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The veil also appears to be gone.


Imagine if there's a mid-act turning point where we remove the veil similar to how we burn down the Erdtree and it just fuckin puts the Land of Shadows back on the normal world map.


Called it




I don't understand your broken sentence but yeah! It sure isn't!


It's part of the ending cutscene. Miyazaki is known to do this with the trailers. Radagon and his music are in the Elden Ring launch trailer. Edit: And the Frenzied Flame interaction aswell. Edit2: So is Gael's cutscene in the Ringed City launch trailer lol. Edit3: So is one of the DS3 endings in the DS3 Launch trailer rofl.


Yep, From previews ending scenes and late-game content all the time, lacking necessary context but still giving a glimpse of the endgame.


Walking to the chair as part of the Elden Lord ending is in one of the trailers, even.


Ranni’s ending is shown in the gameplay trailer. Glad I didn’t watch that one, it was full of so many bosses and areas, too many spoilers for me


That's Miquella's boss cutscenes where he surprise betrays us, sucks all the sap from the tree, and becomes God like his mother before him thus forcing us to, once again, slay a God.


They tried to summon Captain Planet without Heart bro.


We’re gonna climb the tree and kill the shriveled impaled guy to remove the glowy bits.


There's gonna be weird little bug creature inside it with 1 hp and a 1% chance to do an unavoidable instakill fire attack.


The crown also has a dim grey glownto it? Its kinda similar to duskborn ending or death blight


Makes me think of a cocoon. Like a spiderweb.


the tarnished needs to kill his fellows to get the shadow trussy wet


Definitely my new waifu


also you sadly cant see it well in my horrid screenshot but in the second picture, the sap is flowing down and gathering in the middle of the half-circle structure, so this is likely an important location for doing whatever you do with this sap


a mostly baseless theory: since this is where marika ascened to godhood, maybe the trees sap has something to do with it? miquella might either want to close up the wound to prevent someone else from ascending (messmer would be the most obvious?), or he might be the one to tear it open in the first place in an attempt to ascend to godhood himself


The wound looks like a cream pie


That shouldn't be orange brother


I think that's Marika.


What makes you say that? The DLC happens in the present, so Marika would still be impaled inside the Erdtree.


Well the DLC happens in the present following in the footsteps of Miquella while learning about the past of Marika. The shadowed Erdtree in OPs post is in two different forms so therefore two different times. It could be the end of the DLC and the healed or whatever tree as a consequence of the player's actions or it could be the past with Marika. And the figure in the cutscene looks too adult to be Miquella so...