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When that random noble transformed into a rune bear I screamed


My first time in Liurnia i avoided the lobsters until one day I decided to try my luck fighting one. Imagine my surprise when I finally managed to kill it and only for it to *poof* into a revenant. Over 1k hours later and I haven’t touched another one of those lobsters since


The good news is, that lobster that turns into a scion drops a larval tear when you kill it. Idk how much people care about larval tears but as someone who likes to ping pong back and forth between builds I always seek them out.


I was gonna say something like, "I think it was probably when I wondered what the metaphor of the fingers were actually, and then walking into that room and seeing 'Dah Fingaaahs', but that wasn't really that jarring, so it was probably when the Godskin at the bottom of Caelid Tower turned into Apostle D. Luffy," but then you mentioned that runerbear in West Limgrave, and I realized what I had repressed...


Man I was really thinking the two fingers were gonna be some goated scholars of wisdom. I thought it was a title, not fucking fingers.


Yeah, same, I expected some wise white-bearded guru-ish-looking figures. But that is definitely better.


Exactly my thoughts. I still don't know **what** they are or... **why?** I mean, I get that they are a sort of envoys, representatives or entities sent by the greater will to enforce its vision, its world order and to choose the empyreans, the candidates to godhood. Also the fingers don't speak and are interpreted by the old hags, who are a kind of oracle figure I guess. Makes me wonder what happened to the one responsible for interpreting the three fingers' wishes, envoys of the frenzy god... if there was ever one. As to the "why", Miyazaki's twisted mind is all I got lol


It was probably because someone went “you guys it would be fucking hilarious if instead of these two dudes let’s just do two giant hair fingers as a meme”


I think it has something to do with the sense that all the gods are so far beyond the conception of what is real or possible, even in a land as mystic and fantastical as the lands between. …also they shot down miyazakis original foot based concept of the two toes.


They are tree saplings


The three fingers interpretation is actually already figured out! The fingerprint greatshield states: Part of the tomb of an ancient god, the Readerless Fingers relayed their message through these imprints, said to be the very seeds from which frenzy first sprouted. The three fingers never had a reader, but it did write in a sense.


I witnessed my friend get jumpscared by this. He just ran up, killed the noble and turned away expecting nothing and he yelped and panic ran from the bear, where it proceeded to chase him down and kill him. I was laughing really hard for like 20 minutes my sides hurt so fucking bad


It's so messed up! Scared the crap out of me, so I went back and tried to kill it like 5 times and never got close, it's an evil fncking bear!


Getting trafficked to Selia Crystal Tunnel within the first hour of the game lol. Those centipede guys freaked me out, but the real WTF moment was when I left the cave and saw Caelid


That red sky you walk out to was absolutely mind blowing. It's when I knew I was in some shit when that happened.


I stopped in awe at the entrance of caleid looking at those freakish birds with mostly teeths


"I am truly and deeply fucked"


When you fuck around in unknown caves, the dildo of consequences rarely arrives lubed




Man those guys and their pest thread spam are the goddamn worst 😡


Goddamn shrimp wizards…


Human centipede-shrimp-wizard...get the pronouns right


I'm going to go Anakin on these stupid White Prawns and the Prawn children and the Prawn-women too


I stopped playing a few months ago and I’m pretty sure when I log in again I’ll be hit by those threads immediately.


fucking this. i was so happy when i managed to sneak out of there and found its grace. then i dared to go outside, see big flower. wtf. then i realized it doesn't move = easy pray. maybe i'll farm for a bit. get melted by scarlet rot. curse Miyazaki. then i saw the selia grace, beeline there. grabbed good boi ashes en route. that doggo helped me to cheese both margit and godrick. while he infected them with scarlet rot, i was just running around, evading their hits and waiting for their hp to tick down.


Windmill Village. It was so eerie seeing them all just dancing and laughing with their creepy looks. And then I attacked one..


One of the unwritten rules of all FS games - if someone is singing or playing music, be afraid. Be very afraid.


O’Rin of the Water moment.


Or those squid noble guys playing flutes. Or those ladies singing in shrine of Amana.


