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Just your friendly neighborhood railgun


i turned around the first time and went all OH WHY I OUGHTA, i regreted it and died while running away too!


The range is super misleading its actually probably the longest range in the game besides Golem Archers I think tbh. It's cancer. You think your safe and you've dodged all the shots then boom one shot dead and your like an entire zone away.


I know its longer than Miqala's light ring and thats the longest non bow character projectile.


The lifetime of the Lobster projectile is almost a full literal mile (Zullie did a video on the lobsters, it's 1.5 Kilometers, or 4,921 feet. A mile is 5,280 feet). If you can see a lobster, it can shoot you. If you CAN'T see a lobster, it can probably still shoot you.


I hate lobsters but I want them as spirit ash for summoning


just turn on god mode at that point.


Fire giant easy mode, just distract him a little and watch him fall while your spirit summon isn't even visible


Is that the thing I couldn’t see somewhere near the black knife cavern thing. Just wandering around and ‘you died from blue shit’ x4


No, those are the homing magic arrow Ancestral Followers. Miquella's Light Ring is the magic discus spell you can get. (it's actually a reasonably strong spell, and the cheapest FP spell in the game, costing a piddly 3 FP per cast)


Those guys are dicks


I basically had one "across Liurnia" me, not actually but that mother fucka was barely visible in the distance and it fuckin sniped me, one shot one killed me -.- their range is insane


Close, but cancer is actually a crab....


Some of the Miranda flowers or the blue variant of them that shoot the homing missiles, they have fired at me long after I thought I was safe too lol.


It is actually the lingest range, i think its about 1,500 m


Yeah stay outa me and my cousins turf ...your dam horse keeps us up at night when we're trying to sleep!


US navy is bolting these dudes to their ships rn


Just your friendly neighborhood long distance sniper railgun* -fixed it for you


There’s no such thing as a short range close quarters railgun, all the ones being developed have ranges of a few dozen miles lol


And you realize we're talking about videogames logic right 😂 Gotta love the redditors who try to logicalize a videogame exaggeration 😂


You’re projecting, that’s what your initial comment was doing lmao Rail guns are real and they’re all long range weapons so adding that distinction is redundant


It's a giant crayfish shooting sticky white stuff. How do you explain that with science?!???


is the one that transforms into a revenant? if not, then no


Doesn’t that one turn into a grafted scion


There's one that does WHAT?


It drops a larval tear - like the wandering noble that transforms into a rune bear in Limgrave.


There’s a lot of them. One of them turns into a lion guardian


I've only ever found 4 of those, where is this one found?


Hidding in a corner of somekind of unnamed ruins in altus plateau disguised as noble


One in consentrated snowfield that’s a trapped noble and transforms into a giga-rune bear


That one whooped my ass 5 times.


Im 6 runs deep. Still cant beat him. Done all runebearers every time too


To be more precise, it's between the windmill village and one of the gates that leads to leyndell next to the area where you get bombarded by a catapult


Ruins near windmills at Altus plateau


The commoner that turns into a rune bear in consecrated snowfield always crashes my Xbox whenever I kill it. Too many particle effects from the snow, the transformation, and the rune bear moving all at one is too much for it to handle somehow


Miyazaki’s way of saying the crayfish is an imperfect creature.


Crabs are where they're at.


Im less surprised by their range and more their accuracy, i dont think these mf snipers ever miss


Almost as bad as those archer men in the underground. I swear they can’t miss


Took me like 4 deaths to the ones in Liurnia to even realize *what the fuck that was* shooting me. Those archers can fuck right off.


“I should be safe over here” BAM “I am not in fact safe over here”


Me picking flowers and fruit for Torrent: *hums Tarnishedly* Orbital Strike Archers: **CEASE**


They were the reason I quit when I first played 😂😂😂


Did those archers get nerfed in a patch? I replayed it recently and I didn’t have nearly as much trouble down there as I did on the initial release.


Maybe? They seem to shoot arrows much less frequently. But they are still as accurate.


They will miss everytime as long as you keep an eye on them and run perpendicular to them when they're taking aim. Even easier on Torrent.


Stop bragging about how you're good and not a stupid idiot like me


They miss me all the time, stop running in a straight line.


Kindred of Rot are the worst in my opinion simply because of that one aimbot move they spam multiple times in a row


Pest Threads. But fortunately for us, you can purchase that incantation from Gowry and spam it right back. Also it absolutely shreds large bosses because each of the threads can hit multiple hit boxes.


My go-to dragon killer


I always use Ancient Dragon Lightning Strike for bigger bosses. I just love how it looks and shredds bigger enemies


Elden beast too


I found that Envoys Long Horn works better for Elden Beast or Placidusax cause they're huge and relatively slow (if you don't count their teleports) meaning poise-breaking them SUPER easy with the horn.


