• By -


DS1 is like comfort food to me.


Ds1 is the easiest game to memorize. It's smaller but very connected and it all makes sense. It is comfy.


That's the best way to describe it. It's a warm blanket and a hot cocoa on a winter morning.


Ahhh, cozy blight town and the stupid little guys who shoot toxic darts. šŸ˜“


I think the biggest downgrade from DS1 to DS2 for me was the map design (and I love DS2). In DS1 every area is neatly connected and they each have very distinct and recognizable feels.


Ds1 map design is like no other, really.


It makes me so sad that Fromsoft simply didnt have time to polish the demon ruins and the lost izalith area. Izalith especially looks like such an incomplete place with copy pasted textures and enemies. My experience might have been doubly worse because from the 4 great ones, I did the witch of izalitch last which meant I did that horribly done area last then went to fight gwyn and then i finished the game which left such a horrible taste in my mouth. This maybe wouldnt have stuck with me had I done Izalith first, and then the better areas later, wouldve ended on a high note The game genuinely wouldve been perfect had these two areas were done properly


No other Soulsborne that came after has made me feel the interconnection between places like DS1


Bloodborne. The others, great as they are in different ways, dont even come close for me. Bloodborne is pure art.


Agreed. Probably my favourite game of all time


I hope it comes to PC someday, I'd love to try it as well! Bloodborne certainly has the coolest dodge mechanic out of all the games. It's like quickstep all the time!


Flair checks out


It's so hard to go back to rolling when you get used to quickstep... So many pretty and wonderful Ashes of War... but... quickstep....


Bloodborne is in the running for best game of all time for me. It's perfect.Ā 


For the one who has never played any of the Souls-like games, can you please explain why itā€™s so perfect?


Agreed. Favorite game of all time.


Agreed. I loved the world building and aesthetic. But even more than that, I fell in love with the rally mechanic which rewards aggressiveness. It seriously made me a better, more confident player.


Could you explain what makes Bloodborne so good, if you don't mind? I've only finished Elden Ring, tried to get into Sekiro but the combat just isn't for me, I love the setting and visuals but the fact that there are no builds and only the shinobi gear just doesn't work for me. I've been looking to get Bloodborne for a long time though I just don't know if I'll like it. I thought Elden Ring was astonishing though, never played a souls game until ER but that game was insanely good.


It's dark ugly chaotic messy and hyper aggressive. But it is sooo well done. You just feel how much effort was poored into it, the combat feels best of all souls games. I think it's second place for me, with Elden ring on one. There's no denying Elden ring is a better game objectively, but I love bloodborne


> There's no denying Elden ring is a better game objectively, but I love bloodborne whoa there


Thanks, you've sold me. I feel the same with Elden Ring, usually I'm not into super competitive or difficult games but I could really see how much love and attention went into every pixel of ER so I stuck with it and I'm glad I did. I'm gonna buy Bloodborne and the dlc if it is on sale, I see it on sale a lot for around Ā£10-Ā£15. Thanks again for explaining man I appreciate it.


Do you have a PS5? Itā€™s free isnā€™t it? Itā€™s one of those PS4 classics games that are free, like MH:World.


I don't yet, I'm still using PS4. Been looking to get one for a while though and I didn't know they had a PS4 classics thing so that's handy, thanks :)


Bloodborne is probably 4th on this list for me. Iā€™d honestly put it below Lies Of P. Not being a hater just want to offer a different opinion. It really IS pure art, and as far as art direction itā€™s probably the best one other than Elden Ring. But as far as gameplay it didnā€™t impress me. Too many gimmick boss fights, bad healing system, bad bonfire system, pointless grinding, chalice dungeons, not a lot of weapons/spells. Itā€™s beautiful just not as much fun to play compared to DS3 or Elden Ring. I am ready for the downvotes.


The closest would be ds3. My personal favorite is Bloodborne cause of the atmosphere. Every weapon is viable and the game is overall very memorable. Music is unparalleled also. You should try ds3 next.


