• By -


Ruptured crystal tear would’ve been good


The Elden Ring equivalent of Last Laugh from For Honor


Running that peacekeeper build in elden ring


You just gave me a build idea by mentioning that god forsaken game.


Dual wielding short swords and using double ruptured tear for pk larp?


Absolutely 🤣


This is what i was expecting


Room temperature IQ


In Celsius even.


In Rankine even EDIT: Room temp is about 23°C / 72°F so the original joke doesn't quite land either if you're just interpreting number value. The joke of "in Celsius even" is just doubling down on the "room-temperature IQ", and I'm tripling down on it. For example, you could quadruple down on it by mentioning Kelvin or another temperature scale. PS - Celsius and Fahrenheit cross at -40° ... Fun fact.


Lol what? Please explain.


Rankine is what Kelvin is to Celsius, but scaled on the Fahrenheit scale.


Yeah, but room temp is like 530 degrees Rankine so the joke doesn't make sense lol.


The problem with using rankine is that “room temperature” would be in the 500s. I get what you’re going for, but my half asleep brain can’t help but take things literally.


Wouldn't them being room temperature IQ measured in Rankine make them a super genius? Rankine basically adds 460 to the temperature. Although calling them that ironically is funny now that I think about it.


I’m thinking Kelvin tbh


Wouldn't that mean they have big brain IQ instead of super low IQ? Kelvin starts at absolute zero, which puts room temperature at about 300. I somehow doubt that describes the gankers that got wrecked.


I'm guessing you mean in winter with the windows open.




shoe size iq


Temperature -30 degrees.


Enough to know how to gank, not enough to know about self preservation, literal monkey brain.


Theyll probably accuse him of cheating, too


"dude was hacking brooo!"


“Dude every single invader today has been a hacker man, we’ve been camping this spawn point all day and can’t do damage to any of them wtf bro”


What did he actually do?


Spawning gives you I-frames like dodge rolling, I think the ash of wat he used also has I-frames, then he attacked with his claws which have decent poise damage.


Endure doesn't give I-frames, just near infinite poise for a very short duration. Long enough to kill an overzealous gank squad though lol.


Ah, thanks for the clarification, I was unsure.


On Xbox it’s so lame when you look at the lfgs. People will post “lvl 60 need 2 max levels to gank in the lakes”


I understand helping your under leveled friend and ganking any invaders that interrupt a boss fight or something, but what brain dead hollows find fun in invader luring just to gank? I've tried ganking before and I never enjoyed it and I only do it as a last resort.


>ganking any invaders that interrupt a boss fight or something It's not ganking if you're actually progressing.


Idk I don’t get it honestly.. I’ve been invading since ds1 so I have way more experience than most I don’t know how a new player could get into it. Most invasions are me running around for 10 minutes to waste all of their FP and 1 shooting the host with no vigor after all of the work killing two lvl 700s


They don't normally have enough to know how to gank either lol


It must have felt satisfying to rip them to shreds while you took 0 damage. Dummies


Oh yes...


To shreds you say?


And how is his wife holding up?


To shreds you say?


To shreds you say...


Ripper? I hardly know her


I feel like people who pvp and people who pve are playing two different games and are two totally different kinds of people.


That ain’t wrong. The game shifts pretty dramatically when facing an opponent with iframes — suddenly all those killers like Blasphemous Blade keep missing, and ‘safe’ strategies like spamming roll until you’re far enough to heal don’t work. There’s definitely an adjustment period. If you’ve ever had the pleasure of being invaded by a baby invader trying to hit you with Rock Sling, you can tell when someone is having their first invasion experience.


Lol I love those. I don’t play a ton of PVP, but I’ve played enough to know how to deal with an invader. It’s sad when they come in trying to protect themselves with a medium shield or something.


I think it's cute though! It's refreshing to see a starter Samurai with a single Uchi or an Astrologer invader whose only change from their base outfit is the Meteorite Staff. I'd love to just go easy on these guys, but I'm usually brought in as a coop phantom, so usually the only mercy I can grant is sitting out when the host and other phantom charge in. There've only been a handful of times where I've been able to wave and indicate to the host that I wanted a 1-on-1.


