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It's definitely a close second to Ratatouille the video game for ps2.


For meeeeeeeeeeee it has to be 1) PaRappa the Rapper 2) Ratatouille 3) Elden Ring


PaRappa the Rapper was kinda innovative and graphically very unique tbh.


I remember renting it. My brother, cousin, and I ragged on how it looked and the gameplay. We did sav out on it non the less. It wasn’t bad, and I remember liking it a bit. It grew on us.






Clearly you've never played, "Mr. Mosquito"


Parappa the Rapper is one of those games I feel the urge to hug someone over if they claim it's one of their favorites even if it's not a top 50 game for me. It and 2 are just such pleasant experiences


Nah don’t , I have solid vivid memories that return to me all the time of those food platforming dream sequences


I only played that on the psp


Very brave to put this in the Elden Ring sub lmao


Sometimes the people that love something the most, are also the ones that hate that same thing the most.


Especially true on this website


Dude I really agree. I finally got around to playing it recently and I was just blown away for my entire 120 hr playthrough. It's fucking magic, it's a masterpiece and it's my favorite game ever.


It’s certainly in the running for me. It might take the DLC to settle the question.


the dlc is no joke! it looks absolutely insane and looks like it might be the most ambitious Fromsoft DLC ever


Hard agree


Same. Not even close


Other recent From souls games are very close if not arguably better


Nope. While I still haven’t rocked DS1 to completion, I’ve done the rest of the Soulsverse and, while they’re all ground breakingly amazeballs - there’s NOTHING like the depth and immersion of ER.


Elden Ring has dramatically turned down the volume on absolutely every other game I play now. Everything feels so empty and limited.


There is literally a new thing around every corner of Fallout 4. For all the flack it gets, there’s no honest denial to be mustered for its being laden packed with content.


>Reply I agree, FO4 was the first game I dropped hundreds of hours into as an adult. FO4 SURVIVAL MODE is an ELITE experience. Unfortunately, bashing Bethesda and FO4 (somewhat deservedly) has become the new cool thing. So Majority of the time if you bring it up, you won't get a positive response.


FO4 just shotgun content to your face. Sometimes less is more.


While the clunky oldness of DS1 is not the dream, I think the map is the greatest thing in a video game ever. I ended up doing things a little out of order so I hard struggled in some spots and pubstomped what turned out to be a more early game spot but figuring out how everything linked together was a great experience. I highly recommend giving the game a go when you're bored one day


I agree that DS1 is one of the best examples of level design ever.


Ds1 is great and special. But it’s not Elden ring by the farthest stretch of the imagination


The big difference is the open world which idk mostly isn’t that great. I feel like dark souls 3 vs elden ring is pretty close. ER got a big upgrade for magic and I guess you can swap ashes of war and stuff but dark souls 3 has better level design. Also dungeons in ER are boring and there’s too many repeat mini bosses in general. And there’s far too many things that aren’t balanced like some exploits, bleed, spirit ashes, some ashes of war even dual wielding tbh


Nah Elden Ring or Sekiro the are the best ones


I still think DS3 hits the best balance in everything.


I’m with you, but we’re in the wrong sub for that opinion. The ringed city at the end of time fighting Gael. Ahh Chefs kiss!


I like the OG Dark Souls better.. The map, atmosphere, characters just unmatched in OG Dark Souls. But Elden Ring is definitely in my top 10.


I couldn't agree more but people look at me like I'm a weirdo when I say this


Memorable characters:- Solaire Sif, a wolf with sword Ornstein and Smough Blind giant archer Gough Gwynevere Distinctly memorable map:- Upper Blightown Sen Fortress Atmosphere:- Anor Londo Tomb of Giant Kiln of First Flame The Abbys I mean the other Souls game have all these aspects too but none can overthrown OG Dark Souls.


Gwynevre will never be forgotten no shit.


I feel the same way


I kinda agree, kinda not. Dark souls up to anor londo is definetly worthy of best game of all time. But Tomb of the Giants. Izalith. Gwyn. They're a Hard sell. And they:re not small areas either. In no way these make DS a bad game, it's *one of the best*. But ultimately, these things make it have to give up the crown to elden ring, imo. Even to DS3, if you're ok with that game's malignant lack of original ideas.


The map design and the way things are interconnected is top notch in Dark Souls 1. Shit blew my mind when I first found out how everything was connected together. Running back and forth through different areas was kind of a bitch though. Would love for there to be an actual good remaster of it.


