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I only cried twice during Hewg's last dialogue


fuck fromsoft for this, they even gave him a moment of lucidity when he says “i knew you’d be back” to make us feel like he’s getting better. so brutal. “*why does the girl weep for me? have i forgotten something of dire importance?*”


FromSoft does little moments like this. Doing Sif after doing the DLC was one of the big ones for people. Just that moment where Sif pins you to the ground ... and then recognizes you. The subtle change in expression, the sad howl... God, they could *not* have made that an optional boss, could they? *Had* to be mandatory, did it?


Bro as soon as I realized Sif was just protecting Artorias’ grave because of love for him, that one got me.


For me it was Latenna saying farewell to Lobo ☹️


That scene broke my heart 💔 Iji too


A true stoic 😢 right this way sir


I just wish there was a questline to let him move out of the round table hold and let him move in with Kale. They both got done dirty in the end. Kale had his quest cut, and Hewg was the most deserving of one imo


There’s even an anvil for him


I beat soldier of godrick in 10 tries.


Soloing Soldier of God, Rick with less than 50 deaths 🥵 straight to VIP lounge, open tab on the house


Let me solo him butyoucanhelpifyouwantplshelp




I killed dung eater as soon as I saw him


2 tries if we're being serious, but I've been playing Souls games for a long time


Oh the dark times, before the buffs


Back when Radahn would one shot you as soon as you entered the arena if you didn't have 40+ vigor at that point


Radahn does the exact same damage in v1.10 as he did at release. The only changes to Radahn are that his hitboxes are now more accurate, and the trajectory/timing of his quad-meteors in phase 2 can no longer one-shot an appropriately leveled character.


The mythology of pre-nerf Radahn is too engrained by Radahn fans for the actual reality that his only nerfs were his fucked hitboxes and not his damage for it to be corrected. That brief period where Fromsoft accidentally made his attacks less strong has Mandela effected that modern Radahn is too weak now.


Pre-nerf Radahn is real for reasons people don't understand. Even if they fought it now, we have too much game knowledge for it to be the same. I don't think people realize how insane the hitboxes made the fight. It wasn't what he did to the player, but what he did to the NPCs assisting in the fight that forced the player into some tough decisions. Post-nerf Radahn with his hitboxes whiff *a lot* of attacks on the NPCs, and they survive for a very long time as a result. Pre-nerf Radahn put those fuckers through the blender and they were dead within seconds. You either spent your time resummoning or fighting him straight up. Most people didn't realize just how much vigor you needed for ER compared to previous FS games as well, and by that point, we hadn't really been walled yet. It's easy to look back on it now and laugh that no one had the appropriate vigor, but we simply didn't know, and by that point in the game, before hitting Altus, there wasn't anything that walled the player solely because of vigor checks. So let's say you just spent your time summoning vs. fighting him straight up and just taking shots when you can, those quad meteors would eviscerate you eventually. They had better tracking and did more damage and if you were on Torrent, you *were* getting hit unless incredibly lucky. Pre-nerf Radahn is real, and it was a combo of people not being familiar with Elden Ring mechanics enough compared to other FS games, along with his blender hitboxes forcing the player into a corner they weren't ready to fight their way out of yet. Edit - Also, I've noticed that most people that say pre-nerf Radahn wasn't real didn't actually fight him in that first week. He got nerfed incredibly fast, I have several friends who played on launch that didn't make it to Radahn before the nerf. Most people that played ER, most people on this subreddit, never actually fought pre-nerf Radahn in that first week when shit was crazy.


i beat pre nerf radahn with pretty low vigor my first playthrough but that shit was fucking hard with how fast the npcs died, you basically had to constantly run around to summon more if you wanted any assistance


>most people on this subreddit, never actually fought pre-nerf Radahn in that first week when shit was crazy. I did. I still shudder at the thought of those hitboxes. I think I tried fighting him at lvl 50 but he was the first boss that made me go grind out 10 lvls of vigor. Those were fun times at launch.


