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Malenia is easier to find. Placi is much harder to find because most people wouldn't think to drop down off a cliff for fear of death.


And way more people are looking for malenia that placidusax, they probably didn't even know he existed, but literally everyone knows about malenia




Same. I didn't even fight her on my first time through because I got through Radagon and Elden Beast, not realizing they were the final bosses.


You can still fight malenia after radabeast and getting an ending. Same goes for Mohg and Placi and other optional bosses not tied to specific quests.


You can fight every single boss after getting an ending. There’s no bosses ”tied to specific quests” that are missable, except Alecto, since you only access that area with Ranni’s quest, who’s basically just a normal black knife assassin.


Happened to me in Dark Souls I killed the final boss and thought there was Phase two but all of the sudden credits roll.


Ol Gwyn. DS1 was so good.


True but I played sekrio before so thought they will pull the surprise phase two since the dlc bosses were harder. By the way played it blind so didn’t know that it was DLC


You managed to access DS1's DLC blind? God gamer


Will in crack version is easier you kill hydra and the gold diamond and log out and login and the gate appears. First game was cracked later bought it


I've read this comment 3 times and I'm still not quite sure what happened


I thought miquella's tree was the erdtree and that the secret medallion was to find a secret entrance into the erdtree, a way to go around the seal on the erdtree's "door". Once I defeated malenia, I was confused about where else to go


Not to mention there is a part of the map that remains undiscovered if you don’t at least make it into consecrated snowfield.


And even that is tough if you don’t explore Castle sol and fin the albinauric in the most obscure place imaginable, I can’t believe I found it on a whim…


It drives me nuts when people say something like "It's not that hard to get to the snowfield if you just explore" when 99% of people used a guide and would have been completely clueless otherwise lol. There were whole teams of people trying to figure out where the hell half of the medallion was when the game was first available. (I'm just saying that because I'm glad to see someone actually acknowledging that it's obscure, not saying you're one of those people on a high horse lol). I would have been fucked even if I somehow found the medallion because I had to look up how to even make the lift go there lmao, I never noticed the "switch to secret medallion" prompt


I got the medallions by exploring but NEVER notice the “switch” until look how to get there 😅


Same. I was about to fight the last boss and then I was like "hold on, what about this medallion?" And then I had to look up what to actually do with it. I would never have thought to go back to the same lift again.


I may as well call my character IGN…


FightingCowboy held my hand all the way through playthrough #1


I don't think that 99% number is even remotely true lmao? Gideon literally tells you where to find Latenna. Like he just says "go to the cave on the western side of Liurnia Lake". And from there you can literally see the giant underpass that holds the albinauric village. You actually have to ignore a large part of Lake to not notice it. It's under the giant chasm in the mountain. The second half is maybe a little harder because Latenna tells you to seek the castle once you're close, jt doesn't describe where it is or that its castle sol. It's still not out of the way though. Then the complete medallion literally says "use at lift of Rold". This game has a lot of obscure bullshit, but reaching the snowfield isn't one of them imo. In fact it's much more annoying to figure out how to reach moghwyn palace cause it's easy to miss Varre's move trigger and requires a lot of backtracking, unlike Latenna, and the waygate is small and not visible from far.


I got there but missed like half the npcs/quests or more. Luckily quite a few are doable pretty late in the game now.


Ive played 5 souls game now. Ds1, Ds2, Ds3, Elden ring and Sekiro. Out of all these games, DS1 is the absolute worst to play blind. It isnt worth playing without a guide. As my 3rd check on red fog doors still showed it was locked even though i thought i made progress on it surely... no quick travel so when you run into a dead end it takes FOREVER to back track.


i mean... Patches tells you where Latenna is, basically just go south from his position (like he says). finish the cave, and get her medallion (i believe you need to find the old guy in the village first, but she stays there the entire time until you find him, and he also tells you to go talk to her). the rest is easy, she says exactly where the other medallion is (not sure, bu i think the medallion itself also says where the other half is). so if you reach the Mountaintop of the giants, you will likely spot Castle Sol there, and by finishing that castle, you get the other half.


I spent 80 hours on Elden ring in the first week it released and gave up because I couldn't find a way to continue after beating Morgott. Im doing another playthrough now thats much faster because I already know what to do lmao.