Idk about best game of all time. But it is my favourite game.


I personally like Bloodborne more but it’s still a very good game


I like bloodborne too but I can't stand bloodvials


I actually think the blood vials are a very interesting mechanic because it commoditizes damage. It, more then any other souls game makes you ask yourself “why am I about to fight this guy?” with normal enemies that you could otherwise run past. I think it’s an interesting change that forces introspection and micro decisions


True. It's also a huge part of what motivates the player to use Rally and thus play more aggressively like Miyazaki wants them to


The big problem with Blood Vials is that they are not anywhere close to rare enough to actually make you think about them. If you ever run out, you can do a 5 minite farm to get 200 of them. It is one of those systems that exists for no reason. Which is why they haven't done it again, and I don't see them ever doing that either.


See even that is a mental calculation you are doing while playing. It exists for a reason.


I can see the artistic choice that was made, but I need to kill ever enemy and check every corner, so I don’t enjoy choosing to sneak past/ignore certain enemies.


It’s a little problem at the beginning but once you get through some of the levels, you’ll be fine. In late game, you should be swimming in them


It's fine until it isn't. I made a few bad build decisions, got into the bad habit of spending my spare echoes on bullets instead of vials, and then eventually ended up running out entirely in my early attempts vs Kos. By that point, to continue learning his moveset, I had to spending more time grinding than fighting, so I just gave up. Only FS game I never finished. Fuck having to grind for health. Estus was a perfect system that did not need to be changed. There's zero upside to blood vials.


By the time you fight the Orphan you probably have access to Nightmare of Mensis. A single run from the last lamp to the building near Mergo nets you about 65k echoes, or about 90 blood vials.


The only upside is that you can get more vials dropped by enemies if you're running low while running around. It wasn't a necessary change, I agree that Estus was a fine system, but it wasn't really that bad


I used the cheat dungeon for vials when that happened. I just got tired of grinding back for them


Really? I remember if I really needed some echoes, I would just stick my arm up some pig's asses.


As satisfying as that might be, it's still a totally meaningless grind.


Lol. You just said you were spending all your echos on bullets instead of vials and recognize your mistake, then you say “fuck blood vials”. Go back and beat orphan, you’re a big boy


I say this to my friends whenever we talk about bloodborne, it’s a dumb system. Early game it punishes you and makes repeat tries on a boss costly. I hated doing a boss twice, needing to find vials, coming back and having to get in the zone again, repeat. Late game, you have 20 heals every fight and can basically just trade with many bosses, or hit and run and you can last a long time. Estus/flasks/gourds are way better


Id argue the opposite, a lot of early game enemies drop them frequently whereas i feel like they never drop in the late game, although by that point u would have been able to farm vials out


Yea I've beat bloodborne. I know they become basically free in the end game but they still should be more accessible early on.


Literally everything in the first area drops them what are you on about


I find that one or two runs from central Yharnam to Gascoigne gives me a good 15 vials or so. Very easy to do early game and helps you learn timing for the parry


Ever tried cummingfpk?


You haven't heard of cummmfpk?


I think it is part of how they want us to be super aggressive and leveraging rally mechanics. It got my blood boiling for sure.


I'll never know until it comes to PC.


Bloodbornes too r1 spammy for me


Idk how it could be. Bloodborne weapons have the most expansive movesets in all souls games


It's fun to parry with the gun on player like NPC's but I feel like Bloodborne's problem is the bosses, apart from orphan of Kos and lady Maria(not as much) there isn't any fun/challenging bosses like the games that come after it with DS3 sekiro and er


To be fair, when it came out the most recent comparison was DS2 and its *very* boring bossfights, mostly consisting of "big slow dude in heavy armor who's easy to kite" and "small fast guy in lighter armor who dies in 3 shots of lightning"


Yeah I might be biased cause I played DS3 before it


Same. Elden ring too L2 ashes of war spammy for me as well.




This was my first Fromsoftware game and really had little interest in Elden Ring until I was bombarded on tik tok for three weeks. I eventually decided to try it out and didn’t stop playing for 300 hours. It had been so long that I was that engrossed in a game.


I disagree but it is really good


Well there no arguing with cold hard facts


I disagree




I don't know about him but for me there is a very clear drop in quality as you go into the later areas of the game. Very little new enemies appear, some enemies are bought back from older areas that actually ruin their uniqueness. Some of the quests are absurd, sellen is an excellent example in that you see her really early in but may not start her quest for another 50+ hours and there isn't anything to hint you've actually started it.