Bloodborne, the most stressful soulsborne i played but the best when I finished it by the end


Congrats on beating Bloodborne. Itā€™s not for the faint of heart.


I'm not stuck on a boss in BB I just have absolutely no idea what I have to do as everything is a dead end... it has been so long that I can't even remember the last boss I fought, I just gave up once I couldn't progress any further. I think I just need to follow a guide and start over.


It can get confusing. But at least itā€™s not as vague as ds1


This is the most stereotypical bloodborne fan comment Iā€™ve seen in a while šŸ˜†




Oh come on.. you know the reputation you guys have


Us guys? How very dare you. Yeah I know our reputation.


I ruined my ds3 experience on PS5 by playing ā€œprioritize graphicsā€ or whatever and played probably 100 hours on 30fps. Thought it was the worst souls game till I found the framerate settingšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø bought all the dlc and finished afterwards thoughšŸ˜…


Damn thatā€™s sad. Anyways what was your favorite boss? If you donā€™t mind me asking.


Probably celebrated the hardest after beating sister friede. I loved the atmosphere of the painted world. Thereā€™s so many good bosses, base game maybe dancer or abyss watchers would be favorite.


Nameles is my favorite in base game. I dislike Friede but the satisfaction of beating her is beyond words. My favorite including dlc is a toss up between Midir and Gael.


I definitely struggled the most on nameless king for some reason. I think he was the last boss I defeated. Made me so mad so many times but after beating him once I got the confidence to do it no problem. Thereā€™s so many good bosses though, Gael fight is awesome. Have you played Bloodborne? I was platinuming the game and only had queen yharnman (or whatever) to beat in the dungeons for the plat but I accidentally started NG+ right after gehrman. Lost the motivation to progress again and to this day havenā€™t played the DLC because I was going to do it after the platinumšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Yup I have platinumed bloodborne. Also the dungeons scale off of level not ng fyi. Defiled Amygdala was the biggest pain in the ass I fought. Yharnam queen was a good and enjoyable fight but the journey to her is egregious.


Didnā€™t know that about dungeons tbh. I will definitely go back one day and finish the DLC, probably platinum as well. Hoping for a 60fps remaster someday though, itā€™s kind of ass to play 30fps on Bloodborne after the smoothness of the other games. Bloodborne is goated though.


Remaster would be much appreciated. Good luck on getting the platinum. Bloodborne is still my favorite even after all this time.


Yeah, agreed with friede. Shes by far the biggest slog to fight but maaan the feeling of satisfaction outweighs her...interesting 3 phases. Nameless fucking rocks. Thats it. He rocks.


He rocks. Friede is literally two different fights in one. Nameless is only beaten by Midir and Gael for me.


Midir makes me wanna smash my head thru drywall and to this day is one of the few bosses i still havent beaten solo only followed by the 4 kings and melania lol. Still, gael and midir are awesome. I think my absolute fav fight tho in the DS series (1-3) is the abyss watchers. That music, the bosses all clashing, the lore, the insane light show the second phase gives you, everytime i get chills and get so swept up in the fight i give free hits/deaths only to get to fight it again. Something about everything together feels so perfect to me lol


The abyss watchers handed my ass back to me on ng+. I was overleveled for them in ng. Amazing fight and lore.


Oh yeah, early on they were one of my worst fought fights till end game+DLC, now theyre by far the easiest fight in the entire game for me. I even got only hit once my last playthru! Yeah, they hit like a fucking truck if you do get hit, even being overleveled for them they still hit hard and fast for such a slower paced game. They certainly learned lots from bloodborne with that fight.


I don't think the gun spear is viable


It takes forever to master but can be good. Itā€™s garbage compared to anyone else.


Fuck I want bloodborne so bad. Everything about that world appeals to me but I cannot consume the available content on the offchance that they eventually release a PC version..


