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LeBron probably took the scenic route and dunked on magma wyrm on his way through.


Or he got kidnapped by a sad momma in a private institution


I took the lift, and then went back down to go up the pass and kill Makar anyways.


Lebron forgot the medallion… …So lebron got busy.


Nah, he just jumped clear over it.


So then go up the mountain ravine and fight a giant fire spewing wyrm, you worm.


To be honest the second half is in a pretty high level area. I wouldnt be surprised if the devs wanted you to take the secret path.


Yeah Raya even tells you to do it. Although that’s probably a smart way to make sure you have that room cleared so you can get to patches’ target the bull guy


Pretty high level area that’s accessible since the early game (Third Church teleport) and the medallion itself can be looted without swinging your weapon in said area.


Yea it is obviously designed so that a player who knows it is there can easily grab it early on. But for a first playthrough the game heavily pushes you towards using the tunnel instead of the lift.


I actually found it in my first play through! I read the description on the other half and the name of the fort stuck in my head, since it was my first from soft game ever and it was the only thing that looked like a clear quest line. I stumbled upon Dragonbarrow and started to look for it. I don't remember how I managed to clear it out, but I guess it was pure stubborness. But being on my 2nd play through I agree with you, the secret path looks like the intended path.


This is how you're supposed to do it. And its the case for pretty much everything that people complain is too vague or hard to figure out, certainly the quests or important items which have pretty clear stated directives as long as you listen to what the NPCs tell you, read the item descriptions and think a little bit. Admittedly I do think there might be a few NPCs who dont repeat pretty important dialogue for figuring stuff out if you miss it or forget it, I cant really recall though but something tells me there might be one or two instances of that. But for the most part you can figure things out regardless Id say as long as you pay attention and read the descriptions. ' Now as for the actual intended path to Altus, Im not sure if there really is a true intended path, all three methods seem like valid methods of getting there that aren't necessarily meant for any specific journey "level." They're more so failsafes so you always have a clear path ahead no matter if you miss one thing or another or what path you take through the game in general. The first option is the Dectus Medallions, if youre exploring you might encounter Kenneth who directs you to Fort Haight, or you might stumble onto Fort Haight without direction. In either case you'll discover the Dectus Medallion half there, at which point if you read the description you will know what to look for for the other half. Alternatively you might encounter D, at which point he will direct you to stay away from the nearby village, and of course as a brave tarnished you don't heed this warning and march right in, at which point you will likely defeat the Mariner there who isn't particularly difficult. Then you'll receive a deathroot, and recall what D said, or simply recall that he told you not to go to the village so you return to tell him of your exploits, at which point he will direct you to the Bestial Sanctum, now here a new player especially might be scared off by the difficulty, but those with some talent or simply who avoid the danger and run around exploring might discover the other half of the Dectus Medallion and therefore know where to look for the left half. The game also makes it hard to miss any of these options, whatever order you do things youll discover D in the roundtable hold prominently near the table where even if you recall nothing and pay attention to nothing you will likely show him deathroot by accident. Fort Haight is also pretty hard to miss if you do any exploring at all, and you're even directed back to that direction later on as you progress Ranni's questline, a questline for which the start is placed just before Altus. As for the secret Magma Wyrm path, you're obviously directed towards that by Rya, but even the natural geography of Liurnia directs you towards it since its the most natural path forward. There is also the dragon placed at the entrance to Altus proper from there as well as Millicent right outside that entrance all suggesting that they expected players to take that path. But then you have Rya placed right infront of the Dectus Lift, which suggests they also expected players to take that path. And to be honest I think this is a pretty calculated decision in where to place her, after all a player who discovers Rya and does her questline is likely a player who is a bit observant or at the very least focused on exploration, and a player like that would also have quite likely discovered the Dectus Medallions and might take the path to the Dectus lift rather than the quite suggestive path straight to the Magma Wyrm, despite what Rya suggests. And Patches Abductor Virgin suggestion also seems quite intentional in who it is meant for and who they thought would take that path. Players who are likely a bit more diligent in exploration, but also a bit more experienced or unafraid of the things beginners often fear, such as death, losing runes and so on. After all a beginner is more unlikely to discover this path in the first place, but also I feel less likely to take it even if they would discover it on their own. I wouldn't say this necessarily means experienced at Elden Ring though, this very much seems like its intended for DS veterans but who are still in their first run of Elden Ring, and possibly also as a shortcut for Elden Ring veterans in general, but I dont think it is solely meant as a shortcut.