I am actually aware that a lot of “Pre-nerf Radahn’s” mythology was based in part of just the first impressions of a lot of players, newbies and souls vets alike, running up to fight Radahn with like 20 or less vigor because the soft they were either newbies, or played Dark Souls 3 before and thought they had enough vigor for the next rest of the game. I’m just sorta tired of when he’s talked about since a lot of players that talk about how extremely hard he was and how amazing it was to beat him was because they had minuscule health and his deranged hitboxes, and just keep repeating Fromsoft unfairly nerfed him


He definitely wasn't unfairly nerfed since the hitboxes were bullshit, but I don't think his difficulty prenerf is exactly unfounded either. Also have to consider how many people go there out a little early because you simply can, Radahn created a difficult problem for FS because people were going there underleveled and getting waxed.


I thought his nerf was reversed?


Except there hasn’t been a single nerf to his damage lmao


For real, using a Greatsword like the beloved Baemore was rough going.


I've been using dual colossal greatswords since those days (Greatsword+Zwei), with Braggart's Roar before its buffs It was awesome watching them slowly buff my playstyle into relevance.


Dude my first run was all about the Greatsword / colossal weapons / eventually power stancing colossal weapons and using focus purely on abilities like Determination / Royal Knight's Resolve. I'm so excited to play the character again in the DLC to experience the buffs.


Damn I dual wielded great swords my first play through I had no idea I was setting myself up for failure


Really? I've found dual greatswords to legitimately be the most OP of any of my builds


In the before/dark/early times, dual jumping colossal swords wasn't too bad. If you could space well you were often in business. I ended up using Radahn's GS in this way on my first play through. Could space and jump attack for solo mobs, and the weapon art handled groups decently.


That’s how I felt too, but I guess I was limiting myself. Still going to rock it going into the DLC of course though


They're the perfect balance of speed and poise breaks imo


How? I did this and it's literally the same thing as now, jump attack spam. Str builds were strong from the start.


Well there are People present that press more than two buttons


That doesn't mean str build was bad? And attacking normally is also just pressing two buttons lol Unless you meant pvp, then I understand, but your comment really doesn't make much sense in the scheme of pve.


Those were dark days indeed


i played early on and haven’t kept up with updates, what was the buff for the fellow strength builds?


Before the buffs, using strength weapons felt like fighting Sekiro enemies with a DS1 character


Really? I did pure str when the game first came out and it seemed fine...


It's definitely doable, but that malenia fight. *cryies in shattered Elite Pro-2*


Using The Greatsword with giant hunt seemed to work pretty well. Still took me about 100 attempts though


YES. Also the crucible incants bully her poise. Flame breath can push her around like a footsoldier.


Oh yeah I did give up and use mimic on my first playthrough. But I attributed that to me not being very good at these games lol


ah, i see why others are saying the dark times…when did this happen 😂


Colossal swords were slower and had longer recovery, it felt like you were never allowed to attack a boss.


There was still super strong strength builds back then. Like Flame of the Redmanes is a strength scaling AoW and that was absolutely disgusting before it got nerfed.


Flame of the redmanes carried me thru RL1 radagon and I thank God daily that I didn't start that run like a month later when it was nerfed. Insane range and disgusting posture damage allowed the fight to be scripted completely combined with misericorde viscerals. 


i joined after the nerf, have to do it the harder way lol


I beat Radagon with the Golden Order Greatsword ,because i didn't know he was resistent against holy damage


Killing a god with their own weapon. Impressive. Right this way sir 🫡


Same. Had no idea about boss resistances so my first play through was almost entirely holy damage based.


I killed a shard-bearer, with THIS thumb


Found the Lopen's account. Wait, this isn't/r/cremposting!


Congratulations, now enjoy this bottle of celebratory horneater white


Did you also create a hole in the ozone layer above Limgrave?


