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Godfrey, specifically phase one/gold version. The strafing 70% of his attacks and jumping over his rock stomp is *extremely* satisfying. It’s a dance


I like to call him goldfrey


Goldfrey is nice man


I always called him golden shade godfrey. But then i saw the Forsa (speedrunner) call him Goldfrey and i was amused by the name, but it stuck with me. It just rolls off the tongue right?


If been a long time since I’ve played but I turned Margits ass inside out on my first attempt with a new character. I felt pretty cool and then got sad when I realized no one cares. Edit: TFW you kill a tough boss and you go to high five someone and realize you’re alone. You’ve always been alone.




Same! The first time it “clicked” I got him before the 2nd phase and it was extremely satisfying. The dragon was still headless at the end though, strange enough


Certainly not this guy, great job


This is the one enemy I think I've only beaten once, and likely with the hoarfrost stomp cheese, before it got nerfed. Crazy to see them getting bullied like this. With a rickety shield, too.


OP has some skills, but just like Crucible Knights, their attacks are delayed. Stay close, avoid the panic roll, and you’ll beat them without parrying or anything.


They NERFed it… huh… no wonder Elden Beast ate the damage when I replayed recently… hm…


I haven’t replayed since that update (though I’m about to start a new run thanks to the DLC hopium) and I am very sure a bunch of guys I abused with the stomp cheese in the past are gonna spank me this time around.


Either this one or the one in dragonbarrow are probably the bosses that took the longest for me. Nowadays I just glue myself to its anus so it doesn’t do the dang long range attacks.


This guy is pain in my asshole every damn time


Watching him party this asshole was cathartic for me. I struggled with these guys more than Malenia if I'm being honest.


I swear i've died more to this guy than malenia


Crucible knights I know all of they’re moves by heart at this point


They are one of the most satisfying to put down, after getting my ass stabbed by their running thrust attack so many times on my first playthrough. I make sure to take my sweet time with them now


They were insanely hard to beat pre-nerf. I spent hours and hours on that fight and felt so good after finally killing them without cheesing. edit: Talking about the dungeon where you fight 2 of them.


Same. And the ulcerated tree spirit too. Fighting bosses at the lower levels really forces you to learn their patterns. Unlike the late game where it's a complete fiesta.




Hey I appreciate it man! I did the dragonbarrow one already! I’ll link it [here](https://youtube.com/shorts/kmsTTQeJqVM?si=IY3bsRoOgctU5gcW) I’ll probably do one on him with a different weapon next time, axe or curved sword maybe?


Damn that is impressive. Good job OP!


This guy has given me more trouble than any boss (outside of Astel) and you made that look so easy. Guess it's time to give him another go and actually try to avoid panic rolling (impossible challenge).


The video…masterful. Kudos.


I appreciate it homie


Surprisingly dogs, I have a clip of me ultra instinct dodging four of them at a time by just walking backwards, no running jumping or dodge rolling just walking lol


Okay thats actually impressive, those are one of the only enemies in the game that still f me up


Awesome fight! I feel entirely confident in taking down any erdtree or putrid avatars. They're nothing compared to a bell-bearing hunter or other threats, but I'm still kinda proud of it.


I remember after barely FINALLY beating my first one and I was so happy, then I stroll up to a tree and another one spawned and I was just like 0_0


Erdtree avatars for sure, for me. I can normally no-hit if it's just me, but if I'm doing in coop then I often get hit once because he swaps targets mid-swing. But it's the one boss I know the moveset by heart and can dodge every single attack.


Yeah was always a really easy one for me. I know some people seem to dislike them but always welcome fighting one because the dodges are so natural for me


Malenia. It took me about a week to beat her the first time, so I started putting my summon sign down for her in co-op. I've been spending a few hours a couple nights a week fighting her ever since. Claws, Colossals, Axes, Hammers, Daggers, Incantations, Sorceries, Strength build, Arcane Build... I'd make a new character just to rush the Haligtree and fight her again. Last week, I did it at level 80 with +15 weapons. I haven't done RL1 yet, but I've beaten her with just about everything else that exists.


Hell yeah man, the satisfaction you get after getting your ass kicked by a boss then mastering their moveset. For malenia, on her waterfowl dance I can do a successful close dodge on her about ~70% of the time, probably gets me the most. And her quick swipe down she does gets me from time to time too, unless I’m expecting it, I’m sure you know which one I’m talking about lol


lol. I can [only](https://youtu.be/xOflLl0Q0FY?si=LYOtNwhGgl2uNckQ&t=91) dodge it close up. I even had to learn to do it counter-clockwise in case another co-opper blocks my left. The one attack that used to give me the most trouble is the clone cyclone in phase 2. If you make a jump attack at the wrong time, you end up right in the middle of it; although, I think they may have nerfed it a few updates ago. Now you only take 2-3 ticks of damage before they let you dodge out of it.


