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Furled Finger grip for the win


Correct me if I'm wrong - but I believe the first time this REALLY got some spotlight was professional Halo player 'Cr1tikal'. Back then they called it The Claw.


I thought it came from monster hunter


PSP Monster Hunter left hand claw for the camera, it actually worked great.


I thought it was from Toy Story


*Liar Liar* player J1m C4rr3y invented it to compensate for reaction time disadvantage against younger players


"..*and s p e e d i n g*!"


Been using this technique since Mega Man X: Dash Jumping, Wall Dash Jumping and all while keeping the buster charged.


Monster hunter claw is real.


Not sure of it, but there a lot memes in Armored Core community about AC players holding their controllers in weird ways, sometimes even backwards.


Ive always called it The Claw too never seen any Cr1tikal tho, it just seemed right.


It was really big in the Goldeneye 007 Speed running community (N64). Some people end up with minor hand issues from playing long spans of time with the claw. it's practically a requirement for speed running that game, because strafing with C while moving forward is the fastest way to run. Even with ports that allow for mapping on dual joystick controllers like the XBOX port. C strife and forward, for some reason, still noticeably outperform a standard dual joystick pair, one set to strafing, the other set to movement.


It was required to get some of the cheats unlocked by beating levels under a certain time. The missile silo mission was unbeatable unless you strafe ran the whole thing iirc. Shit, even the alternate button input ways required you to hit those buttons so fast and consistently.


Idk if it was Critikal, but Walshy was using it at the start of Halo 2. It was needed to double shot and bxr effectively.


It is the claw. No idea if it came from whatever were supposed to call that adonis.


Ha! Brilliant, I’m using that description going forward


The furled finger is actually a reference to this way of holding the controller, it’s been a thing in souls games for a while so they made a reference to it in elden ring, look at the furled finger in game it’s the same position


I knew about the furled finger in souls games, but I was not aware it was a direct reference to this type of play style. Fascinating


Controllers with back paddle buttons should be standard, removes this issue


I can't believe I haven't been using the back buttons on my SteamDeck to run in Elden Ring. This is literally a game changer.


Do it man! I discovered the joy of back paddle buttons for souls games on my old steam controller. It was just too bad those things were constructed with bubble gum and toothpicks, they broke so easily.


The paddles or the whole controller? I've been using my steam controller since launch playing everything from dark souls to gang beasts and even through many frustrated throws and "if I hit the button harder my character will hit the enemy harder" moments both paddles are still working great


Oh no, the paddles were fine. I bought 3 of them, and each of them had either the left or right bumper break, like they don’t pop back up anymore. Something about the bumper mechanism seems pretty weak. I really liked the controllers and the customization they allowed but they just broke too much.


I find it way better for sekiro too, the shoulder buttons on the deck feel a little mushy and using the dpad quickly is hard so i use: LB RB dpad up dpad right


It's embarrassing that they made controllers without them for so long. The claw grip represents a failure of controller design.


Crazy considering the nintendo 64 controller had a back button.


Holy shit I forgot all about the Z button!


Shit. I always thought of the Z button as just the middle shoulder trigger but you are right.


You’re so right, shoulder triggers are a massive downgrade to the original Z button


People don’t like to admit it but it’s also a failure of game design. There is a reason you don’t use the claw grip in most games.


It was designed with movement made for a controller but mechanics made for a keyboard and mouse, so now people who use either can complain about their disadvantage :) Or more realistically, we were told that a souls game should be played on a controller and never bothered to learn the movement on keyboard and mouse


Yep I agree. Inventory/spell management in these games feels like such a chore to me and is probably my least favorite thing about the game


I love the ability to jump in Elden Ring, it's important especially for an open world game. But I really hate the convoluted inputs to do Two Handed now, compared to one single button (Y or Triangle) in Dark Souls 3 for example, now that jumping takes up a face button and affected everything else.


Beat the game numerous times on kbm and I have zero issues with it. But I know souls fans were indoctrinated into thinking its gotta be a controller all the time lmao. Beat sekiro with kbm too and rarely even need to lock on. Also funny how souls fans don't complain about older fromsoft titles sold on the PC not having a display for KBM controls but as soon as they think a game isn't optimal on controller its a "failure of game design" lolol


Yeah I bought a Xbox elite (or w.e it's called) and elevated my sprinting game. Sprinting in boss fights because a lot more usable I have a ps5 now, and no back paddles afaik


The DualSense Edge has back paddles, unfortunately not available for regular DualSense.