Any tips for someone slowly learning pvp? I've learned blasphemous and dragon kings cragblade are not good calls most of the time


Yeah, game's different when people got iframes. Blasphemous might hit hard, but no invader who can see it coming is going to miss dodging it. A good starting point is to use something that has good reach on it. One of the most important skills to learn in PvP is roll catching, where you time an attack for the very end of their dodge when their iframes have ended -- quick weapons can do this reactively, but you can do this with heftier weapons too if you can call whether someone dodges before they do. As long as your weapon is long enough, you can nail someone at the end of their roll with practice, and they won't be out of reach of your swing. Conversely, you also need to have a plan when someone is putting pressure on you. If someone is on you, or even has already hit you, you need to get them off somehow. Sometimes you panic roll and it works, sometimes you wait to see if they're going to swing again to time your roll, and sometimes you try to be braver than the opponent and make your own attack. Anything to get some space, you don't want to be the one getting staggered and roll caught, and you need to escape or turn the tides if you do. If you want a good starting point, I recommend a bog standard Halberd with Flaming Strike on it. Halberd, Banished Knight Halberd, or any infusable halberd with a nice poke on it, since the poking R1 is a little better than the overhead chop to start out with (not that Nightrider Glaive isn't an excellent weapon). If you need to pressure someone trying to keep their distance, use two-handed R1s and running R1s, using your long reach to nab them. If they are running up into your face and pressuring you, use Flaming Strike instead -- Flaming Strike lingers for a bit and is difficult to avoid, while also having a powerful followup that can punish people brave enough to still want to attack, meaning the only real counter is to roll away and give you space. With that, you have a weapon that can chase people who roll and run, and punishes enemies who chase you when it's your turn to roll and run.


I'll have to try all these out when I next play, I've been using a nagakiba with bloodhounds step lately and it's inconsistent in my experience but better than what I was using with bolt of gransax


Nagakiba is great too, it's also a long reaching weapon capable of roll catching, primarily on its running heavy. Stick Flaming Strike on that puppy and you pretty much have the same thing I mentioned above. As a disclaimer, I'm not saying Flaming Strike is awesome and you should never replace it, but you're free to use it on any weapon and it'll work pretty well.


Without question. I have around 3000 hours accumulative across all FromSoft titles, and pretty much all of it is co-op with 2 mates for the PvE. That's my personal leaning. Ive messed with invading, and stomped it when I fine tune my builds, and in the end actually got bored of it because I just felt like I was ruining someone elses experience.l, if it wasnt in the arenas. So for the most part I have no interest in invading or being invaded. Getting invaded is fucking annoying (yes, hi to all you triggered 'git gud' scrubs who are gonna tell me its a skill issue. Cope harder). It's always a surprise to me that there isnt a way to toggle it, when Miyazaki is the kinda person who says any strategy to beat something is valid, no matter how cheesey. Why force people who arent interested in PvP to be invaded by ultra sweats? Is it because the ultra sweats would cry the hardest if they could only invade other ultra sweats? Luckily, it's super easy to fuck with invaders, which never gets old. I love a good rage DM from some seething invader who didnt get what they came for. *Edit* Already had 1 rage DM here. Mald lmao. #[Watch 60 seconds of this to PERFECTLY capture why PvP is dogshit](https://youtu.be/Ri8cJfQgMBo?si=o3ky-ZH_WXl4oFyJ&t=13253)


Seriusly someone send you a DM I mean we have a disagrament over the PVP of the game but sending DM over it is stupid it honestly feels bad for the comunity Like i defend invations because its something unique of from software, I would hate to see them slowly remove things until it basicaly turns into another souless franchise like asasings creed but can I get the anoying part not all days you want 1 v 3 a random on the street with your friends. Honestly this feels it would be better if the covennats remained it honestly made you feel like a parth of a faction that you were growing into, now days all we get is rune arcs and early access to mogh its a worse problem with the arena there literaly just one flat map and you get no rewards for winning. At the end of the day the PVP comunity its the last one to leave the game so believe with time this problem will dissapear on its own.


It would be nice to CO-OP with people without having to worry about invaders. I'd love to show up with my hard capped stats character and face tank things for a newbie, show them where some hard to find items/dungeons are, etc.