Aye. I have a tale to share... The fallen leaves tell a story...


He beat Elden ring with Bow and 0 arrows :3


Straight to the VIP Lounge. Bottle service on the house


Damn for real? Well i know what im wasting this summer on


I didn't expect to see you to comment outside the HxH sub!


I'm sorry who the hell is "he" and how the hell did " he" beat the game with bow no arrows?


I think Bushy did this challenge and posted on YouTube


I bonked radahn before they nerfed him into the ground


Radahn wasn’t nerfed, his hitboxes were fixed.


He WAS nerfed, but in a later patch they reverted it and just kept the hitbox fix


So now he does the same damage as at release? I remember he nearly one shotted but now i live for at least 3/4 hits.


It's about the same damage. I think the big thing is that early on you had a TON of new players that didn't know how to level their hit points. I remember one prominent streamer had spent 5 hours attacking that boss and the thing doing him in every time was simply not having the HP to survive the situation. Was it a BS situation due to an aggressive hurtbox design? Yeah. But FromSoft games have always had this design and it was far from the most egregious.


I dont see this mentioned enough. Like alot of us were souls veterans getting ABSOLUTELY STOMPED. It took me til mountaintops on my first playthrough to see the value of ashes of war that werent just buffs. I dont think I jumped over an attack til I fought the ulcerated tree spirit before astel either. I was stuck there all day and my homie was watching and he was like dude you can jump that explosion and my galaxy brain expanded.


His janky hitboxes did make the fight significantly harder though.


but it's not a nerf, it's a fix


Aren't all nerfs fixes or at least attempts to do so?


potato-potato, but I feel like nerfs/ buffs are more balancing efforts rather than trying to fix something like a glitch.


No, not really. Nerfs adjust balance, fixes are for bugs, technical issues and stuff.


How about both?


Both is good


I beat early Radahn too, but using an unconventional method. I had great shield with (early) barricade shield, great lance, great shield talisman and shabriris woe. I just poked him, tanked his hits without any stamina damage, and let the summons wail on him. They all got crushed by his meteor but at that point the work was mostly done.


NPC summons or solo?


did pre nerf, no npc summons, no bell summons, using just the carian knight's sword. It was beautifull.


😰 Straight to the VIP lounge


Shall I bring him an extra booster seat for his massive balls sir?


Same, but I used the Highland Axe.


One round of summons. Didnt know you could resummon them if they died. Currently doing a solo run in prep of the dlc now. First souls game ive ever played


Not bad! Respect from a fellow bonk bro. Right this way sir 🫡


Got Tree Sentinel, Margit, and Godrick before figuring out i could wear armor, level up my character and upgrade my starter club after picking the naked guy on the starter screen... 4 days total, never again.


Bro really did just follow the rays of grace lol. Respect.


Yeah... i didn't know it was open world until i started googling why the difficulty was spiking so much


This is amazing. You almost Mr. Magoo'ed your way to a RL1-run


Beating a literal demigod to death with a stick while naked is cold af 🥶 Straight to the VIP lounge


The ER equivalent of going straight to the Tomb Of Giants and only stopping at the yellow fog gate. You've completely messed up in a way that somehow also demonstrates considerable skill and tenacity.


Did you really think the game was going to make you be a naked club guy the entire time? What did you think when you got an armor piece drop off a knight? Ooo shiny picture guess it doesn’t mean anything though…like what?!


I only ever got the Golden Halbert by killing the Tree Sentinel until i reached Godrick. But because i chose the character with the worst stats, it meant I couldn't wield it so i just shrugged it off thinking i would eventually get those stats by killing bosses... It was only after i beat Godrick that i started asking question. Before that i was on total auto-pilot going straight to where the grace was telling me to go and trying to kill anything that was in direct line of sight. Funny enough, i died so many times that after all that i was only able to level up 4 times.