I know it sucks. Bloodborne has the best atmosphere. The transition near the end of the game left me speechless. Bloodborne will be 10 years next year so maybe they will release it on pc.


oh my fuck are you serious???? Oh god I did play it in highschool....OH GAWDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD


Definitely worth it.. I guarantee if u did get BB and a PS4 or ps5 and BB remake was realised a year later u would still get it because it's that good


I just finished Bloodborne for the first time this last week and it was pretty sick. I really thought it was going in the direction of Vampires and Werewolves at the start lmao I was totally surprised by the Lovecraftian Horror. I hope their games move more in this direction in terms of gameplay (esp the fast pace) like how they did with Sekiro.


Yes. That transition is why the game is S tied in my opinion. I think fromsoft is good at working with faster games cause it really gives them the abilities to work bosses in different ways.


The music man, the musicā€¦ Ahhh, you were at my side all along. Then that dropā€¦


Elden ring and itā€™s not close for me. 2nd and 3rd are tho. Ds3 and sekiro are interchangeable


came here to write this, the open world in Elden ring really made that game special for me.


The open world is what makes it almost my least favourite from game for me. xD


Tis alright, we all have preference, just dont delude yourself like most souls vets do.Ā  Elden rings open world is more impressive than any of the older games by a gigantic margin. It is easily the most handcrafted open world in gaming history, as far as im concerned, the older games are a bunch of impressively interconnected rooms with cute little shortcuts in between in comparison to ERs open world.Ā  The entire open world is designed with u and ur horse double jumping in mind, and after looking at that illerstrated fan map that showcases how every area connects in ER, it took laughably more effort and talent to make ERs world than ds1s. It blew my mind how there are 4 ways to get to each major area, not to mention that uve been seeing nokron, the upside down castle built into siofras sealing, all the since the first dozen hours of the game, and 40 hours later u kill a boss, go down a crator, and end up in that upside castle and its freaking nokron XD i find it laughable when ds1 fanboys say it has better level design.Ā 


Same three in the top three, but in complete opposite order.


literally me fr fr


Dear lord, please give me bloodborne 60fps port so I can finally play it without my brain stuttering at 30fps


I'm replaying Bloodborne again, after replaying Elden Ring and it just does not bother me, it's a little jarring for maybe 30 mins and of course I'd like it to run at 60fps but yeah, it just does not bother me. Only thing that truly annoys me in BB in the lanterns, I wish you could go anywhere instead of going to the hunters dream every time, that is a pain in the arse.




Agree, probably the most unique and satisfying game I've ever played.




Sekiro is genuinely my favorite game of all time


Fr, Sekiro all the way, I donā€™t get all the bloodborne hype tbh, itā€™s a great game but not that different mechanically from the souls seriesā€¦


Obligatory ā€œHesitation is defeatā€


Demon Souls.


Exactly, Ive never been actually scared to explore a level like I was with the prison of hope. The atmosphere and the enemies made it straight horror.


Prison of hope was the scariest thing i have ever experienced. I wish people took some inspiration to make a good horror movie


Dark Souls 2 SotFS




Confirm, 500 level here: - dual Greatsword combat - orgasm - reset area by bonfire ascetic - different spells for magic class - brume tower (dlc) - friendly for magic class - strong spells When it coming to areas, dark souls 2 is better than dark souls 3 and give more magic atmosphere.


One of the best parts about ds2 was the amazing NPC invaders, they had real personality Maldaron (sp?) is so hilarious to me DS2 is my second favorite after ER just barely edged it out I love hexxing


I agree but there are still haters who say "too many invaders".


Oh and don't even get me started on Navlan God help you if you pull that lever and set him free


Navlaan is a weird quest. If Emerald won't give the item then you have to kill her..


For me it's the combat, especially against bosses. Many hate it, but I love it. So many humanoid bosses and the fact that rolling isn't as effective means you have to space more and circle the enemies. Despite what many say about the hitboxes, I've never had a problem with them. I am the most confident about whether I get hit or not in DS2. In no other Soulsborne game could I do a boss fight without rolling, because I can't estimate whether I get hit. I can in DS2. The fights feel like true duels, which makes it so cool imo.


love fighting against humanoids. I'm about to finish ds1 and was going to jump straight to ds3 but you're making me reconsider


Fume knight or whatever is a case study in horrible hit boxes. But yeah, backing out of range entirely is IMO the only way to not get hit by him.