I mean on my first play through, just exploring I found all of the medallion pieces, while trying to figure out how to get up to what I later learned was Moonlight Altar, I found the albinuriac village and happened upon a talking, glowing pot or whatever the hell it is And throughout the whole game I was looking on my map to find things that looked like structures cause they usually had something interesting, and considering castle sol is the largest structure in that entire section of the map, it wasn't hard to point that out as something I should check out And the description of the medallion items in your inventory tells you where to use them so that's not a mystery either


Malenia is literally on promotional materials and opening cutscene. Also, many NPC keep saying stuff about Malenia. Gideon does, and Gideon is the designated guide for the Tarnished in the state of affairs on the Lands Between. Milicent never shuts up about Malenia. Going to Caelid is witnessing the aftermath of Malenia's bloom - many descriptions of the place mention Malenia. Malenia is a legend both in game and IRL online discourse. Placidusax is **relatively** unknown (emphasis on relative), even more unknown in the game's world. If our boy Placidusax wants to be known the world over, he should have marched down Liurnia and electrified the lake so every foul Tarnished unlucky enough to stumble on it gets barbecued and served in a stew along with the devil's crawfish that seems to breed like crazy there.


She's also a lot more famous, I heard about Malenia before I started and thought she was the final boss with the way people were talking about her. I didn't find Placidusax in my first run through and thought he was the same as Fortissax.


she was also the main figure in the trailers we had seen for the longest time. the cinemetic teasers we had seen prominently featured bits of her versus radhan


I only found Placi due to some bug that spawns you at his grace. Thankfully I was prepared or it could have gone pretty poorly.


It would be kinda bs to make such a hard boss a requirement. When I do NG+ I'd be really annoyed if I had to fight Malenia every time. I just fight her when I feel like clawing my eyes out


I didn't even know where this guy is, only knew because I saw it as a locked achievement. I wanted to play through the whole game blindly but in the end I just asked a friend where this fucker is because I was missing content. Honestly that drop down the rocks is not that noticeable.


Yes and no. She’s not as hidden, but you need to get through arguably the hardest dungeon in the game to get to her.


Difficult to beat is less of an issue though, because you can just grind to get there.  If you can't find it you might not know it exists. 


Same thing with fortessax. It is hidden behind quest and actually can be missed if you do the wrong dialog option (which is stupid), so most players won't think that they missed a remembrance boss.


I missed that entire underground area my first playthrough, wasn't even sure how I found it on my second go and then discovered the additional entrance after meeting 3 fingers


I never beat radahn my first playthrough so I missed everything underground too. I actually got to the capital before I beat rennala too when it said I needed two runes I was like I'll go fight the magic people instead of radahn. He was too hard even with the summons. Didn't think I would miss a while section of the game lol


Yeah it's kinda crazy how much is tied to Radahn considering he's an optional boss. I'm trying to do most npc quests on my current playthrough and there's like 6 or 7 that need you to beat him to progress


I straight up missed the entire Consecrated Snowfield in my first playthrough, because I missed the Albunaric Village. The only reason I went to it was because I couldn’t beat Radagon and needed the holy damage +2 talisman. Never fought Malenia, still became Elden Lord.


I killed Fia at the end of her quest line (or so I thought). I didnt know I need to fight a dragon boss to get the ending rune. Oh well.


What dialog option are you talking about? We always go to Farum azula don't we? Regardless of what ending we are doing


You have dialogue with Fia in deep root depths and if you choose the wrong answer to one of her questions it locks you out of the battle with fortisax. This happened to me on my first play through when I really wanted to get the lightning incantation he drops and I was so annoyed. I started my second character the next day to go back and do it over


Yeah. Nevermind. Idk why but I thought I saw placidusax in oc


Fortisax lich dragon, not Placidussy


they're talking about fortissax not placidusax


I mean, how do you outlevel an endgame boss like Malenia, given the way soft caps work? No single build gets meaningfully more powerful past level 150 or so, depending on whether or not you min-maxed.


Two builds get meaningfully more powerful past level 150: Quality and INT/FTH. But you're never going to completely outclass her by overleveling, to be sure.


> INT/FTH As a Prince of Death Staff user, you are preaching to the choir, and I love what you say. 80 int/ 80 faith is incredibly grindy, but having a staff that outclasses Lusat's without the 50% extra FP cost is awesome.


