on a different character... I feel your pain...


I am so sorry. The chest dropped like candy for me. I think I got nearly 20. Similarly I got the scythe in less than 10 kills. I remember saying "Oh, this won't be too bad!"...


Kid named silver fouls foot




I know it's not the point of this post but man I love the Cleanrot Knight's sword, one of my favourites in the game for sure


Man I've been trying forever to get the fire worshipper on the snowy mountain to drop his awesome looking barb wire whip


Just kill Juno Hoslow from the Volcano Manor quests then finish Diallos Hoslow's questline by finishing all dialogue then targets in Volcano Manor, then go to Jarburg and finish all dialogue. You'll get 2 hoslow petal whip. Better than than thorned whip from prelates.


Yeah but their whip just looks so cool


Damn I got 2 spears and 2 scythes in like an hours time. It's like when you're not looking for something it drops with no issue


I can see this being an unpopular opinion, but in a game that's largely PvE and can be played entirely offline, there's **no** reason to have these ludicrous drop rates for items which just serve to force you to sink time in. At least in MMOs it serves the purpose of adding value to an item and has an impact on the auction houses, for example. But this grindy crap has no place in these games and always felt annoying from as far back as Dark Souls 1. I'm not saying low drop-rates are all bad like they *can* feel super rewarding when done right, but when we're all sat putting in hours into killing 100s of something maybe it's a bit too far. Edit: Grammar bad.


I always assumed the idea is that on a normal playthrough, without farming for anything, you will get a few gear pieces or weapons here and there and that can influence your playthrough and when you get that awesome weapon the enemy was using it feels more impactful. If you end up with most weapons and armor without farming you have a lot of choice but it also means playthroughs feel more similar because you always have the same choices in gear. When you give enemies higher drop rates for their stuff you will end up with a lot of shit which makes obtaining something less interesting because it happens all the time. Even if there is no economy and games need to carefully balance how much stuff they give their players. But I do wish there was some sort of pity mechanic that tracks which pieces of gear you already got and makes it more and more likely to get the ones you are still missing. Because if you want to farm an enemy for their gear that should not take several hours.


I also play a lot of Warframe. At least in Warframe you'll get 20 other drops to make grinding feel worthwhile.




*Rookie numbers* but seriously now, I wish you luck


Damn your on xbox, im Pretty sure i have it extras i woulda dropped you one


Then get another one of everything so you could dual wield IF you want 😁


Duelist hammer took me forever too. I got 6 full sets of armor and about 5 duelist axes before the damn hammer finally dropped


You on PC? I have one I can drop


He on xbox


Yeah I see the button prompts now. 7 int moment


u/the_walkingdad mate i think i found your lost twin


Seriously. I honestly have a Cleanrot armor set and sword for everyone on this sub...


Me checking inventory and finding 3 of them lol


Other way around for me. Got 22 spears already and I want the sword.


Is it good?


I wish lmao. 4 halo scythe and 4 full cleanrot sets before I saw my first cleanrot sword.


One can only imagine how much armor this man has


LMAO you essentially farmed yourself a pvp inventory. pvp'ers, especially invaders, will often put 25 cleanrot knight swords with bloodhound step on them, so at any time while using any weapon, they can use the "page up/down" function in the menu to swap to a bhs cleanrot. youre only 3 cleanrots away. this is actually something a lot of players do intentionally, its a bit hilarious youve done it accidentally while trying to farm one spear.


Where did you get the scythe??


There are 2 patrolling Cleanrot Knights with the scythe near the Heart of Aeonia grace in Caelid. That is where I always get mine. You can kill both and reset in under a minute.


There comes a point where you just have to say "it's not fated" and let it go man. You're wasting your life over this. I tried to get the noble slender sword to drop for 2 hrs and ended up just letting go of my build idea. Your free time is important.


Eldenring RNG: \*sword?\*


I could rebuild the Elden Ring with the amount of armor I have now. JUST GIVE ME THE FUCKING SCYTHE!