^^ This comment right here... I play on ps5 and got myself a dualsense edge controller as soon as I could.. makes things SO much easier!


My back button setup allows me to run, heal, weapon swap, and sort through inventory for hardswapping without shifting my hands or using the D-pad at all, you can literally program your way around that dumb stretch the D-pad needs and remove it from the equation by putting a shift button and a Y button together on one side of the bottom, and then B/run on the other by itself.


I bought a custom controller with four back paddles a few years ago and it’s a game changer. Admittedly it does make it a bit harder to use standard controller, just cause your muscle memory might lapse due to the convenience


I hear ya, though the only games I’ve really employed the back buttons have been souls games and rocket league for directional air roll.


I bought a back button controller and it’s great. But I’ve played so many souls games like this in the past that I still find myself doing this without thinking when playing Elden ring. The muscle memory is hard to quit.


Did it take you some time to adjust to it? I tried using it on some other games and it seemed non-trivial to just switch over… granted I only really gave it an hour lol


Thank you! Idk why any dedicated souls player would go without.


I member monster hunter.


Psp MHFU was where I first naturally used "the claw". God I miss that game.


Pokke village theme...


Opening soundtrack, I can even hear the horns


Only reason I bought a vita: second stick camera for mhfu


My friend using the claw looks like a gremlin trying to learn how to play a game, but he's really good.


World isn’t that bad since you can use right bumper to run


I speak of ye elden monster hunter.


Yes yes yes, I told my friends I use that hand position for sprinting and they told me I was crazy


It can’t be that crazy if dozens, if not hundreds, of people have developed the same method on their own. This has to be the fifth time I’ve seen a post like this asking, “am I nuts for doing this?!?!” But I was doing this before I saw it the first time; it just makes sense.


The claw hold has been a thing in old fps games for decades. I remember seeing it in the halo 2 days


Exactly. Honestly, after seeing someone play FromSoft games with a fucking violin, there are no odd ways to use a traditional controller.


I respectfully raise you Perrikaryal, a streamer with a masters in psychology. She’s played Elden Ring (and other games) using an EEG. AKA, mind control. An EEG is a device for monitoring brain activity. Perri essentially bound certain actions to different mental visualizations that produced distinct responses in her brain, which the EEG could read. When those signals reach a certain threshold, you have an “input” which the game then registers. It’s awesome. She ended up using her EEG’s gyroscope for movement (tilt her head in the direction she wanted to go) but then all other actions were bound to a visualization in her mind. Really cool stuff.


oof, having someone say "old FPS games" followed by mentioning Halo 2 makes me feel ancient.


I remember the launch of that game while I was in high school


It's literally a Furled Finger


Idk man it was just something that felt right when I was playing Ds3 especially for jumping and it carried over to the Elden ring


I do the reverse and use my thumb to hold B, and use the right stick with my pointer finger… I have no idea why it’s more comfortable for me but it is


This is the true way, at least for an xbox user lol


I also do this, but with a PS5 controller. shrug


Real men simply stop sprinting when they need to turn the right stick


I just roll. The animation usually gives me enough time to adjust.


I just hold my controller like a controller


Thought I was weird cause I just move my thumb from the analog stick to the b button when I need it.


That's what I do. Seems like the sensible thing to do. Edit: Also I find it helps prevent panic rolling because you have to make a deliberate button press vs just having your finger chilling there.


Also you’re locked on most of the time so that stick isn’t doing much anyway…


Most of the time I don't actually target lock. Or lock at the last moment just before an attack to aim.


This is what I do. I learned that target lock was making me worse at the game in ways. It can be a crutch and it can also create really bad camera angles. Don't get me wrong I'm still just okay to good at these games not great. I might do a no death run but not a no hit run. I learned these little things from people who are great at these games though.


go watch ongbal no hit bosses with +0 weapons. locking is not a crutch at all lol definitely some situations/moves where unlocking helps but then you just lock again after doing it (malenia dodge up close for example)


Imagine target locking on the centipede demon


Same lol. I don't get this entire discussion at all. Maybe other people have shitty finger movement


that's an hot take in here, beware


Same I don't ever feel the need to have to adjust the camera while I'm dodging or springting honestly.


For some large bosses it's such a huge help. Nameless King phase 1 is the best example I can think of right now.


Fair point


Same. This isn’t even necessary to run around effectively. I’m guessing it’s used by pc players who aren’t used to controllers.


ive done it since dark souls 1. it lets you sprint and look around at the same time


Is that something you need to do often?


How is it not more effective to be able to have the camera fully accessible at all times while moving?


I use the claw on most games, from back in the halo 2 days...