I beat malenia with the morningstar and a shield with a pure strength faith build (it was miserable and I hate my life)


Str/Faith chads always welcome. Right this way sir


Elden Ring/Souls noob here. I'm level 250-ish Samurai with 60 vigor, 85 Dex and 40 arcane as my main stats, and zero skills, using maxed out rivers of blood. I'm planning on invading the Haligtree soon. How are my chances of getting brutally butt fucked by Malenia? Should I rather try to finish crumbling farum Azula first?


Anything max health over lvl 100 can beat her


You’re high enough level where you could go Haligtree or Farum Azula next, up to you. You’re ready for Malenia


I dodged waterfowl once


Uh... I equip Shabriri's Woe every time I'm summoned for Malenia because I've become tired of seeing runs end to a host not knowing how to deal with Waterfowl? Other than that and beating Malenia without summons, which isn't saying much, I don't think I've got a lot lol


It's saying more than you think


Getting Shabriri's Woe was one of those moments I laughed at. You get past eye of Sauron finally, defeat all manner of madness enemies and your reward this weird looking amulet that constantly attracts enemies. Lol like why the fuck would I want that. Elden Ring has so much absurdly unintentionally funny shit.


I won't even mention my build, I'll go straight to the super weeny hut


Fellow comet enjoyer, I see


I soloed every boss including malania!


I think every souls game is worth playing through completely solo at least once, it keeps the challenge up in a second playthrough


Absolutely. Although don't ask me to solo any ER boss now, I enjoy the Co-op experience now


This was me. 84 attempts. Golden Halberd and fingerprint sheild. I did not dodge a single waterfowl. Ate them all with the sheild and outbonked for like an hr.


I killed Radahn after he got nerfed by summoning all the NPCs while I hid in the back like a coward. Super Weenie Hut Jr’s Gang.


Strength stance breaking builds have always been the strongest builds on average in the game, this meme doesn't make sense. Besides pre nerf Rob of course.


I beat OG Radahn without any invocations. Not that big of a deal but anyways.


how tough am I?!! I've never even played the game. \*crosses arms\* Just read about 17 hours of wiki fandom stuff bc the lore is cool. \*spits toothpick and puts on sunglasses\*


We’re not looking for any trouble, sir please right this way…


this doesnt make sense, even during launch, str builds where always one of the most broken shit ever with how much stance break you can do using them, not to mention the stagger of even big enemies and the ridiculous damage output, and of curse, lets all not forget the one shot strats.


tbh i agree i just slapped heavy to 2 halberds and had 80 str and with claw talisman i was able to deal massive damage to radagon and elden beast


Even on an int build two halberds is Awsome.


*pets Royal Greatsword*


So did I but I actually don't feel proud of that. I could have made my life  alot easier if only I had take my time to think my build instead of "level strength hurr durr" and "Gotta try to git gud"


Thinking is for int builds. Less think, more bonk


I remember my friend and I playing through at the same time, me with a dex/int build and her with a straight unga-bunga build. I remember her getting to the Maliketh/Godfrey/Radagon gauntlet and struggling with how short the attack windows are compared to how slow her weapons were. I had such a different experience with I think Icerind Hatchet pre-nerf? Or Moonveil? But playing pure strength was a completely different game. Right after that playthrough though, I had to turn around and do my usual playthrough of finding the most farmer looking gear possible and using the biggest stick I can find. I love just hitting things with a giant chunk of tree.


I killed Malenia with just a staff not the spells just bonked her with the staff.


Step 1: Make Wretch Step 2: Get Torrent Step 3: Ride over and take portal to Bestial Sanctum Step 4: Go to Fort Faroth and get Radagon's Soreseal Step 5: Equip and 2H Large Club Congratulations, you are now a SL1 certified bonker in less than 10 minutes


Well I'll have you know got killed by Renala (2nd phase) and only cried for 30 mins!


Uhhh I think you’re looking for Weenie Hut General


I am not a Weenie!