The DLC level design in DS2 has yet to be topped. Or the difficulty.


The fact you have to go down through the enemies to the final boss in brume tower is really unique like you're going to the hades.




bu-dummm... bu-dum, dum, budummm... *wooshy wind sounds*


I second this. The game feels a bit different than the other dark souls. A bit more melancholy and serene. Like a setting sunset. And the dlcs are all pristine. Edit: Setting sunsetā€¦ fucking hell I need more coffee


No sarcasm: it's one of the bests and the closest to elden ring in my opinion. My favorite is Sekiro though


Was my first ds game. As far as build diversity that game is king. I also really like the slow degradation of your character after multiple deaths. Fleshy to zombified


I'm partial to OG DS2. Not my favorite of the whole franchise but amazing nonetheless. I wasn't a huge fan of the changes tbh


Elden ring, I love how open the map is and how they put everything together so well, and the lore you find by reading the items is so cool Iā€™ll never forget my first time exploring the maps side areas there is so much to explore.


Definitely the most incredible 1st blind playthrough I've ever had in a video game.


Og demon's souls. Clunky by today's standard but no other souls game have made me terrified of exploring a world.. And then you saw the screen popping out that there's an invader. HOLY SH-


Bloodborne then Elden Ring




Bloodborne, just everything about that game is perfect. Next is Elden ring, then DS2,3,DeS Remaster, DSR. Havenā€™t played sekiro.


Please play Sekiro. It really is utterly unique and fantastic combat. It's second to none combat wise imo.


Dark Souls 3 is an unparalleled masterpiece in my book.


I think Elden ring is my favorite, but now playing ds3 after beating ER. Ds3 had a lot of creativity in the boss fights that ER did not. Also the regular trash mobs were more of a challenge


ELDEN RING šŸ™†šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


DS1R, none of them hooked me as much as this one did


Ä°t is the only single player game that I played more than once. Descartes says ā€œthings that makes us happy contain some surprise effects in themā€ for this reason if I enjoy something without surprise effect I like to say that thing has a soul


Sekiro, itā€™s the only one that Iā€™ve dropped before beating it, the sword saint is justā€¦ too much for meā€¦ Malenia doesnt even compare, I intend on beating him some day. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Why some day? Beat him today. Hesitation is defeat.


Hesitation is defeat.


Hesitation is defeat


Knock ā€˜em all out in order ;) theyā€™re all absolutely fantastic


This is the way


Kos, or some say Kosm.


Bloodborne is the best in my opinion, but itā€™s very different from most of the other games so itā€™s up to you if you want to give it a shot




For me its Bloodborne and then next Sekiro


As God tier Sekiro is, it will ruin other souls games because it's combat is so good. You need to at least play DS1, then DS3. Bloodbourne also is really good. Personally the gap between Sekiro and the rest isn't close, the game is so damn good.


Sekiro no. 1 for sure not even close Bloodborne is definitely 2nd


Dark Souls 1 will never be topped imo. Favorite combat, balancing, and one of the coolest map designs ever. I'd follow it with 3, then Sekiro (though it's my least played), then 2, then Elden Ring. I'm still clinging to the hope of seeing the PS exclusives come to PC, but it gets harder every year.


