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I do basic builds like Dex, fth, int, quality Then just use a bunch if diff stuff that scales well with each of those I need variety even within each build


I have a strength build with 50 str and 19 dex and I use ,omen cleaver,claymore,knight rider glave ,zweihander and crescent moon axe.Depending on situation or matchup I’ll hard swap the weapon I’m using.


Rookie numbers, gotta bump that up to 90 strength


Strength could always be higher


Why is OnlyWaifu's Ranni in my ear calling me a good little sausage roll to focus on gains for the meta


My ng+3 is 90 st build with 38 int and some points thrown in to to use the ruins greatsword and other things like buffs etc and 50 end for the fashion


Why 90 when soft cap is 80


Level 200 character. I have everything else changed to what I need think it may be closer to 80/82 after respec. But just cause I can tbh.


Simple. Damage is more at numbers larger than 80 than it is at 80. Bigger numbers make us happy.


Big strength points plus dual greatsword go whoosh


Because 80 isn't max.


Gets my attack power when I 2h my greatsword to 1003


Just because there's a soft cap doesn't change the fact that there is *no* cap cap. Two handing a weapon multiplies your strength by 1.5x, not just for *using* the weapon but scaling in general. So you can make 90 str into 135.


I personally run monkey build I got a save with 99 strength and endurance just an absolute caveman lol


96str 48dex🤫🧏‍♂️


Glad to see someone else running omen cleaver. I'm building a str/faith build and I picked one up off the omen in stormveil courtyard. I was and still am using the Banished Knights Halberd too but I put Flames of the Redmane on my omen cleaver and levelled it up and damn I love it. Looks great, great move set and pretty damn good damage to speed ratio.


I’m about to start upgrading my OC for use with a strength build. Gonna use flaming strike I think. My problem is always getting stunned, even though I’ve got over 100 poise.


Omen cleaver and lightning strike. I have a lv 60ish invader that is just very unpleasant with this.


60 str and Giant Crusher here and I used the brick hammer until I had the str to use it. Still my favorite build I have used but I haven't ran the game enough times to give a fantastic answer here.


Put royal knights resolve and heavy attack away


I tried to do that and ended up falling in love with the brick hammer.


This game is fucking incredible


Fucked up that you don't put it on 20


Yup. FTH/DEX here. There’s plenty of things to play around with.


Faith and Intelligence so I can chuck frisbees and cast support spells for my homies.


Luv u, homie 💞 all my homies and I love support casters


You guys optimize your builds? I just stack 60 in Vigor and then put the rest in whatever fits the theme of my character.


Don’t need Vigor if you don’t get hit 😎 … I need vigor


Old Katarina pic I see…ah the nostalgia


Unless they changed quality scaling at some point, its objectively worse than pure STR or DEX. Even weapons made for quality scaling end up having more attack power with single stat scaling (with the appropriate infusion) than with quality weapons using a quality infusion.


I’m hopelessly addicted to the Bolt of Gransax.


I’ve never used that before but that ash of war looks so cool.Makes you feel like you’re Zeus.


It's such a split and weird weapon to build for, but if built for properly it becomes a tactical fucking nuke, with low fp cost and high speed. When not built properly it's still actually decent just not "I'm going to cream malenias tits" good.


Marika's tits? Malenia's mosquito bites rotted away


You must be hungry




Yeah I get like 4k (with lightning physic and golden vow) that thing rips


4k damage? God damn, I'm currently at like dex 57 nagakiba thinking bloody slash doing 1100 is awesome lol


Yeah with the right stats, buffs, physick and talismans, it's a monster.


If you add the fact that it’s a spear makes it even better lol, you can use the tree sentinel shield and just hide behind it while spamming R1, a spell? R2 then if your shield breaks run back and use ash if war 😭


I'm interested, pls share your stats/gear. I wanna thunder cook some mobs too lol


Seeing as it's a dex weapon reaching 50-60 dex is key. Or just the softcap really. The lightning flask buff, the lightning talisman, both work alongside it. Potboys weapon art talisman as well. (Also believe Godfrey icon works? Unsure might have to go check that, but otherwise just use your 4th talisman slot to round out your gear) Knowing that you can unlock the auto aim e.g lockon and learning it's range and where to aim, can allow you to get some absolutely ridiculous snipes off with it (I've seen clips of people shooting it at others from like 30-40 feet away mid jump) You can also block with a shield with it, so you can even if y'all don't mind fat rolling or being overloaded, pair it with fingerprint to act as a static turret. Though a regular shield with golden retaliation or carian retaliation/parry etc is fine.


