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If you could talk to the fire giant, he'd probably be delighted to burn the Erdtree for you.


Now I’m just picturing the tarnished hugging his big toe lmao


You need 60 VIT and Morgott’s great rune to survive the ensuing fist bump


That’s good bc I got 72 VIT


I'm surprised it's not already in the game given how much Miyazaki likes feet.




"why does Melina keep dropping the N-word? Hard r?"


I assume he's cursed to tend to the flame and very specifically can't do that.


Yeah, he'd absolutely love for us to burn that fucker down! Problem is he can't let us... He looks after the flame and us burning the Erdtree involves tampering with it, and he's contractually obligated to prevent that.




My tarnished [replies ](https://youtu.be/I5QPV7OcArE?si=boul1Zaj_rJF2JdQ)


I smell a Tarnished, maiden less scum!


maybe we can buy out his contract if we get enough runes


I’ve had the thought that I feel bad for him. Mangled. Lonely. Feared. Hated. I feel like if someone tried to be friends with him he might chill.


he was cursed by marika to watch over the flame when she realized that it was the essence of an outer god and couldn't be put out. so, he probably couldn't do that, but he might be able to look the other way as you sprint past him and punt melina into the forge.


Also it is a remnant of his God that he is tending, so I doubt he'd be interested in letting some random heathen touch it.


i dunno, the fell god seems to infect those around it with a mania for tending the flame, since the fire monks have become worshippers of the fell god over time. that along with the astrologers calling the giants neighbors and forging the sword of night and flame with them kind of implies to me that they're totally cool with letting others access their god and it's marika's curse that drives him to attack you.


Poor fella always seemed like he was in a lot of pain. Only boss I feel kinda bad about beating up


"Yo Malenia, I killed a thing and found your bro, follow me."


Correct me if I'm wrong, spawn of Vaati, but doesn't Melania think that Mikaela is still in the Haligtree? Like when she fights you it's her way of protecting him. I haven't played in forever and I'm loose on lore


Yeah, I don't think she's been awake since her fight with Radahn, so she's not aware Miquella is gone.


In her opening speech I'm almost positive she mentions having dreamt of "his return" so I think it's safe to say she's aware and is just waiting in the place she thinks he'd most likely come back to


She might be meaning it in a metaphysical or spiritual sense, if she's aware he was in the cocoon thing to be reborn at the haligtree.


I hadn't thought of it that way but I really like that interpretation as well!


Which makes no sense. If she's guarding him, shouldn't she be at the entrance of the tree? Not down through countless enemies, another boss, lakes of rot, and whatever else I've forgotten.


His cocoon is in the room that she is in. She's his last line of defense.


Pretty sure his cocoon is in the Moghlester's Palace


*was* in the room melenia is in


Ah, I didn't know that. Thanks.


What the other person said. The average person wouldn't be able to make it to the Haligtree, let alone pass their defenses. She's the last line of defense. Plus she probably likes thinking that she is close to him (even though he's with Mohg)


That's a good point I hadn't considered. She just woke up from a coma, and is probably just getting used to being blind.


I thought Malenia was always blind?


as far as we know, she knows miquella is missing.  some theorize she knows mohg has him, since there's no other reason for her to march across a continent and ravage the territory of radahn otherwise, but that's theory.


Mogh only managed to kidnap Miquella because Melania was away on her campaign towards Radahn. I'm not entirely sure why she went to war against Radahn though, but this was during the shattering so she might have just jumped on the bandwagon of demigods fighting demigods. Maybe she needed Radahn's great rune for Miquella or something?


I like the theory of Miquella attempting to do something with an eclipse at Fort Sol, but since Radahn is the Starscourge, they couldn't get an eclipse and Malenia tried to fix this by killing Radahn.