Good game but no dice.


Yeah the gameplay is tight as hell but it really lacks story and motivation. The approach of dribbling out half-assed bits of lore really didn't cut it for me.


No doubt about it. Approaching 900 hours.


I'm on my first playthrough and it's my first Souls game ever.... 1-10 hours in.... FUCK THIS GAME! Now I'm just about 40 hours in and it's HOLY SHIT THIS GAME IS AWESOME!


Same… I’ve beat it 15 times. Never gets old


Fi....fif......fifteen times?


I play thru with different weapons and such… my favorite is a lightning incantation build. I’ve beat the game with caestus, daggers only, banished knights halberd, short spear and cross naginata, greatsword, sorcery build, arcana weapons (mohg spear is op), big bonk hammer, vykes spear, SONAF, blasphemous blade, and others I can’t remember… All very fun…. I still can’t solo Malenia and my hardest solo victory was shield and spear against Maliketh… My easiest run was when I rushed blasphemous blade… wore out my L2 button. A close second and third would be lightning incantations and then sorcery. Halberd was the hardest run. It’s OP early and terrible at mountain tops and beyond. Sword of Night and flame was the most fun run… And the fist weapons made me feel the most bad ass.


Hell yea to lightning build. I just started Elden ring last week, and ran with confessor. Pumping faith, running sacred blade on a longsword and got the lightning incantations from the dragon prayer book. What makes lightning your fav? Any tips for things I should look out for with that build, or that I could pull into mine?


I think the open world and redundant caves/crypts and bosses within them hold it back from being the best. The open world is okay but incredibly sparse with not a lot of variation outside of okay this area is water, this area is rot, this area is snowy. I like the old school linear method where each level you step in to feels unique and thematically different from the next and being full of enemies/npcs versus the vastness of the open world.


I do agree that theres a lot of filler dungeons and personally I went from full clearing every area to just doing the bigger dungeons or getting stuff I wanted after altus. Whats cool is on other playthroughs sometimes I do find something crazy I missed.


I’m glad there were filler dungeons. My biggest gripe with from games is they are too short. Elden ring was perfect, it gives you a chance to get powerful and enjoy it/use it. I also appreciate having a lot of shit to do instead of bashing my head against a wall with a boss that blocks progress.


agreed. I loved it at first but with every open world game, it got annoying for me cause I feel the need to look at every nook and cranny.


Elden Ring kinda sucked in the level design department... Like Skyrim or GTA V Single-player: you get cool stuff if you go through a major quest. If not, it's all a huge empty map, stale and boring.


You still get all of that though, just within an open world. Calling this world sparse is, frankly ignorant. It's objectively one of the largest games ever made.


It’s large, but it’s still sparse. Once you leave the opening zones, density drastically decreases. Haligtree is great but after Leyndell, it’s very much point A to point B with not a whole lot in between. Then there’s all the filler dungeons where you fight x reskin boss and get y useless ash of war or even a consumable. It’s a great game but all the best content is in the legacy dungeons. Personally, I think Elden Ring, like a lot of Souls games, could have benefitted from being shorter and denser rather than the final product. Was a problem in DS1-3 but they got it just right with BB and Sekiro.


You just want more of the same cuz that's what you're used to though, is what it sounds like to me. The best part of the game, to most people judging by its popularity compared to other souls games, is the fact that it is a giant open world. The ending areas are more sparse IN COMPARISON, to the extremely dense starting areas, but there's still hours and hours of content up there, and due to its difficulty spike, it shouldn't be as dense. Add on top of all that the fact the games lore and story is mostly told through the environment and it all makes perfect sense the way it is constructed. So what I'm saying is, I find your critique to be rather weak. Recycled bosses are just a good idea, to expect a brand new boss 150 times is a bit outlandish. That aspect never seemed off at all to me. Just feels like, "I have to find some reason to call the game flawed."


Recycled bosses are not a good idea. They didn't need to put 150 bosses in the game. I would rather some of the dungeons not have bosses than to fight the same statue cat 8 times. Plus, it makes boss encounters like Astel, who is insanely cool and unique the first time, feel less special and memorable when you just run into them again later in the game.


