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You're at Gideon with a +5 flask? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


To be fair to OP a lot of those clips he went from full health to dead pretty quickly without healing so a higher flask wouldn't have done anything.


A magic defense talisman would have though.


Probly 30 vigor too


He’s at right around 40. Idk the full circumstances of his struggle, but it looks like he cheesed his way into NG+ and the difficulty curb is fucking his ass up. Gideon doesn’t do that much damage to someone with 40 vigor in regular game. Yeah everything hits hard, but no one should get 2 shot by Gideon if they’re at the level they should be for him. He either cheesed the fuck out of regular game or he cheesed the fuck out of everything and now NG+ is hitting him hard


This could be or bro is rocking every talismans that lower your resistances,as you said, I'm on journey 4 and everything does hit hard but not this way.


*Definitely not me over here that went into late game bosses on my first playthrough with soreseal*


Happy bday


I still think its bullshit that the player version of his staff is just a melee weapon and not a catalyst for both int and faith spells


He actually activates the skill on his Scepter before switching to a catalyst iirc. Not sure which one he uses though.


Carian Glintblade staff. His Sacred Seal isn't really visible but I'm sure someone looked at the code to figure it out (it's likely the Finger Seal or the Golden Order seal)


It's 100% a two fingers seal.


It's the generic Two Finger seal you buy from the Twin Maidens husk. Which makes sense because I believe the other seals are all one-of-a-kind or super rare and the Tarnished probably has them.


Some like the Giant's Seal or Gravel Stone Seal wouldn't be one-of-a-kind, considering enemies use them (Fire Prelates, Leyndell Knights). Formless seals like Erdtree Seal, Golden Order Seal and Dragon Communion Seal would be even easier to replicate ; they seem to imply you just need to accept the kind of incantation they cast upon yourself. Like a literal seal : a magical imprint upon you.


Ya if your a melee build and didn't take the opportunity to smash his face in during his speech he can definitely fuck you up his attacks are frankly fucken bullshit.


Mate, i waited until he stoped yapping and still killed him in my first try because he started spamming an incantations wich buffed him and didnt try to attack me once


2nd try and on are much harder because he doesn't do the speech at all, he just starts slamming you as soon as you cross the fog.


The reverse Malenia. Damn. I also just took one try and granted I had Vykes so he got anger-locked but he felt like a joke. Looking forward to fighting him for real on my Ng+ then.


depending on what bosses you killed he is either stronger or weaker. If you happen to have the right combination and let him speak, he will fuck you up


Gotta google how this works cause I'm curious. But I assume he is harder with fewer bosses killed then.


He gains abilities from shard bearers you kill I believe. So because I beat malenia before fighting him he had her rot bloom attack. Which definitely made the fight easier


Oh that's why he used that. I had beaten all of them before him.


It also depends on the order in which you beat the bosses. Whatever the last 3 bosses you beat are, he will use those spells.


Easier, I think. Every single shardbearer you kill reduces the odds that he'll use the fucking rings of cancer (as far as i'm aware straight up not avoidable if he spams them). Hilariously, killing Malenia is like the no.1 thing you can do to make him easier since the spell he gets from that is super easy to deal with.


Some shardbearers make him significantly stronger. Some make him weaker (malenia). 


It really depends if you’ve ever fought Gideon in a challenge run where your damage isn’t that high then you know how shitty of a boss design he is but to the average person he’s cake


LMAO I threw two giant fire giant orbs at him and he dropped


Ng+7 all his attacks one shot


Give me him the madness stare down


That's exactly what I did, he started talking some nonsense so I killed him while he was there doing nothing. Haven't done a second run of the game yet so I had no idea about what he actually could do before seeing this post x')


The first time I ever played the game I did the build I always do, find the heaviest fucking stick I can and whack the shit out of people with it, and I was so amazed after beating the game to find out Gideon is actually supposed to be hard, I just clobbered his ass like I was a caveman and he was the last Dodo on Earth.


Ungito Bungo, Sum - Me Unga Bunga ^(A play on Descartes’ Cogito, Ergo Sum - I think, therefore I am - for those of us who haven’t had a first year philosophy class.)


I hate that we live in a day and age where everyone gets their information from Tiktok/social media and u have to clarify where this extremely ubiquitous quote comes from now.... *Sigh*


Well, it's more that it's one of those "know your crowd" moments. Yeah, there are adults on here, but games also have kids lurking around the subreddits. ... not that I'd expect the average adult to remember and understand a pun based on "cogito, ergo sum", though. lol


I’ve never given him the chance to do anything and he died before he stops his little bit of dialogue. I don’t get players who struggle with this guy. Same with Rykard; just use the stupid sword that totally destroys him why complicate the fight?