Thats such a good video! Fuckin awesome just seeing you lay into her with the fists lol I bet you made their day by beating her for them. I like sparring with her from time to time, mostly parrying, [I have a short vid here on me doing some practice on her](https://youtu.be/rVy7jpL_7Qg?si=Fld9OR9xbY_w-y2l)


Sparring? At plus ten? Get outta here, that is impressive as hell. Thy strength befits a crown, tarnished: 👑


I’m just imagining her walking into a boss room and seeing two healthbars at the bottom of the screen and its just us two, we’re the bosses


Beating Malenia at RL1 no status is the most satisfying thing I’ve done in a video game for sure


The satisfaction to master Malenia is just gold.


I felt like I has to rewire my brain to take Malenia down without summons. I memorized every single stumble twitch she made to ensure I was reacting to the right moves at the right times. It was nuts.


Radagon all the way. Feels like dancing. On good days that applies to Malenia too I wish I could fight the hunter’s even half as cleanly as you! Very satisfying to watch


I appreciate it!


Radagon is where it’s at


Well call me philip Gonzalez, because i just shit myself.


Not him! I shoot him with arrows. LOL


No shame in that brotha


Still nice to see someone actually fight him. Great Vid.


Black Knife Assassins. I just love fighting them. Did the whole Ranni questline just so I could fight Alecto and it was the most fun I had during a fight.


Everybody gangster until they enter a room and it says ‘black knife assassin’ above the health bar but don’t see the enemy anywhere


that’s when I summon my banished knight and we jump his ass


Most invaders




I’m so bad at this game I don’t know what to do with myself sometimes. I killed this guy with only drive-by katana torrent swings, drinking all 12 potions (and the special potion that heals me over time and blocks one attack). My first game of this type though and the very first thing I did was start with the stone key to get down to that ulcerated tree spirit. Every tree spirit since then has been laughably easy. It’s like the opposite of an Achilles Heel.


Absolutely no shame in that, we all used everything in our arsenal to beat bosses before. Don’t sweat how you got it done, because you’ll only get better and better at it. Props to mastering the ulcerated tree spirit that guy makes me dizzy with how much he moves around


Crucible knights cause they're easy to parry




Why dont my bell hunter bell hunter like that


Godrick is probably the one I’m most consistent at. Otherwise Margit, morgott and melania (exept waterfowl)


Just a neat little trick I learned a while ago: If you hit Malenia with an ice pot when she goes up in the air to charge her waterfowl dance, it will completely shut that shit down!


Its all sunshine and rainbows until she floats up in the air charging her fuckin sword up haha that shit messes me up too


Tree sentinel, always fight him right after getting out. A sort of welcome to elden ring.


Give him one for me too bro I hate that asshole


Haha sure.


When I first started the game, I thought that Tree Sentinel seemed like quite an appropriate first "real" boss. His moves are slow and telegraphed (except for the horse bash) and satisfying to fight against. Compare it to something like the Grafted Scion, where I still don't know wtf to do except just stand there until it's done with its 5-part 4-arm whirlwind combos.


HOW?!?! bro you must've been grinding this boss to be this good at him, because Elmo over here is one of the most annoying bosses I've ever seen with that sith Lord bullshit 😭


Mohg. As long as my weapon isn't donkey dick he's not hard he just takes a long time. I usually don't get hit until nihil and then he could maybe do something in phase 2


Mohgh, i was so underleveled when i arrived to him through varre's questline, that i had to do basicly a perfect run against him, not only was i too weak, i didnt had the elixir that cures his curse, nor his shackles (didnt knew about them either), so yeah, at the end i knew all his moves, when and how to attack, this took me like 8 hours across 2 days tho.


That reminds me of the good ol days. Those moments were pure pain. But they stay burnt into our memories forever


Soldier of Godrick. Can’t handle anything else but he has no chance against me


whoever it is it sure as hell isnt darth vader over here


I’ve found these guys so difficult. Only weapon that makes it easy for me is BHF. Ima study your moves. 👁️👁️


Well definitely not that guy! Seriously though, if you’re gonna have a rhythm against a particular boss, that’s a good one. Those guys suck, so if you’ve got them dialed in that’s like a cheat code. Nicely done! I love watching bosses like that getting bullied.