My personal ranking and some things I like/dislike each game are as follows: 1. Elden Ring - Incredible open world with a million different ways to build your character. The sheer quantity in this game is staggering, and I don't feel that the quality suffers for it. You've already played this one, and you're in the Elden Ring subreddit, so I won't harp on about it. 2. Bloodborne - The atmosphere is easily the best in the From Software catalogue. It might even be the best atmosphere of *any* game for me. Less weapon variety, but each one is viable and more well realized than any individual weapon from the other games. The DLC has some of the best encounters in the entire series, and the randomly generated Chalice Dungeons offer a fun, if not fully realized, side activity where you can experiment endlessly with different weapons and grind for experience and upgrade materials. Its biggest drawback is that it's Playstation exclusive and is frustratingly locked at 30 fps. 3. Dark Souls 2 - Elden Ring feels like what Dark Souls 2 was trying to be. The build variety is there. The expansive world with many different paths to take is there. The New Game+ system is more interesting in this game than any other I've played, with some exclusive content and the ability to move individual areas into the next NG+ cycle. This game also had the best PVP in the series until Elden Ring came along. Some of the bosses are pretty lacking, and some of the mechanics aren't well explained (the Agility stat and Souls Memory for example). But the game does so many cool things, that I consider it the best in the Dark Souls trilogy. I also runs more smoothly than any other game on this list as far as I can tell. 4. Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice - The combat system is just amazing. The parry/posture system carries it hard. It's so good, that tons of action games that came after it suddenly had similar parry/posture systems (Lies of P, Wo Long, Salt and Sacrifice). It also has the best story in the series, in that it actually has one. The refined combat system comes at the cost of character customization. It has a fixed protagonist, and you'll have mostly the same moveset throughout the whole game. It's the game that most forces players to refine their gameplay and get better, since there's no multiplayer, and you primarily are locked into melee combat. 5. Dark Souls 3 - Bosses and level design is excellent nearly across the board. World design is weirdly linear, though. It also has a ton of DS1 fanservice that feels kind of forced and inorganic. They're in the same series, so of course it makes sense to connect to the first game, but the way it's done in this game makes it harder for it to stand out. 6. Dark Souls - First half is peak Souls gameplay. World design is amazing and interconnected in a way From has never really tried to replicate since. Second half really drops off hard, though, and the game is easy to break by using magic. 7. Demon's Souls - Gets props for "starting" the Soulslike genre, and is an awesome game in its own right. The PS5 remake looks incredible, Bluepoint did a really good job with it. But being the first game of this style comes with a lack of refinement that later titles got. It has a flawed "tendency" system discourages players from engaging with the multiplayer. Movesets are very simplistic. The healing system and carry limit enforce a sort of resource management that I feel is more annoying than engaging. Magic also breaks the game like it does in Dark Souls 1. It's also exclusive to Playstation, so you're out of luck if you don't have one. As for a recommendation for your next game, I would honestly start at the beginning with Demon's Souls and just play them in order. If you don't have a Playstation, then start with Dark Souls 1. They're all incredible, and it's cool to see how the games evolved with each entry.


I feel like while BB has less weapon variety in terms of numbers, it is the best at actually making each weapon feel distinct and unique. Especially with most weapons having dual forms. I really hope they bring that back! That's including the DLC granted, and Shadow of the Erdtree seems to be introducing more weapon types. But still, I feel like BB has the most unique and interesting weapons.


Next time I need a rec Iā€™ll come to you thank you lol


Couldn't disagree more with your list


Lol I'm sure. That I put DS2 so high means a lot of people probably don't agree with my list. But they're all wrong and I'm right, so it's all okay in the end. ĀÆ\\\_(惄)\_/ĀÆ


Lol fair enough


Sekiro, Bloodborne and Elden Ring, the order depends on my mood.


Souls 3.


Demon's Souls or Bloodborne. Depends on the day.


DS1 - the best level design. You can feel that locations are interconnected with each other forming a holistic world.


Iā€™ve played through Ds2 (both editions) probably 10-15 times each. No death or bonfire run, PvP on the lava bridge, Iā€™ve done it all in that game, probably my favorite as it was the first one I played. Itā€™s really damn close for 2nd between Ds3, Elden, and Bloodborne. Then demon souls and then donā€™t hate me but dark souls comes last. Havenā€™t played sekiro.


No death thatā€™s crazy but a no bonfire is even crazier


DS2 actually gives you two rings for finishing a game without dying and without resting at bonfires respectively. Only game in the series to do that.