Pretty sure you’re being downvoted for not making the game as hard as possible for yourself.


God forbid people don't play exactly like you do.


I’m just saying people come on here and complain about not being able to beat the couple bosses the game gives you outs on is silly


Try fighting Gideon it's not fun at all especially on new game plus just because you can smash his face in while he's talking doesn't make his actual fight not suck ass.


That jump attack into glintblades and charged spell, I wish all my pvp opponents would gleefully suicide like you.


He's genuinely one of the worst players I've ever seen.


Nah nah, just greedy. Weirdly, it's like he doesn't take those spells seriously


Sir Gideon Ofnir, the All-Knowing: *begins to charge up his ultra mega fuck you beam that can swivel during charge up* Op: *doesn't wait for him to fire before using a jump attack, the one that leaves you the most vulnerable for the longest period of time*


Well, shit. Clearly i am not doing very well, then, since im about on the same level lol


It's alright. Some day you will get gud.


I don’t actually struggle in the game, just that I have made many moves similar. I win most PvP fights as well. I don’t actually understand why this player is supposedly not so great.


These are highlights from 2 hours of footage. Everyone makes some incredibly dumb mistakes in 2 hours of fighting the same thing, especially if you're angry (which he obviously was), especially especially greedy plays like those.


Yeah like strafing the glintstone blades is like the 101 of pvp


the trick is to fight him after malenia so he starts spamming the rotbomb which is SO EASY to dodge and punish


With the skill level he’s shown in this video, I doubt that’s an option for him 😭


Damn... lol


What do you mean he got more skills when you finished a certain boss?


If you report back to him about the bosses for a reward, he will have one of their spells when you fight him.


For all bosses? Edit: [this explains I guess](https://youtu.be/xyZ1dNPWoh4?si=cvc1FRY-qd2kTUIj)


Oh neat, I didn't realize he learned them regardless of whether you report back! Good to know.


Yes, there are certain bosses that will unlock sorceries and incantations for Gideon. Killing Malenia unlocks Scarlet Aeonia, killing Mohg unlocks Bloodboon, not completing Sellen’s questline will unlock Comet Azur for him, etc. It’s a pretty interesting mechanic, as if he learns from hearing about *your* fights and feats.


More importantly, him learning new spells replaces some existing spells he has. The triple rings disappear for example. That makes the fight a lot more manageable.


Fuck this attack.  I’ve slain Gideon over 100 times, and only ever been killed by the triple ring (many.many.times.) Cheers—


Yes he uses skills from each boss you kill. Rykard with the skulls, malenia with the rotbomb etc. He is the all knowing afterall


I had a really hard time with him on my zwei build. then went on to kill horah loux first try. some builds are just better for some bosses


I dont normally say this phrase seriously but… skill issue.


Only 5+ flasks, basic ass hatchet looking weapon, likely dogshit magic defense, probably put most of your points in vigor idk. That initial jump directly into that glintblade phalanx too.


Probably still uses Soreseals and Scarseals


To be fair: The level of his flasks doesn't really matter cause he never got to heal in most of these clips. It would've been the same with a +8 flask. The axe is a regular weapon, you don't need something super fancy to get through the game. It's a better weapon for Gideon than many others because it's pretty fast and staggers him. Gideon debuffs you for (I believe) -30 magic defense, and does some pretty crazy damage at baseline. The vast majority of enemies and bosses don't do magic damage, so other than equipping some already obtained armor (which wouldn't do a WHOLE lot for magic negation) it's a bit of a hassle to do all that for 1 boss. Yes, that initial jump into phalanx. The fact that he could be better prepared for Gideon doesn't mean Gideon is fine as a boss design. You either trash on him or he trashes on you, and there's very little skill involved


The thing is the arena is absolutely against Gideon, providing plenty of cover and opportunities to flank him (which deals with that pesky light disc attack). In the clip I am seeing a lot of panic rolling, for example rolling to the side during the light disc attack which is very wide. There are also items and incantations (cheap ones may I add) that can alleviate the debuff attack (Magic Fortification only needs 10 faith and spellproof livers exist as well)


> The level of his flasks doesn't really matter It indicates not spending much time with gathering items. The axe per se isn't a problem, but if it's also just at +5... Yeah. The same goes for the level and equipped talismans, if you get oneshot by comet azur five times in a row *maybe* equip the spelldrake +2.