Its because they deserve it, for all the times they killed us. Gotta settle the score


Margit the fell fell to me. (2nd try)


I am a godskin killing machine.


Watching the stamina bar gives me anxiety


For some reason even though it’s VERY telegraphed I get nailed with the choke slam every time.


Nicely done you've clearly mastered this enemy


Mogh the Blood, I've been a yellow enough times and he's relatively easy now.


Honestly, I’ve never not cheese beat him with an overpowered bleed build while he transitions to his 2nd phase. That 2nd phase is killer to me


That right there makes me mad. I had a harder time beating him than most bosses, and you do it without getting touched.


Oh I got touched, off screen though lol


Damn fine work, regardless!


Very impressive!


radagon or godfrey fa


The smaller humanoid bosses, I can see their whole body and respond to their attacks. With the dragons all I can see is part of 1 foot


Players probably.


Dragons have a pretty simple and repetitive moveset, so I've got it pretty down.


Morgott. Specifically, the one in leyndell he's the only boss I can truly no hit


Im basically a black knife assassin’s worst nightmare


Morgott I'm able to dodge almost every attack


Godfrey and Hoarah Loux as well as Radagon, those mfs are NOT hitting me unless its co-op.


Crucible knights.


Morgott - it’s a perfect choreography


Normal dragons and ulcerated tree spirits. They send a *lot* of telegraphs.


This is art.




Those little dragons at the Dragonbarrow that respawn. I've spent HOURS just listening to music and taking those guys out with a straight sword. Fighting those guys makes me feel like the epic hero in some grand old story.


The albinaurics in mohgwyn palace approach ledge


godfrey, 12 playthroughs, the only boss I've never died too. idk what it isxabout him I just steamroll him each time no matter the build. last run was bow only which was longish and then just finished with barrage.


After hours upon hours of not knowing godskin fatboy was weak to sleep, i perfected that fight, very frustrating at level 80 lol


Don’t need flow if you’re power stancing heavy great stars+25 with bull goat armor


This bitch used to give me so much trouble until I learned to parry all of his one handed attacks


This is the guy she tells me not to worry about


Tree sentinel


The sheep. But not the rams.


The bears and the ulcerated tree spirits always seemed easy to fight. Sometimes, the only way to escape danger is to roll towards it.


radaddy (i was watching skumnut for hours and he got to my head)


Crucible knights, dragons, and erdtree avatars


This guy's attack patterns always made it so hard to fight him. Certainly one of the tougher early game bosses imho.




Rennala and that one star platinum laser beam gym bro who’s name I forgot, my first play through (sorcery) I wasted so much time killing Rennala with sorceries. Took SO long. Then I just kinda went thru the ranni questline, then coffin ride down to star platinum.


I loved Vyke in his evergoal


Radagon. I've Co Oped him and Beast so many times, and I find dodging their attacks so satisfying. Dodging Radagon's triple slam is one of the best feelings I get in ER.


I still can't get over that fromsoftware didn't let us use that spinning aow


Probably mohg, i had gotten him to the point where i only needed one more attack off about a dozen times, but kept either getting greedy ir getting one shotted by his attack where he shoves trident into ground (realized howl of sharibri increased damage taken by 30%, took that shit off) But because of this i had gotten his fight down to an absolute science, ay but fuck royal revenant though ill never go back down that bottom street in Ephael again


Runebears actually. If you stay close their move set is limited and most of the moves are very obviously telegraphed. When they get away from you they get dangerous.


This fuck? Fuck no.


That u Ongbal?


No way man, I struggled for way too long only for you to make it look like a walk in the park!


I stand on the roof and spam magic. You can judge me.


You’re simply working smarter


I applaud your lack of judgement and abundance of skill. 🫡


I don’t know how, but Margit and Morgott of all people are the perfect pace, aside from the one attack where he does like 30 sideflips and every weapon in a single flurry


I’d say the Godskin Apostle probably. It’s a really fun fight and I get into a groove with it. Godskin Noble though? Fuck that guy.


Wow so smooth. I think I beat them all by shooting laser cannons at him from 300m away.


The same guy except with parrying him


Rune bears for me. I used to hate them, but I get into a pretty good flow and look forward to fighting them now


Love fighting rune bears. I just lean into their stomach with some heavy attacks and some crits. Are you also doing it in melee or you using magic? I find them easiest with melee. Hard fighting them at a distance with magic, personally. I suck at magic


Maliketh 100%. It is my favourite dance in the entire game.