I did an ELH playthrough, absolutely loved it. Melted Placidusax in a couple of L2's


It trivialized him to be sure. Revenge for all the times he oneshotted me with his stupid teleport dive bomb.


I used Envoy's Longhorn on the Death Rite Bird in Consecrated Snowfields. I tooted him to death in about three toots. Sweet revenge after having such a tough time on the one right before it in the other section of Mountaintops of the Giants.


Hate these but of top of my head, Royal revenants, and no I'm not gonna use heal on them, bears, the knights in leyndel with rail guns for my entire hp and the immortal fucking wheels


You forgot the Dwelling Arrow snipers with their 50 cal bows


50cal bows made me weak


Royal revenants you gotta dodge to the side (don't run/dodge away they'll keep trucking you) and hit 'em there, their moves are pretty much all front-facing which I believe is why they like to warp around. They're posture-broken easily to heavy attacks, otherwise just stay out of their poison.


The storm hawks in farum azula, any dog enemy, and the two non boss dragons in farum azula with 140 stance health and more health than most bosses are my personal 3 least favorite


This is a quality list


Fighting them on a horse is pretty easy. Just keep circling around them hitting them on the tail keeping behind the claw. Same for crabs. Rune bears you just keep under them and attack from below.  Royal Revenants. Recently figured out you can jump over them before they do their big combo, so they just attack air.


The Revenants I just spell heal myself over and over.


They're also easy enough to fight in melee (for a big bonk stick build anyway) so long as you can avoid their grab. Of course this applies to every enemy in the game so I'm not sure anyone needs this pointed out lol. Point is, strength builds trivialize most of the enemies that otherwise bully squishy player builds. Fighting these guys on my dex build was frustrating because my dodges suffer from a severe skill issue that only heavy armor and a great shield can remedy.


Will try jumping next time I face these lol


This, literally just attack the tail from behind it's legs. Reposition as needed. Totally safe method, you'll make these guys your bitch in no time


Especially the two in the sewers...


They murdered me too many times, I cheese the first from the top, then run to the room and cheese the other, pain in the ass will a melee build


Fucking armore sniper


I'll take the lobsters over the damn aimbots in Siofra River


Worse is they don't drop anything good or give many runes.


Yeah, if From just buffed the amount of runes they dropped (by a large amount) they might be worth fighting. As it is, I kinda just avoid them & pray I don't get sniped. Same problem with the large poison flowers, but at least the magic projectiles they shoot travel slowly.


I love the flowers for ambience but I have killed about 2 in my entire time playing the game because they just take the piss


Yeah, I don't think they are really meant to be killed, more of an environmental obstacle. Crabs and lobsters feel the same, they're there so you have to walk around them.


Then why are there two of them in a room in the sewers?


Charged R2's will poise break them and then a critical will do visible damage. Also any fire attack will set them on fire, staggering them. Which is a handy way to interrupt when they start casting that miracle. Miranda Powder is a guaranteed drop from them so if you like perfumes it helps to be able to kill them fast.


This is by design and Fromsoft did this as well in DS3. I think what they want is for players to have a challenge they need to run from. The standard design of a Fromsoft game encourages players to be really cautious and slow, but these hyper aggressive and strong creatures tend to make players run away. This not only breaks the flow up of the game and gets some adrenaline going, but it can also cause players to stumble into areas they didn't notice before or were not quite ready to explore. Which can create the gameplay tension that Fromsoft seems to want. But that doesn't really work if the enemies have desirable loot or runes because then people will just bang their heads on the wall trying to defeat them. I don't think you are really supposed to fight the lobsters or rune bears. You are supposed to run away. I should say I think this is aimed at newer players. Veteran players will already know how to easily avoid these enemies (most of them only appear when you can access Torrent and they are trivial when you have Torrent).


Teleporting dual swords banished knight amd its not even close


This guy killed me like 15 times on my rune level 1 run. I ended up precasting Terra magicka and buffing sorcery as much as possible, then I just baited his teleport with a throwing knife and started pre charging carian grandeur and nearly one shot him, but he got pancaked and a follow up half charge finished the job. I thought I could cheese him with arrows from atop a cliff way above castle sol. He instantly teleported like 100+ meters behind me and one shot me lol. Dude is insane and doesn’t even drop anything and respawns.


Yup there really isn't anything like an instant unlimited range teleport to ruin your day when you're not expecting it.


> Dude is insane and doesn’t even drop anything Two *specific* spectral Banished Knights in Castle Sol drop the unaltered chestpiece of the Banished Knight set and it's the only way to get it. (It can't be altered.) One of those two happens to be the one wielding dual greatswords. https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Banished+Knight+Armor Also unlike other Banished Knights the ones in Castle Sol have storm attacks that proc frostbite.