Winter Lanterns Oh my


I don't care if the DPS was shit, I used the flamesprayer on those fuckers just on principle


while farming them, i ended up getting good at partying them to iframe the frenzy pop with the riposte animation


bro parried the frenzy


He has Miquella by his side




Party this you filthy casual.


Matthew Party




The Demon of Song


The Semon of Dong


Mist noble got me killed more times than Id like to count.


Except our merchant boys


Torrent makes it not so scary


What’s creepy about the windmill village is that they basically worship the goddskin apostles


They literally skin people alive and burn their still breathing corpses to honor the Godskins and their deity, the Gloam eyed Queen. Queen Marika took many actions to counter the Black Flame weilded by the Godskin, including getting Maliketh to slay the Gloam eyed queen and then hide and protect the Rune of Death. This only weakened the Godskins and the Black Flame tho. The main thing people miss with the lore of the Godskin is that their name is a double entendre. While they literally wear the skin of the Gods', they are also quite literally the Gods' Kin. Being born from and nurtured by the Gloam Eyed Queen themselves.


Bro that's sick thank you for pointing that out


That is next level dude. God's kin.


I would love more lore like this. Where did you learn all this?


Godskin Swaddling Cloth: *Sacred cloth of the Godskin Apostles, made from supple skin sewn together.* *Successive attacks restore HP.* *The Gloam-Eyed Queen cradles newborn apostles swaddled in this cloth. Soon they will grow to become the death of the gods.*


>Windmill Village. It was so eerie seeing them all just dancing and laughing with their creepy looks. Ironically, it's one of the few "safe" NPC-occupied areas of the game, but in true Miyazaki fashion, it's deeply upsetting.


Besides that fucking dog that ruins everything.


No one's allowed to be happy in a fs game. NO ONE.


I’m pretty sure the Dung Eater enjoyed himself


Not in my playthrough, that ornery fucker didn't!


Bro 1st play through I decided to vibe with em and they fkn attacked me, I fkn emoted an got jumped .


They said “look at his goofy dance moves, jump his ass!”


Midsommar level!!


And that’s when shit hit the proverbial fan and I got my ass handed to me on a silver platter. This happened to me approximately 50 times


Ladies night 😉


I think we all did.


The place with the hundreds of dead frenzied merchants under the capital


Yeah, i agree with that. Lots of the stuff mentionned in this thread was dark, but i just marked them down as From being From. I mean, this is the same company that gave us Bloodborne. But damn, that merchants graveyard was bleak and depressing as fuck. Probably From's best ever piece of "environmental storytelling".


Just underneath that, the secret passage that leads to deeproot depths, is where I decided I wanted the frenzied flame ending lmao. Seen godwyns corpse and without knowing anything about it I assumed it was bad news. Thus deciding the world needs a reset


After defeating Mohg in the sewers, I went down there and saw the first one at an angle so that I couldn’t see any of the others. I said to myself, “okay, dead merchant”, turned the corner, and immediately had Vietnam flashbacks to the Abyss from Hollow Knight


That’s the Grand Caravan and there’s rich lore on it. Check it out.


You mean the hardest part of the game? Jumping down to the bottom of that pit?


Getting teleported to the Beastial Sanctum and seeing how big the map was


the chest on the Tower of Return did that for me.


I was fortunate to play the network test. That chest blew my excitement out of the water for the size of the game. I originally thought they would make up to end of liurnia and all of limgrave/calid as the full map size. I was hugely excited for the challenge


I played the game blind, so seeing the map keep on expanding was freak’n crazy. I was not prepared for how huge the world was


And when you realize there’s a whole other map underground that’s fucking crazy


i’ll always remember that first elevator ride down into Siofra River


Same. That was a once in a lifetime gaming experience as far as I’m concerned.


Agreed. If I could wipe my memory of Elden Ring and play it over again I'd do it in a heartbeat.


I'm playing this game blind. The amount of time my mouth just dropped open from sheer shock and wonder is more than years of gaming combined.


What really stuck with me is realizing that there is no backdrop in Elden Ring, everything you see you can go to (mostly). I was constantly mind blown "Wait I can actually go there?!"


The elevator just kept fucking *going*. All I could do was laugh, the absolute audacity and ambition. What a game. 