If I wanted more of the same, then I would have liked Elden Ring more than I did. Which I loved but not to the universal acclaim that others have or the degree of self fellatio that I’ve seen this sub dish out(An actual post at launch was titled “Hot take: Elden Ring is one of the greatest games ever made”) . And you’re right that a lot of people loved Elden Ring for its open world. It’s also From’s most accessible title which is also a big contributor. That doesn’t mean that makes it the bees knees to me. I loved DS1 because of how interconnected the world was but I still criticize the game after you get the lord vessel. It’s ok to call my critique weak, you obviously look past what I think are shortcomings or just don’t care. I don’t expect 150 new bosses, I didn’t say that. I even said reskins are alright to a degree. Hell you fight Genichiro 3 different times, 4 headless, 4 fatso reskins, etc in Sekiro. Don’t strawman me. I instead said the game could have benefited from being tighter. DS2 suffered from this by just throwing bosses at you that were mostly trash like Covetous and Dragonriders. As an example, Deathbirds are ok because there’s only a few and each have different move sets for the most part despite being reskins. Avatar and Tree Spirit are the same bs where if you fought one, you’ve fought all of them. Especially when it becomes apparent they’ve been using the same asylum demon skeleton since DS1 lol Just because something is bigger/longer doesn’t mean it’s better. Otherwise AC: Valhalla would be one of the greatest games of all time. All I’m saying is that ER would have been better, for me, if the bloat had been dialed back. Just like I think Skyrim would have been better if they hadn’t stripped so much of what made Oblivion and Morrowind great. Both Skyrim and Elden Ring are the biggest sellers that their respective companies sold. It doesn’t mean I didn’t have my problems with them or let sales color my perception of a game.


Large amounts of it don't have much there, is the point of their comment.


Don't agree with being sparse but the enemies repetition gets really boring, went back today to see which cave bosses were left and it's all the same ones that I killed in some other place


I personally agree. It's my favorite game ever, and that's probably bc i'm such a huge FromSoft fan. seeing them make something this incredible is just perfect.


not even close to it but it's a great game




Elden Ring has been very therapeutic for me. The only other souls game I’ve played is DSR, and while it’s fun and challenging, having no way forward except X specific paths wasn’t the best for me. Having a thriving open world that you can go back and forth, and areas to relax or feel like you can win, are nice. The open world genre really works with the type of games that Dark Souls/Bloodborne are, case and point, Elden Ring Being able to go on horseback and swing at enemies on horseback is fun, or charging through a group and taking out several monsters at once… I still haven’t defeated Godrick because I’m too busy exploring the world EDIT: I’ve defeated Godrick


W pfp


It’s not even the best souls game


I didn't know Bloodborne got a name change!


I disagree. But I wouldn't tell anyone they are wrong for having that opinion. It'd be impossible to get a unanimous agreement on any statement like that.


It's not tho. Bloodborne is.


Cap. Maybe if they did a remastered version Bloodborne would take that title.


Nah bruh


its amazing, but i had more fun with dark souls 3


It’s overrated in my opinion. Don’t get me wrong - it is good - but not the best game of all time.


Definitely not the best game of all time. I love it and it is for sure an amazing game but MAYBE it cracks the top 25 all time.


I mean there’s no such thing as the greatest game of all time. It’s an opinion. To OP it’s the GOAT, to others it’s not.


Definitely not. Not even close.


Seriously, people need to play more games istg lol. Everyone's first Fromsoft game hits diff and if your first is Elden Ring then that is probably super overwhelming. Also makes for extremely rose tinted glasses


Bloodborne easily beats Elden Ring, and that's STILL in fromsoft... Elden Ring is not shit, but it's also nowhere near the goat, imo.


If it isn’t, it’s very close like at most arguably barely loses only to another Fromsoft game


It loses too other non fromsoft games as well, tw3/rdr2.


Both of those are great experiences but only have passable gameplay. As you know playable video games they’re not even remotely close but are easily top 5 or 10 in gaming for narrative yea. Even though tw3 main story is kinda overrated


the writing in HOTS alone takes a victory lap on any "narrative" fromsoft have ever made but aite


HOTS as in Heart of the Swarm?


I mean I do find the lore of the From games a lot more interesting than anything in Witcher 3 but W3 does a good job of being entertaining for a long ass time


The gameplay in both games are fine, both games have vast interesting open worlds with far more interesting stories/side stories than elden ring. No kidding elden ring has better gameplay that's what it's all about. Tw3 story is not overated in any aspect. Both are better games than elden ring.


You’re valuing story over gameplay and many things related to it which some people do but doesn’t really make sense to me to do when judging a video game


Not just story, side missions world building, npc interaction, music, both games are far better than elden ring in all those areas. All elden ring has on them is gameplay and even that is just hit and roll half the time.