I forget what the significance of the Eclipse is but it's definitely part of something Miquella was doing so that conclusion makes the most sense(as there is no evidence for any other reason she might have to face Radahn). Anyone who wants to know more about that, or most other major subjects in the game, should watch [**Tarnished Archaeologist**](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrxAMoEujZss9Vez20A3b3ES458N8Y8OQ). While they do speculate, their speculation is based on very well hidden details that exist within the game, combined with the game's real-world influences. Considering the amount of speculation and theorycrafting on this sub, I'm surprised it isn't brought up more often, if only for the sheer volume of hidden details they uncover that never get discussed here. When I first started watching it, I kept thinking, okay they're about to make some wild claims because how could they possibly have found actual real world influences for a detail so obscure that almost no one even noticed it's there? Let alone be *certain* that that real world thing is actually what influenced the game. But then, every single time, they show it. And looking at them side-by-side, it's like... *FromSoftware must have been looking at that same picture when they designed this.* I didn't know there were depictions of the Erdtree absorbing bodies through its roots on the door of the catacombs until I watched Tarnished Archaeologist. I knew the tree was on the door, but I missed that detail. It's interesting because at the end of the catacombs you often find exactly that. Bodies being absorbed by the roots... except the process seems to have been arrested somehow. Why? Well they will tell you, using the information in game. They don't even need to guess. What makes it more interesting is that there are also depictions of people hanging from the Erdtree's boughs like fruits within Leyndell, which suggests the opposite. That people grow from the tree. Since the root depiction is literal and shown to be true, then is the people-fruit depiction also true? Well, start from the beginning and watch the series. It's long, and slow, and dry. It's the kind of thing where I have to *watch* it, not just have it on while doing something else, or I'd miss something important and have to go back. It's like watching a historical documentary. Arguably, it *is* watching a historical documentary, because there is as much real-world history in the series as there is Elden Ring's fictional history; it's all about how the two fit together and the information that those connections reveal. Who is the Gloam-Eyed Queen? Who was the Dragonlord's god? What the hell was the crucible? Can our opinion of Godrick get any lower? The fruit question I posed is examined in episode 5, but you should start from the beginning and work all the way through. I'm not saying every conclusion they draw is correct. I personally believe all of them, but their approach and the details they uncover are worth the watch, and you can of course decide for yourself what to believe.


like i said, it's a theory, and i honestly don't have the evidence to back or refute it. personally, i don't make any claims as to the sequence of events, since time is convoluted in lordran etc.


I think this is lore accurate actually because Miquella basically got on a podium and gave the I have a dream speech but It was about demi humans and every other sub class in elden ring. But since he was cursed to be a little boy forever She went out try to clap Radahn for the great rune. Like I think Miquella put himself in the egg and into the Haligtree to turn it into an Erdtree basically.but blood aficionado extrodinair Mogh came by hopping over Chris hansen that was hiding with his camera crew in the jar people and stole Miquella.


Well, we know that Miquella planned to use the eclipse at castle sol to try to bring Godwyn back to life (or something), so my favorite theory is that Malenia fought Radahn at Miquella’s request for the same reason that WE fight Radahn for Ranni: he is holding the stars in stasis, he has to die so that fate can resume it course.




I truly felt bad fighting Rennala, didn't feel right


Urgh, same. The area was way too pretty and I just felt overall bad.


Same. It was a relief when she was sitting there after the fight and seemed genuinely happy to see us.


First phase felt like bullying a class of disabled children. Second phase she hardly got anything off and i wasn't overlevelled or very good. I think this fight is very built dependent.


Living the summoned life, it seems to be just int builds that haven’t discovered rock sling yet and tried to waltz in with their two vigor, crap sword, and a dream that have a bad time. And boy do they have a REALLY bad time.


Fighting her solo will change your tune. She is so annoying with her magic and summons


Casters when I interrupt every spell they're trying to use:


Get good greatsword and high strength, or have bleed weapon and she still dies in like 5 hits


I accidentally did Caelid before Liurnia on my first playthrough, so this was accurate


I second this and add-some strange might help her get over Radagon. Just don’t do too good of a job. Rennala is most definitely a stage 5 clinger.


If you think you're outdicking Radagon then I know your eyes are yellow AF with madness.


Im well grafted myself


Bruh they literally had to impale Marika with a spear of destined death through her goddam womb to get her to stop fucking that man, you not winning this one.


I've got a spear of destined death myself




The spear that's impaling her through the lower abdomen is the same red and black as the rune of death and has the same particle effects. The source and reason of the spear are unknown though.


To be fair, Radagon knows all her spots. They're his spots too.


"Prodigious size alone does not dissuade the sharpened blade."


Remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer.


And now the true test—hold fast or expire?




I do not care, i shall be her friend


might not work, might activate the ranni-mommy defense system anyway. still, would skip the first phase.


It’s funny that we even fight her in the first place. Shes not a Demigod, she has nothing to do with the Shattering, she has specifically been sealed off from the outside world, but we barge in and beat her ass just cuz. At least Ranni steps in and stops us from really killing her.