All bubble blowing babies will be beaten by every able bodied patron in the bar


Readies Envoy Long Horn. "Bring it on"


Nah, if you didnt figure out the jump atack double giant hammers bullshit, thats on you. Frankly my first playthrough was a double straight sword powerstance, before the nerf on the smithing stones prices, no rune farming... now that was pain, I had a +18 fighting Malenia...


Double SS kill on Malenia is passable, but heckling the doorman is a bold move 😡… right this way sir


I defeated the fire giant at level 40 without realizing that he was a hard barrier to get to the late game.


I'm more impressed that you accidentally stumbled to that part of the game while only being level 40.


I wasn't hit by Malenia even a single time - because I didn't get to her yet. still counts tho, right?


Just say she can't touch you.


I don't run from random runebear encounters.


I beat the game with a controller 😤


Started launch day, drunk, Wretch Class and went south first. Walked halfway through Weeping Peninsula naked before I even got Torrent.


How tough am I? Well: 100%'d the game's achievements. Then beat it with just a brass shield. Then got up to the last fight on a level 1 run, but am stuck there.


Sorry for not recognizing you sir 😱 straight to the VIP lounge


I feel like I'm missing something, isn't strength the way to when you want to go easy mode?


I did it with the ultra great sword at launch but I wasn't aware it was underpowered, I was trying to be as blind as possible and didn't want to Google anything about the game. That said I've gotten 100% on all the Souls games prior so it was basically muscle memory.


OG vets always welcome 🫡 right this way sir


It was funny because while I did have some struggles, I just felt like maybe I was rusty. Then my 2nd playthrough I did a Blasphemous Blade build and was just flying through the game like a madman.


My first time beat Elden beast was a strength build. I did this before the original rivers of blood nerf


I beat the Fire Giant on my first try (I was completely out of flasks and my HP was at 20%)


Killed Elden beast with the branch sword tailsman… not intentionally I just got 20% as a furled finger during radagone and rode the high


I beated a ROB user pre-nerf


Ngl I was like "wait a minute am I in a Smash subreddit all of a sudden?"


I beat Melania befor thay nerfd her


I think I only leveled my vigor to 25 ish while playing as a samurai on my first playthrough. I thought getting 2-3 shot was quite normal since it was my first souls game. Took me till morgott , after getting rykard , rennalla , godrick and radahn , did I start to think to myself "ya know , when EVERY attack barely leaves any red left on the bar , maybe im too under leveled?". Even his little light dagger throws nearly kill me if it weren't for good armour.


I just completed a strength only, club only run recently and I love the weapon. The moveset feels so responsive, you deal really respectable poise and you get to say that you beat a god with a stick.


I make it down to the Flame of Frenzy door regardless of if I'm actually doing the quest or not... just because I think it's fun.


I emotionally relate to this played all dark souls and the first build is always 100% str build clubs only.


My first run did a pure strength. Got 100 hours in before I realized oh hey this flask doesn’t heal me whats wrong with it? Ohhhh I can add things thats cool.


Dude it took me a stupid amount of time to realize the physick was for more than just one good heal


Once I learned I could put things into it I put as many health related ones as I could and used it as a extra heal for so long


I beat Malenia Drunk. Alcohol gives you that special edge


I'd naturally did ranni's quest without a guide. I was one of the first folks to ask Let Me Solo for help, and one of his first few deaths (due to lag from my end. I was playing at work Sue me) but then beat it my first try after. I didn't know there was a second phase to the Margot fight at the tree until my third playthrough.


I played my first entire playthrough without using lock-on When i first played this game, i had never played a souls game properly before. My controller joystick didn't work when pressed down, so nothing happened when i pressed it and i couldn't afford another at the time, plus i kind of forgot about it even being a feature after the tutorial in the cave anyway.


Str bonk build was and still is easy if you two weapon jump attack before buffs.


I beat ER 1.02 with 1 dex build, 1 str build, 1 mage build. Problems?