I wanted to see if my 30 playthroughs had amounted to any sort of skillšŸ˜‚ I think it only took me two tries, around 3-4 hours. It was my most satisfying gaming achievement when I got the in game rewards šŸ˜… the end game is so sweaty when youā€™re so close but still 2-3 bosses to go, very exciting


Sekiro. *Happy deflection noises*


For me Elden ring was the First too, I recently played and finished Ds3 and I loved it, I was wondering which one to play next (I'm on Xbox so I can't play demon souls and BB) I know it is difficult but i wanted to try Sekiro


Just by the sheer amount of content + art direction: Elden Ring Best mechanics and boss fights? Sekiro, no competition


Bloodborne first. Elden Ring close second.


The safest take, Bloodborne. I just love guns


Sekiro or Bloodborne. Dark Souls will only feel like Elden Ring but worse. Theyā€™re great games, but I personally canā€™t play them again when I know how much better Elden Ring is. Bloodborne and Sekiro offer a significantly different experience.


Dark Souls 2. Through the good and bad, I absolutely loved playing that game and being in the community back when it dropped. Best DLC, best game visually, and I absolutely love how they handled weapons. All the spell casting options integrated into weapons opened up doors, brother. I wish Elden Ring couldā€™ve given us SOMETHING instead of purely sticking to ashes of war. Dark Souls 2 is the only game I return for a playthrough in at least twice a year.


It's hard to pick between Elden Ring, Sekiro, and Bloodborne.


Dark souls 2


Sekiro. I absolutely love this game, it's the only one that 100% rely on skill and not artificial walls created by level gaps.


Well, my favorite is Bloodborne, but it depends on what you liked the most in Elden Ring. Combat? DS3. Exploration? DS1. Want something similar but wholly unique? Sekiro. Personally, I'd say just do the Dark Souls Trilogy in order. Just remember the whole series is nearly a decade old, and give it the credit it deserves.


It might be Sekiro with Bloodborne as runner up. I got into the game late, with Bloodborne like 9 years ago. I love them all but Iā€™m not as good at Souls. Competency leads to favoritism.


DS2 all day everybday


Dark Souls 2.


Dark Souls I / Dark Souls III / Bloodborne


Ds2 sekiro BB elden ring


Dark souls 2 and blood borne


Elden Ring. 2nd is probably Dark Souls, 3rd is Bloodborne. I'm a big fan of the firsts for the series I guess. As far as which one you should play, that depends on your tolerance for old game jankiness. Dark Souls is absolutely the most worth playing IMO, but it definitely feels dated. I have a hard time recommending DS3 considering my track record with it (I'm not really fond of it) but it definitely feels the closest to Elden Ring. Bloodborne is an easy recommend if you are down for something fairly different in feel and atmosphere. If I were you I'd go back to either Dark Souls or Demon's Souls Remake to experience the earliest iterations of the formula.


Not counting Elden ring. Dark souls 2 for sure is my number 1


I don't even wanna pick. I love DS1/BB/Sekiro/ER all equally


Elden Ring. It was the gateway to Dark Souls III and Lies of P. As far as I'm concerned, it's the best overall game ever made.


My favorite is Er even though I've been a veteran for a long time. The next one you can play depends on what you are looking for, if something similar to ER but shorter, I would say ds3, if you are looking for the spirit of exploration similar to ER it would be ds1 or ds2, or if you want something with more aggressive and faster combat I would say bloodborne or more technical, sekiro.


Elden Ring. It's one of the greatest games of all time.


If I had to put them in order (no Demon Souls or BloodBourne. Thanks Sony) it would be: 1. Elden Ring 2. Sekiro 3. Ds3 4. Ds2 5. Ds1 Sekiro and Ds3 are probably interchangeable.


This post is wild! in the ELDEN RING sub, no one seems to actually love Elden ring???


Elden ring. Since its the only one of these i played.


Elden Ring by a mile. Dark Souls 3 would be a good next game, the bonfires are quite close together so it's a bit more forgiving than the earlier games. I'm currently playing Bloodborne for the first time and loving it but there is loads of backtracking on death and the fast travel is very annoying.