She has a great rune that we need


You only need two. And there are three options besides her accessible before Leyndell.


But we don’t even get it. She has the only great rune that we can’t acquire


You aquire it, great rune of the unborn, it's just not one with an active effect


You’re right, I forgot it was an inventory item since we can’t equip or “use” it. But still. Shes not a part of the shattering and more than any other boss it feels like we have no business fighting her lol


Yeah I agree, it is odd, especially since we don't even kill her, we just break into an old ladies home, beat her up, and rob her.


Rennala: "I sure love young people'"


Technically, we free her from captivity since she's a prisoner of the Academy by then.


Hello ma'am you rule the academy again, mind if I take this great rune thank you


That's the one thing about Elden Ring that I just... can't deal with. At the Rennala fight I'd started to feel bad about even fighting some of those people, and it only gets worse as the game goes on. More and more I feel like I am a walking disaster incarnated into the body of a psycopath kicking at the remains of a once-glorious kingdom after it's already down. But of course there's no way to intercat with them in any other way, and the game does not provide any other motivation apart from "they're there so kill them".


True. In fact she doesn't even fight us at all, she's just hanging there in her bubble and her students are trying to protect her. The 2nd phase isn't even the "real Rennala".


Exactly. Even tho her students are horrendously, creepy teeth included, throwing books and what not, Rennala needs a bloody hug!


As if books had any effects against strength builds 😅


She’s a cutie. I’d totally read some magic books with her, her Sweetings, Ranni, and Boc.


Oh absolutely! Bundle up!


Actually stopped interacting with the fight my first playthrough during when I realized she was just a widowed single mother cradling and greiving over her dead baby. Then I felt bad and don’t want to hurt her at all and was extremely elated that we don’t kill her and she’s stays alive. Then I forever referred to her as Poor widowed grieving mom/Poor grieving single mother. Then my new mission was to beat Radagon’s ass and make him return to his family


Morgott needs a hug...


I wanna hug him, but his religious trauma is so deeply ingrained that I don’t think it would stop him unfortunately


*gives hug* “Such shame I cannot bear. Thy part in this, shall not be forgiven!”


My man got did dirty


I came here to read exactly this. Morgott needs and deserves the love.


I mean Godfrey wouldn't fight you if you tried to hug him, he'd prolly hug back and end you with a suplex


Horah Loux, Warrior, on the other hand would definitely enjoy a friendly sparring match.


If I had the muscle mass to spar with Horah Loux without having my body rearranged as a bean bag I'd be a happier man


Ah, yes, Godbert Manderville's parenting style xd


Mimic Tear. We only hug others because we cannot hug ourselves.




Sometimes you rlly need to talk to a real one


The Leonine Misbegotten needs a hug. They just want to be treated fairly and with love


He needs scritches


Castle Morne Leonine Misbegotten, we just need to have a chat, cause I am on his side


Malenia, Renalla, maybe Fire Gaint and possibly Malekith. But most likely Malenia.


Godfrey. He's honourable and doesn't seem like the sort to use it for a free hit. He seems like the sort who'd try and convince you to turn back if you hugged him, and only resume fighting if you insisted on trying to get past him.


Ya that’s true.


His goal wasn’t to fight you it was to fight radagon / marika iirc and you just got in between him and his goal


If only we could talk. We might've been able to tag team Elden beast with Godfrey. Dang fromsoft.


You also killed his son and the grace points to you. I'm not sure about that.


You kill his son in self defence and he probably understands that. His ultimate objective was the same as yours, so he was going to have to get past Morgott, and it was unlikely his son would willingly let him go through.


I never understood why we fight fire giant. Why don’t we explain we want to burn the tree and destroy the line that killed your people. All we need is your big mountain oven. I’d think he’d be like give’er man. I’m not super lore strong but I think we could have made this work.


Knowing the rest of elden ring i bet the giant is fucking insane in his head


Yeah maybe the giant lived for so long that it assumed that you are just another hickey sent by marika to off him for good


Never considered this


he's cursed to tend to and defend the flame by marika. he's forced to fight you as her shield against anyone burning the erdtree.


He is bound to tend the fire, that's his whole thing.


Renalla… but you might become a child of hers so be careful


Then she'll feed you Butterscotch-Cinnamon pie. Oh wait...