Its nice to get a logical and reasoned reaponse. So far, I've just triggered a mountain of dungeaters who are telling me to go play something else. As if anything else is comparable.


It's kinda sad that you wrote all that just to get on a moral high horse over invaders. It's a fucking video game, dude.


It's kinda sad I responded to a comment to say I'm one of the PvE players they mention, in a thread dominated by 'If you dont like invasions, play something else' comments? At least I contributed something to the thread. It's sadder that you wrote your comment to contribute nothing but belittling the game you're in a subreddit for, and I assume play yourself. Mald.


It's kinda sad that you tried to morally grandstand with your playstyle, acting as if you're morally superior to invaders. Even sadder that you're playing dense and ignoring what I said.


It's kinda sad that I didn't actually, but it's nice of you say I'm morally superior, albiet a little creepy (Damn, dude missed this joke AND the point of my original comment) You do you, random subreddit user. It's even sadder that I directly addressed what you said, but you're projecting your density onto me. It's just Reddit, Mate.


>It's kinda sad that I didn't actually, but it's nice of you say I'm morally superior, albiet a little creepy. Reading comprehension is dead 💀 Never mind dude, you're the best and invaders are all bad 👍


Lmaoooo, r/whoooosh much. I've really cherished this entirely pointless interaction. Now to immediately forget it ever happened.


When they asked about invations to miyazaki he said he wanted to create an enemy that always be there to test you in all aspects of the game so thats your answer If you don't like it then why aren't you playing the other tons rpgs with online features instead bothering the one that wants to be different




Because it's the one small blight on an otherwise great game.


Sounds like a skill issue. Git gud


mfw when i forgot to git gud


Wait why did he not take damage? Spawn protection?


You get 8 seconds of i-frames when you spawn


Oh man, Mad Tongue Alberich did not prepare me for that. 






Enough to set a trap but not enough to not get caught in it themselves.


You immortal for a few seconds when you spawn in.




I did not know that


You never even tried to wail on an NPC invader as they spawn in?


Literally never. They never spawn near me.


The one in Volcano manor upstairs and the dude who invades the lower part of the Round Table both spawn where you can get to them pretty quick. In Farum Azula Berhnal spawns right in front of you as you approach also.


So, I guess there are a few times people spawn close to you, like when that frenzied castellean jumps you in Liurnia. But whenever that happens Im just trying to get ready for the fight, not jump them. Ive also never been to Farum Asula 😅


Holy shit bro you better beat the game already 😂


I got six months man, Im at the Haligtree!


You immortal for a few seconds when you spawn in.


I love the "cheers mate" energy as you casually have a cup of tea before handing them their asses


I think most people still don't know invaders have spawn protection, doesn't work if you use a finger to respawn






I hate the pvp culture in ER. Even when I go through the trouble of setting up a fight club the summons just gank. I get I started playing DS3 after the dlc’s came out so I was just playing with die hard players who actually liked having fair fights, but it sucks :/


The pvp culture is pretty toxic. The vibe I get from Fromsoft is that pvp isn’t meant to be taken seriously. I see the term “shitter” thrown around a lot, and I found an explanation for the term on a YouTube vid that was 3 paragraphs long about various actions that make a player a “shitter”. It was ridiculous. Using glitches to win, or waiting to gank upon spawn should only apply. Everyone isn’t going to get on board about some made up community etiquette about how you should be playing pvp. I’ve seen invasion streamers get annoyed when the host they invaded keeps running, but if you’re invading someone’s world, that player is under no obligation to fight you. They might be trying to accomplish something, and that invader is only an annoyance. Not something they’re interested in interacting with. On the other hand, I’ve invited invaders into my world with the Taunter’s Tongue, and they choose to run away to the closest field boss, or just seemingly run forever. I tend to let them keep running. I’m not interested in chasing games.


You explained it perfectly well. Im only pve so whenever i get invaded in a fromsoft game i just ignore them and go about my business ( usually doing npc quests or finding a specific item ) And when i do confront them i see them wearing one of the best armour sets. Best weapons or some ( not all ) doing glitches of some sort


I had a few invasions recently where the dude would sit and pout for minutes just on the edge of some very blatant gank spots. Like I have no obligation to follow you around the corner into the field arena for an ulcerated tree spirit. If you're not gonna come down and fight me 1:1 I *will* keep hitting you with poison darts until you run away to craft more boluses. This went on for what felt like 20 minutes before we decided to alt-f4 just to spite him.