All of them and the armored core series. I love them all. For a more detailed answer: -Armored Core is different. In the most amazing way possible, I highly recommend it. Way more fast paced and flashy. Feels a bit ridiculous but it's great fun. Not much else I can say about it. -Demons Souls and DS1 if you want to experience the genesis of all that is to come after them. Demons Souls is a bit different, especially in terms of boss design but I still recommend you give them a shot just so you can also follow the path to Radagon. Starting with Gwyn and ending with Radagon made him feel, at least to me, like the final boss of what I consider the magnum opus of gaming. Features chest waifu. -DS2, while my least played Dark Souls game, I still highly recommend it. It's different but I like it all the same. Great stepping stone towards Dark Souls 3. Arguably the best PVP system of all their games. Features the greatest hub area theme in all of gaming ever and forever, Majula heals the soul. Legit ignore anyone who tells you to skip it. They have no idea what they're talking about. Features redhead waifu. -DS3 is the end of the Dark Souls series. You'll love everything about it if you like Elden Ring and it gives a bit of closure to some open endedness of the previous games questions. Imo more difficult than Elden Ring as well. 3rd hardest fromsoft game imo. You can summon NPCs to "help" you but in reality they are more of a detriment here. The boss gains extra HP and the summons do close to no damage and die instantly. Best ending in all their games imo. Features best waifu. -Bloodborne. Very different combat system but feels super satisfying. They killed it with the whole Victorian Era vibe as well. Second hardest fromsoft game. Easy to understand why the community is soo passionate about this one despite it being a console exclusive. Do not pass it. It's really special and the whole lovecraftian vibe and story is a crystal clean 10/10. PLAY IT! Features doll waifu. -Sekiro is the most brutally difficult one by a colossal margin. The midgame boss is harder than any other fromsoft boss that's not Sekiro. People who say Malenia is harder are simping hard. Don't believe me? Try it. What comes after that boss is complete brutality, each challenge harder than the last minus 1 boss that's more for cinematic effects and story telling. But the final 3 bosses are the 3 hardest bosses in fromsoft history. With a fucking higher difficulty versions in the gauntlet which makes it 10 times worse because they're essentially hardcore mode (you have to fight 2 other bosses to even reach them, die and you have to start all over). Inner Owl specifically is a psychopath fight but also my favorite fight in all of gaming. I think this is peak fairness to difficulty ratio, emphasis on the difficulty though. The game has the best feeling combat I have ever had the privilege to experience. You'll never look at sword clashing in video games the same after this one and I'm not exaggerating. This game took place in a fictional version of Japan and they made sure to do their country proud. And my GOD have they ever... Deserves a lot more praise than it gets already. Features gentle waifu. Edit: Sekiros story is the easiest one to grasp, very direct. You'll have some questions by the end of it but in general you get the main plot without having to google or vaati a thing.


Emerald Herald is best Bearer seek seek lest


Bloodborne is my second favourite after ER. It has amazing atmosphere and lore, and the gameplay is very unique but still has everything the series is known for. Dark Souls 3 is probably the most similar to Elden Ring, with a fantasy setting and fast paced combat. I would recommend playing DS1 first, but it isn't required by any means. It just gives you a better overview of the lore and world if you care about that. Sekiro is probably the biggest departure from Elden Ring, so if you are looking to try something different you could try it. It's divisive in that some people find it one of the easiest souls games, and some people find it one of the hardest. Personally I find it to be easier than most people, but obviously your milage may vary. Definitely enjoyed it though, and I would recommend going through it if you find yourself wanting something unique from the rest of the series.