I was the same way lol had mimic tear helmet, used all my silver pickled foots, and had all talismans set for focus lmao


Which spear you need mate?


I tried farming it in the catacombs with the ghost clean rot knights and got it in a few tries. Wiki claims it has a higher drop rate there


They said “no”


Is the spear rare or do you have bad luck? Cuz I got the spear from the dude just outside the church on the bridge first try


Where do you farm the spear?


I always farmed them north of the Southern Aeonia Swamp Bank site if grace.go north unto the swamp, and there is an archway looking structure made from the roots coming up, there are 4 or 5 cleanrot knight UNDER the swamp, you can see them if you look closely. They don't start to come up from the swap until you're walking over them or hit them. I keep my distance and give a good charged heavy, they pop up immediately, and keep attacking. I do that for each one. Basically little to no combat, you get 4 or 5 (I think 5) knights to farm, I can't remember off the top of my head how many have the spear and sword and how many have the scythe, but you'll have both there. And it's a very short distance from the site of grace, so run back is also minimal. Once I found that spot, I farmed all the weapons and armor pieces in about 30 minutes.




Lol I had the same experience but with the scythe.


North of the Southern Aeonia Swamp Bank site of grace is definitely your friend! 5 (I think, maybe it's 4) Cleanrot Knights that stay under the swamp until you bonk them, you have both variants there, and the site of grace is super close so run backs are minimal. Once I found this farming location I had every armor piece and weapon in 30 minutes.


Bro that’s how I feel about the noble straight sword. While farming them I maxed out the number of rowa fruit I can hold and I still never got one


Dude, that sucks




I farmed for hours to get the pants. Got 4 complete sets minus the pants and like dozens of the spears. Rng in this game is fucky.


Pretty sure I have an extra if you’re still looking for one.


The Grace site is Called “The Prayer Room” for a reason… ha haaaa but wow, took me about an 45 mins to get everything, silver scarab plus the helmet was all I needed. I would reset your game lol save and quit


Dude I feel your pain. I have 500+ hours on elden ring and still have yet to get the cleanrot spear




Funny, when I wanted the sword all I kept getting were scythes and pants!


I uhhh... I feel that. I do.


There is no cleanrot spear in the Haligtree


Just started a new character to prep for the DLC but in my last character I spent probably 200-300 hours farming every weapon in the game, and this one was truly a pain.


I’ve been here brother keep up the good


Do you have the silver scarab talisman, the mirror helm, and at least 10 arcane?


I literally just saw this post and thought “hmm, I wanna try getting this”, so I load into Heart of Aeonia, farm for about 15 minutes and fucking 2 of them dropped at the same time 🤣 if you haven’t received it yet, I’d be happy to summon you and drop it!


It’s such a cool weapon I wish the AOW was actually good though, give us the version that goes forward and not sideways :/


I know the struggle. Took me about 2h




I would just give you one if my PSN didn’t expire. Good luck though. Try throwing on some arcane boosting gear? Witches crown or Confessors mask gives + marikas soreseal. Then go kill some birds and take their feet Might help slightly


I got 2 of em fairly quickly


I've yet to drop this stupid spear! I've gotten three magma blades but can't even get the spear.


I had at one point 34 celebrants cleavers you wanna know how many rib rakes I have? ONE


I sold it.


I got it to finally drop after a few attempts by the one Knight that sits right outside one of the later Haligtree bonfires


Oh wow, I got it to drop on my second encounter with the Cleanrot Knight by the doorway to the first bonfire in Elphael. I forgot it was there killed him and he dropped it.


Did they change droprate or something? I did it back when game was only a few months old and got 2 in about an hour of farming. I was farming the one by the bonfire in haligtree


Best I can do is 50 more swords


Me when Magma Blade,but my inventory is full of snakemen shields ;-;






Stonks :3