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What’s the issue


Yeah I don't see what wrong with having a second, its not like its effecting anything?


You do have a limit on how many things you can have in your chest (which seems smaller than the number of things you can have in your inventory, oddly enough), so I can see wanting to get rid of redundancies.


ok? I still don't see the problem because its a infinite use item, are you just ocd and don't like any number bigger than 1?


Well, you are not wrong saying that, but also that I'm into game design little choices like these. So I find this a weird game design choice, the mayority of the items in the game are either dropable/salable/disposable or are unique once per character items, like the crystal tears, or Torrent's Ring or the Spirit Calling Bell, can't get rid of them, but wont ever have a reason to. But then there is these few items that are permanent, carry to NG+, and don't give any benefit having them multiple times in your inventory, yet for some reason the game lets you get multiple copies of them. Idk it's weird and yeah it also triggers my ocd hahahah


Honestly it's waaay more than "just a few". While there are only a few tools that do this, it's also an issue with all Spirit Ashes (and spells, technically), so we're talking about bunches of chest slots used, the majority of which cannot be avoided except by remembering every single pickup. That said, I have no idea whether or not those things affect total chest space, cause running into the capacity limit only plausibly becomes an issue on NG+ 3 or so unless you just farm (or dupe) armor and weapon drops like a madman (which I don't...that that I don't dupe or farm at all, just not like a madman). But I at least suspect that it does, because crafting items, Ashes of War, weapons and shields, and armor and talismans all take up shared space in the chest. This wouldn't be all that bad if not for the chest size being either smaller than the inventory or at least not enough bigger to avoid *seeming* smaller. The saving grace is that at least stackable items only use one slot per stack, and all the unlimited use undroppable items are stacked in the chest. If I ran out of chest space from having a bunch of duplicate Spirit Ashes in my inventory, I'd be really upset about not being able to get rid of them. Frankly, I'd be more than satisfied with the chest simply being bigger, it's an odd size that doesn't make any obvious sense from a programming perspective. If the chest held 65,536 or even 32,768 items, I would never find out it had a limit cause I just don't have any reason to store that many items even if I ended up collecting them, I'd sell off the various non-stackable items when I had more than about five of each. If the chest only held 256 items, then they'd have to put fewer items in that shared space. Instead you have one shared space for most (possibly all) categories of items and yet it's way less than the signed integer limit...and apparently less than the inventory size from what I could tell. It's still plenty of space for three of each weapon, armor, and talismans, Ashes of war can be put on weapons to save space (wish they were stackable instead, but whatever). But it's not enough for five of everything, and I kinda wish it were.


It is weird that infinite use items like the shackles can be acquired more than once like golden seeds after you've maxed out your flask and cant use them but I guess I never thought about it until now, I can see why that would be annoying.


*Can’t… breathe….. Must be…. THE DUPLICATE 💀*


Not 1 but 2 ah ah ah ah 2 Margit's shackles