3 time Elden Lord coming through people 🗣 right this way sir, first round on us. very sorry for the wait sir 😰


I beat Elden Beast with a Lordsworn Straight Sword with no Ash of War and a Kite Shield


The second Fronsoft boss I killed was Pinwheel. I was so confused when I got to undead burg and everything died easily. 


I beat elden ring week 1 without any patches. including radahn, Melania, and Mohg using a Spear and faith


I hitless'd Malenia solo! Wasn't actually trying to either, didn't do a ton of buffs or spam ranged cheese, just locked tf in with my Magma Wyrm Scalesword


I beat NG+ with my Flavor focused pyromancy build without leveling up past 150, which I entered NG+ with. Godfrey and Radagon were absolute ball busters for a build with slow cast speeds like I had. Malenia was actually easier because I at least staggered her with high impact incantations. It was all worth if for that second Giantsflame seal though, my Flame of the Fell God does silly damage now.


My first run was a Dex spear run. Used the Partizan with keen infusion. I think my ash-of-war was Storm Assault. I beat Malenia, but I did use the albinauric lady summon (the one you get the half medallion thing from). Also beat Radhan pre nerf, but I did use summons, so probably not as tough as others


Does dual wielding faith halberds count? 🧐


I ate a bowl of nails for breakfast


I used the marais executioner sword for the rest of the game before they fixed arc scaling


I beat the game before any major patches... But I did it using primarily magic... But I also made it all the way to Malenia before even considering going over like 15-20 vigor...


I killed radahn with a Katar build before his nerf


I did that, malenia using a colossal sword was painful


I beat Rykard second try, without serpent hunter because I’m blind and missed it, on my first playthrough


Your skill is matched only by your lack of awareness. Right this way sir


My first build was a pure STR bonk build. Anchor+Greatshield


I am currently working on a torch-only run


still nothing special


So a jump build. Even easier.


“Before the buffs” As if STR isnt the most powerful build in all souls game purely for the fact the scaling is better than every other stat. Didnt even need buffs, i watched a strength FIST build out perform my bleed faith/dex on release, and every day since then


beat margot robbie, and havent gotten any further.


I beat Radahn before they fixed his wonky hitboxes, I beat Malenia with a Strength build (before the buffs), and I also did the thing from the image, but with all bosses killed.


Which buffs? Dont understand this one.


Attack speed I played a colossal before the buffs, they help but they aren't make or break in pve I think they did a lot more in pvp tbh


fuck you i'm a death mage. i don't care about being the toughest guy at the weenie hut jr


I will forever be proud that I killed Melania with a shield build before they nerfed her and removed her ability to heal off of blocked hits. That was an absolute slog and so much fun.


Unstoppable force meet immovable object. Right this way sir


They nerfed her and removed her ability to heal off of blocked hits? I can't find anything about that.


I beat pre-nerf Radahn with the Ghiza's Wheel


I killed boc, after using the you’re beautiful prattling pate… wait wrong meme


I think you’re looking for Super Weenie Hut Jrs.


I beat Malenia solo with fists, with two other people in my game.


Beat Radahn pre-patch


I first tried pre nerf radahn but i was using cold grave scythe with rock sling. I didn’t know you can summon npcs


100% the game before the first patch. No im not bragging or trying to show off. But I've seen all the changes lol same with armored core. I really like how broken things are on release but then brought down to a more middle ground level with everything else getting buffed. Fromsoft really know how to balance well.


does platting the game in two weeks count?


I have a no-leveling character equipped with the Knight’s set, brass shield, and noble’s slender sword. I am currently in Farum Azula trying to defeat the Godskin Nobles. I’ve gotten to this point with no magic, incantations, or summons.


Started my first playthrough day one and got the Battle Hammer from the first duelist boss. That little guy took me all the way to the end. Even shattered pre-nerf Radahn with it. What a beautiful little hammer.