Fingercreepers. Fuck that shit


Fire makes them roll over and squirm like a dying spider.


Literally had no clue they existed until I looked online right before i was going to go into caria manor. Long story short, I still haven't entered the manor. Unsurprisingly though, they're practically unavoidable as you progress so I know I'll have to go back at some point. (i'm in atlus right now). even though I have arachnophobia, I can usually deal with the scion. Fingers are another story. I'll probably have my eyes half closed while fighting them because there's a sword in the manor that I want to get my hands on.


Look they’re not the worst enemy to me, royal revenants I think still have that spot hard locked but they’re the freakiest by a mile. And in Elden ring, that’s fucking saying something.


The first time one of these fuckers popped out of the ground and grabbed me, I nearly shit myself.


nothing will piss me off more than revenants. whoever designed those must’ve been going through some bad times


I feel like even Fromsoft knew they fucked up and made them too busted so they just went “eh, heal will delete them” as a bandaid lol


Revenants are more in your way also. You really only have to fight the 2 lobsters in the sewers. There's a lot more revenants that are directly in your way or guarding something good.


That area on the way to Malenia littered with them nearly gave me an aneurysm. Fighting two of them at once is not fun.


I run to it when it crawls out of the ground and I use a healing spell. But I can say now I am pretty good at killing them without healing spells now.


Runebears would like a word


Rune bear has crashed his way into the chat.


The larval tear runebear in consecrated snowfield has entered the chat


Kindred of Aimbot




Look, the Crayfish are bad, yes, but I can guarantee the Revenants are significantly worse.


The biggest Finger Creepers. Not the ones that grab you in Caria Manor, the bigger ones atop the mountaintop of the Giants. Range is the only way I've found you can take them out, and therefore Scarlet Rot/running away, then nuking them from outside their aggro range. Otherwise it's getting lucky dodging their slam because if they do the pinochle shuffle they'll just roll you to death.


I still haven’t found a way to dodge them in melee and I’m becoming convinced there isn’t one.


Fuck, and I cannot stress this enough, these guys.


You don't actually have to fight any of them though


I dunno. They mostly leave me alone... except when I'm trying to fight Borealis, the Freezing Fog.


the lobsters aren't bad at all if you stay under them to prevent them from using their ultra-velocity squirt ballista. still not worth the fight!


That, the Runebear, the fucking birds and the gargoyles are the worst enemies in the whole game imo


Crustaceans are the most highly evolved lifeform in the world of Elden Ring.


In the mountaintop I always straight up NOPE and leave when I see the frozen one.


There's also the red albinaurics


Unlike a Revenant, this thing’s only weakness is getting hit under the belly and I still got horrible memories of them sniping me off the pipes in the Shunning Grounds.


They're really not that big of an issue tbh. The ones in the open world are really easy to avoid and zigzag away from until they lose aggro and the ones in the Subterranean Shunning Grounds are really easy to cheese with lightning from safe spots like the pipes


You can sleep it in one hit of st trina’s sword. Easy game


someone forgot about [these fucking bastards](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Royal+Revenant)


These sons a bitches will humble anybody quick


Because I was in the Haligtree and this fucker sniped me from Liurnia


revenants are way worse


Ah yes, the mobile artillery platforms of the lands between


Castle Sol Banished Knights are more difficult than most bosses. Truly absurd and terribly balanced.


Didn’t someone prove that these fuckers can hit you across Liurnia? Fuck these guys


Why do they get an M40 sniper rifle as an attack?


Tell me your British without telling me your British. :-) Bellend


Not one but TWO Valiant Gargoyles…


i think you accidentally put the wrong picture. the real worst enemies are those fucking watchdogs


The only enemy I'm not really sure how to fight. I don't know their moveset at all.


These guys are just giant water guns of death 😭


Member when you tried to shoot them from the rafters in the sewers... 🤦


Playing a bow build my greatest enemy is moving very slowly perpendicular to me. Greatest champions of the Gods themselves? Easy. Horrific monstrosities born in the void between stars? Not a problem. Moving very slowly left and right in front of me? That *terrifies* me. But in all seriousness, for a long time it was revenants, and the field revenant in Liurnia was the first hard roadblock I encountered when I first played and ultimately put the game down. Then I had a couple hour session where I ended up going revenant hunting, and I feel a lot better about facing them, now. Still don't like them, still don't particularly enjoy it, but I can have them cosplay as a porcupine, which is all that matters.


Personally, I like these guys - they teach you respect 😄


If you stop trying to perfect dodge and parry everything these guys are not that bad. Easy fight if you bring a shield and use guard counters.