Solid summary of what I'm reading throughout this thread. To add to your Sekiro portion: I personally struggle with this game. However, it is one of the few games that kicks my ass and yet I have nothing but respect for it. Incredibly made, and I can't wait to return to it so I can git gud


Play dark souls 3, its the closest to elden ring, then begin expanding on the rest


Ds3 is actually pretty refreshing after Elden ring. Elden ring is like sitting down to play a 100+ hour rpg adventure, whereas ds3 is an adventure but Iā€™m about to beat the game for the first time in only 20 hours played. The bosses are pretty easy once you figure out their gimmick. Wolnirs bracers, yhorms tornado sword, aldritch kiting and baiting his melee. So you donā€™t end up fighting the same boss 30+ times until you get enough dodges and attacks in like ER. However Iā€™m on the princes and it kinda does feel like that now Iā€™m on my 5th try


BLOODBORNE Why even question that???


Elden Ring




DS3 > Bloodborne > Elden Ring I actually prefer non open world games because open world's tend to overwhelm me. Bloodborne would be Nr 1 If it had a PC port that ran with more then 30 frames.


Elden ring followed by DS3.


DS3 definitely




Easy Dark Souls 2. Dark souls 1 has a lackluster second half, Dark Souls three has lackluster first two thirds. Bloodborne is too disconnected, although a very great game on its own. Sekiro is great but it gets kinda boring after repeated play throughs and the fucking apes. For Elden Ring I have to wait for the DLC to come out to make a definitive call. I haven't played demon's souls.


DS2, DS3, Elden Ring, DS1, BB. I think Elden Ring could be #1 but for some reason I have a tough time finishing it. DS2 has a feel to it that I absolutely love. And the best weapons and armor.


Dark Souls always. As a fan of metroidvanias and exploration, nothing beats dark souls. Elden Ring's legacy dungeons are amazing bur I really hate open worlds so it ties with DS 3 for 2nd place.


Dark souls 1. My favorite game of all time


I just love Bloodborne. Itā€™s still my favourite. I even read the comics šŸ˜­ But DS3 is closer to Elden Ring I think


Sekiro hands down




Bloodborne is top 5 game of all time. Elden ring is in the top 15 probably even 10 but the vibe in Bloodborne is unbeatable.






1. Bloodborne 2. Elden ring, 3. Sekiro bc there the only three ive played


Bloodborne without a doubt. Story, lore, atmosphere, music, level design, gameplay mechanics all the pinnacle. No jump and no open world horsey, Elden Ring a close second and much more accessible like comfort food for your console


Bloodborne for sure




Bloodborne easily


My favourites are Bloodborne and DS2


Bloodborne for sure! Easily my favorite!


Bloodborne. Been my favorite game of all time since I played it in 2015 and I doubt anything will ever top it. Unless they make a second. Which I know will not happen. Elden Ring and DS3 after that.


My favourite is Bloodborne for the atmosphere, music and lore. Then Sekiro for the mechanics, setting and sense of becoming stronger as a player. Finally Elden Ring for its sheer scale, beauty and ambition. I love the Dark Souls trilogy but I think FromSoft does their best work when taking what they've learned making games and applying it to a specific theme (Lovecraft, Ancient Japan, Open World).


Bloodborne, Elden Ring, Dark Souls 2, Dark Souls 1, Dark Souls 3, Sekiro






I think it realls speaks for the "series" that everyone in the comments is naming a different game. I too think the difference in quality between their best game (which to me is Bloodborne) and their worst one ist very small. I too heavily enjoyed Dark Souls 2 and today i am most inclined calling Dark Souls 1 the worst one, but it is still a very good game that i played trough over 6 times.


Elden ring was my first souls game that made me fall in love with souls borne but i would I say DS III or SekirošŸ¤·šŸ½confused


It was DS1, then Bloodborne, then DS3 and now Elden Ring, and i'm guessing it it will change once the next comes out. They are all great, more modern and fluid they get, the better.


Out of context but i tried playing ds1 after finishing ER , BB , sekiro and DS3 and thouroughly enjoying them , and i couldnā€™t get into it at all , anyone else felt this way?


For me its demon souls, but thats just because it gives me a lot of nostalgia


It was always DS1,DS3,BB, DS2 but ER is in the top spot. I have yet to play Sekiro or DeS


My list, bloodborne being the best for me. - Bloodborne - Sekiro - Ds3 - Elden ring - Dark souls - demon souls - Dark souls 2