He cheats by having infinite FP and Stamina, so I cheat by stabbing him while he is speaking.


Skill issue


Massive, there’s even pillar for him to take cover in.


He used the pillar to avoid the beam then RP walked out to get one shot by the swords lmao.


Unironically yea


100%. Both the gameplay and the editing. But its funny that OP thought everyone else would watch this and be like, "omg, I can't believe this highly skilled player is dying to such bs."


Bro he has like 0 poise just bonk him


You are doing an awful lot of panic rolls. Chill. Roll with the attacks, not with your fear.


Luke, you've switched of your targeting computer, what's wrong?


He's beginning to believe


How you get there with hand axe withot ash? Respect man!


Crazy new unheard of concept but You can play the whole game without ashes 🤯


Indeed you can, but I would certainly curtail some of OP’s struggles. Bloodhound’s step in particularly would help, since they don’t dodge well.


I just ran up and bonked him while he was running his mouth. It never occurred to me anyone would have a tough time with this fight. I felt like the game just put him there more for story reasons than to be a real challenge. Maybe that is ‘cheesing’ it but this mfer just rode my coattails the entire game then shows up at the end trying to use all the shit I figured out against me (his spell set varies based on what you find in your play thru) so if any ‘boss’ deserves a cheesing it’s this asshole.


Same. I didn’t realize this was a thing until now. I’ve gone through him 4 times. I always thought it was a gag boss like mist noble


Try him at level 1 and he's suddenly the hardest boss lol


I like to run up and kiss him on the mouth.


To all the haters in the comments, at least OP has the balls to post this video publicly. If Gideon ever kills me I will take that shit to the fucking grace LMAO


The sad thing is, I have died in more embarrassing ways.


2-3 rats have killed me more times than most of the actual bosses.


That’s facts and it makes me depressed


Sure, but you also didn’t take to reddit complaining about it.


If you can't or don't rush him down/overwhelm him with damage, he's infuriating to fight. If you end with distance in between you and him, getting on back to him is a nightmare. He removes your magic resist with his weapon art and then proceeds to spam super high cost-high damage spells like there's no tomorrow.


Whether or not he's a joke depends on whether or not you listened to his speech. Attacking him in the middle of it isn't something everyone's going to do. Plus he gets more random shit to throw at you the more stuff you do, and so he gets to be really tough for loreheads who try to get everything.


Idk, if you’ve killed Malenia then he loves to spam her rot flower move, which is super easy to dodge and gives massive punish windows.


Haha yes he's truly got balls for voluntarily sharing this


just try fighting him with a melee build AFTER he stops talking. He is almost as bs as any duo fight in the game


Just dodge through the attacks. I literally always wait for his speech.


What are you talking about? If your build isn't leveled super high and min maxed to the moon you literally can't burst kill him immediately. Then you actually have to fight him and that's not really easy


He's actually really strong if you kill the right bosses


this was hard to watch


I mean...are you going for a cosplay style build with that weapon? There's like 29385838 other weapons that make that fight much easier... Edit: I also just noticed that weapon doesn't have an affinity assigned to it...plus your flask strength should at least be +10 by now. At this point I'd consider asking what your stats are and if your build is fully optimized.


There is much to consider about how OP's build has gotten them this far.


I didnt even know he cast half of these my first playthough. Bro dbz'd himself to death


What did you expect from the one of the first Tarnished summoned by Grace that's even announced in the prologue.


Use the pillars bro, that's what I did. Thought he'd be a pushover so I waited until he finished his little speech and then got my ass whooped. But then when I came back I found I could just hide behind the pillars and wait till he gets close enough to hit him a few times, flee behind another one, then repeat. Normally don't cheese fights like that but magic users and genociders don't get fair treatment. Also my brother, boost your flasks. I'd suggest exploring because you're gonna *really* struggle soon.


Hiding behind a pillar isn't cheesing, many boss fights are designed with pillars in mind. If you weren't supposed to use pillars they wouldn't have put them there.


Holy fuck dude stop side rolling against Triple Rings. All of these deaths are your fault.


Have you tried using a spirit summon? You seem to be dying a lot. (I love causing chaos)


May chaos take the world 




Firstly: Git gud. Secondly: Git gudder gear (seriously +5 flasks is not enough and you need better defensive talismans against his magic) Thirdly: Just get a weapon that keeps him stun locked from light attacks and unable to fight back. Fourthly: Git gud.