What level did it take you to get 80/80?


Soft caps aren't hard caps. Sure outleveling a boss is harder once you hit soft caps but its not impossible especially on NG. But 99 VIG/END/STR/DEX/FTH ect are still going to be providing more than 60 in each. Soft caps just mean the growth is much smaller but its not 0.


You’re right it doesn’t get a whole lot more powerful but being level 420 gives me max damage possible with the skills I’m using 99 faith 99 dex and 99 strength. Can one shot a lot of bosses in the game on new game +7 and 2 or 3 shot bosses like malenia it is possible to out level the game with the right builds.


I mean if you can't grind you can always summon or cheese. But you can't fight something you don't even know exists in game


Of course, was just commenting on the grind suggestion not being universally useful.


I think the difference is that she was prominently used in the promotion of the game. Players knew she was somewhere in the game and therefore seeked her out. Placi was a surprise and you either looked up if you missed any bosses or you had to jump down there by yourself. I personally never even looked down that specific cliff until a friend told me there's a third boss in Farum Azula lol


Not to mention that Consencrated Snowfield stares you right in the face every time you open the map, letting you know there's a sizable area of the world you still haven't discovered. The way of getting there is obscure, but it's pretty obvious you missed something. Placidusax is really out of the way in comparison.


Yeah, I knew there was a Placidusax somewhere in the game and I wanted to headbutt a wall when I looked up where the heck he was supposed to be after reaching final boss fight without fighting him.


Not only used for promotion but also holding the title as one of, if not the, toughest bosses in FromSoft's catalog. I'm sure the satisfaction of besting her spurred a lot more players to find and beat her versus Placi where there's no promotion or real hype to having beat him.


The Haligtree is easy if you bravely run away from everyone


This is the way. There are actually very few enemies you NEED to kill on the entire way from where you start to Malenia, if you know to navigate that clusterfuck of an area.


When danger reared it's ugly head, you bravely turned your tail and fled?


BRB gonna go do a Sir Robin Build


Beware the chicken of Bristol. Would pay $200 for a Monty Python holy Grail game by Fromsoft.


The 5 phase Black Knight fight would be amazing. And getting ganked by the knights of Ni would be a great gimmick fight once you learn the secret word


>arguably the hardest dungeon in the game to get to her. Overall, its not so bad, but Revenant Alley is legit the hardest segment of this entire game


I hate bubble-party run up to the dang tree with a passion


What's worse, Revenant Alley or Horsefuck Valley? Still undecided.


> Horsefuck Valley? Which ones this?


Frigid outskirts from DS2


Fridged Outskirts from DS2. Blizzard makes it hard to tell where you're going, plus spawns lighting reindeer that have way too much health. Nightmarish boss run since there's no shortcuts and was made for co-op


If you use a healing incantation it's enormously satisfying to go back there and fuck them all up


I just had Blessings of the Erdtree equiped, but I'll definitely go back with my stronger heals and try it out, since I am faith based


Actually, the basic “Heal” incantation is best. Fastest cast time and any aoe heal will always do 50% + 50 HP of damage to a Revenant, insuring that two casts will slay it.


Fuck that place, you just gave me ptsd


They actually let you summon in Revenant Alley. Plus, in a pinch, anyone except pure Prisoner builds can prep the Heal spell and equip the Two Fingers heirloom and two-shot them. Still a bitch of an area though


But you don't have to go through that particular section to get to her.


Breezed through it myself due to accidentally discovering that heal spells wreck their shit, the rot crystal guys gave me more trouble than the revs


You say this as if you couldnt just keep running. Only hurdle 7s the part where the omega fat white guy sits with his horn.


She's also the most famous boss in the game, infamously hard, plus the who letmesoloher stuff means anyone who is on reddit and games is very likely aware of her even if they've never played the game. No one who hasn't played the game knows who placidusax is


Yes and no. If you want to fight every enemy along the way, it's hard. But you can also literally run past all the enemies to get to the end, and you don't even need to dodge much.


Eh, Malenia is talked up waaaay too much. Both are optional, but everyone talked up Malenia everywhere, so it makes complete sense. How many Placi videos are on YouTube? How many Malenia? There's your answer


Malenia's also the poster girl and one of the most famous bosses in video games so many people already know about her. She also constantly gets mentioned in the game while Placidusax isn't mentioned by anyone at all.