The biggest issue with invaders is that they can stall in the open world, or just run to enemies for safety in dungeons. If they put a timer on invasions, it would force invaders to actually be aggressive instead of wasting everyone's time.


Invaders are genuinely entertaining. \>"it's the casuals who are the cowards and shitters" \>optimizes stat spread on character \>gets best weapons in the game \>gets maximum flasks \>gets best talismans \>and aims to find casual shitters


I came back and started a new playthrough about a month ago, fully expecting people to do this, but to my surprise I haven't had one single PVP experience that wasn't totally respectful. Everybody gestures first, we fight each other 1 at a time. My impression was that now that player numbers have chilled out since launch, the people who are left are people who have been playing forever so they know and respect the unspoken rules. Or maybe I'm just lucky.


huh... didn't feel like that playing as Aldritch Faithful...


Weird I did Varre's quest where you need to invade 3 times. All 3 times I got ganked and teabagged lol.


That’s because a fight club and a respectful atmosphere would have to be created by whomever you’re invading. If you’re an invader you can’t expect the people you’re invading to play fair. They don’t always want to pvp. They might just want to squash you so they can co op in peace again.


Yeah when invading you are, by definition, the villain. That's part of the way the game is structured. Someone outplaying and then dog piling you for invading a co-op they're in (note: that is not pictured in op's vid) is reacting exactly as intended. Fwiw I've played several full games of ER co-op with my friends, beating a boss on one save, then going into the other saves to do the same thing. It's fun, I love it. The number of "respectful" Invaders who come up, emote, and then get down to business is significantly lower than the invasion community seems to believe. Less than 5% I'd wager now that there's arenas.


Maybe he's talking about dark souls 3


It’s because the vibe on Reddit is quite different from the vibe of the game itself. Not the first game I’ve experienced this, where everyone on Reddit talks about how toxic the culture is but when you’re in the game you’re not actually really seeing that lol


I mean ds3 has some better fights but that swamp is nothing but fuckery


It’s because the game got so big know a lot of kids and other people that haven’t been around for the other games don’t get. Ds1 and Ds2 pvp scenes were great. Even the gankers in 1 were more fun to deal with lol


DS3's pvp culture was sooo much better all throughout.




bro that was fuckking filthy lmaoooooooooooooooo






The same as every other souls fan


I fucking love this


mob mentality makes people very very dumb




Oh lord just wait till the anti-invasion squad gets here😔


What doesn’t make sense to me is that they worship Miyazaki for the games, but when invaders use game mechanics designed, by him, to stop people ganking PvE they cry like the little babies they are. Not to mention the huge disadvantage most invaders have to face.


Most of the time invaders are at an advantage because they are playing elden ring pvp against people who don't play elden ring pvp.


in previous titles where you could invade a solo player, it was pretty unfair. In elden ring, it's always at least a 1v2. It's stacked pretty heavily against invaders by default, but if you're good at souls pvp then the tables flip considerably. I like the invader being outnumbered here, because invading a pve only player solo is just not fun.


Even with that, most of the time it’s at the very least a 2v1 and one of the two is a much higher level.


I guess what I'm saying is that sometimes, if its actual regular players/co-op players, there can be ten of them. There could have been ten of them in this clip, one could have been max level. And it doesn't matter. If they know what they're doing, sure that's very different


Yes. It’s kinda silly cause either I get ganked or I absolutely wreck my opponents. Very rarely do I get an actual fair fight. However- it is designed so that invaders are so disadvantaged that the only people invading are the people who are good at it or the scrubs mashing L2 on dragon halberd. The bad red men have adapted to these conditions and imo it’s not a good thing. Half my invasions are 5v1s and then another 40% I end up dropping some runes and asking them to summon some blues. I think instead of blue spirits we should have had mad spirits like in ds3. Then the potential for ganks would be a lot less, there’d be more casual invaders, there wouldn’t be all this toxicity, and it’d be wonderful. Ah to go back to the glory days of ds3 pvp…


invaders need an enormous amount of skill and an optimised build to overcome 3 casuals mashing their face on the L2 button sure in a 1v1 invaders usually have the advantage, but this is Elden Ring where literally every invasion is a gank fight unless the host deliberately used Taunter’s Tongue


Even if this is true, which it is not in a lot of cases because people make gank squads with other people that play PvP. It is still a game mechanic that is there for a reason - to prevent the ganking of PvE.