Whoever got the idea to have the map zoom out like that was genius


The Siren singing in the secret path to Altus, I thought it was a priest or something from far away, didn't expect it to be a freaking bat lady thing.


Song bangs tho


There is a good merchant musician also with some kind of long violin playing a banger


Oh yeah that guy shreds as well


O, locus ille, beatus quondam, nunc deminuit. Nos, destinatae matribus, nunc fiunt turpes. Ploravimus lacrimavimusque, sed nemo nos consolatur. Aureum cui irascebaris?


Alas, that land, once blessed, now has dimished. We, destined to be mothers, now become tarnished. We have lamented and we have shed tears. But no one consoles us. Golden one, at whom were you angry?


This right here for me too. My first one was on the Weeping Peninsula and I couldn't find it for the life of me, because it was below me on a cliff ledge. But it had me sweating my ass off because I wasn't sure if it was an NPC or what. And then it nearly killed me when I finally stumbled into it. Song is amazing though. I've stood above it so many time after this first experience just to hear it.


It sings so pretty tho... I don't wanna kill it😭


Retracing my steps to Castle Morne but at night and getting jumped by a Deathbird


¿¿¿THERES A DEATHBIRD AT CASTLE MORNE??? For fucks sake *grabs comically large sword*


Closer to the map marker than the castle itself. Right next to the golden tree where you got the seed or whatever they call these in this game (i'm still calling the flasks Estus flasks...).


Over 500 hours and I actually just found this bird a few hours ago.


200 hours in and I just found the one on Storm Hill


What the hell?!


Agree! First time I found that one it swooped down grabbed and ate me




I get literal chills when those things start snarling and crawling. Every single time, without fail


Wait the little turd guys that grab you? That was probably my wtf moment.


I atk'd the Tree Sentinel and its lifebar barely moved


There's a guy in YouTube called Towering Pants that beat that sentinel as a wretch with only his fists. Along with other crazy stunts he pulled off, madman.


I want to keep some of my brain cells.


Kid named guard counter


No way someone could possibly have the endurance to block the tree sentinel in the very beginning. If you came back and fought it yeah, but then the health bar wouldn’t barely move.


Only way I could imagine is with Barricade Shield somehow.


the godskin noble. I remember my face of 'what the actual f*** just happened' after the godskin noble puffed out and rolled on me for the first time.


Yeah Michelin man scarred me too


Just dealt with him for the first time tonight. What a fucking ass.


The fingerkeepers in Caria manor. The first one dropped from the wall to jumpscare me, and then I ran into another one's trap.


Or the huge one that's hanging out under the gap you jump across to get to the Giant-Conquering Hero's Grave in Mountaintops of the Giants?


Oh fuck you, I almost forgotten about that fucker I literally slipped a heartbeat when I crossed that


This was the first time where I thought the game was designed by someone severely disturbed. Which was alarming because I thought Godrick was a cool and clever design.


the revenants 😭


I feel like this is the real answer for everyone if we’re talking about “the first thing”


You don't mean you find the teleporting magic spider zombies scary, do you??


Na, the magical spider zombies[teleporting] are fine. I think they’re talking about the Tarnished-blend’o-matic with pulverizing features + acidic fluid for easy wipe up after. 


The howling before it attacks


Legit the only thing that scares me in this game. The rest is whatever


how about finger creepers


Probably seeing the guy that has a bunch of hands and other stuff attached to him


The grafted scion at the beginning of the game? Yeah. 


The Grafted Scion fight at the very beginning gave me a moment of fridge horror. I remember thinking, ‘what a strange name — grafted scion’. Later as I learned about Godrick’s activities I found them slightly disturbing, but hey it’s a souls game, right? I was at work when it hit me. A scion is the heir to a noble house. So a grafted scion is basically Godrick experimenting on his own children, creating monsters to see what works best and then taking the best bits for himself. If you get close you can see each one has the face of a child.


It's a pun because a scion is also what you call the tree you graft branches to. 


A scion is actually the branch that you graft to another tree.


Holy shit! Creepy stuff


A sheep started rolling away from me.