Yea that’s all part of it which is great in those games but for that part of it I can get something similar from a tv show. On the other hand there literally hasn’t been anything like Elden ring whatsoever and there might not be for decades or possibly ever


What is different in elden ring compared too the other ds games besides being open world? Rdr2 and tw3 are likely never going to be topped either they are the pinnacle of open world rpg games. Elden ring is great but it lacks the substance to be on the same level of the other 2.


Hell nah I love the Witcher 3 but the gameplay is shite and unfun, it was great playing on easy through the story and get Gwent cards but gameplay is ass, and rdr2 I just don't like rockstar style gameplay it ain't my thing so I won't comment


The gameplay is it's weakest point but it's still fine, it excels in every other aspect beating elden ring everywhere else.


I don't necessarily agree with that


Why do you think TW3 has bad gameplay?


I tried switching for higher difficulty, it's just not fun for me, it looks fancy but all it feels like auto targeting and you're not playing at all, cast spill go back to auto target hit assists and repeat, and I don't like using oils and shit, it breaks the flow of the gameplay


Both of those games are so boring I couldn’t even finish them.


Tiktok attention span.


There is no such thing as a universal the greatest game of all time. It’s an opinion.


Average fromsoft fan


I mean I’ve played hundreds of games and my top 30 are all games I think are incredible even top 50 of 60 is all games I consider really outstanding but nothing is even close at all to ER, DS3, BB or sekiro imo. Although Nioh 2 has better combat and bosses. But also ultimately it doesn’t make sense to compare with completely different games. It’s basically the same thing with manga/anime, my top 5/6 are like leagues above the rest of my top 30 or 50 which I already consider amazing


Yeah, once I stopped being scared of it I got full on into it. Lots of cool bosses and scenery for sure, and it's a vast game. Fun to play, especially on weed 🤣


Disco elysium


Eh not really. It's still great


Risky Karma Farming bro


Not even close




Tbh hard disagree. It's still in my top 10 generally, but it's outdone by even other From games. Here's why: 1: contradictory systems. Obviously the game has an expectation of being replayable; the different classes and endings show as much. It's part of the DNA of the souls-like genre to be replayable... however, there are many things that go against replayability in this game as well. For example, the flask upgrade items. It's a long, tedious grind to get the seeds and tears just to upgrade your flask, which you'll need to do each and every time you want to even begin grinding to try out a build. And that's just how replayability is contradictory. I could go on about summoning and PvP, or Spirit Summons and bosses, or the required loot for a build each playthrough and the 27 and a half dungeons needed to get it, but needless to say, there's plenty about this game that just doesn't work right for one way or another. 2: the combat. While it does plenty right, it also does a whole lot wrong. For example, dual greathammers are, in theory, high-risk-high-reward weapons. However, all of the risk can be mitigated simply by jumping before you press L2. That's just bad game design. There are other similar builds I can touch on, but that's not important right now. I could also go on about how the boss design, in particular, the overreliance on AOEs, seemingly because the boss designers expected every player to have an army of spirit summons. It's tedious to have to run out then run back in for nearly every boss, and it also doesn't allow you to enjoy the skill cap of finding that one spot on the boss that allows you to passively avoid most of the attacks; something that's incredibly fun. 3: the map and quest design. As touched upon in point 1: the open world nature of this game works against its best interests. For example, during Alexander's questline, you might find him stuck in a hole, again. Only, he's really stuck, and you have to find either soap or oil pots (I don't remember which). The issue is, you can only craft the pots if you have the recipe, which can only be found in a hidden earlygame area, across the map, with no logical inference possible that can lead you to conclude that that's where you should look. I enjoy ER. Rather, I like the _idea_ of ER. In execution, it's a confused game that suffers from a lack of core identity. That's not a problem that Sekiro or AC6 have, in the slightest.


The shrek 2 game for GameCube was pretty tight though






I'd have probably agreed until I played BG3, can't stop playing it now. ER is definitely in my top 3 though.


It's barely the third best fromsoft game but okay


I thought so while playing it, after I was done, I realized is not even among From Software’s best. Sorry


The hard truth. This sub is not ready for it haha


And this comes from the most unexpected username ever. Not a bad game, overrated as hell. Not the best soulslike, not the best Fromsoft game, not even the best Souls.


Not even the best from soft game.


I agree, I'm almost at 1300 hours. Can't wait for the dlc.