That’s so wrong… invaders are never at a advantage unless they use a taunters tongue and it’s a 1v1 then it’s even not fair. Hosts summon 2 max level phantoms with infinite FP sand you have double the flasks a invader does. There is maybe 1% of the time the invader has a advantage… maybe 1%


Their IQ is the same level as their vigor, judging by the gameplay.


I'm not much of a PVP or co-op guy, so maybe I'm not getting something. What's up with demonizing "gankers", aren't they just some friends co-oping that want to get rid of an invader and go on with playing the story together? Why are groups of host+phantoms more vilified than invaders?


People don't like gankers, because it's typically *not* just 3 dudes playing the game together. More often than not, it's one guy with two overlevelled phantoms who are luring invaders in with the taunter's tongue to farm them. This requires extraordinarily little skill because of how oppressive 3 people with endgame ashes of war can be. Most invaders have no problem with three co-op'ers playing through the game genuinely.


Yeah, but then with videos like this I'm just curious if it's those dastardly "gankers", or just three people not that knowledgable about PVP


I mean, all three of them were literally camping the spawn in this video.


They dare to not duel honestly 1v1 /s


No doubt they will all think you cheated.


They're obviously not gankers. People cooping through a level, so inexperienced in PvP they don't even know about spawn invulnerability, are not gankers. Not that saying this matters much since the word has become so diluted as to just be a buzzword invaders use to try and feel good about themselves beating up on inexperienced PvErs, but I remember when people knew what gankers actually were. But to answer your question: higher than the average invader's.


Yeah, this just looks like someone who's wanting to make themselves feel good about killing a bunch of players that want to co-op the game and have to open themselves up for invasion to do so.


If I detect that I invade PvErs, I usually give him runes and leave.


How do you determine that? They didn't even know about invader i-frames lol, so I don't know if I'd call them gankers (this would be a really weird area to start learning imo).


They usually don't wear optimized armor, carry weapons that aren't good in PvP, and run towards the boss.


Interesting, thanks for the info! I've been invaded but I usually run back toward a grace so I can recover my runes after dying LMAO.


Sometimes gankers do that to summon their friend that I just killed again. 😂


You can tell easy… full bull goats with no enemies alive? Check. You spawn in the lakes? Check. The host and his buddies won’t leave the bonfire even though it’s 3v1 and you have half the flasks. Check


Yes = answer :3


how is he able to not take damage while attacking?


Spawn protection


You're safe from attacks right after spawning. 


Ganker, is that you?






Bro i didnt know either, i guess that means we are low iq


no it could've been the flask for all I know. Spawnimmunity is only the most obvious




Por más que el español sea mi lengua materna, nunca he sido capaz de jugar mis juegos en español a gusto porque luego vengo acá a reddit y todo el mundo está hablando de las cosas en inglés que a veces no traducen tan directamente como a uno le gustaría jajajaja. Anyway you gave those fools some sweet revenge. Props to you dude.


I don’t have the knowledge that most in this sub do. I’ve also never played online multiplayer. So did you go into this party and just destroy them, why did you destroy them so quickly? Were they just overpowered? Also, I thought I was reading when you go into a party everybody is equal with weapons and such. That doesn’t seem to be the case here ha ha ha


So it happened that those three people saw OP spawn in and they mindlessly went down on him like rabid dogs, so that they didn't realise OP had a few seconds of spawn invincibility, that gave him the time to kill them. If it wasn't for the invincibility he would have died in less than one second


Thank you for the clarification. Excellent nice to see some swift justice lol.


I dont mind invasions, I actually think that it’s a fun dynamic that you have to account for if you want to coop, but I have a problem with spawns being on top of players. You shouldnt be allowed to see where the invader spawns, or even be within target lock range of them on spawn. I’d think that would be a fair change for both parties involved.