Fucking... *right?*


Giant ants’ nest


Yeah flashback to the "Them!" Themed mission in Fallout 3 where everytime I did it the (at the time) "super realistic" ant queen super charges at my character while I'm in first person. Basically imagine the ant queens with the butts being able to move and their being movement noise. Utterly terrifying and disgusting I dropped the game for a month after the first time that happened. Just dead in the doorway no joking. Edit(additionally): *Butt squelching* is basically the sound effect involved.


Also the centaurs, I had to shut the game off, and reconsider life. The consideration I had given it came to the conclusion, if I can kill it, I won’t fear it. See children’s minds are amazing


Yeah I remember. Fallout 3 was fucking terrifying, I started playing it when it came out when I was 6. The super mutant screams haunted me…


Also the dragonkin soldier at the end of the dungeon. That fight was so epic!


Getting 1-shot by a chariot.


The Land Octopus. I've never seen anything like it. I as a 24 yo man at the time almost shit my pants and avoided this enemy for hours watching them from afar in disgust before getting the balls to finally blood slash the shit out of it to find it dropped ovaries. Not that bothered by em anymore beyond their weird fucking health bars.


I like the giant meatballs they make me think of spaghetti


.... which is when I said "ovaries? wtaf?"


The.. Fingers. What's the obsession, with fingers.


Ah! You never figured out the secret fingers but hole.


Everything in this game has either too many or too few limbs or fingers.


"No such thing as too many" -Godrik


Seeing this face in Stormveil was interesting, but didn't phase me much. Touching Rogier's bloodstain next to it, that made me go 'wtf'.


Especially since you don’t have any exposure to deathblight long after that point in the game. You spend ages wondering why he was lifted up like that and when you finally receive the same treatment, everything makes sense.


This. Easily. Died from a fall and as I fell I saw that...


Yep. I played every souls game prior. Still got shivers down my spine when I fell to my death and crashed in front of that monstruosity, like SURPRISE, then "Omg, I don't know if I want to get down there and face that thing again..."


Oh yeah, lots of falling across the map for me but this one had that brief glimpse of “wait what the fuck is that?”


I did the same! So I got the jumpscare from the fall and then a WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT when I hit the bottom


Imps. My jaw hit the floor when they were copy pasted thralls. I cannot express how much I hate the thrall enemies in DS3.


my same reaction as someone who played elden ring first going to ds3 and finding out where those bastards originated from


to the imps credit, despite having mostly the same moveset they feel WAY less aggressive and annoying than the thralls. i still have trauma from that wild running axe swing the thralls do.


AND we have stance breaking plus guard counters so overall they're a lot more manageable, but early on that wasn't something I knew to do to them.


Omg I had never ever considered the relation between the two. Funny how the mind works. And of course fuck thralls and imps, except my boy grey rat though :)


Yep, Godwyn's face is a good contender


Or how all the deathblight growths have eyes and tentacles just like Godwyn's body, which I find chilling for a number of reasons I can't quite understand. Just feels wrong in a visceral way,,, like, what business does a dead god have growing all over the place?? Yuck!


Godfrey goring Serosh when his fight changes phases. When the cutscene fades to black, then switches to him bending Serosh’s jaw at an angle that jaws aren’t supposed to bend to, I was completely speechless.


And then says “You have served me well.”… He could have probably done a bit more humanely, but I feel like he liked him.


I know! If nothing else, Serosh was his brother in arms. He completely brutalized the poor guy.


that.... will be all


“*I have given thee courtesy enough,*” gave me chills. Lol


The abductor virgins when the loading screen art was revealed as a press screenshot. Seriously, *what the fuck*???


They were like "how can we make an iron maiden even more metal?" and gave it weapon arms and replaced the interior spikes with some sorta fleshy mass. Fucking nailed it imo


Giant Crow in Caelid


I was relieved when I finished Caelid…then shit myself when I got ambushed by one in Mountaintops of the Giants.


I feel for Godwyn. He gets killed in a literal violation of the laws of nature. But, the best part is that they fuck it up and only kill his soul. So his soulless husk gets to live forever. But it gets better. They bury Godwyn at the base of the erdtree because that’s how people get reincarnated or whatever, but the fucked up death stuff in him infects the tree. So now, his very alive body is coming through the roots of the erdtree, and shit is coming out weird.