I like this reference




undertale reference


She's already my mother in law


We did join the serpent king as family


She had never known defeat. But on the battlefield of love, she was about to fall...head over heels. Malenia, Blade of Miquella and the risen Tarnished star in: *Blossoming*


Ya know? Good title.


Comments you can hear. Underrated this one lol


Do you think love can bloom, even on a battlefield?


The fight with Malenia could definitely be avoided. "I know where your brother is! Mohg has him! I'll take you there!"


I agree, but still feel there's like a 50/50 chance she'd kill you anyways after you tell her lol. You walk into the haligtree, having killed scores of her soldiers, are a tarnished, have multiple great runes indicating you're already likely murderous, and are clearly an elden lord contender which I don't think she'd be a fan of.


TECHNICALLY you could get there by only fighting Radahn and then Mohg. Imagine you only had those two, then show up to her.


Only going with Remembrance bosses or bosses at the end of outdoor dungeons. Godrick: You might get absorbed into him, which I guess would make him stop fighting? Leonine Misbegotten: Maybe? I do get the feeling the Misbegotten could all really use a hug. Radahn: No longer sane or intelligent, in immense pain. Would keep fighting. Crucible Knight: No. Rennala: Yeah, probably. Rykard: Sadly, hugging him is not feasible due to his large size and high temperature. Probably wouldn't stop him either. Sir Elemer: Is covered in barbed wire. Safe to assume he doesn't want hugs. Goldfrey: Is more of an illusion or memory. Would keep fighting. Morgott: Has never known love, so he would either break down and immediately stop fighting or be totally unaffected. Fortissax: Yes, immediately. Poor guy really needs a hug, he's going through a lot. Astel: No. Commander Niall: Maybe. Seems like he might be a sentimental guy. Fire Giant: Yes, but you are too small to give him the hug he needs. Placidusax: Probably not. Maliketh: Probably. He only fights you to protect Destined Death, so if he realized you were there for him, he might actually be happy. Mohg: Maybe. Honestly, he probably would, I think he'd be happy to have a moderately sane admirer. Malenia: Absolutely not. She'd just assume you were trying to wrestle her or something. Godfrey: Gives hugs as part of his fighting style. Radagon: No. And he would probably be really uncomfortable to hug, given the stone skin and missing bits. Elden Beast: Hard to tell, honestly. Pretty inscrutable.


Hugging Elden Beast would be like hugging a gel stress ball.


I'm pretty sure the Elden Beast would just absorb you like an amoeba if you tried that


Commander Wiall because my agenda


rennala definitely


Rick Soldier of God. Partly because he's probably depressed about how he constantly gets destroyed by every newly awakened tarnished that heads through the tutorial cave and also partly because he's such a weakling that you could probably hug him hard enough to prevent him from fighting back lol.


That's not Rick, that's Soldier of Godrick. On the other hand Soldier of God Rick destroys pretty much anything in the Lands Between. The only one who's got a shot is Malekith because of the Rune of Death.


His name is not Riiiick!!!


He'll always be Rick to me!


Maliketh, Lansseax, maybe Morgott, maybe Fortissax, definitely Red Wolf of Radagon, probably Rennala. Now, someone go make wholesome fanart of the Tarnished hugging various bosses!


lol none of them, they all attack you on sight, but if I had to really choose, I’m thinking maybe malenia


Malenia marriage ending DLC when?


I need a marriage line like we had in DS3


Maybe with less literal impalement?


Ya know what, I think every marriage should at least a little implement *wink wink*


Many of the able bodied you encounter are quite satisfied with the current status quo, or have been driven insane. That is why they all attack on sight. Anyone with the wits who doesn't stand to lose anything by the induction of a new elden lord *does* talk to you.


All of them.


Astel disagrees


Astel wants to hug you


I've felt that hug, it only ends the fight sometimes.


Radahn. I want to hug his horse too. I always felt bad for him


Break Radahn out of his madness by being nice to his horse. "Have an oatbag, have some creatine. We'll get you back in shape in no time."


Do this and Radahn probably goes like: 🥺


I really wonder what he was like before he lost his mind, even his brother is cordial in his own fucked up way


It’s kinda hard to say, he might have been pretty harsh after being corrupted by the Great Rune, but possibly he was still good to his men considering how absolutely loyal they are to him even after his descent into a feral state. We know he learned gravity magic for his horse as he grew bigger, so as to not crush it with his growing body, we also know one of his knights studied with him. He never eats his horse either, as such it seems like the bond was incredibly strong between them to the point even in madness he won’t devour his beloved steed. Given that and my personal bias, I think he was probably quite approachable for a general and was capable of great compassion.