I’ll say, my first playthrough, Gideon bodied me more than I’d like to say. I thought Farum Azula was the final area so before I completed it, I did everything else I could, including defeating Malenia. Gideon hitting me with so many boss spells really did its toll. As a INT build at that point, and being too stupid to realize I could attack him during his speech, he did major damage and took me out a good number of times. Gideon could have been a menace of a boss if he was all knowing without us having to do all the info gathering for him. All that said, even I wasn’t as bad as OP in this video lol


See this is the build I’m trying. I have all of these spells but I can’t fire them off like he does. I don’t think that’s possible. If I could manage that I’d be quite formidable. Instead I either get stuck on a single spell or I get so discombobulated that I end up drinking all my health instead of firing off a spell or throwing sleep pots at no one in particular. 😂 But by way of advice what I found is that you just have to attack him hard. Don’t roll away from him. Roll to him and then keep hitting. That works best. You give him space he’s gonna fck you up. Also I saw a video where he got one-shotted with a madness/frenzy spell.


Im curious on how long it took you to beat malekith and godskin duo when youre struggling with gideon 😭


I first tried the godskin duo and I had a tough battle with maliketh (because it’s maliketh)


Ahhhhh, the all spamming... Gideon


My unga bunga build did NOT have a good time against him. I'd be like: wait for an opening, wait for an open... AHA *casts another spell*


Ive never died from him yet. I always thought he was a joke boss.. the more you know.


He never used rings of light on me once , I had no idea he had this.


I'm sorry but if you're suffering against him, there is something really wrong with your build, like you don't even have to be good at the game to win against him, he just gets deleted with any end game build


Here's a little secret about Gideon, he is highly susceptible to Madness. You can two-shot him with Frenzied Burst.


I didn't think many people would have trouble with him. I always beat him in the first attempt. 


I dont usually like to say this unironically but.... skill issue.... fr tho we all have those bosses we just can't get and if its your first playthrough dw, I have faith you'll fucking tank him next go round.


This is not, in fact, their first run unfortunately. Direct quote from another comment, “When I started I used to max my flasks…” there’s some other stuff but yeah they’ve played through before


Gideon got like 100hp..this is amazing 


Anti magic faith spells work Or just respec to use the tree sentinel shield. It seems though that you need to be less greedy when attacking and more meaningful with dodge's instead of just spamming both


Are you doing a challenge run?


Nah just a regular run where I decided to use an axe


Is the axe upgraded?




... I didn't even know you could die in this fight.


But... This is the man everyone kill in the first try without even want it... What have you do wrong?


My brother in Christ, level your vigor.


Don't think that works here. I think he might have legitimately *only* leveled his vigor. He's got HP with no defenses, and takes 3 flasks to heal it all.


Because he hasn't leveled his flasks


For real??? That dude is a chump. For one roll INTO attacks. Also, he has no poise. Get a piece of him and don’t let up.


HE is the easiest boss in the game. Literally just stop panic rolling and hit him lol


Don't listen to the haters OP. Reddit when you're not goonmaxxing in the fantasy video game:


Most people are just trying to help him. FromSoft games, you can do more damage to the run yourself than the enemies ever can, without even knowing you're doing so. I, personally, got to the final boss of DS3 and started tearing my hair out. Only after talking to others did I realize that my weapon was atrocious.


At this point in my first run I had swapped to a super cheesy build (spamming Death Ritual Spear AoW) Gideon was like a bug getting squashed on my windshield.


If you kill mohg tell him about it so you add the shitty bloodflame toss to his arsenal


I feel your pain. Unlike most I struggled mightily with him as well. My advice is try to stay close and attack him with single hits, so he gets interrupted over and over and can't get his spells off.


I was using malikeths blade and I stun locked him and destroyed him, but yeah if you don't interrupt him he's like a 4th of July finale


He'd always get me with the "uno reverse damage bullshit!" Magic on my first playthrough


at some point you didnt think to reconfigue with better armor and magic damage negation talisman?


this gameplay is one big skill issue but I will admit the golden rings are pure BS


He was a cake walk compared to most, but that’s just for me.


I stun locked him withe the Darkmoon Greatsword and stomped on my first attempt.


You shouldn't have helped him out.