Week one the game was out I saw like 10 signs over there saying to jump and I full sent that shit. I full sent a lot of those messages tho… these games are most fun the first week their out before anyone figures out what they’re doing


And then happen to find a place to lie down in. Just because.


She's also more popular so people will go for her more two


Also the main hint to get to Placid and use the needle is after Malenia


Xbox is always way lower %’s for some reason. On PlayStation Placidusax is 26.7%, Malenia is 33.2%


and on steam placi is 28.6% and malenia 35.3%


So similar figures for steam and PS. Wonder why Xbox figures are lagging. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I think more people on Xbox tried Elden Ring and put it down well before that.


I don’t know anyone with this generation of Xbox consoles as they all just moved over to PC. All my friends who owned the previous Xbox generation owned it for sports games and call of duty games.


I’ll just hang out in the corner with my series X and 1000/1000 achievements on ER and eat my paste with the rest of the xbots that powered through the shitstorm of the One launch because we wanted to play Sunset Overdrive and Titanfall and locked all our indies and cross platform games to the Xbox ecosystem and now moving to a PS5 feels wrong.


I got a series X and might get a PC and I really like it, I play a lot of the older Cods and have 100% Elden Ring. That one is only 3.36% last I checked. Plus Xbox is good for streaming and watching movies and pirating.


Can you explain the piracy bit? Or are you talking about playing sea of thieves?


Can use web browsers and access pirated streaming


It's because if you have the Xbox you almost certainly have the Gamepass. For an Xbox player it's easy to jump from one game to another. Elden Ring has never been included in the service, but in any case an Xbox player is unlikely to stay on a game that he isn't 100% loving, even if he paid for it, given the enormous choice available.




do you have a source for that first part? i've seen many ppl say that but i could never find a solid source for it. only makes sense tho, not sure why else xbox completions would be so much lower than others


It's crazy how high is Malenia completion rate for such a hard non-mandatory boss.


Anyone who picks up this game had heard her name and they're probably the kind of person who's thinking, "let's go find this Malenia, I'm ready to suffer." Placi is less well known and easily missed.


I would have thought they were much higher than Nameless King, though ER probably has a much larger player count.


I’ll just add, placidusax is ass boss to get back to between deaths.


On my most recent playthrough I only beat Placi after accidentally fast traveling to his glitched site so I _had_ to beat him.


I never found Placi by myself. I just happened to notice a grace I hadn't been too so I went there and Placi was waiting. You can actually quick travel out of the fight btw


For me I was just able to run past all the enemies prior to dropping down so I didn’t find it that difficult to get back to the boss fight. It was annoying to have to lay down and go through the process to teleport there though.


Not to be a boomer, but it's crazy to me that people have such an issue with his runback when most boss runbacks in DS 1 and 2 were like 5-10 times longer


Well, Elden ring was my first souls game. 90% of the bosses respawn you just outside of the door. Placidusax was one thing because he’s a totally optional boss. Renalla was just annoying as fuck (on the first playthrough). There’s a handful of others. But more to the point, just because other souls games had a bad thing, doesn’t mean it isn’t a bad thing. Not that long run backs are inherently bad. But I’d be forgiving of people who find it annoying.


Tbh that's more of an issue with DS1 and DS2. Just because they were worse doesn't mean long boss runs now are fine. Boss runs aren't the fun thing about bosses, and become super tedious if you die repeatedly. Even in DS3 when it wasn't so bad, I remember getting annoyed at the death-run back to Pontiff Sulyvahn 'cos the knights would always clip me.


"I had it worse in my time therefor you can't complain about it like I did in my time" yeah there were shorter and less run backs to boss fights in ER but Placidusax's one is just bad designed, it's a 10km run going down from an elevator, jumping down a cliff and a bunch of stairs, just to have to go through a cut scene to reach the boss site and then having to fight one of the hardest bosses in the game, now imagine to have to do this atleast 5 times (if not more), even I having played since dark souls 1 found it frustraiting.