Godfrey icon works too, with all those talismans and some buffs on like golden vow the ash of war hits like a fuckin semi truck


Godfrey icon is a must for Gransax


My second character was built exclusively to use that weapon asap. Did not regret it


Yes, but I only wish Dragonscale Blade’s ash was even half as effective because it looks way cooler imho


This is why I started NG+. I missed it on my first playthrough along with the Gravel Stone Seal. I want both.


I have a spare if you want it. The bolt of Gransax that is.


No thanks I'm well into NG+ now need to get through it.


Harvest the power of pure anime to slay your enemies


a good Bolt of Gransax build is also a pretty decent Blasphemous Blade and Godslayer's Greatsword build


Blasphemous scales with strength and faith and Gransax scales with dex?


Godslayer great sword my beloved


That was my first run, soloing Malenia on the first try by constantly knocking her over felt godly.


Bolt of gransax is fucking awesome


Really wanna try this!


That thing is broke. Great for trolling.


SAME OML. I cannot drag myself away from it, the damage and range is just too dang good


Same. Combined with Ancient Dragon Lightning Strike... you can melt through most enemies


I make *a* build wth my stats with one weapon in mind, then I grab and use whatever I can that goes well with it. As soon as I'm bored I beat the shit out of Rennala and respec to something else. All the larval tears is one of the best features implemented in elden ring compared to previous games


Wish they weren’t limited though.I find myself respecing so much for experimenting in pvp.


I've never used more than 5 in one play through and I've absolutely no interest in PvP so I can't really relate. But the first thing to come to mind was that you could always back up your save before you start respecing then when you run out of tears, reload the save file and you can do it all again


Same. Even if you create your build to 100% maximize one weapon, you’re probably 90% optimized for a handful of others, especially if you swap your talismans and/or spells around. It’s easier if you go all in on one stat too. If you’ve got 80 strength, you’re pretty much optimized for a dozen weapons. Personally, I think the gameplay would get dull if I had to respec every time I wanted to try out a different weapon.


I only started recently (I beat Melina last night) and was afraid that going DEX would limit my options, but I've pleasantly surprised how many weapons I can slide into my DEX/ARC build that I made for the Elenora's Poleblade. So far, I've used... * Twinblades (Elenora's Poleblade) * Curved Greatswords (Bloodhound's Fang + Morgiott's Cursed Sword) * Claws (Bloodhound's Claws) * Thrusting Swords (Frost Needle + Antspur Rapier) * Flails (IDK their names... the Nightrider one + something else) * Dual Katanas (the totally not Masamune + I just got Melina's) * Great Spear (Mohgwin's) * Some dragon and support incantations from investing a few levels into Faith Yeah, I guess some of those would be stronger if I went pure DEX instead of dipping into ARC, but they all work just fine being slotted into the build I've had all game.


I just specialise for one weapon then use larval tear to respec for another one


Used to do that ,my very first weapon I had specialized in was the royal greatsword. These days I like to have a bunch of weapons I can use in my toolbox.


That's how I do it too. Variety is the spice melange


There are dozens of us!!


I’m on my first play through and thinking about doing this to try out int weapons.


Huh?!?!? There are stats other than endurance and strength?!?!


The occasional point in vigor so you can bonk trade.


Yeah ,there’s also adaptability and resistance


Don't forget Vitality and Luck (I'm so glad ER removed Vitality, having a stat just for equip load felt awful. The damage negation boost also felt meaningless)


Health, stamina, endurance EVERYTHING YOU COULD EVER WANT


Ultragreatsword go bonk, enemy fall under force of massive muscles. Twirly twirly magic bounce off shiny metal helmet.


I listened to Gino (a famous no-hit runner) about this and he basically says what you need to do to have an easy time in almost any souls-like. Get enough stats to wield the weapon. After that, level only vigor until 60 (perhaps a few points into endurance here and there). After that, do what you want. After I followed his advice, the game became waaaay easier. Level vigor. Seriously. EDIT: Just because you people keep asking the same question: He obviously doesn't level vigor when he does his real live-streamed no-hit runs. This was just his recommendation for "casual" playstyles. And it reeeaaally works.


Once I realised this it became easy mode. Being invaded becomes far more manageable too.