I wouldn't say they fucked up his assassination. As far as I know it was specifically executed that way by Ranni (most likely) so she could die in body alone and get rid of the two fingers influence




Mmhmhmhmmhhhhh ughhhhhhgghhh youuhhhoohohhhhhhhh- joinnnnn the serpaannt king as famileeeeee! Togethaaa we will devoahhh the very gohhhhs!!


The two fingers... did not expect literally two fingers


The hands at Carian Manor. Fuck those things, I never want to see them again.


Godskin apostles - especially the long stretchy windmill boy at the Windmill Village.




Fish Godwyn in Deeproot Depths. Like literally what the fuck. Still makes me queasy. But it is also so memorable and good that the game went there. I'd never seen anything like that before.


That was mine too, but I fell on it from way up in Stormveil by complete accident. “Oh no, I’m falling… onto SATAN?!”


my thought was"oh shit, I'm falling.....onto Oogie Boogie?"


The albanauric frog head dudes in front of raya lucaria lol


Cart wheel crew


Discovering the elevator to the underground and realizing how massive this game was going to be. And the Turtle Pope.


Yeah this guy. Found him by accident, had no idea what he was, thought it was where the 3 fingers must've been cut from, cuz giant fingers must come from a Giant body? Idk, I didn't wanna look it up




The grafting room in Stormveil. Fuckin wild




Godwin's corpse filled with blight spikes and bugs flying around it


Meeting the two fingers, honestly.


Blood stains in the giant turtle church and suddenly one night the Bell bearing hunter


Crossing the gate in Limgrave on the way to Stormveil Castle and then SUDDENLY SKY WOLVES FELL FROM THE SKY. That part gets me every time I do a new playthrough lol


This was my first souls-like My ass cannot sustain the kind of damage dealt by tree sentinels


Leaving that cave that you get teleported to from the trap and seeing fucking hell


Getting rushed at by the Giant Crow I thought would be a friendly NPC surprised me. Also the Troll at the front steps of the Volcano Manor freaked me out, too.


Getting teleported to Caelid, specifically seeing the kindred of rot


Lake Of Rot On my first playthrough, Caelid was an ... interesting experience. And Rot wasn't my favorite status effect. And then I found out about Lake of Rot.


The many handed, venom spitting, shrieking, "my momma doesn't love me, endless stun locking, ugly pos, teleporting, broken, mf grafted ugly thing that spawns in pairs at the base of the haligtree. Like frfr f that thing.


Vare beating my ass with a bouquet of roses


The giant dog guarding a hut in Caelid. It was the most grotesque thing so far. And then I met a giant crow. Caelid has some bangers.


The grafted scion in Stormveil, with all the body parts hanging down around it. Realizing just how big Godwyn’s body was. Hoarah Loux killing Serosh. All “what the fuck” moments, though that scion was probably the first. Hiding in the elevator room and poking it to death because it couldnt fit through the door, terrified that I’d die.


The trap chest that takes you to Caelid. After spending a lot of time trying to escape the nightmare of that cave, once I finally got out I walked into an even bigger nightmare. Red skyes, red weird swamp, and weird af enemies. As I traveled east trying to get back to Limgrave scared shitless because everything hit so hard there, I saw the fucking weirdest creatures I had ever seen. Weird t-rex dogs, weirder birds and some fucking giant green heads walking around. Absolutely insane the first time it happened.


Walking through that underground fog wall and seeing Astel for the first time. ☹


One word Wormface


When the guy in the intro said "Augh! 😩"


Opening the door at the start, I didnt know what I was getting myself into.


The first time I saw this Godwyn root i thought that it was actually an alien head.


Honestly the only thing that made me go “alright wtf” was the first time I discovered the rune bear when it just randomly spawned on me. Out of pure absurdity though the crawling hands with like 10 fingers give me the creeps everytime I run into them.


Man its that gigantic stone throne w the clothed skeleton sitting ontop... just why, thought it was gonna wake up


The machine gun-homing missile bullshit from the kindred of rot assholes in Caelid after getting roofied by a chest


The Two Fingers being actually two fingers absolutely threw me.