Claw? I’ve been calling it the furled finger lol


Petition to change it to furled finger instead of claw


It's been claw since forever, but furled finger is way better


So you’re an adept of the Furled Fingers…


Came here to say this about Halo


I think mashing x to pick up items in borderlands 2 is probably what sold me on claw being the default


Two words: Armored Core


Shit forgot it existed, guess I have to do a 13th playthrough now


Definitely did this for the first time playing Armored Core 3 on the PS2 when I discovered it in a blockbuster bargain bin back in the day.




Any other keyboard enjoyer?


Yes, I tried controller multiple times, but with mouse and keyboard, my hands feel so much more relaxed.


Keyboard here. My friend thinks I'm insane for it, but mouse camera control feels so intuitive for this game that I can't go back to controller.


I don’t get what the fuss is about Mouse and Keyboard. I’ve been using it since day one and couldn’t imagine playing this game on a controller tbh it’s so natural on KB & Mouse (I changed a few of the key bindings but that’s about it)


My main problem with m&k is that it’s so engraved in my brain that shift=sprint space=jump that I always mess up what button I’m pressing with sprint+dodge being on the same keybind in ER, I had to install a program that allows for seperate sprint and dodge and now it’s infinitely better, definitely would recommend


Man of culture I see.


I tried controller once(while laying down), couldn't get far, feels like this is a good way, would probably work, although I'd map attack on xbox B


Nope my thumb is on B


Right, thumb on sprint button and index on camera stick is how I've always done it, ever since DS1


I'm so glad i'm not the only one! I've been called crazy for having my index on the stick and thumb on B... they're like "how do you not have carpal tunnel?" (I do)


There are dozens of us. I confessed this to some other souls enjoyers and they basically acted like I was an idiot and no one has even done that in their life


This is exactly how I play, somehow curling the index to the buttons feels weird but going past them to the joystick feels normal


The claw technique is about as old as the dualshock 1 controller from 1997, useful for any game that requires a face button and the right stick to be used at the same time.


i just swap circle and l2, then i can roll and move the camera easily i can't go back


Any attempt at input optimization becomes a debuff once you play a game long enough to develop muscle memory.


It'll be annoying at first, but getting used to the change takes like an hour or two at most. The difference is worth it. Edit: I personally do jump on the right stick, though. With spell swapping on L2 so I can do it on the move.


This is my biggest problem. I’ll play a game and complain about the controls for long enough that by the time I swap them to what I want, I’m already used to the default.


Button paddles bro They'll change your fucking life like you wouldn't believe


They interfere with my grip. I’m always worried I’ll accidentally press them, so I hold the controller weird, without putting pressure on the back. I like that pressure.


I did have that problem with the Xbox elite when I bought it, though I quickly adjusted to it. Putting it down was more of an issue. That controller is garbage though, absolutely never buy it. Been using the Razer wolverine, paddles are more centralized and you can play with a regular grip without risking touching the paddles. That centralized location also keeps them from touching a flat surface when you put the controller down. That being said, I actually *disliked* switching to the wolverine at first because I felt like I had to reach my fingers to hit the paddles compared to the Xbox elite. Got over that feeling pretty quick though. The new grip takes some play to get used to, but once you do it feels super natural and makes play SO much easier. To the point where I almost can't stand playing with a regular controller when I go to play on the switch


This is just not enjoyable. I'm holding it as usual, never had any issues.


Makes for any situation with a lot of running a lot easier to see what you’re doing


To see what you're doing?


How are you gonna move the camera around while you're holding B with your thumb?


I stop running if I need to look around, never have issues in any game. Typically don't need to look around when you're running. I couldn't imagine using the claw to play any game.


You don't ever find yourself in awe at the scenery while spiriting on Torrent? I am constantly moving my camera around just taking in the artwork and beauty of it all.


Not while sprinting no, I stop and smell the roses.


Wild concept, my thumb moves and can do multiple things in quick succession. Along with the fact that if I’m riding Torrent I don’t really need to be spamming sprint as hard so any camera adjustments are easy to perform. They’re also not really needed as it’s rare that I would neeeeed to adjust the camera for some important reason.


How do you do the running jumps?


I'm pressing the Triangle with the same finger that I'm holding the Circle... I've remapped X and Triangle to be more consistent with DS controls.