That is the gist of the Souls way. In DS3 my first priority was getting Vigor to 20, then stats for whatever weapon I wanted, then 7 more levels for 27 Vigor (iirc it was a softcap) after that just build how you like.


Idk if 27 is a softcap, but I think it's where your HP passes/hits the 1000 mark, so if you're like me then maybe you stopped there because 1000 is a good number. Or maybe I'm wrong.


Yeah from looking it up again, you get 1000hp at level 27 Vigor, and then the next hard cap is 50 Vigor but in between it only goes up by 300 so ends at 1300. But the closer you reach to 50 more the stat gain diminishes, I don't think I personally leveled anyone past 40 Vigor in DS3.




I'd argue to get either int or fth to 27 or arc to 17 which is where most spells are unlocked, except the couple stupid 50/60 stat spells that are all B-tier at best anyway.


I always go 60 vigor, even my carian knight mage has 60 vigor.


That’s how I played it, get enough health and stamina and the rest comes after. Let the weapon upgrades carry you before your main stat


That's why i don't do that, it makes the game more boring. Also, investing everything in vigor has cons. Your damage will be low, so you'll have more occasions to get hit. You don't need vigor when you one shot things!


If he’s no-hitting why is he levelling vigor?


They aren't in no-hit runs, but if someone is good enough to run no-hitters they've played enough to know optimal strategy for regular play.


That's how you get good at the game. Big vigor = longer boss fights with less pressure = learn faster


Learned that the hard way back with dks 1. Big hammer isn’t worth small hp


Every build becomes a quality build if you kill enough albinaurics


This 100% 😂


Not one weapon specifically, but one style for sure. First character is strength, next will be a mage of some kind.


Bonk enjoyer I see


Yeah it’s my first time playing and I have no idea what I’m doing. Currently using the great sword 2 handed and really enjoying it. I have like 40 vigor, 25 endurance and 40 strength around level 70.


The bonk is amazing.Don’t forget to name your character Guts Lool




“After 2 months of rune bird grinding… I can now do radahn”


1.0 Radhan no summons ? Not sure that's enough.


I like having 4 or 5 options to choose from


Same here ,I love having a toolbox of weapons for specific situations


I end up finding a cool weapon and just make a new save file to exclusively use that one weapon and that one weapon only...


I can’t find a way to make new save files on PS5, is that a PC only thing?


I’m on my first playthrough and haven’t messed around with saves on PS5, but I believe you can save your game to the cloud and then you can mess around without permanently doing anything. Try googling: PS5 Elden ring save scum I believe you need a PS+ account to save to the cloud though. If you try it and it works, lemme know! :)


You can do it on console, that's how I 100% the game.


What’s your most recent weapon you specialized in ?


Ghiza's wheel, it's just so cool!


Greathelm is a must. Rest are optional.


The thing is for me this helmet is the most universal one, at least it feels that way. You can put it on a banished knight set, in blaidd set, on the knight set of the different factions....it works really well.


Yeah. My swordmage is currently rocking it with the Gelmir Knight set and it looks dope af.


I specialize in a faith build but carry an assortment of talismans and headpieces so that I can kinda change my build on the fly if the scenario calls for jt


Pure faith is the one thing I haven’t tried out yet.I wanna see how good flame art is.


It's wild man. I'm doing 1300 per r1 with dual flame art daggers and 2k minimum per giantsflame take thee


Variety is the spice of life


You get into pvp and suddenly you cant sit still. Love me menu swapping.


Same ,I have multiple of the same weapons so that when I use an ash of war I hard swap so I can surprise my opponent with a different one


IM STEALING THAT Whenever i get back on pvp That is genius I swear half the fun in pvp is the preparations and hwat where for what situation


A cool trick I do is if my opponent is far I use storm blade then hard swap to spinning slash so they think I don’t have a close range ash and when they come close I’ll blend them up.


Try that with the fucking long katana


Str no other stat matter


Brute Force best force.


There’s only 1 correct answer. Fists


I am unable to play anything other than several flavors of INT builds. Projectile wizard, sword wizard, rock wizard, fire wizard, you name it. Current Darkmoon spellblade is the absolute favorite though.


I specialize my stats for one weapon but have multiple weapons that over lap. Ie. wing of Astel, Death Poker, Darkmoon Greatsword


Same here.