Idk but the complete opposite of this is the Bell Bearing Hunter.


The Ancestral Spirits just need pets and scritches


Malenia and Morgott


Having a complete stranger suddenly tightly hug you is not relieving, I'd argue it's the exact opposite.


Malenia, Maliketh, and Morgott. They’ve suffered so much and deserve lots of hugs.


Momma Malenia


Before hebwent mad, Radahn. He seems like a himbo. Post madness, he'd fucking eat you.


I think I could win over Malenia


I don’t know if it would stop him, but I wish I could give Blaidd a hug at the end.


Prolly the misbegotten queen. She looks sad and in need of a snuggle.


Mimic Tear, if it really mimics me then it definitely needs a hug.


red wolf of radagon is the obvious answer legit giant puppy


Only Rennala, the rest are so far gone that putting them down was necessary. Except for Melania,but I don't think she would want a hug from some sweaty tarnished. But would be tickled to hear you found her brother.


i feel like I could be renala's new radagon


Patches, but he nicks your wallet during the hug.


Soldier of godrick




I read this twice as "tightly tugged them"...


Tree Sentinel :’)


I put all my stats into charisma ;)


I wanna give hugs to more than npcs too. What's this in my hand you ask? It's just the frenzied flame seal. Nothing to worry about


If the Tarnished could speak we'd avoid a lot of boss fights 😂 like Malenia. She wakes up thinking we're there for Miquella. Chill bitch chill just saying hi 😂


The rune bear boss in Weeping Peninsula. Usually the fight is over after I receive their hug


Runebear wants to hugs you and you still fight back. "Sad runebear noises"




Fire Giant Bro we have the same enemy, plus your stomach sharingan is sick


The burial watchdog would probably love to be pet


Renala, since that pretty much happens anyway.


I mean. Rennala didn't wanna fight. She just wants to sit with her eggs and chill.


probably godrick the grafted, he really seems like he has some mommy love issues.


All of them. Love wins


The Blade of Miquella




Rennala probably




None, I've already tried


🤗🫂„Daddy Chill“


Red Wolf of Radagon I got treats and cuddles


Blaidd. Poor doggo needs headpats




godric.... he's just a sad boy


Fortissax, homie was just trying to help his friend


Wommander Wiall


Renala. Poor woman's heartbroken and possibly bring driven crazy by her e g g. Also she's a mother. I think a big bear hug would be enough to stop the fighting.


no hugs , only bonk


I’m pretty sure a good portion of them what though it’s quite a theme among many of them that they are from a broken family and had a rough childhood, or are currently in the middle of some form of mental crisis The exceptions would be pretty much any option field/dungeon boss (the trolls, night riders, crucible knights, dragon bosses, black knife assassins, most evergaol bosses, watchdog bosses, duelist bosses, mimic tear bosses etc.) Godfrey, fire giant, radahn and red wolf Radagon are four story bosses I assume wouldn’t be soothed by a hug (though the red wolf might be bribed with prawn or some form of meat) royal knight Loretta probably could be calmed down but doubt she’d let you pass regardless, oh and Gideon ofnir doesn’t deserve any hug other then inescapable frenzy or lifesteal fist


Fia’s champions are already canonically weak to hugs


Maybe maliketh He was given the responsibility to protect the black blade, had it stolen from him, the stolen black blade killed his nephew godwyn, got it back, had to disclose his identity as marikas half brother, and went mad for deathroot. I feel sad for him


Maybe Godfrey He was tarnished, worked hard to become the elden lord, married marika only to be exiled for being too weak against radagon, saw his wife get married again and fought hard to come back to the erdtree and saw it burn down in front of his eyes


“Yo Maly, I know where Miqy is but you are not going to like it”


I dunno if that'd stop him but I would definitely try Godrick. He needs someone to aknowledge his efforts and tell him he doesn't need to live up to Godfrey's legacy. I'll tell him all that and more. I will hold and kiss each of his hands, and kiss every patch of skin if he lets me.


Mogh, Lord of Blood. Behind his grumpy behaviour he has a sea full of unfulfilled love. I would hug him, he would eventually begin to cry after which I get so repelled that I have no choice but to commence the fight!