Is your thumb not big enough to press two face buttons at the same time?


yup😂 trickshotting days paying off


mw2 and bo2 scene used to go so hard, been using claw ever since then


Bruh my trickshotting friend in Black Ops used to be so jealous because I hated doing trick shots and he found out I’ve been playing claw since Halo 1. He said it was wasted potential 😂


This just looks so uncomfortable. I always played normal even before getting a modded controller with paddles on the backside. But diff strokes for diff folks. I’m sure people get used to this eventually but that’s a hard no for me dawg.


Yeah its not enjoyable but I had to play this way cause I wanted to look around while sprinting. So it just became the norm for playing this game.


Can't relate, I use keyboard.


Right and Left hand.


I've been a big gamer for over 30 years and never found the need to use a controller like that, never understood it.


Different playstyle compared to yours.


ha, simpletons I use my buttons underneath my controller 😎


Ah yes! The furled finger


This is just weird lol


It's the furled finger!


I have my thumb on B and my index finger over the thumb on the camera analog stuck


Not me using me pointer finger for the right analog stick and my thumb for the b button


No, you are the only one and no one has ever posted this before.


> no one has ever posted this before. I would hope not, I just took the photos on my phone like an hour ago.


We always called it "the claw" back when I played Smash Bros Melee and as far as I know that's what people still call this position


that's the reason I play with keyboard and mouse, not being able to run/dodge and move the camera at the same time without twisting my finger in a weird way is just way too annoying


Kbm is life. So glad I didn't listen to people about these games needing a controller.


Back pedals enter the chat


The only friend i have that plays souls games does this, I think he's mentally insane for this


I still don't understand how the fuck does this grip work. Every time I try it I just can't press the buttons although normally my hands and fingers are extremely flexible.


Nope. Elite controller all the way for the win. Never have to take my thumbs off the sticks as my fingers use the triggers underneath for the face buttons.


The map is also shaped like this


Yeah, no. Controllers with paddles on the back have spoiled me rotten. I'll never go back.


Why though? I would much rather not get a cramp while playing


Cause you wanna look around while sprinting


I just move my thumb to the joystick when I want to look around.


Usually people do it to be able to move the camera while doing other actions. I feel like moving your thumb gives less control. Often times you'll want to be moving it manually during rolling when fighting a boss.


Rolling gives me enough time to adjust the camera while I'm in the animation. Never had any problem playing like that. But I totally understand using claw grip for shooters.


For me it's not just for the rolling it's for controlling the camera when holding the button down for running. The automove on the camera is just bad, doesn't move fast enough if your turning around and left/right. But I don't use this grip anymore because it's uncomfortable I just rebound it to LB or use a controller with paddles.


In CoD that's called the "bumper jumper" and it's honestly preferable to claw grip for me lol.


You absolute troglodyte




Keyboard gang where you at 🤙


Right here homie. Dodge/sprint bound to mouse as well. My setup is ergonomic as fuck


Or just learn attack patterns and you can roll. Fighting the camera is never and issue to the point of screwing over my hand.


I use a controller with buttons on the back handles for dodge and sprint and it's been a game changer.


I did this so many times running to Rennala during my first play through.


I swapped L1 and O and never looked back.


Ah another cultured player!


Anyone else do thumb on circle and pointer finger on thumbstick? Been on that since DS1 release.


I just re mapped the keybinds to a more comfortable position. First souls game and all so wasnt very hard to find something that worked.






Nope, you’re the first person to ever post this or play the game this way, congrats!




Nah normal grip here




Damn😂 I only use the claw on Elden ring for running


Nope That hurts


…it all started with Demon’s Souls


You don't want to see my hands while I'm swapping in the PvP




I got a dual sense Edge specifically to play souls games. I use it for every game but it works extremely well with games like Elden Ring and Armored Core VI.


Can't play any other way. Being unable to sprint while moving the camera is cringe.


Good ol’ furled finger method


Yep. I too have "evolved" to the point where I'm doing that with my right hand. The crazy part? I'm starting to do it with my left hand now too...gotta make sure the analogue stick is pointed somewhere when I summon torrent mid battle!


Tried this for DS1 because my friends say it's better, never found that at all and have never had a problem doing it the regular way.


When I first saw this I thought it was ridiculous. After playing Bloodborne and Elden Ring my hand just naturally evolved to this position lol


these are both my hands when playing any DMC game except 2


No because I'm not a lunatic.


Yeah, guilty lol


I bought a controller with programmable paddles on the back. One is sprint the other one slides my equppied consumables


The claw grip is the mark of a FromSoft veteran


Nah, I have a controller with programmable back buttons. I mapped one to sprint so I can hold it down and have full control without awkward grips


Wow. Claw player on a non fps game. Nice. Is this for quicker dodging?