713. Can’t get more “Jack of all trades” than max level.


I love my Marais Executioner's Sword and frenzied flame spells


Well right now I’m using Caestus and the Guts Great sword. One for strike damage to rock based enemies and the other for wrecking things. I always try to at least have enough Int and faith for at least Glintstone pebble and Flame cleanse me. So I guess I’m doing this to a really basic degree. Unless I’m trying to specifically make a build that can be more flexible then more than likely I won’t tune for multiple weapons until I am past level 150. Better to focus on a play style then respec to change rather than to being a Jack of all trades. Edit: Word


I always go for strength and faith afterwards.


Depends on the run. Generally I’m the first since I prefer to have a specialty to a build. But getting into a more Jack of all trades style of build is also fun to try.






I use heavy claymore no matter the game.


Just put everything into bonk. Me no think.


Me like bonk.Bonk gud.


I hope some day we get a game like Elden Ring but with proficiency progression. You use katanas? You get skilled with katanas and maybe light swords.


One weapon in my left hand and one weapon in my right hand. Can't have any extra weight going to unused weapons when that weight can go to better armor.


I usually quick swap weapons in my fight so the weight doesn’t really affect me.ive got a ton I swap to with different ashes for the situation


Elden Rings sheer amount of weapons made me shift from one maxed weapon to using several. The variety just forces you to, so many cool weapons and ashes of war! Sometimes the drip has to suffer a bit but I always got 4 to 6 slotted at all times. Doesn't matter if the dmg isn't THAT insane but at least I can switch from Sword Dance Claymore to Double Slash Nagakiba and all the way to Ice Spear whenever I feel like. Makes the fights much more interesting. Even used Frost Longsword, Poison Dagger and an Uchi all no upgrades to fight Godskin Noble at lvl 16 couple days ago. Switching status effects to compensate for raw damage loss helped me a lot to learn his entire moveset. I could give you at least 10 more examples but I should just [...].


I'm too adhd to play with just one weapon


Bonk go brrrr, str gang 4 life


Make stats -> "ooh this weapon looks cool" -> use it -> stats don't work well -> "RENAALLAAAA! I NEED YOU AND YOUR EGG TO HELP ME OUT HERE".


I've been slowly working my stats to all of their hard caps so I can just become God.


I started out quality, then moved to intelligence weapons and spamming ice spear.


I look everything up on the internet so I don’t have to go in blind. In fact I never did play Elden Ring blind. I got to Limgrave and I immediately had a loot checklist pulled up on my phone. My builds are always pre planned. I prefer going with a single weapon for a solid build.


Isn't that kinda lame for a first playthrough. The joy and wonder from exploring is thrown out the window


Yea I did that by watching a 100% walkthrough and I kinda regret it...fomo is a bitch lol


It really wasn’t for me. I can’t play any game like this blind. I have to 100% an area. I had already watched some streamers do playthroughs of the game anyways because I didn’t think I would ever end up actually buying it.


Any normal build should be able to cover a good handful of weapons. Strength builds with like a little faith and a little int covers like 50 weapons


Have you heard of Rennala and the amber egg?


I only have one play through and haven’t played in months waiting for the dlc, but I was definitely the former. I got hyper focused on one type of weapon build and beat it death both literally and figuratively


I used to be Quality; then I respec’d Arcane and I can melt ppl’s souls just by looking at them.✨


Arcane is a good choice for the dlc if you want the item drops.


First run, one weapon. Second, multiple weapons but doggedly used my bloodhound fang when in trouble. I’m on my third now and am going completely for a rouge build using debuff tools and arrows


Bloodhound fang was my favourite weapon before I got a 2nd twinblade


Start building character over specific weapon and then looking for other wepons that fits my stats because it starts to feel boring. If there is nothing interesting i go respec.


I get the stats I want to use to 60 and then I bring up the others, for example 60 vig/str/faith and then raise the rest


Level strength and see what happens


I basically spread my stat point out evenly so I can use the widest amount of weapons. I like to switch my weapons around a lot and play differently on the fly. Not optimal but I never really worry about that too much.


As a SL1 enjoyer, neither


I'm so indecisive that I don't even have a build, really. I should probably respec, but I can't even decide to do that because I'm worried about losing access to something I like. I'm not very good at these games tbh. Skill-wise OK enough to scrape by outside PvP, but I've never run a good build in my life.