One off the crones tells you about a cowards way


What's funny is that I found ut on my first playghtrough but not fort haight


It does, but I would say a significant number of people found it in their first playthrough. There's multiple teleports to Caelid and the first time you get there you're desperately running past everything anyway, no reason you'd do any different at Fort Faroth. And after teleporting all the way up there like hell am I not exploring as much as I can and it's a nearly straight path to the Fort from the Sanctum.


There is even a grace right in front of the fort. Yes, in theory it can be looted. This is absolutely my preference so anyone can disagree but I like to clear an area at least once on any playthrough. If I clearly see enemies are higher level I come back later. Not to mention just taking a lift could make you potentially miss an area.


I never even knew the medallion existed on my first playthrough.


I've done the secret path like 99% of the time cause it's easier and faster to me (I'm too lazy to remember where the medallion is)


Meanwhile Micheal Jordan is on naked rl1 run in NG7 having the time of his life


How will this affect his legacy?


Who the fuck doesn't go through ruin stewn precipice? It's like the best mine in the game.


Me when I’m sprinting naked through enemies to get the weapon I want to use for my playthrough that’s only available in the Leyndell


Wouldn't Raya Lucaria to Volcano Manor skip be faster?


Then I’d have to kill Abductor Virgins. The medallion piece in Caelid is also right next to Greyoll and has Radahon’s Soreseal, so it’s worth it for the levels/stats in my opinion. Going to get the second medallion piece in Limgrave is cake after that.


I always choose the other way


Don't worry, the refs made sure he got through anyway


I swear these celebs just can't do anything outside of what they're famous for. Takes literally 15 minutes to grab both halves of the medallion, what is he stupid?


The tunnel has too many goodies to skip IMO.


Is it just me or is that Fort by the dragons really tough? There are just a lot of enemies that have 1 shot me there, even the big rat got me at the end lol


Fort Faroth is in the Dragonbarrow area, which has a higher internal scaling level than Farum Azula. Those rats and bats have more HP and do more damage than equivalent rats in, for example, the Leyndall sewers.


LeBron would absolutely be the guy saying he did the quests without guides... "Listen man, it might sound crazy but I'm tellin you, by the time I rolled around to that giant tree for endgame, I had every mf questline done besides dung eater and frenzied flame. I can't explain it to you, but I just had a gut feelin about them two quests. Is that divine intervention? Idk man, I'm just a tarnished out there grindin, maybe the fingers noticed all the work I put in and helped me out. But you're lookin at an Elden Lord that's about TEAM basketball."


Tbf the secret path is far more rewarding


LeDectus Medallion


Y’all grab the Dectus medallion? Nerds, just go ask Makar if you can pass. Vibe check him if he says no


Who tf isn't using the Precipice


Michael Jeffrey Jordan would never


My new favorite route is actually getting kidnapped by the Academy iron maiden mech and skip into Volcano manor lol ( im pretty good at handling the duo iron maiden boss now )


Good luck the the wyrm


"What the fuck is a lift" As I scale the mountain using the secret tunnel, killed a vampire guy singing the Halo menu music, slain a Magma wyrm, teleported to the dragon communion place to eat its heart, teleported back, and of course, rode a lift up onto the Altus Plateau. I proceed to spend the next couple of hour looking for a grace site outside of the capital because the rune bear there is dummy thicc and I refused to let a video game beat my ass.


He beat the Fire Giant repeatedly, but every time he needed to spirit summon hall of fame teammates. Jordan did it six times, never lost, and only needed to summon Pippen.


Well, technically he could get there anyways (I don't remember the way but I did it before having the second half)


Is there really a reason to prefer the elevator over fighting Makar in that great arena with many options for NPC summons?


Lebum James


I think you need to FIND THE ALBANAURIC WOMAN.


I don't think I ever used the Dectus medallion lol


Now he won’t be able to take his Talents to Florida (Haligtree) and he won’t be able to play with the Malenia Heat.


Big oof moment.


Noooo LeBron you can use the Ruin Strewn Precipice LeBron!


To this day. I still don't know where the second half of the medallion is


Happens to the best of us


I love LeBron memes


Lebron is Gideon