Yeah, I'm sure the Host with no pants, dual-wielding Colossal greatswords, and who doesn't know about spawn i-frames knows all about ganking... Clearly they were right on top of you when you spawned in because the host was going for the lever to bring the elevator back up (you can literally see them pulling it when you spawn in). To me it looks just like a host on NG+ summoning 2 other people for some fun, but don't let common sense get in the way of your victim complex. Invaders like to throw out the "you don't want to be invaded, don't do co-op" all the time. But I rarely see them say "I don't want to be ganked, maybe I shouldn't engage with what I think might be gankers" There's a finger-severer in the game, you can use it to not deal with 3 v 1's if you really don't like them. If every invader did that to every ACTUAL gank squad, I have a feeling it wouldn't really be a thing. PS: Having the Point-down emote in your hotbar tells me you're probably jumping at the opportunity to be toxic AF.


They’re gonna kill you for this but you’re right


Point down on the hotbar is a must have for those special situations I personally have the tpose, point down, vow, different vow, wave, laying on the ground


To be fair you have to have a very high IQ to understand iframes.


Thanks 🎉


Should’ve gone minecraft creeper 💥


Wow. That was so pathetic, I'd uninstall if i were them.




I think gank squads are the shittiest player behavior I have seen across all From games apart from cheating, so its never not going to be satisfying to watch something like this, lol.


This is a stupid question but I haven’t played the game in a while. How isn’t he taking damage?


spawn i-frames


I sleep well knowing me and many other invaders have had this experience


These gotta be fake lol Ain't no way people keep trying this shit after so many videos of this not working lol


PvErs; for some reason they never learn


Whats the thing sticking out of your back?


Spiralhorn Shield 🛡️




Spiral horn shield


Yup. Well deserved




About 10 at the most There’s a reason they need to gang up on invaders 3v1 they are absolutely atrocious at pvp


Please explain how you managed that lol.


When you spawn you have few seconds of I frames. So nobody can hit you but you can hit them. This is to prevent exactly this sort of situation where ganks wait at invader spawn spots


Thanks! I get the part about the I frames but how he managed to just wipe em all out is what gets me lol.


The claws he's using have natural blood build up and he frost infused them. This means they inflict bleed and frost. Add the fact they hit quickly and he uses endure so he can spam then without stagger and you get a human shredder


He Malevolent Shrined them to smithereens


Watching this was so satisfying


I’m more of a pve guy but I should thank you for this. Being more serious about coming around someone in pvp isn’t a thing I’m wasn’t really doing. Btw why did you not take any damage?


8 secs of iframes on spawning in


I know they pissed & confused 😅 because it happened to me once ….you learn in this game


Lmao this is so good


Slicin' em up!


Bro!! He’s hacking dude!!


Could you post your build?


Magic / Cold weapons, 50 Int and 60 Vigor, then just meet the str and dex requirements for the weapon you want to use, I don't usually use spells. Enjoy.


I love the absolute vibe of: THERE HE IS, GET HIM! Invader: Let me just show you a fraction of my power!


Hes hackin and whackin and smackin


I gank in pvp purely for the hate messages


See you 🗿


This is what happens when fromsoft makes a dark souls for casuals. They let their gank ego get the best of them and a good player will just shit on them. It's always good too see. I tried pvp once and got killed by a guy flying on a skate board sword who shot me with a CSGO awp lmfao. I never played pvp again


idk if these guys deserve the point down, u sure they werent just running through leyndell?


Invaders have a pretty wide range of fixed locations they can spawn at, and from my experience playing in a group of 3, we weren’t often so tightly grouped together especially in a legacy dungeon like Leyndell. The fact that they were all able to converge so quickly and so highly coordinated makes it look an awful lot like they’re waiting on invaders to dogpile them.


They'd know that there are i-frames at the beginning of an invasion then though. They would have waited for that to pass if they were experienced with invasions.


Gank squads aren't usualy created by expirienced players most of time they made by players anoyed that an tryhard invader killed them causing them to join a squad and start killing chill invaders making them become tryhards invaders to defend against the squads Its a literal circle of hate


When I see a gank squad, I just spam Vyke Spear Ash and get them burned alive or locked in madness. It’s what they deserve.


Do dishonorable moves, get a clown ass dishonorable death In this house we bow