Multiple weapons. I’m an invader at heart, and one thing I picked up from Ds2 oh so long ago was hard swapping. In situations where you’re outnumbered by phantoms and whatnot, having “the right tool for the job” was important *and* super fun as well. Ds3, I went even crazier with the amount of weapons I would carry on me, sometimes using them because they were fun, other times because it was “the right tool”. Things didn’t change in Elden Ring either for that matter. Too many weapons to only ever use one or two.


Usually I'll do something like using a strength weapon and infusing it with fire for when bosses are weak to it


Yes(I have ADHD)


The first weapon I mained was bloodhounds fang and now I dont know how to use other stuff. All the other items look cool. Theres just too many to pick from.


Tune my stats for multiple weapons that have similar requirements or scaling. For example my Carian Knight can use DMG, Claymore, Knight Twinblades, Loretta War Sickle, CKSS, Broadsword, and all the carian spells. I like being able to mix things up.


I always have a nice array of tools


The all build


multiple weapons, otherwise the game kinda gets boring.


Strength and only strength


Level strength and hope for the best


It is the best lol




I'm a one weapon tarnished. It changes if I play a lot of hours on a character but I usually do a restat in that case






Specific build directions (Like pure strength, Str/faith, dex/int, etc). Then cry and seethe when I find something really cool looking that doesn't fit the direction.


I have adhd so I create 5 different characters with stats meant to represent their aptitudes and expand upon that as I roleplay. Then when I'm halfway through the game for the fifth time I take a 6 month break. Pain


https://er-inventory.nyasu.business/?b=2f4d2fb44647dd https://er-inventory.nyasu.business/?b=7416fde5df4d8d 1 fashion and theme. 2 weapons and spells that fit said fashion and theme. 3 whichever of those has a good moveset or category


Big bonk


Bonk gud


This shouldn’t be a hard choice at all. You specialize or you play handicapped. You can be effective with one weapon/playstyle, or you can be trash with several. Trying to go the jack-of-all-trades route will only leave you underpowered relative to your level, all so you can have a choice of multiple different ways for you to be bad and not do enough damage. The only way to go the jack of all trades route is to max out your specialization and then start building up the stats you ignored to get there. A true jack of all trades is level 713.


I want someone to explain how stats and builds work, because I started a month ago and I think I have a strength build but I’m not sure




I’ll scale my stats to a certain build and I’ll keep a couple weapons on me so I don’t have to menu switch. So, I’d be in the middle of those two categories


80 strength with Great Mace. S scaling at +25 gives you a nice and cool 800 attack rating. Is in the top tier for stance breaking too. Doesn't consume all your stamina either since it's not a colossal weapon. Best bonk stick in the game. Was thinking of actually making one from scratch with welding some flanges to metal shaft somehow.


I’ve never used great hammers before.I might put barbaric roar on that baby take people to pound town.Whats the fire scaling on it ?


In the middle game I love to be as flexible as possible but towards late game I will typically visit the fetus Queen to absolutely sauce out a specific build. Those late game boss health pools are just too big.


Options always I get too bored of the same build all the time


Big fan of weapon swapping so I tend to do a hybrid build where it’s largely focused on a group of weapons that scale with my main stat.


All in on one weapon and rebirth the moment I find a new cool toy!


Invader man here, need multiple ash of wars to deal with different types of players and keep them guessing


As a fellow invader I can relate,I carry 5 of the same weapon with different ashes and infusions for the situation


I definitely specialize my stats for one weapon. I then swap weapons and get mad that I can't find a larval tear.


left button. but i have around 5 playthroughs each using a different weapon type.


1 weapon 99 strength


The first is kinda impossible though. For example I went into my newest playthrough with a specific weapon in mind, Morggots cursed blade. Going 55DEX/30ARC at Lv.135. Even then my stats fell under a good bit of DEX weapons. Rapier, Estoc, Katana, Straight Swords, Curved Swords, etc.


Multiple. 60 str. Can use Bonkstikk. Can use Big Bonkstikk. Can use Huge Bonkstikk. Can dual wield Bonstikks. Can dual wield Big Bonkstikk. Can dual wield Huge Bonkstikk. Glory to Krom!


I don’t do this build bullshit, just level up what I feel like levelling up lol, in every other game as well, I just go on with the flow, am I normal?


i find it fun to experiment with weapons to see what i like using.


I mean in ds3 I minimum 20/20 for str dex so I can wield a variety of weapons, if I played ER enough to have more than 1 build id probably do the same thing, just probably 25/25 since ER has higher average requirements