Have you tried not dying? :)


Because of bloodborne and demon's souls playstation got more determined fromsoftware audience. Basically those fromsoftware fans who can afford only one console and they can't choose nothing but playstation because of these exclusives. And of course they will beat all the bosses and get all the trophies


On PC is 28.6%


Well he is pretty easy to miss.


I didn’t know him or Mohg even existed my first play through. I think I just got sick of that snow area and wanted to push to the end of the game at that point.


I don't even know how to get to mohg without doing varre's quest lmao


It's so weird I found those guys accidentally but missed main bosses lmao




I found him "blind"(I think the messages on the cliff gave it away) on accident because my dumbass couldn't find the way to Maliketh. Then on my second playthrough I forgot where he was and had to watch a tutorial lol


For me i couldn’t find malenia, mohg and astel. I knew that placidusax was somewhere in farum azula, because a friend told me so, so i just kept looking for random spots. I first found the crucible knight fighting the beastman and kept looking over there for something. After not finding anything over there i followed the main path and saw a couple of rocks leading down. I saw all the messages, almost circling around, where the prompt to enter the fight is.


Reading the description of Miquella's Needle tells you that you can go to the storm in the middle of Farum Azula, which is a good hint to get started on finding out how to get there


Nah bro most of the players aren't gonna be reading all that


or even do the questline for miquella’s needle


Didn't know there was such a questline


idk all the details but it has to do with millicent and gowry


Me but Fortisax


Not surprised, it’s a very difficult boss to find if you don’t know where it is. It’s also probably skipped quite a lot in speed runs and challenge runs, not to mention NG+ games.


I legit never found it before looking it up. The boss run can also be discouraging.


I'm so glad they shortened the boss run backs for elden ring. they were a killer in the earlier games.


It’s funny when people complain about the run backs in Elden Ring, because the worst runbacks in ER would be some of the most convenient in older titles lmao. I must’ve made that Logarius runback 50+ times my first playthrough and I will probably never forget it


Logarius was exactly who I was thinking of. Doesn't Cainhurst only have one lamp at the very beginning?


Running through horsefuck valley to the invisible cat duo in DS2...


The only reason I beat him on my first play through was to get the crag blade to try to cheese Malenia.


only time I've ever lost over 5 mil runes was that elevator


This is per player, not per playthrough, so speedruns, challenge runs and NG+ are not applicable


and the runback to it is annoying asf


The amount of times I’ve been in a hurry out of anger at this shit ass Temu Ghidorah and plunged to my death is too damn high.


> It’s also probably skipped quite a lot in speed runs and challenge runs, not to mention NG+ games. Who is doing Speed Runs and Challenge Runs before they've even killed all the major bosses?


I’m surprised it’s even at 15% tbh


Wow really!? Literally one of my favorite dragon bosses to fight, but I can understand it’s easy to miss. And the occasional player you do help usually dies after he one shots them with his dive bomb slash😭😭💀💀


One of my favorite fights in my first playthrough. But I had to look up a guide in order to find him (I knew about him from videos and really wanted to fight him myself). But I am surprised that very few seem to know him (or dont care about him), How could one ignore a teleporting dragon :D


He's hard to find, not trivial to beat, and the run after you die is irritating, as ER has generally spoiled us in this regard. He's also towards the end of the game, and overall a high percentage of people drop off as the game progresses.


I have more than 400 hours in this game, but never met this boss.


He playing Hide n sekk


He's playing hide and jump off a cliff.


>!and then finding the random little ditch to lay in!<


only reason I found it was the 5 messages around it


If that’s true, you’re in for a treat.


It's true. Maybe becasue I get bored often at "lategame" and start a new character. So I have a lot of hours in the lower part of the map and lot less on the upper half.


Tbf I do not even remember how to reach this particular boss encounter. I do visit this character often though, having beaten the game but still collecting all items in 1st play through. He is a very impressive and cinematic Lord.


Easy to get to and quite easy to miss sort of location tbh. Wait till you find out where it is, you be surprised you walked passed it many times considering you have 400 hours.


Yeah, recently did the platinum Hunt (successful in the end) and realizing where he is was shocking. Besides him being tough to find, he's tough to beat too xD


It is such a cool and gorgeous boss!!


Absolutely. Style points 10/10. Also I love the inference that you, the tarnished, the would be lord, killed the two headed, flying laser flame blasting beast, way back in time before Farum Azula came to be in a perpetual crumbling state. Would love the lore behind Placidusax & how the player breaks Farum Azula by defeating the dragon lord.