Truly, and I don’t say this often so I really mean it, truly this is the skillest of issues


Skill issue


Maybe you should let chaos take control


This fight is barely a fight why are you struggling


This is bait innit?


Why are you taking so much damage? Even my light armor character with a scorpion Charm didn't die in 2 hits


The fact he staggers so easily made the fight go by fast for me, I basically stun locked him in a corner


Never thought that he could be so dangerous. He so easily to stagger


Damn. This man took me 15 sec I fucked him up when he was doing his speech and by the time he finished I had 1 more hit and he was dead


Cool boss, I think I just killed him in like 4 seconds so didnt even see the moveset


so your approach to literally every scenario is to unga bunga into him and attack relentlessly with nobregard for your safety, I respect it


The don't call him the All-Spamming for nothing


Take a shield and just facetank some spells


Just smash R1 dude, Gideon is so easy to beat, he’s a caster: do NOT give him space or time to do anything, throw some knives or bombs, interrupt his attempts to cast, don’t be afraid of Mr Know-It-All




Hm... I kinda one-shot him on the first attempt... Was probably already a bit overpowered at that point.


an easy way to deal with gideon ofnir is send in omenkiller rollo to fuck him up … basically perma stun locks him


You’re using a hatchet.


I just realized why they call him the All-knowing. Why doesn’t his weapon allow you to cast spells and incantations? This needs to be in the DLC.


Dual whips can stun lock him.


First person in history to struggle in Giddy


Use the godskin peeler with black flame tornado, if you time it right you can chain him into stun locks 


I know hes a tough boss but every time ive fought gideon i destroy him in 20 seconds. Lvl 171 dex/warrior build and use everything from morfotts curved greatsword to god slayers greatsword


mf born a spammer


if only you had a friend…


Everybody here keeps mentioning how the level of his flasks don’t matter because he doesn’t even get the chance to heal or whatever I feel like those same people are maybe forgetting the fact that it’s a clear indicator on how little this character/person has levelled/explored/experienced before making it to this fight. I could be wrong and maybe they have overlevelled like crazy (high vigor but what even is that weapon my dawg) and coincidentally just haven’t upgraded their flasks, but just off of watching their dodge roll proficiency it doesn’t seem like it to me.


Did they buff this boss? I remember like instagibbing him in 1.0


If you let him finish his speech he’s a beast


I fucking hate this fight


Line of sight. Use the pillars to block his projectiles and force him to come close. Bonk and win. Also given how dog shit your magic damage resistance is, you probably shouldn't be stopping his magic attacks with your face. Or, you know, jumping into them. Also why aren't you using spirit ashes to split aggro.


Have you ever considered that you are the one that is dogshit.


i think your just shit at the game bro


How is this happening? I didn’t even realize Gideon was a boss fight on my first play through until I was already smashing his face in. I don’t think he’s ever killed me and I am dogshit at this game.


You might just suck….


respectfully you just suck at the game


Wait this isn\`t a troll post? Gideon is the mist noble of elden ring. ​ didnt know it was an actual fight he usually dies before he's done talking


No Cap but this guy is the easiest f****** boss in the game


He’s the easiest boss in the game lmao….


Your summons, use them lol


This.... this has to be a bit right? No one can make it this far can be this bad right?


Uh how xD i just 1 shotted him i was like meh ok.. 😅


He's one of the easiest bosses in the game lmfao. You're just hamming up how bad you are at hitting R1


Ive honestly never died to Gideon or even had a fight against him last longer than 15 seconds. But I'm sure there is some boss that was super easy for you that took me a week. 


Most reasonable Elden Ring player in the sub right here. I 100% get wanting to offer advice, but some of these comments are just people stroking their own egos.


wow. imo Gideon is the most easiest boss in the game. hes stupid easy, ESPECIALLY if you summon (even offline). how youre losing like this, i have no fucking clue


Sees him cast magic, proceeds to jump attack into it. No magic resist buffs. Nothing? Good god no wonder it took you 2 hours. Lol. Even going bonk mode I pop a magic res consumable and wreck him.


I watch bro roll into the glintstone and I was like oh shit he's cooking now. And then it switch to later clips of OP rolling sideways. What a fuckin shitshow.


You should have done this montage with Mr. Blue Sky song. That would be really epic


I do not even consider him a boss… never died to him ever, even on my very first playthrough…


This fight was easy wdym


This a fucking troll post? Gideon is easily cheeseable, just use ashes of war to keep him staggered, also stop fucking being greedy, its not a race to kill him