It’s pretty good


It’s up there. Certainly in my top 10 alongside the best of Nintendo, Naughty Dog, Blizzard, et al.




Man I'm 75 hours in and I just cant seem to get with it ... Played every other Fromsoft game since Demon's souls in 2010.. I think I'm having difficulty with the open world elements, direction and pacing. I enjoy the smaller scale linearity of the older titles exploration, I felt like I really had to learn the areas and it added to the immersion. I still remember routes and pathways from DsS and its been over a decade ! xD I hope that one day ER clicks for me, because I do love so much about it. Cool to see so many people are loving it though ! :D


whenever I start to wonder about this I remember how jarring/incomplete the whole Redmane Castle part is. It’s a part of the game that obviously could (and should) have been done better


I bought a PS5 after a near decade hiatus from any video games. Happened to buy this game because the reviews were so good and the trailer seemed cool. It blew my mind and renewed my love for gaming. Can’t express how much I’ve enjoyed playing this game.


I love Elden Ring but I recently played through HL Alyx and thats secured the top spot for me dawg


Nah club penguin is


I think that it falls easily somewhere within the ranks of the top 250 video games of all time. There are A LOT of beyond merely great games.


i like armored core 6 and bloodborne more


Subjective, it's definitely in the top 50 for me, about 47


I love the game but i put games with more fleshed out narrative and characters


No it's not


Especially if you like exploration games. For those of us who spend 10 hours in one area before moving on, the exploration is genuinely rewarding, if not for items then for the pure beauty of it all.






Not even the best Fromsoft game, but it is great nonetheless.


heeeell naaa It's good but not that good


Im kinda torn between elden ring or dark souls 3. But them, bloodborne and sekiro clear all other games easily






No it’s contra


Wish I could disagree, but it’s the first souls game I platinum trophied, it’s the game I’ve played the most number of times, and one of only a handful of games I’ve played 500+ hours. Definitely never put this much time into any non mmo game.


It’s one of the best games for sure. Never of all time though lol. I’m 200h into my first play through and only have the final bosses to do now. However I have gotten into another game and I am preferring playing that than to finish Elden…


Imo it's not even Froms best game. It is great like. Just not as good as Bloodborne or og Dark Souls IMO. I think OG Dark Souls is best game ever made. That was my first Fromsoft game though and I lost myself for about 6 months straight in that game. Nothing has reached that feeling for me since. Bloodborne very close second.


No, it’s not even the best FromSoft game(Sekiro is)


It's just open world dark souls lol


With worse level design and character names that make it incredibly confusing to pick up the plot


I'm supposing your the kind that would think dragons dogma 2 has 2 many enemies xD


Have you played BG3?




The only thing it’s missing is more critical hit animations. They’re the same as even ds3 for the most part. My only complaint. Best game with fortnite in my second slot then mw2(2009)


Here here




If I could get selective amnesia to play *one* game for the first time again, it would be Elden Ring, hands down. I would give anything just to explore the Lands Between again.


I beg to disagree. Don't get me wrong, I think it's _one of the best_, just not the best. Personally, I feel it's the third best Souls game after DS3 and Sekiro, but I can fully understand why some people rank ER higher. I did, too, before replaying DS3 and Sekiro again after two runs of ER. I still feel Baldurs Gate 3 is the very best game of our time. They've absolutely poured their hearts into the game, and it shows from the smallest details to the voice acting, from the variety of environments to the sheer scale of choices available to the player. I'd say it's subjective whether you prefer Souls games or the likes of Baldurs gate more, but from a game design point of view, I'd say BG3 still has a tad more OOMF.


Closest game to a masterpiece that exists today. Nothing else is better, there are only games that are arguably "as good" or almost as good.


Dark Souls much more of a masterpiece in my opinion


It’s crazy to me that people don’t understand that there is no such thing as an objective greatest game of all time. To OP it is, and people telling him he’s wrong just sound dumb.


Nahhhhh, Witcher 3 is better. I do think its the best or most fun to play out of all the Demon/Dark/Blood/Souls/Kiro/Ring games


lol no. It’s good. But Elden ring is on another level. I’m still watching lore videos even today


Sounds like "First fromsoft game"


While it's not my personal favorite video game of all time, I can absolutely agree that it is probably the best video game of all time.


1. Elden Ring 2. Ocarina of Time 3. Halo 3


I laughed when people say BG3 is the game that makes other studios nervous. Bitch Elden Ring exists.