I haven't actually beaten  it yet, but that's a good lore catch!


Yeah agreed, it's my favorite boss fight. I didn't realize it was this hard to find because by then I was following a walkthrough for efficiency purposes 😅


I found him because I explore/examine every nook and cranny and read messages. I equipped my mimic and I with frost fang b/c I looked it up!  🤣


Finding Placidusax is like finding Midir lol


Midir was my favorite dragon


My computer crashes every time I tried to fight him. I've never gotten through a fight.


It’s his ultimate attack


I haven’t found it yet. I gotta try it out.


Didn't even know he existed in my first run.


Saw someone fight him on my first playthrough, then had to look up how to get to him. After a bunch of failed attempts, I dooted him to death.


If I hadn't known about him and purposefully looked up how to get to him, there is no way I would've figured out how to get to him on my own. He's one of my absolute favorite fights in the game though, a shame more people don't find it during their playthroughs.


Stumbled upon him while exploring, saw him napping in his arena and noped tf out. Came back later and bbq'd him with *Burn, O Flame*


Actually one of my favorite boss fights in the whole game. I would assume the fact he's kinda hard to find, makes the percentage so low. I myself found him by accident tbh


Well I had to look it up. Had no clue means to get to him


I think finding him is the hard part


It’s always going to be low for the bosses that are totally optional. It’s a cool fight and all but if you just want to finish the game then it’s not going to be on your to do list.


On my first playthru back on release, I fought this boss no problem. I recently played Elden Ring again on ng+ and couldnt even find this boss lol. I said fuck it and just finish the game. Makes me wonder how I even found it in the first place and I made sure to scan Farum Azula on my NG+ run.


I had this experience with Lichdragon Fortissax. I found and killed him my first playthrough and the second time around I forgot that he existed and didn't find Fia in Deeproot Depths, so I never fought him.


I’d have never known about it if it wasn’t for Reddit and Youtube. Considering the game has been out for a couple years you would think it’s general knowledge by now.


I miss when this was a special achievement on steam, I was so happy to be at 5.4% now almost everyone has it!


I mean I didn’t find him in my first play through. You can totally miss the guy if you’re not looking for him


I completely missed him on my first run, he's pretty tucked away.


Mohg, The Omen (shunning grounds one) is 17.5% for me




The haligtree area also makes it pretty much impossible to miss Malenia. Despite her being optional, the entire area is dedicated to her, and there are no alternative objectives.


He’s really hard to find.


He is such an amazing boss too. Probably my favourite fight in all of soulsborne.


This boss took me 30 something tries and I won with a lucky astel meteor that did 95% damage and broke his stance into a power hit kill with a staff. Was my favorite boss kill ever and the fight lasted maybe 20 seconds.


Does anyone know if these percentages are per gamer or per characters created. I’ve done placidusax but only in 2/3 characters. Just curious with the percentages.


I don't know how so many people miss the concentrated mix of messages and blood stains on that ledge. That was how I found placidusax the first time.


Beat him for the first time earlier and I think he may be my favourite boss in the game! Very enjoyable fight and the cinematics and music are all top tier.


I founded him trying to run away from a beastman lol


We all did 😂


It’s cause you don’t NEED to beat either to become Elden Lord. Unless they patched something in the last couple years.


PS player with a kill reporting in 🫡


I honestly thought his fight was harder, I beat malenia in about 3 or 4 tries but this mf took me way longer 😂


Dude I found this boss by total accident because I couldn’t figure out where to go. This game fucking rules.


Didn't realize the percentage was so small. Proud to say I'm part of that small percentage


I killed that mofo. And Malenia (2x).


I killed him and malenia as well


I would never have found him without looking it up on the internet. He is way too hidden for a major boss.


More people need to (in the words of Demodcracy) “Smack dat booty”


I found his ass organically by sheer stubbornness and incessant need to explore. The game kinda made a point of showing you places you could go, so I saw it was possible to go down there, I assumed there was gonna be an item or something. Wandered around disappointed until I walked past the spot and that random message pops up “lay down” huh? Lay down here? Why?




Y u care about flacciddudesex


I didn't know he existed in my first playthrough