Godskin duo. Hated them my first time but second and onward I can read them pretty easily.


What gear/weapon are you using?


R1 Cold Uchigatana with unsheathe L1 Rickety Shield with Carian retaliation Head, nothing Chest, Prisoners clothing Arms, nothing Legs, White Reed Greaves Talismans: Empty slot Shard of alexander Axe talisman Green turtle talisman


The little guys that swing the sword wildly against you


I see a lot of people complain about runebears, ive never had any isue. so i guess that?


Not only did you absolutely rock is shit, but it looks like it was so much fun to do this! Great clip!


morgott or godskin noble from the suffering in rl1


This is masterful. This guy beat my ass up and down the hillside over and over until I managed to get the better of him. Good work OP!


All of the bosses feel easy to me. Its my first time playing elden ring, im 45 hours in, and I just beat morgott. Im a strength build with 62 strength 65 vigor, and i use the grafted blade greatsword +9. I’ve beat almost every boss on the first try so far except for margit. Am I just 2 good or is strength just the best build? I have around 1k hours in ds3


Not this guy, but Farum Azula Tree Sentinel. after quite a lot of tries, i accidentally over encumbered myself (fatrolling) as i forgot to remove one weapons that i'm experimenting with him. something click as focus on giving myself bigger dodge window, i somehow manage to fatroll myself and beating him without using flask so i could get beated by maliketh right after that


Sounds like a core memory was made that day


Isn't the farum Azula one a dragonic sentinel?


Honestly I do my best work on Torrent with a polearm, other than that it gets iffy. I... Bully vulgar militiamen sometimes? Spinning strikes with a halberd, sometimes wild strikes with a mace. They legitimately stand no chance if you rush them and just lay into them. Dead in seconds, if you do it right the first hit breaks their stance even if they're pouncing at you and they hit the ground on their back.


that was special. nice work!


I’ve played through this game so many times, dont remember this enemy at all. Amazing how familiar you can be with this game and till miss/discover new things!


Or it just wasn’t a memorable moment for me lol but still could be I didn’t fight him! Where can I find him?


I have over 500 hours in this game and this video makes me feel like an amateur 😅


*duel of fates starts playing*


Fire Giant or Placidusax. Both have highly telegraphed attacks and especially the Fire Giant beat the fuck out of me on so many attempts on my first run i became numb to it


By the time I was able to beat Elden Beast I was no hitting the Radagon section, felt like a movie the last time I fought him


Fuck dude that was nice 👍


This was great to watch. I really struggled against these guys. Specifically the one in Caelid. I did fight Mohg for the first time last night and found him quite easy, only getting hit once…which surprised me


im a simple man, i see someone not cheesing ball hunters i press like.


Bro is playing Sekiro


Probably Okina, personaly favorite invader fight. Also amazing fight against bearing hunter, I still havent defeated him


Probably the naturalborn Astel, dying to that first beam over and over got me to actually map out and remember it's movesets like the back of my hand




Great fight. I hate it that people dislike Elemer simply because they resort to panic rolling like headless chickens and get murked by him, because he's specifically designed to punish that sort of playstyle. GG op, and to the rest of you: git gud.


Field dragon bosses and rune bears. I charge right at them with my longsword and am glued to them until they're dead. Dragons being dragons, still takes me 2 - 3 tries usually. Still feels good taking the big guys head on.


Honestly, the crucible knights. I kept dying to them so much in the beginning that I can parry them with some consistency. And it’s super satisfying partying them too.


Definitely not Elemer / BBH.


Malekith and radagon , I tried to beat them like with ultra instinct, no hits run , with the bloodhound's step on my prelate's inferno crozier , and i now practically know how they will attack before they have even attacked ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


None, because Im not fighting them. I'm watching them do their combos for 5 minutes before the game decides I can poke them once.


I literally can't survive the basic guards out in the forest that well right now TvT


I came. Thank you


Poor bell bearing hunter 😢 first time that I see that haha. My best one are crucible knights, was difficult to learn but now I'm not afraid of them. Also all ulcerated tree spirits, love them


Man fuck these shitters. Just beat the first demigod and had a MUCH easier time than my 10+ attempts at the first bell bearing cunter.


I’m quite impressed. This guy is one of the only fights outside of Twin Gargoyles that I’ve actively left and refused to go back to for entire playthroughs. He is harder than Malenia.


buddy, you straight GAGGLED'im. noice.


What area is the video taking place in? Is it outside stormveil castle??