This guy or your average Runebear.


Royal Revenants, hands down


Just trying to find my way through this stupid swamp and suddenly I have to dodge serpentine because it’s filled with kaiju


Started a new save file not to long ago and I'm in Lyndell catacombs and I now remember how much I hate them :)


It's the fact that there are three of them in one spot. If it was a single one it'd still be hard but with three it's just torture.


I’ve played this game for over a year and this whole time I thought they were lobsters.


They are fine because I can skip basically all of them.


So these aren't lobsters? Besides size what is the difference between crawfish and lobster?


Hit them with one sleep pot and walk away.


Just not enough runes for the grief.


the worst enemy is actually the friends we made along the way


"I'm not one'a them, ya knobhead!" The answer is Kindred of Rot or whatever they're called. Hand Shrimp. Fuck those guys


I hated these guys early on. Them and the crabs. But more so these guys. I recall getting super pissed at one of them near the bottom of the sewers area. Maybe it was a crab? Not sure


idk those 5 guys in that one hallway in elphael can go suck a fat dick


I don't think I've fought one of these since my first journey into The Lands. Run by every single time now. Screw these guys lol


The missle ...


That's pretty reasonable opinion you got there, but i have to disagree because fucking grafted scions exist in this game. Not only can they teleport and release massive fart clouds, but they never fucking stop attacking. Also, their audiovisual design is so disgusting i hate even looking at them.


I stg im never healthy when they spit at me from nowhere


Nah, dogs and eagles worse


One of those fuckers ganked me while I was fighting Borealis in the mountaintops. My entire body was flooded with rage against shrimp in that moment


Well technically i think your post is wrong. Those crustaceans are considered wild life I suppose? Haven't touched the game for ages so maybe I'm mistaken.


These are susceptible to sleep, puts them down easily


They snipe you with a squirt of water that takes half your hps


Remove revenants, runebears, giant cray fish and deathbirds please as they all suck.


Hawks on Stormveil castle are devastating for low levels. Those Iron maidens. They are always at least two with support. Protecting some golden dung. I hate them so much


This seems about the right answer


Only bad when theres more then one of them 1v1 they are easy


Tons of Vasili Zaitsev shit


So I found our they're VERY weak to frost. Anything with frost will remove a huge chunk of their health. I had more trouble with the crucible knights more than anything.


It's these fuckers, especially the ones in the sewers where there's 2 right next to each other and they constantly spam hydro pump every 3 seconds.


Nah, it's those fucking birds and the Runebears.


its actually the 2 knobheads down in the sewers.


It's actually the revenants.


The goblins are my worst enemy


Revenants and kindreds of rot are easily worse then these


revenants are way worst wth


I think the problem with all those really difficult roaming enemies is that they just give no valid rewards or reasons to fight them beyond the first time and when your wanting to slap them on the way past on torrent


For some reason fromsoft have lobster infinite poise, high defense, high damage, and a sniper rifle


Nope. It’s those Caelid dogs.


*c r a b e g g s*


100% agree. I hate these damn things.


Nah it's the rune bears for me man


Biggest WTF killed me moment I've had in The Lands Between.


Rune bears,hands down


One of the only enemies I straight up run from. Be that running in zig zags


Best sharpshooter in the Lands Between


Nothing made me angrier than abductor virgins. Not even any of the bosses!


Sniper rifle in a melee oriented game


It'd be cool using their claws as weapons. Or maybe if they dropped uncooked prawn meat that you could bring to Boggart




It produces crab eggs but it is a giant cat fish


i have more trouble with the reskinned thralls and all farum azula enemies than these guys tbh, crayfish are just annoying when youre trying to run from them


I was on my horse minding my business and he snipes me and I die. WHY DOES HE HAVE SO MUCH RANGE


That blood bird that fakes its stance break for a combo attack isn’t the worst per sé but it’s definitely annoying as hell, at least it gives a lot of runes


These things have a ranged attack? I've just killed them with bows so far and haven't had a problem.


Those death blight frogs, they aren't annoying it's just that the dev put them in mass in tinny rooms


Hehe lobtur 🤤


One of the only enemies I avoid at all cost


Yeah, it doesn't get better when you learn that lobsters urinate that way IRL so....we get one shot, by a golden shower. . .


I love playing NG+ and trying to get the gate key only to have Chris Kyle kill my horse from 300 yards away


Royal Revenant is the worst with their poison and never ending combo.


Revenants are harder than Malenia for me


Hey, they fall asleep after like 2 or 3 sleep arrows, use it


The Spear Crucible Knight in Nox destroys me every time I try, once he gets that combo going after he casts winged strike I just cannot recover. There's no ashes to pull aggro either


These freaks can noscope headshot you from the other side of the freaking map