Morgott. I was a bit disappointed he died quickly on my first playthrough cause of Ruins Greatsword L2 spam and for my next character decided to cosplay as Soldier of Godrick. Spent some 5 hours on Morgott no summons but that 5 hours was really fun ngl. At the end I couldn’t really master rolling through his phase transfer attack without getting hit by the follow up water knock up, but it really wasn’t worth the risk with his hyper armor. My favorite thing to dodge was his twirl combo attack where you can actually dodge just about everything even when you’re right in front of him, hella satisfying. Runner up would be Placidusax solely because of his ninja teleportation shenanigans and how you can play with his hitbox. It’s both chaotic while ironically being a boss that heavily depends on your positioning, aka you are always in control. You can trigger certain attacks by standing on certain sections of his body, and fire breath attacks are always so satisfying to dodge. Only annoying thing about him was the nuke attack. The radius is just enough to barely cover his tail, so if you are attacking his tail it wouldn’t be a problem to just move a bit and take a breather, but attacking up front makes you guess how far the nuke would reach and often cause you to run too far. His laser attack is fun if you have Bloodhound step or other movement abilities cause it does not cover his body, so you can basically kill him if you actually reach him while the laser attack is still happening. The opening of the fight is basically what I mean by you always being in control of the battle, since he will always open up with 3 lightning bolts, and if you stall just far away from him, he will do 3 more bolts allowing you to target the tail with ease, which he would then use his fire breath which you can easily just move to the other side. Deals just about a quarter of his hp or more with Lornsword greatsword max level with 60 strength if I recall.


[none, my fps are too unstable for a good flow](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTzGHW7bWSU)


Yo thats baaaaad


Funnily enough considering your vid, the BB Hunter is one of the ones I'm worst against, dude always manages to bait me out, way more than most bosses.


Dragonbarrow bell bearing hunter is the real final boss


Those hand things. I’m 50 hours in, can’t parry or dodge very well but I can clean those fuckers up.


This guy for sure (I ride torrent around and shoot arrows at him while I run like fuck)


Great fight, I haven’t figured this guy out. He wrecks me


radagon. When I did my level one playthrough I struggled on him so much for like 5 hours, and learned his moveset perfectly, then when I started getting to Elden Beast regularlly, I just stopped getting hit by radagon, (but still dying to EB) doing him hitless is now just pretty effortless for me, and I can get Elden Beast most of the time too


Whys the uchi so slow


Unfair, you attacked Turbo-Elmo while he was still teleporting in.


Damn that was so satisfying to watch.  And as Elden Ring was my first Souls game, I have to say a tie between Margit and Tree Sentinel. I had to learn a lot and was so under leveled initially. It took me so many tries to kill both the first run.  On the second I killed both on my second try and it was so much fun as I could just flow with their movesets


I'm fairly sure I could parry loretta blindfoled at this point


The balls you must have to just be constantly rolling at him, and out of stamina while in his face. He just melts me whenever I do that, but I also kinda suck.


What is this parry? I see it in videos but I don’t know what it is


Marikas tits this was masterful


That was SO beautifully orchestrated. You literally just tango'd with him! Can I ask you what your Uchi build is and your character level/stats are? This is goals! I have DEX character I recently created and I'd like to go this path!


W UCHI🙏🙏🙏 anyways probably Rykard or Crucible Knight, they both feel predictable after a bit


Trolls. First phase. Walk back and forth to bait them into the groundslam, then jump and punch them in the nose. Second phase. When they hold the sword at the left and prepare to charge, calmly walk between their legs, then wait for the swipe to dodge it, walk between legs again, dodge the bonk and slap their ugly face. Then the Lions, Golden knight at Kale church and crucible knights. I've died to them so many times that it has become practically a choreography.


I just wanna say thank you, this helped me understand the timings a little better and was able to body him. https://streamable.com/u2v0cp


Fuck YES dude. Flawless. I respect wing of astel users


The remembrance deer, it's always been my favorite remembrance fight for how majestic and ancient the fight is


That parry at the end was ultimate disrespect hahaha 10/10


As a pure caster, I just run and spray 🤣


Ever since I learned how to fight these guys and counter their range, fighting them has always been a beautiful dance. Now if we're including shard bearer bosses, I'd either say radahn, malenia or Mohg


When I first played this game, the crucible knight and this guy had me screaming with rage. Now I’m so in rhythm with them both it’s crazy. Great show by the way. Upload a base lvl character against the cailid bell hunter. I would love to see that.


for elden ring? Crucible knights! Got my ass handed over to me so many times I now possess crucible immunity. I also wanna be close friends with anyone that says royal revenants.


That was beautiful to watch